Before I took the test I was pretty sure I have sorta a two sided coin on this;
I have a sympathetic accent that most easily fits into a Georgian or Tennessee drawl. Those are the two most prominent states my family is from, besides El Passo TX (And I'll never admit to sounding like I'm from El Passo) I am around someone with ANY sort of accent and gradually my inflection will change and emulate their own. It's incredibly embarrassing and I hate it.
I also have what I call a Las Vegas accent. It's the best way I can explain it as I was made fun of a lot when I moved to Oregon from Vegas. I don't know if its a strong but I do notice some differences in how ya'll talk versus how I speak sometimes.
Now... After the test:
Which American accent do you have?My Results:

Neutral You`re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.
I guess I expected that. To be fair, some of these words are a bit weird to base an accent on. It's not just about the vowel version you use, but your lengths, your breaths and commonalities in your language use that define a accent.