For those here who post videos from Kumoricon, have you had moments where you uploaded some stuff you were excited to share and felt frustrated when no one watched them?
The reason why I ask is because I have a history of con clips that just get ignored. I've been posting videos from various conventions for five years and have hundreds on my page, yet only a small portion of them get watched, even though much of what I post is content that many anime fans would like. For example, I have a library of clips from VA panels and even though there so many clips exactly like mine that have thousands of views, most of the ones on my page tend to get ignored.
I'm not trying to brag or claim to have better videos than everyone else and I'm not jealous of other people whose stuff is more popular than mine. It's just frustrating when you've had so many occasions where you were excited about sharing videos with other people and no one watches them.
I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me and I'm aware that this happens with a lot of YouTube clips, but when you have a page as big as my channel, it seems like it'd be an exception. I've made a few attempts to get more views by linking some of the videos to other sites, but that doesn't always work either.
And it's especially frustrating when you find another video that's massively popular and when you watch it, it's rather lame.
For example: There was a video posted from a con I went to last year (which I'll keep anonymous) that was just clips of random cosplayers dancing to a song and people acted like it was the greatest thing they had seen. I'm not jealous of the person who made that clip and I never feel that other videos are keeping anyone from watching mine. But when you post something that you really feel a lot of people who attended the con (along with many other fans) are going to like, and they're more interested in something that's a total no-brainer, it adds to it.
And so far, I posted a ton of videos from Kumoricon this year and despite some of them being from guest panels and others involving creative improv stories and strong discussions, all of them have under fifty views (with many being under ten), unless you count the slide show.
If anyone has any good tips on getting more people to watch your stuff, feel free to let me know.