Author Topic: Singles kumori meet up  (Read 112353 times)

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Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #200 on: August 21, 2013, 08:00:21 pm »
I don't want to read your thread, there should really be a first post update. Whats the badge code for single and strait?

Depends. What gender are you and what gender are you looking for? Those are what decides the sticker color.

If you aren't willing to read the last 2 pages or so just to get that small info, then idk, but that seems awful lazy to me..If you want the information that badly, just look..It's only a few pages back..But to answer your question (which, if you aren't gonna read the thread, how sure am I that you'll read THIS post):
Pink - Looking for females[/size]Blue - Looking for malesGreen - Looking for either

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #201 on: August 21, 2013, 08:32:43 pm »
I had a thought--just throwing this out there for consideration.

Some of you have been going to Kumoricon for a long time and might already know each other from there or the forums. I'm brand new--this is certainly far from my first anime con, but it's my first Kumoricon, and I don't know *anyone*--or at least, I don't think I do. Maybe I saw some of you at SakuraCon in the SAO lines. Anyway, I'd like to remedy that, even if it's just finding someone to hang out with as a con buddy for my first KC.

One possibility that came to mind for ice-breaking would be for some of us to take advantage of this time before con to get to know each other a bit. Maybe share some basic information about ourselves--nothing confidential or personally identifiable, stuff like name (or leave it at pseudonym if you prefer to go by that), age bracket (generalities like ">18" or "30s" are fine), any constraints on what is acceptable in a partner like age/gender/relationship style, a short blurb about the person and what aspects of fandom (or specific fandoms) they're into, what days they're attending, or anything else relevant they want to add.

Offline You-friend-Sushi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #202 on: August 21, 2013, 08:53:07 pm »
If any one is needing stickers, I'm bringing a pack of them to con and will be carring them around with me. The only thing is that the pack didn't come with pink but red stickers so I hope thats ok o3o; ...
I think Amezuki has a good idea of possibly meeting up on day 0, maybe at the park c: If you still want a con buddy, Amezuki, my friend and I are always happy to make new friends : D
I typo'd my name. It's Your-friend-Sushi. Pleased to meet you. C:

Offline Prince McKupo

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #203 on: August 21, 2013, 09:22:42 pm »
Since my badge is blue already, a blue sticker might not be so easy to spot, but I'll still see about putting a blue heart in the white bar area at the bottom.  And just to make sure, I'll probably make an blue origami heart and pin it to my moogle mascot's satchel.  Kupo!~  (^o^)
Prince McKupo is back in the action, baby!  Kupo!  Now, as for my "cooling down" cosplay: Jude Mathis, with both his Xillia 1 (100%) and Xillia 2 (100%) outfits.

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #204 on: August 21, 2013, 09:44:14 pm »
I'm afraid I'm not likely to be there until later Friday--it's that whole day job thing. I can probably get Friday off, but more than two nights is pushing it from a budgetary standpoint. But yeah, Your-Friend-Sushi, I'd love to find some con buddies, especially if you know the area and the con well.

As for the head start, I was actually thinking more along the lines of posting basic info like that here in the thread. But I've also been thinking that a meetup sometime early in the con would be a great idea. Even if it just ends up being a small group.

So here, I'll take the plunge first.

Name: Brandon/Amezuki
Age: 39
Seeking: F adult
Attending: Fri-Sun
Stuff: I've been an anime fan for over 20 years with very broad tastes in genres, although I took a long hiatus from active fandom and con-going due to a previous relationship with someone who wasn't really much of an anime fan--big mistake. I got dragged back in last year by SAO and have written about 300k words of fic since then, and this reawakened inspiration has gotten me thinking about writing original novels again. SAO isn't my only fandom or major love by far, but if you engage me about it we can talk for hours. ^^

About 13-14 years ago I ran the Ayashi no Ceres translation project while the manga was still running in Shokomi. I'm a huge language geek and love picking apart languages and doing a bit of conlanging as well; my Japanese is decent depending on the topic but speaking/listening is extremely rusty. I've been itching to cosplay again and am working on learning to make my own costumes. I never quite figured out what this whole "growing up" thing was supposed to be about except that it the important parts seem to boil down to handling your responsibilities and not being a douche. I'm a cat person. And kind of sappy; I have a real weakness for shoujo romance anime.

...and that is me trying to be brief. I think I did mention that I'm a writer. XD
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:49:27 pm by Amezuki »

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #205 on: August 21, 2013, 10:19:23 pm »
That's a good idea actually (I mean the writing about yourself, I have a few things on day 0 so I can't meet unless you attend what I'm attending).

This depends, I'm biologically male, named Jason. However, I am transgendered and would also respond to Jeimi (Like my username. It's pronounces like Jamie).
Age: 26 (just turned 26 on 8/8/13
Looking for: Males or females around my age. Not really looking for dating as much as just friends. I AM, however, more into girls. So if you're a girl tha is my age that is also really accepting of my transgender-ness, I will be more then happy to try to get to know you really well..
Attending: All days, even day 0. I'm staying at the Red Lion, so you may see me there a bit.

Things to know (also good ice-breakers):
-I love Magical Girl Anime. Talk to me about any. The basic ones are: Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Full Moon, Madoka, Nanoha, etc.
-I also like the basic anime (not naruto so..Just don't) like: Haruhi Suzumiya, Dragonball Z, Kanon, SAO, etc.
-I play guitar. I will be in a visual Kei syle outfit Sonday. Feel free to ask if I know a song.
-I am a huge DBZ buff. Ask me anything.

No idea what else to put..

Offline You-friend-Sushi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #206 on: August 21, 2013, 11:00:10 pm »
Happy belated Birthday Jeimi!
Name: Jess but I answer to Sushi
Age: 21
Attending: Friday/ day 0 - Monday/ day 3, all day.
Looking for: Around my age, male or female, but I think I perfer male..
Things about me: I have a moderate case of socal anxiety. At times it is very crippling, but once things get going, you probably would be none the wiser. I'm a goof and love to make others laugh. I have found a passion for cosplay and hope to one day win a competion for craftsmenship, even though I still have a lot to learn. I enjoy seeing and exploring how make up and a costume can change someone's appearence.
My starter animes: DBZ, cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor moon, inuyasha, tenshimuyo, yu yu hakusho, pokemon
I love pokemon games! I'm super excited about pokemon x/y, talk to me about it and I'll give ya an earful XD
I enjoy drawing and writing though I am far from being the best.
I also enjoy the lolia fashion. I'm a lolita in training o3o
There's more... but I can't remember... You;ll just have to talk to me c:
I typo'd my name. It's Your-friend-Sushi. Pleased to meet you. C:

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #207 on: August 22, 2013, 07:00:32 am »
If any one is needing stickers, I'm bringing a pack of them to con and will be carring them around with me. The only thing is that the pack didn't come with pink but red stickers so I hope thats ok o3o; ...
I think Amezuki has a good idea of possibly meeting up on day 0, maybe at the park c: If you still want a con buddy, Amezuki, my friend and I are always happy to make new friends : D
I was actually about to post on here that it might be a good idea to change the "official" color to red because of that reason in addition to the fact many guys might not like the idea of having pink on their badge. Pink will be a much more rare sticker color to find.
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Offline bigdadytid

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #208 on: August 22, 2013, 08:25:37 am »
get blank white sticker, the kinds used to print off address labels on inkjet or laserjet printers (most of us will probably have some in the house)

draw a heart with a sharpie

color with a pink colored pencil or marker

cut out with scissors

apply to badge

+extra cool points for custom touches
greasy, tattooed asian trash

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2013-roaming yojimbo

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #209 on: August 22, 2013, 08:32:43 am »
I think my main objection to red is that there's any number of reasons someone might be wearing a red heart; they aren't exactly uncommon and we're going to be in a crowd of cosplayers.

Pink is perhaps a bit less ambiguous. But I think it's more important that the color be easily distinguishable from the green or blue at a glance.

I was planning on making a custom one myself.

Offline OtakuChef

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #210 on: August 22, 2013, 11:19:09 am »
Name - Daniel - answers to a wide variety of things including hey you with the face.
Age - 26
Attending - day 0 - day 3(monday) not sure on time of departure at that point.
Looking For - Adult Females - Prefer age of 21+

About me in a nut shell -
I am a culinary school trained chef. I work as a manager and head chef and barista at a small food and coffee shop. Yeah what a title for such a small place haha.
I have been heavily into anime for about 14 years now. Though I come and go on watching it. Just kinda depends on what I have going on ya know? small Hiatuses, maybe a year here or year there.
This will be my third kumori but first in four years or so.
I have a wide interest in genres so there is usually something to watch. Though I tend to watch what is currently releasing in Japan more than what is already in the states.
I am a book worm, a gamer, a theatre geek. Yep a straight guy who loves musical theatre :P
I have an obsession with fish and aquariums. Trust me I have more tanks than many people should be allowed and always building and adding more...
I am an entrepreneur with a few start ups in the process including a video game company who is developing our first major game.
Honestly I am an open book, so asks away. I will be happy to talk with anyone.

Offline Uncellino

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #211 on: August 22, 2013, 12:01:52 pm »
Name: Elizabeth. Nick names include Eli, Uncellino, Jessi, Liz, Wolfie
Age: 16
Attending: Friday (Day0) - Monday (Day 3)
Looking for: Around age 17, Male.
Things about me:
 I am in love with video games. Especially Assassins Creed, It is my life.
I talk in my sleep.
I get scared easily, especially around spiders or horror games.
I'm demisexual meaning I'm terrified of kissing and sexual actions. I think I would just need to take things super slow. Ive had bad experiences with my ex boyfriends.
I love hugging and cuddling and talking to everyone so I'm a very social and nice person.
I love animals with all my heart even though I go hunting with my dad and stuff.

 Also.. I have Panic attacks. Most of them happen due to my hypochondriacs. Meaning if I feel sick It can bring on an attack. Most of the time only my mom can bring me down off an attack but Ive been learning to deal with it myself. So If could cuddle with me when my tummy hurts that would be great. <3

Offline RustyFinn

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #212 on: August 22, 2013, 12:28:40 pm »
I'll be bringing extra stickers too so look for a Mio on day 0 or a Female Two Face on day 1 if you need a sticker!

: Rusty Finn
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Seeking: F/M
Attending: Friday to Monday
Stuff: This will be my 3rd year attending Kumoricon and my 10th or 11th convention in total. This is also the first year I'll be rooming with complete strangers and literally on my own, so I thought it would be nice to step out of my little cootie free box and meet some awesome people. I'm bisexual so ladies and gents come at me. Age really isn't a problem for me, sadly I'm at that awkward 20 so I feel to old to hang out with the 17-19 year olds and too young to drink with the 21 year olds but relationship wise it would be nice if you were 18+, so anything above that I always feel more comfortable. Friendship wise? You could be 10 or 60 we will be best friends~
MORE THINGS AND STUFF: I JUST got back into the Yu-gi-oh card game, wanna talk rules and strategies? lets do it! I'm a huge Deadpool fan, not so much of a fan of the new game but I can appreciate the appeal! So these sentences are getting too long and boring so I'll just make a list.
-Sport manga/anime (hajime no ippo/eyeshield 21)
-DC/Marvel (Deadpool/Gambit/Duela Dent)
-Cartoons (Adventure time/Scooby Doo/Teen Titans)
-Zombies (Walking Dead/High School of the Dead)
-TV SHOWS:Supernatural/Doctor Who/Firefly/Bones/Parks and Recreations
-i like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face...did I mention I'm nice?

I like this idea of a meet up too, preferably day 0~

Offline Takeshi-San

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #213 on: August 22, 2013, 12:57:38 pm »
Name: Dominick
Age: 17
Attending: Entire con. Including Day Zero.
Looking for: Males. Preferably my age but no older than 20.
About Me: I am madly shy upon first meeting and not too huge on starting conversations myself unless first approached. I easily warm up to people however once we chat for a bit though. Easily approachable and very friendly. But once I start talking, I tend to ramble a bit. ^^; I am biologically female, but am FtM transgender and have been on testosterone for roughly seven months. I completely identify as male and gay.
This will be my fifth year at Kumoricon and seventh convention in total. I have been into anime and video games for as long as I can remember. My uncle and I are very close and due to him being a huge anime buff, anime has been in my life for a long time.
I live in the boonies of Oregon City where not a whole lot of otaku reside. Talk to me about anything!
K-Con '14 Plans
Sanji and Law - "One Piece" / Wolfwood - "Trigun" / Mako and Wan - "Legend of Korra"

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #214 on: August 22, 2013, 02:41:01 pm »
If there's to be a Friday meetup, my strong preference would be for it to be sometime a little later in the day--I will be driving down from Seattle and staying in the Portlander Inn, so I'm not likely to be at the con itself until at least lunchtime, if not early afternoon.

But I'm also cool with just meeting up and hanging out individually or in small groups on an ad hoc basis.

Offline Lord_Umbreon

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #215 on: August 22, 2013, 02:50:27 pm »
Attending-Aug 31--Sept 2
Looking for--Female 18+

About Me: Okay first off let me get out of the way. I hate talking about myself. Now with out of the way here it goes.
I live with my mother because I'm her personal care taker, but about me personally I want to get this out now I'm a music junkie I'm never any where with out music blasting in my head, but with K-con I'm jerking myself out of my comfort zone I'm not going say I'm an anime fan because I'm going to the convention so its a given that I'm an anime fan, but I'm also gamer, I'm trying to Narrate Creepy Pasta on youtube but I only have 2 uploaded -_- I have too many favorite animes to list  along with games, I can say this I still to this day Love Pokemoan and Digimon by the way yes I am a friendly person 'm easy to get along with. if theres more you would like to know please feel free to talk to me at the Con or hit me up on skype I'm always on.
Day by Day Hour by hour,
 the sands of time Shower down
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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #216 on: August 22, 2013, 04:23:16 pm »
I think I will be editing my about me to add more things in. There are always things I forget haha.

and how does everyone feel about say 6 or 7 pm at the park (not sure where in the park because I have never been there) on day 0?

Offline Envy-chan

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #217 on: August 22, 2013, 04:34:39 pm »
Name: Haley
Age: 18
Seeking: either gender is fine with me, though I would love it if you weren't older than 21 or younger than 17.
Attending: From day 0 till Day 3.
Ice-breaker-information-stuff: I am shy upon first meeting but I don't think it lasts for too long. I play roller derby and I'm a professional derp. I'm an aspiring photographer with a passion for writing stuff and playing music. I've been cosplaying since 2008/2009 area (I think). This is my 4th Kumo but 5th con. Although I am 18, I've been told numerous times that I look any age between 12 and 16 (I swear I'm an adult!). I'm friendly and I think I make really yummy cake. Fandoms are a thing but I am terrible and so far behind on all of my fandoms it's not ok. Uh, after you become bros/whatever, I turn into Party Cat from that one online comic by Nedroid (or at least that is how my friends describe me). If you want to hunt me down during con, send me a message on here and we shall meet!
The mini boss level when it comes to photography.

Kumo '14 plans?
Spidergirl from the Marvel Universe
Haru in a maid dress from Free!
Agito/Akito for Air Gear
Cecil from Welcome To Night Vale

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #218 on: August 22, 2013, 05:23:10 pm »
Happy belated Birthday Jeimi!
Name: Jess but I answer to Sushi
Age: 21
Attending: Friday/ day 0 - Monday/ day 3, all day.
Looking for: Around my age, male or female, but I think I perfer male..
Things about me: I have a moderate case of socal anxiety. At times it is very crippling, but once things get going, you probably would be none the wiser. I'm a goof and love to make others laugh. I have found a passion for cosplay and hope to one day win a competion for craftsmenship, even though I still have a lot to learn. I enjoy seeing and exploring how make up and a costume can change someone's appearence.
My starter animes: DBZ, cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor moon, inuyasha, tenshimuyo, yu yu hakusho, pokemon
I love pokemon games! I'm super excited about pokemon x/y, talk to me about it and I'll give ya an earful XD
I enjoy drawing and writing though I am far from being the best.
I also enjoy the lolia fashion. I'm a lolita in training o3o
There's more... but I can't remember... You;ll just have to talk to me c:

Thank you lol Needed that

Anyway, One more thing I wondered.There's like 3 people on here that have said they are bringing extra stickers..However, some people here are new and have no idea who you even are..the first person that said that said "I'll be wearing a cosplay that's easy to spot" or something. yet they didn't SAY what that cosplay is..Plus, chances are, someone else may be cosplaying the same character as you..So even saying "I'm cosplaying as so and so" that doesn't mean you're the only one..So what if there are 3 of so and so, how do we know who YOU are..I say everyone with extra stickers that they are passing out, post a picture of you in all your cosplays (or at least your friday, if doing one, and saturday cosplays) so we know EXACTLY who you are..I may have some stickers, I have to see though. I have a ton of those label things that I can make stickers with. I just have to see if I can find them..

Offline You-friend-Sushi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #219 on: August 22, 2013, 08:44:30 pm »
I'm still deciding on what to wear for day 0, but when I do I'll put up a picture.

But my parasol avatar is what I look like no wig, no make, all sushi.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 10:03:43 pm by You-friend-Sushi »
I typo'd my name. It's Your-friend-Sushi. Pleased to meet you. C:

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #220 on: August 22, 2013, 09:08:00 pm »
This is what I look like:

I'll probably be in a suit much like the one in the first pic for my Tseng costume, although my hair will be different and I'll be clean-shaven, obviously. I'll most likely be wearing contacts if my eyes can tolerate them. When I'm in street clothes chances are I'll look a lot like that second picture, and probably even be wearing that «Immortal Object» shirt.

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #221 on: August 22, 2013, 10:34:27 pm »
Well, I can't find the labels. I think I'm just gonna have to go to the dollar store and get a set of heart stickers that happens o have the color I need. Plus, it gives me more stickers for my

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #222 on: August 22, 2013, 10:46:11 pm »
Joining the fun...

Name:  Jen

Age:  34
Attending: Fri-Mon
Looking for:  Males
About Me:  This will by my umpteenth K-Con; I'm a bit shy and love shounen anime, but more than that I love writing and am working towards becoming a professional writer of fantasy novels.  I love languages, books (obviously;)), gardening, drawing, history, nice people and cats.  I have a sardonic wit and an overdeveloped vocabulary.  Not geeky enough for some geeks but and far too geeky for everyone else. 

My biggest fandoms are Naruto, Bleach, FMA, and Vampire Knight.  I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan but am currently console-less (inconsoleable?) so I can focus on a fuller life. 

I'm also interested in meeting other writers; my interest in writing far outstrips that of anyone I know in RL. 

And if a lot of us are shy with new people, perhaps we could play a game?  (But not the name game!:D)  I have peoples I may drag along or not, depending on the moment.:)

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #223 on: August 23, 2013, 01:02:59 am »
D'oh what the heck, might as well...

Name: Chris
Age: 24
Attending: Saturday-Monday
Looking for: Cis Males (18+)
About me:  I'm a hardcore gaymer (had a controller in my hands since I was 2), with a huge love for RPGs, most notably the Final Fantasy, Mana, Chrono, Legaia, and Tales series.  Other faves include Resonance of Fate, Live a Live (best JP-only SNES RPG I've ever played!), Ni no Kuni, NieR, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Crown.  Also big into M/M slash fanfics and shonen-ai. 

Personality wise, I guess I can be reserved at first, but once I warm up, I can be quite quirky and animated.  My mom told me once that tend to look and act like I just jumped out of an anime.  I do choose to be completely ignorant of running memes and various other things considered to be obnoxious (at least by me).  Apparently, I'm far far behind on fandoms...I didn't even know what Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, or even Vocaloids were until recently.  Definitely the geekiest guy at my workplace...and the only gay too...

Anyway, please don't hesitate to say hi during the con!  Look for the big flippin' moogle mascot!  Kupo!~  (^o^)

Prince McKupo is back in the action, baby!  Kupo!  Now, as for my "cooling down" cosplay: Jude Mathis, with both his Xillia 1 (100%) and Xillia 2 (100%) outfits.

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #224 on: August 23, 2013, 10:28:50 am »
McKupo, You do realize, that the AoT and SAO groups weren't AROUND until recently right? You hadn't heard about them because thety are still slightly new....AoT is pretty new, I guess, like I never saw anything about it even on any forum, until a few months ago, so I assume it just came out..And SAO started coming out in anime form only last year..So it's not like they are something you should have watched as a kid or something (like Sailormoon or dragonball)

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #225 on: August 23, 2013, 10:37:36 am »
Yeah, McKupo, what's with not being aware of everything the very day it comes out? XD

Seriously, don't worry about it. I largely dropped out of active fandom for close to a decade during a previous relationship, and I am still catching up on all the stuff I missed during that time.

I don't think SAO really had major visibility at cons until SakuraCon this year anyway. But if you're a gamer of any kind (especially if you've ever played MMOs) it's one you don't want to miss.

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #226 on: August 23, 2013, 10:41:17 am »
Yea, SAO wasn't known much until Sakuracon this year..I saw maybe MAYBE one or 2 Kirito cosplayers at Akicon. That was only about 3 months after it came out in anime form. Almost NO ONE knows there are Light Novels..In fact, During Akicon, I didn't know who the character was that those few people were cosplaying because I had never watched SAO at that point..

Offline Prince McKupo

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #227 on: August 23, 2013, 10:46:27 am »
Heh, well, color me embarrassed yet relieved at the same time.  (^o^)
Prince McKupo is back in the action, baby!  Kupo!  Now, as for my "cooling down" cosplay: Jude Mathis, with both his Xillia 1 (100%) and Xillia 2 (100%) outfits.

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #228 on: August 23, 2013, 01:14:10 pm »
The light novels are absolutely worth reading, as that's where some of the best arcs are and there is a ton more than has been animated. In fact I'd go so far to say that reading the light novels is essential if you're going to try writing fanfic. But I don't recommend reading them until after seeing the anime--at the very least getting through the "Aincrad" arc of the anime.

Offline Azuraschampion

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #229 on: August 24, 2013, 12:11:17 pm »
Yeah they really are.  Vol 1 will always be my favorite though Alicization is getting better with each new volume. I wouldnt necessarily say you should watch the anime first, as the LN have given me a huge appreciation for just how good of an adaptation the anime is, and they give a lot of perspective on what happened in the anime.
Anyways, on topic.
Name: Kevin
Looking for: Females, over 18 preferably.
About me, Im a hardcore gamer, been playing since i was 3, and im a huge anime fan. My favorite series is Sword Art Online. Im a bit quiet at first, but it only takes me a little while to warm up.
Cosplays for Kumoricon 2014, days may change
Day 0: Tifa Lockhart
Day 1: Ruby Rose
Day 2: Mother's Rosario Kirito/ Erza Scarlet
Day 3: Kuroyukihime/ Tifa Lockhart/ Secret cosplay
Day 4: Erza Scarlet

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #230 on: August 24, 2013, 01:07:32 pm »
I guess the way I look at it is, due to the amount of distillation they had to do in the anime and the way certain parts were handled, I think if someone read the light novels first and then watched the anime they'd find themselves disappointed at times. The anime is certainly amazing, but it does fall short in places and skip some things.

What happened with me was that I got so hooked on the anime when it was airing that I couldn't wait a week to find out what happened next, I had this powerful urge to write fic and I knew I shouldn't do that without knowing the whole story. So around I think episode 7 or 8 I went and hunted down the translations on Baka-Tsuki. And like... read them *all*. Pretty much one after the other. Mind = blown. And as I was reading the early parts that had already aired, I was getting this excited thrill every time I came across some piece of detail in the LNs that hadn't been in the anime. It was great.

But then new episodes started airing for stuff I'd already read. And I found myself comparing the anime to what I already knew. And it wasn't favorable. I didn't *dislike* the anime by any means! But those contrasting experiences led me to the conclusion that it'd probably be more enjoyable to watch and enjoy the anime and then go back and read the LNs than the other way around. That's generally how I am with any film adaptations of written works.

But as always, YMMV.

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #231 on: August 24, 2013, 06:57:41 pm »
What do I do if I am 17, FEMALE, and INTERESTED IN MALES AND FEMALES????? :o
Kumoricon 2015

Yuki Cross (Human and Vampire)


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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #232 on: August 24, 2013, 07:07:04 pm »
What do I do if I am 17, FEMALE, and INTERESTED IN MALES AND FEMALES? ??? ? :o
Aside from what you just did? :) Wear a green heart.

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #233 on: August 24, 2013, 07:57:44 pm »
yeah thats true i guess. i know i get a little bit disappointed every time when Kirito beats Eugene, flys off, and im kinda expecting Jotunheim to be next, but its not, and i get a little bit sad. No matter how good the anime is, it just doesnt compare to the LN at all.
Cosplays for Kumoricon 2014, days may change
Day 0: Tifa Lockhart
Day 1: Ruby Rose
Day 2: Mother's Rosario Kirito/ Erza Scarlet
Day 3: Kuroyukihime/ Tifa Lockhart/ Secret cosplay
Day 4: Erza Scarlet

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #234 on: August 24, 2013, 11:38:03 pm »
Name: Greg
Gender: Male
Age: 28 but age doesn't matter much to me. I still feel 16 on the inside but I've always felt I was mature for my age. I think I would prefer someone 20+ though.
Seeking: Female
Attending: Friday to Monday
Stuff: This will be my 3rd year attending Kumoricon. This is also the first year I'll be rooming with complete strangers and on my own without any friends. 6 ft 6 in tall of Norse heritage college graduate with a bachelor degree in science for digital entertainment and game design. I love almost everything geeky/nerdy, but I, of course, have my preferences which tends to be quite different from most people (like being a mecha fan but not really liking how most mecha is presented as one example). I love to cook, but have tons of allergies that I developed due to college budget food. I'm naturally quiet/shy in real life but tend to open up a little more in text form. I weight lift often but will never consider myself a body builder since I do it primarily to keep healthy. Oh, and I've always hated zombies with the exception of Zommies in Disgaea. My car lights really do wig wag all on their own so I guess we're both a little goofy. ^_^
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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #235 on: August 25, 2013, 10:50:28 am »
Name: Lisa/Moira
Age: 29
Seeking: Male/Female/Trans (25-40)
Attending: Fri-Sun
Stuff: This is my 5th Kumoricon and 18th con. I read more manga than I watch anime. I like to find obscure titles, but I do try to watch/read some popular stuff every once in awhile. All time faves are definitely Fullmetal Alchemist (three costumes from it: Lust, Izumi, Sig) and Avatar.

Offline Kurohime

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #236 on: August 26, 2013, 10:18:17 pm »
Does Asuna get a little better/fuller treatment in the light novels?  Without being too spoilerish, I liked her arc up until around the middle of the anime... and then, not so much...

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #237 on: August 26, 2013, 10:46:57 pm »
That's pretty a common sentiment. Up through episode 14 is what's called the Aincrad arc, covering the first two LN volumes. After that is the Fairy Dance arc, covering the third and fourth volumes. IMO Fairy Dance is the weakest of all the SAO story lines, which is a shame because the world of Alfheim is really, really interesting. And yes, Asuna's "damsel in distress" role in that arc is quite vexing and unbefitting of her.

Once she's no longer the damsel in distress she does indeed get a much better treatment, especially in the Mother's Rosario story (vol 7) which is told almost entirely from her POV.

I really hope we get a second season, or at least movies/OVAs. I'd love to see GGO and MR animated.

Offline Teddy_Bearxx

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #238 on: August 27, 2013, 07:54:01 pm »
So if anyone would love to give me a heads up?

I posted here like last year, but I've been so busy an when I get on I keep skimming over everything.
I am reading the little about me things, so let me do mine.

Name: Jessie / Ally / Teddy

Age: 19
Seeking: Male/Female/Trans (18-24)
Attending: Friday to Monday :)
Stuff: This is like my 6th kumoricon, I've been attending since 2008.
I'm a big family person, raised on music an just being me. I like lots of things from soft grunge to pop. I'm not picky, or needy or anything. I just like what I like and do what I do. I'm in love with 5SOS and Avril Levigne though, and I'm not sorry. I'm currently not looking for a relationship, but I don't really care at the same time. I'm attending Timber Lake Job Corps in October for business and hoping to move to L.A.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 08:17:37 pm by Teddy_Bearxx »

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #239 on: August 28, 2013, 04:56:05 pm »
So is it still only the 3 colors then for hearts? No one seemed to give straight answers on it..From what I saw:
Pink - Looking for females
Blue - Looking for males
Green - Looking for either

Is this still correct? I need to make sure. I found some labels so I can make some..

Anyway, if this gets answered in time, I will be wearing these, in this order:
Day 0:

Day 1:

Day 2 morning (before 3pm I think):
Day2 second half of day and (after 3pm or so) AND Day 3:
(I will also have her Spear (It's drying at the moment so I can't take a pic with it)

So if you see me, I will have stickers. I may run out early though so if you ask I may not have some later on
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 04:56:30 pm by Sailor-Jeimi »

Offline You-friend-Sushi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #240 on: August 28, 2013, 06:48:56 pm »
That still seems to be the plan. I'll still be giving stickers during he con but I have no pink hearts, but I have the others. I'll be posting a picture of what I look like when we check in to the hotel, push come to shove, I'll more than likely be wearing my ninetale tails and ears so I should be easy to spot. If I'm able to, I'll post my picture early friday morning. For the other days, please look at my signature. danke~ <3
I typo'd my name. It's Your-friend-Sushi. Pleased to meet you. C:

Offline OtakuChef

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #241 on: August 29, 2013, 03:24:08 am »
Yes those are still the colors.
You all would not believe how difficult if has been to find hearts in this area. I seriously have only found 1 sheet of pink hearts in looking at 3-4 different stores.

Also how do you all feel about a meet up say 6 pm at the gazebo in the park on day 0?

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #242 on: August 29, 2013, 03:32:54 am »
I feel good about it!
I typo'd my name. It's Your-friend-Sushi. Pleased to meet you. C:

Offline Caceres

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #243 on: August 29, 2013, 08:22:25 am »
Sounds fun
Kumoricon 2013 Cosplays:

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #244 on: August 29, 2013, 10:03:10 am »
Airtight. I'll pass out some then. I may be able to go to the meet. I have a meet at 4pm that day and don't know how long it is going to go

Offline Amezuki

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #245 on: August 29, 2013, 10:14:16 am »
I should be getting in sometime around lunch, and I don't yet know how long it'll take to pick up my badge etc or what my plans are going to be after that--but I can definitely make something at 6pm.

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #246 on: August 29, 2013, 01:11:26 pm »
I'll be away to pick one of my hotel roommates up from the airport at 6 so I'll probably be showing back up at con space around 7 ish personally.
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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #247 on: August 30, 2013, 05:45:08 am »
I may stop by if my staffing responsibilities don't carry that far into the evening, though I'm more looking to make friends than anything XD
(though I totally not at all against finding romance at con... in fact it might just be the best place for such a thing~ so many like minded people)

I'll probably be wearing a Jake Shirt (Adventure Time) and I don't have any pink heart stickers u_u or time to make one this close to staffing hour~
I just moved from Hawaii to Portland.
I would love to find some wonderful friends here who love not only anime and games, but the outdoors too!
Hiking, Camping, Swimming, General Adventures and Exploring~
If this sounds like you, message me! =^-^=

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #248 on: August 30, 2013, 09:00:14 am »
Packing the car now and getting ready to head out. See you all there later!

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Re: Singles kumori meet up
« Reply #249 on: August 30, 2013, 09:04:05 am »
Me and azura are also on our way. However, I couldn't make the stickers. My dad took the labels I was gonna use..guess they were his....sorry. I'm gonna need a sticker though