I was staff for the first time this year, and for the most part, it was a great experience. Everyone was really friendly and helpful, and I enjoyed the little perks that came along with staffing.
A few things:
1. I would have liked to be informed of what exactly all the staff perks were. I waited in a line for about an hour before someone told me I didn't need to.
2. Con Suite was a bit inaccessible in the Red Lion. First, few people could accurately direct me to the third floor; most simply told me there
was no third floor. It usually took a lot of extra time to duck down there (when I was starving), and it was terribly frustrating to find nothing left but rice and cheese. I understand we have many more staff this year than was budgeted for, so hopefully this will be less of an issue next year

3. I didn't really know when or where I needed to be for certain tasks; I would have liked a bit more direction from my managers. Again, I understand staff is constantly growing, and many are probably learning right with me.
Aside from that, lots of fun, and I'll staff again!

P.S. I'm really bothered by the stolen armor. I, too, have always felt conspace to be a safe and respectful environment. I can only hope it turns up soon.