^ Hehehehe.. Yes, thanks to ALL! Staff does see this (myself included), and we're happy we made the con enjoyable for everyone. I'd like to thank all of my fellow staffers: Chris and Brian for putting up with all the Reg craziness; Jackie, who looked more like a Silent Hill cosplayer by Day 3 than those actually meaning to (did you ever get your homework done?

); Brian the photog manager.. despite your exhaustion, you still put on some intriguing photography panels and made sure Kumoricon photos were ready in time for Closing Ceremonies (even if they didn't use many

I am also always amazed at how enthusiastic Spot is every year. He dedicates so many (of HIS) hours to take great pictures of us all weekend. He works without expectation of reimbursement, and he works with many youngsters who don't always appreciate the time and effort it takes to produce a set of incredible photos from such an event. I never feel rushed, I can come back as many times as I'd like, and he stays exceedingly late to accommodate our crazy needs. We love you, Spot, even if we don't always show it!

Thanks also to the gentleman who was helping him out on Day 2. I don't know your name, but I see you every year. I was ecstatic to have you in the photo booth, as you were able to provide some great suggestions for our Eden shoot (one can't expect Spot to have the time to watch all of these various anime!)
Thank you to everyone who made this one of my best cons to date

I'm excited to see what 2013 will bring!