Cosplay needs more
skits!!! There will be a "Cosplay Skits 101" on Saturday 1:30-3PM (Discovery A in Hilton).... I hope that panel generates some skit entries as well (We LOVE the spontaneous skit creation exercises!)
Costume Workmanship slots are nearly full - remember: if you enter a skit, ANY costume is allowed (provided it fits within the official Kumoricon policies ( of course) since only your
performance is judged, not the costume. Skits can be any length from ZERO seconds to 3.5 minutes long - so don't feel that a skit has to be the equivalent of a Hollywood production; it can be short & funny or whatever (within the limits of the usual Kumoricon family-friendly PG-13 rating).
Contest rules at: contest PDF format form: contest DOC format form: TODAY!!!
Stats as of 8/20 8/22 8/25 8/29 : 34 Groups entered -
16 19 18 are WALK-on;
7 9 13 16 are skits.....
1 2 youth walk-ons
1 youth skit
8 9 Novice Walk-on
3 4 Novice Regular Skit
3 Novice Dance Skits6 5 Intermediate Walk-on
3 5 Intermediate Regular skits
1 Intermediate Dance Skit1 Journeyman Walk-on
ZERO Journeyman Skits1 Master Walk-on
ZERO 2 Master Skits===== Workmanship judging is nearly FULL! ====
16 21 20

Individual Workmanship entries: ( no Master entries)
2 Youth [14 or younger]
7 9 Novice
5 6 Intermediate
4 3 Journeyman

Group Workmanship entries
4 Novice groups
1 Intermediate group
1 Journeyman group
1 Master group