Author Topic: Gaming / Design panel suggestions?  (Read 2401 times)

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Offline Kangetsu

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Gaming / Design panel suggestions?
« on: April 12, 2012, 04:53:58 pm »
Hey all,

I'm looking for some suggestions on types of panels that people might be interested in as it relates to the game industry, or videogame design. For reference's sake, I'm the Lead Designer of Guild Wars Live, and have been in the industry for 7 years. I've been attending Kumoricon (as well as Sakuracon and Akicon) for many years now, and have been wanting to host a panel for a while - there's a lot of overlap between anime and gaming in the fandom - but I've never been quite sure as to what topics people would be most interested in learning about or engaging in.

So I ask: what interests you? What would you want to hear about, or do in a panel?
Addendum: "This is a terrible idea, and I want no part of it!" is also a valid answer, and I promise my feelings won't be hurt by it. XD

Thank you kindly for your input!

Offline Tsukinya

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Re: Gaming / Design panel suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 08:24:56 pm »
I would be fascinated by the logic that goes behind games.  Who writes the stories?  How does this story-writing and animation differ from anime (story lines are much longer/involved, having to take into account user interaction, etc)?  Anime is frequently based on manga series; how does one actually go about developing a game from scratch?  What pieces are involved that we, as consumers, don't even ever consider?  You could even touch on different technologies and how it has revolutionized gaming (Wii, Kinect, graphics, etc).

As a recreational gamer and a hobbyist programmer, these are the topics that pique my interest :)

Great suggestion!  I hope you do host a panel this year  :D

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Re: Gaming / Design panel suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 09:21:55 pm »
I once tried making a game with my brother, they were holding a contest to see who could make the best game.
They were giving you the program for about 80$ and the winner gets like... 1,000$ in return. I planned out different stories and characters and even menu's but my brother quit on me. So, we didn't get to even enter.

Basically, I'd like to see the planning steps and what happens to get the finished plot into the actual creation sequence.
And I'd also like to see what that creation step is all about and how it ends up as the final product.....
Basically everything about making a game... If you can, might take too long though.
(Sorry if this is terrible, just got off work, fried brain.)
Kumoricon 2016 costumes:
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Offline Pixie

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Re: Gaming / Design panel suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 11:23:11 am »
This is definitely a panel that I would put on my "panel priority list."  My dream is to be a game designer (in the creative department).  I would be so psyched to learn more about the game industry from someone who has firsthand experience in it, this HAS TO BE A PANEL!!

I would like to hear about how the "promotion ladder" works for the game industry.  I know I will start out on the bottom rung once I get my foot in the door (which is a "how do I..." question in of itself), so what would be necessary to get to the next rung?  DON'T ANSWER THAT!  (unless you want to be swamped with questions better saved for a panel ;D)
I am weird and proud of it. The concept of "blending in" scares me.

Kumoricon 2013 Cosplays:
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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Gaming / Design panel suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 06:41:35 pm »
I'm the Lead Designer of Guild Wars Live,

For this reason, I'd recommend having it focus on design.  If you have the knowledge to talk about other fields of the industry, or can get others from it, that'd be a bonus.  I've seen panels done by experts in one field and get asked a related question that weren't able to answer it.  (Either way, you never really know what panel attendees will ask; they could truly surprise you...)

So I ask: what interests you? What would you want to hear about, or do in a panel?

Personally, I'd like to know why the gaming industry seems to think that games need to appeal to online play more and more.  Personally, I find it to be annoying.  I hate that the X-BOX 360 requires you to have an avatar for playing a game, even if it's one of the few that doesn't have an online association.  I play for me time, not to socialize with gamers in Virginia or England.  Also, as a Tomb Raider fan, I found it somewhat insulting that they FINALLY released a multi-player version of the game, IT WAS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON LINE PLAY!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( ;D

...anyway, I think that'd be interesting and informative.
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh