
What would you consider the most annoying thing at an anime convention?

I lost the game
97 (44.9%)
How do I get into voice acting?
19 (8.8%)
Two thirds of the cosplays being the same characters
46 (21.3%)
Autograph lines taking too long
9 (4.2%)
Other (specify)
45 (20.8%)

Total Members Voted: 214

Author Topic: Most annoying thing at an anime convention  (Read 512010 times)

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Offline EmperorRemus

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #400 on: June 15, 2014, 02:22:36 am »
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 07:04:37 pm by EmperorRemus »

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #401 on: June 15, 2014, 04:07:07 pm »
I hit other. Mostly because it's all of the above....lol But also because there's WAY more than just those..

Along with the above in the poll:
-The RUDE people. Most of the people are nice and if not saying anything at all which is neither good nor bad, they might say "nice cosplay" at the least..But then there's the a-holes..Like the one on day) last year..I was in my Lolita outfit. I am a male who crossplays and crossdresses, there is nothing wrong with that. However, this one guy with his buddy (the buddy didn't say anything) had to say "why a girl? Cosplay Naruto, or Bleach, or Inuyasha..Why not one of them?"..I replied "Because I hate all 3 of those anime's..Don't be an ass mind your own business."

-The heat..Now this one only pertains to this con since it's the only summer con I attend..It sucks..lol I hate the heat. It makes it so I can't cosplay the awesome stuff..The armor or leather stuff..Oh well. I chose characters that will be only for this con to bare the heat.

-The ANNOYING people..This is different than the rude people..
I'm looking at you Homestuck fandom..Not all of you, but most of you..I have met maybe 5 different people out of the 6 cons I've attended, in that fandom, that were not annoying as hell to the point of wanting to hit them..At sakuracon 2012, my first con, my dad and I, as well as about 5 other people who happened to also be going that way, were all pushed against the walls by about 20-30 homestuck cosplayers so they could get through..They literally just shoved everyone against a wall and even HURT SOMEONE and laughed and kept going. They didn't give a crap that they could have badly injured someone, as long as they got through, eff everyone else. This is what started my hatred of this fandom..I have since then seen them do basically nothing but purposely annoy everyone around them and harm other people to get what they want like I said above. I've seen them push people out of the way to get down stairs and escalators to get by, which could have easily made someone fall down either and badly injure them, only to see them laugh at the person they pushed..
I've yet to see any other fandom do any of these things.
These aren't all though, there are the slightly less annoying ones. Like the ones that glomp you or what not. Mot are just hyped up fangirls which while it isn't harmful or bad, it get's annoying when you see the same one over and over do the same thing.."OMG I LOVE YOU [character]!!" each time you see them..

-Honestly (depending on the con), the limit of items you can have signed is kinda annoying..I have like 4 things to get signed but I'm not allowed..lol It don't matter and it's no big deal..Just wish I was able to get a few more things signed haha

There might be more..lol

Offline CaptnPoptart

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #402 on: June 15, 2014, 07:54:18 pm »

I am not ashamed to admit that I'll be cosplaying Homestuck this year, but i see what you mean. I don't really know how the majority of some fandoms are rude and annoying when they should really know better. I think the more annoying thing isn't just other people in another fandom being mostly annoying and rude, but when YOU'RE in the fandom with a bad name and you're the more mature one. Luckily, this is just me, but last year I've seen much more mature Homestuck cosplayers and I'm hoping this year, there will be less rude ones. Not saying ALL are rude, but I have quite the idea that we're known for being like that.
Good News and Bad News.
Bad news is I can't go to Kumoricon the whole weekend because of costs and drivers ed.

GOOD NEWS is that if I can raise enough money I can go for Saturday all day as Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Hope to see you all then! <3

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #403 on: June 15, 2014, 09:40:18 pm »

I am not ashamed to admit that I'll be cosplaying Homestuck this year, but i see what you mean. I don't really know how the majority of some fandoms are rude and annoying when they should really know better. I think the more annoying thing isn't just other people in another fandom being mostly annoying and rude, but when YOU'RE in the fandom with a bad name and you're the more mature one. Luckily, this is just me, but last year I've seen much more mature Homestuck cosplayers and I'm hoping this year, there will be less rude ones. Not saying ALL are rude, but I have quite the idea that we're known for being like that.

Yea, I can see how it'd be even worse being IN the fandom and knowing you are better than them (attitude wise I mean, as in you are better at being a decent person than the horrible little pricks). That has to hit harder than being mature outside the fandom..I feel so sorry for all the mature ones because they are such a minority..It really sucks to see a fandom get that bad.

I REALLY hate how the annoying ones try to stick up for the other annoying ones..Like "Not like your fandom doesn't have people that are immature"..I always bring back with "Really? Link me to ALL of the posts/blogs/reports/etc. of all of the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fandom people that talk about how they destroy things, annoy everyone, are rude to anyone they see or harm others and then post every Homestuck one...Oh that's right, you can't..Because I've yet to see one about the KH or FF fandom, where just about every con fandom problem I've seen is only about Homestucks".

Those ones are the ones that really tick me off..

Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #404 on: June 20, 2014, 09:09:20 pm »
I get ridiculed a lot for being a Homestuck cosplayer. I get that there are a lot of us and people may get annoyed, but that is no reason to bully people. I mean, pokemon cosplayers are everywhere, but they never get crap for it.

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #405 on: June 20, 2014, 09:41:53 pm »
I get ridiculed a lot for being a Homestuck cosplayer. I get that there are a lot of us and people may get annoyed, but that is no reason to bully people. I mean, pokemon cosplayers are everywhere, but they never get crap for it.

While I understand what you are trying to convey here, there is a huge detail in that, which you have not noted..The reason is not because the homestuck fandom is huge. That has literally nothing to do with it. It's because they are the only fandom that acts the way they do.
I come at this again with asking to look at how many bad things homestuck cosplayers have done, and how many things the other fandom (in this case pokemon) have done. Tell me one instance where a ton of pokemon cosplayers ran through and injured other people because they thought it was funny. Tell me how many times a group of pokemon cosplayers went up to other cosplayers and glomped them with the result of a ton of paint ruining the other persons clothing compared to how many homestucks have done that//See what I'm saying? It's the attitude of the cosplayers that gets people mad, not that there are a lot. You say the pokemon cosplayers are everywhere but they don't get crap for it? That's because they don't do anything to be talked bad about in the first place. Please remember to think about what you say before you say it

Also, you are being extremely defensive for someone that no one on this thread singled out..

Offline kuroki-neko

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #406 on: June 21, 2014, 09:03:09 am »
I get ridiculed a lot for being a Homestuck cosplayer. I get that there are a lot of us and people may get annoyed, but that is no reason to bully people. I mean, pokemon cosplayers are everywhere, but they never get crap for it.

While I understand what you are trying to convey here, there is a huge detail in that, which you have not noted..The reason is not because the homestuck fandom is huge. That has literally nothing to do with it. It's because they are the only fandom that acts the way they do.
I come at this again with asking to look at how many bad things homestuck cosplayers have done, and how many things the other fandom (in this case pokemon) have done. Tell me one instance where a ton of pokemon cosplayers ran through and injured other people because they thought it was funny. Tell me how many times a group of pokemon cosplayers went up to other cosplayers and glomped them with the result of a ton of paint ruining the other persons clothing compared to how many homestucks have done that//See what I'm saying? It's the attitude of the cosplayers that gets people mad, not that there are a lot. You say the pokemon cosplayers are everywhere but they don't get crap for it? That's because they don't do anything to be talked bad about in the first place. Please remember to think about what you say before you say it

Also, you are being extremely defensive for someone that no one on this thread singled out..

Its just that the homestuck series promotes immaturity, there is a difference between "being in character" and using it as an excuse to act like a kid.

Offline superjaz

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #407 on: June 21, 2014, 08:56:12 pm »
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline veraca

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #408 on: June 23, 2014, 02:58:24 am »
For the record, I've seen and read many a stories about Homestuck cosplayers that trash hotel rooms and/or are banned from locations due to the mess they create in the hotels they sleep in- due to the paint on the skin. They aren't the only ones with the painted skin in the cosplay realm, but they probably are the most talked about leaving gray towels and dirty sinks. I also know a friend who had a birthday party at a hotel room, and felt entitled to trash it with her friends to her heart's content because they didn't have to clean it. If you can't leave a room as nice as you found it, at least try to clean it up some- bring extra trash bags in case you need some, ask for extra towels or paper towels, and let the staff know that the room may have a mess or two. Just being aware- I've heard stories of hotels unknowingly charging extra fees for cleaning up after guests without warning.

A brief annoying thing to me from people in general... Asking someone to back up to give you personal space when it's not a "in-line" situation. Even if it's in-line, if someone is bumping against me or is just being unaware that they're in my personal little space bubble, please move. And when I ask, you shouldn't ask "why?". I clearly have asked because you standing so close to me that I can smell you, and feel your gravitational field pulling on me, is bothering me. Please just take a step back. Don't be a d*** and step closer just to annoy me. It's beyond rude and inconsiderate.
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Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #409 on: June 25, 2014, 03:48:26 am »
I get ridiculed a lot for being a Homestuck cosplayer. I get that there are a lot of us and people may get annoyed, but that is no reason to bully people. I mean, pokemon cosplayers are everywhere, but they never get crap for it.

While I understand what you are trying to convey here, there is a huge detail in that, which you have not noted..The reason is not because the homestuck fandom is huge. That has literally nothing to do with it. It's because they are the only fandom that acts the way they do.
I come at this again with asking to look at how many bad things homestuck cosplayers have done, and how many things the other fandom (in this case pokemon) have done. Tell me one instance where a ton of pokemon cosplayers ran through and injured other people because they thought it was funny. Tell me how many times a group of pokemon cosplayers went up to other cosplayers and glomped them with the result of a ton of paint ruining the other persons clothing compared to how many homestucks have done that//See what I'm saying? It's the attitude of the cosplayers that gets people mad, not that there are a lot. You say the pokemon cosplayers are everywhere but they don't get crap for it? That's because they don't do anything to be talked bad about in the first place. Please remember to think about what you say before you say it

Also, you are being extremely defensive for someone that no one on this thread singled out..

I'm not being defensive at all. This thread is for annoying things, is it not?

I understand that a lot of the homestuck fandom has done some very uncalled for things, but I believe that every fandom has. I remember my very first time at con, a L cosplayer rammed me into a wall and cracked my helmet (I was zero from code geass). I have also witnessed members from other fandoms do things to harm others and themselves. It's unfair in my opinion for people to say "they're the only fandom who..." when every fandom is guilty of the same thing.
I think it's more that the size of a fandom makes the things they do more noticed.
With the paint, I can completely understand the annoyance from others. Being a homestuck cosplayer I have had my cosplay ruined by other homestucks. It's not so much the fandom, I think rather then some of the people in it. There are always going to be the members who don't think before they act and just do things before considering the consequence. So to wrap it all up around one fandom, i believe, is kind of a dick move? But I understand where the frustration for the fandom comes from.

When it comes to such a large convention with so many different people of... "mental states", it's to be expected that there will be people who will act out in ways a lot of others will not find acceptable. Personally, the amount of the homestuck fandom who does act unacceptably is very very small compared to the amount who act just fine.

Again, I am not being defensive at all. I'm simply stating my opinion so if you are going to try to say I'm too defensive, please just don't.

Offline Trickpeta

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #410 on: June 25, 2014, 08:54:26 am »
Hey hey just as a little psa this is a 'what you find annoying about anime conventions' thread and not a 'hey let's cause some trouble' thread, ok? Cool it with the "Homestuck promotes immaturity, they're so annoying ugh everyone in that fandom sucks" discussion, someone's gonna get upset and things wont end well. Pick your battles.

Anyway, in terms of annoying things I agree with what superjaz said with the wonderful Calvin and Hobbes comic - negative people. Like, being negative probably isn't going to solve anything, so try to be a bit more positive maybe? Easier said than done, but...worth a shot, I think.
Kumoricon 2015 is probably going to be my last Kumoricon for a while :( so sad

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #411 on: June 25, 2014, 11:36:30 am »
Wow one L cosplayers did that to you? That one L cosplayer is a who lot of one fandom..I'm so glad that you consider one deathnote cosplayer's action be the exact same as almost 30 of of yours. You are jusifying bad actions by saying other people do them too. No one is saying homestucks are the only ones that make bad actions. But they DO cause the MOST problems out of all fandoms. They are the majority of them. When I've gone to 6 cons now, and 90% of the problems caused there from cosplayers was by homesucks, that only shows that I'm correct. I'm not saying your fandom is all bad people, I'm saying the majority of the annoying cosplayers happen to be homestuck cosplayers. You can say whatever you want, it doesn't change fact. Just because YOU don't do those things, doesn't mean your fandom is full of good people. Once I see 30 Kingdom Hearts or 30 Final Fantasy people shove people against a way, then I can say we are bad too. But I've never once seen that. I've seen the homestucks harming people and being loud and rude at every single con I've been to. I've seen hundreds of them. I've also seen hundreds of Kingdom Hearts cosplayers. I've maybe seen 2 or 3 of them being rude or loud or annoying. That right there is proof that the homestuck fandom has more people being that way. It's a fact..Get over it..Want things to be different? Make them different. get a bunch of friends, show other's that the there are the good ones. Sitting here trying to justify the actions of the bad ones only makes you look like one of them. You are basically using one cosplayer's actions from deathnote to justify what 30 of yours did acting like that measures up..One L cosplayer being rude is completely different than 30 homestucks in the exact same situation.

Offline UptownOtaku

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #412 on: June 25, 2014, 01:27:07 pm »
SOOOOOOooooo, steering us back on track... (thanks for trying, Trickpeta)

Things I get bothered by at conventions:
  • People pushing and shoving to get in front of you in line even if you've been waiting there longer.
  • People with body paint hugging me too tightly.  Please don't get it on my costume!  I work hard to keep them clean!
  • People in fandoms acting discriminatory.  Maybe I just want to hang out with you for a bit.  Do I HAVE to be cosplaying from your fandom just to stand and chat for a minute?
  • Really loud and obnoxious attention-seekers.  I get that the hallways can get noisy so you have to raise your voice to be heard, but don't just start screaming to make it harder for everyone else to enjoy their own conversations.
  • People in fandoms trying to convert me.  If I say politely that I'm not as crazy about the series your cosplaying from as you are, don't make it your lifelong mission to make me love it.  I'll acknowledge your costume is really cool and well-made and such, but I don't have to love the series.  And you really can't make me.  Can we just agree to disagree?
  • People deciding we're best buddies just because I said a few funny things and decided to humor them for a bit.  Is being nice to someone so rare nowadays that it automatically signs you up for people who are going to follow you around everywhere for the rest of the con because they think you're lost soulmates?  I'd like the freedom to be nice and have a good time without picking up super clingy people who can't stand to be away from me anymore.  It's a little stifling.
And that's just a few of the many.  We could all nitpick all day every day until the con actually gets here, but really it's all about remembering to observe manners and common sense.  Kumoricon and other anime conventions aren't free-for-all zones where you can go nuts however you want.  It's a place where people of similar interests can congregate to feel free to express their creativity and love for something that isn't commonly displayed in everyday life.  But you're still asked to be a human being and observe others' personal boundaries.
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Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #413 on: June 25, 2014, 03:50:04 pm »
Oh my gosh yes, peopkle who just decide you'
SOOOOOOooooo, steering us back on track... (thanks for trying, Trickpeta)

Things I get bothered by at conventions:
  • People pushing and shoving to get in front of you in line even if you've been waiting there longer.
  • People with body paint hugging me too tightly.  Please don't get it on my costume!  I work hard to keep them clean!
  • People in fandoms acting discriminatory.  Maybe I just want to hang out with you for a bit.  Do I HAVE to be cosplaying from your fandom just to stand and chat for a minute?
  • Really loud and obnoxious attention-seekers.  I get that the hallways can get noisy so you have to raise your voice to be heard, but don't just start screaming to make it harder for everyone else to enjoy their own conversations.
  • People in fandoms trying to convert me.  If I say politely that I'm not as crazy about the series your cosplaying from as you are, don't make it your lifelong mission to make me love it.  I'll acknowledge your costume is really cool and well-made and such, but I don't have to love the series.  And you really can't make me.  Can we just agree to disagree?
  • People deciding we're best buddies just because I said a few funny things and decided to humor them for a bit.  Is being nice to someone so rare nowadays that it automatically signs you up for people who are going to follow you around everywhere for the rest of the con because they think you're lost soulmates?  I'd like the freedom to be nice and have a good time without picking up super clingy people who can't stand to be away from me anymore.  It's a little stifling.
And that's just a few of the many.  We could all nitpick all day every day until the con actually gets here, but really it's all about remembering to observe manners and common sense.  Kumoricon and other anime conventions aren't free-for-all zones where you can go nuts however you want.  It's a place where people of similar interests can congregate to feel free to express their creativity and love for something that isn't commonly displayed in everyday life.  But you're still asked to be a human being and observe others' personal boundaries.

I have to say this list, %100 on target, oh gosh.
I always feel bad trying to push away the people who think we are friends.

Offline UptownOtaku

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #414 on: June 25, 2014, 11:37:57 pm »
Oh my gosh yes, peopkle who just decide you'
SOOOOOOooooo, steering us back on track... (thanks for trying, Trickpeta)

Things I get bothered by at conventions:
  • People pushing and shoving to get in front of you in line even if you've been waiting there longer.
  • People with body paint hugging me too tightly.  Please don't get it on my costume!  I work hard to keep them clean!
  • People in fandoms acting discriminatory.  Maybe I just want to hang out with you for a bit.  Do I HAVE to be cosplaying from your fandom just to stand and chat for a minute?
  • Really loud and obnoxious attention-seekers.  I get that the hallways can get noisy so you have to raise your voice to be heard, but don't just start screaming to make it harder for everyone else to enjoy their own conversations.
  • People in fandoms trying to convert me.  If I say politely that I'm not as crazy about the series your cosplaying from as you are, don't make it your lifelong mission to make me love it.  I'll acknowledge your costume is really cool and well-made and such, but I don't have to love the series.  And you really can't make me.  Can we just agree to disagree?
  • People deciding we're best buddies just because I said a few funny things and decided to humor them for a bit.  Is being nice to someone so rare nowadays that it automatically signs you up for people who are going to follow you around everywhere for the rest of the con because they think you're lost soulmates?  I'd like the freedom to be nice and have a good time without picking up super clingy people who can't stand to be away from me anymore.  It's a little stifling.
And that's just a few of the many.  We could all nitpick all day every day until the con actually gets here, but really it's all about remembering to observe manners and common sense.  Kumoricon and other anime conventions aren't free-for-all zones where you can go nuts however you want.  It's a place where people of similar interests can congregate to feel free to express their creativity and love for something that isn't commonly displayed in everyday life.  But you're still asked to be a human being and observe others' personal boundaries.

I have to say this list, %100 on target, oh gosh.
I always feel bad trying to push away the people who think we are friends.

I know, right?!  It's so hard to say no to someone who really seems to enjoy your company, just... they enjoy it way TOO much.  It's in some people's nature to be naturally friendly to everyone, but sometimes it comes back to bite us when the wrong people get attracted to it and start clinging to us like life rafts.  It makes us feel bad for feeling smothered, but we can't help it.  It's a vicious cycle.
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Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #415 on: June 29, 2014, 04:26:05 pm »
Oh my gosh yes, peopkle who just decide you'
SOOOOOOooooo, steering us back on track... (thanks for trying, Trickpeta)

Things I get bothered by at conventions:
  • People pushing and shoving to get in front of you in line even if you've been waiting there longer.
  • People with body paint hugging me too tightly.  Please don't get it on my costume!  I work hard to keep them clean!
  • People in fandoms acting discriminatory.  Maybe I just want to hang out with you for a bit.  Do I HAVE to be cosplaying from your fandom just to stand and chat for a minute?
  • Really loud and obnoxious attention-seekers.  I get that the hallways can get noisy so you have to raise your voice to be heard, but don't just start screaming to make it harder for everyone else to enjoy their own conversations.
  • People in fandoms trying to convert me.  If I say politely that I'm not as crazy about the series your cosplaying from as you are, don't make it your lifelong mission to make me love it.  I'll acknowledge your costume is really cool and well-made and such, but I don't have to love the series.  And you really can't make me.  Can we just agree to disagree?
  • People deciding we're best buddies just because I said a few funny things and decided to humor them for a bit.  Is being nice to someone so rare nowadays that it automatically signs you up for people who are going to follow you around everywhere for the rest of the con because they think you're lost soulmates?  I'd like the freedom to be nice and have a good time without picking up super clingy people who can't stand to be away from me anymore.  It's a little stifling.
And that's just a few of the many.  We could all nitpick all day every day until the con actually gets here, but really it's all about remembering to observe manners and common sense.  Kumoricon and other anime conventions aren't free-for-all zones where you can go nuts however you want.  It's a place where people of similar interests can congregate to feel free to express their creativity and love for something that isn't commonly displayed in everyday life.  But you're still asked to be a human being and observe others' personal boundaries.

I have to say this list, %100 on target, oh gosh.
I always feel bad trying to push away the people who think we are friends.

I know, right?!  It's so hard to say no to someone who really seems to enjoy your company, just... they enjoy it way TOO much.  It's in some people's nature to be naturally friendly to everyone, but sometimes it comes back to bite us when the wrong people get attracted to it and start clinging to us like life rafts.  It makes us feel bad for feeling smothered, but we can't help it.  It's a vicious cycle.

I suppose it's the necessary evils of after con chaos.

Offline veraca

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #416 on: July 01, 2014, 12:35:47 am »
How do you even address that super friendly OMG WE'RE SOUL MATES person to leave? I mean, in some cases, the person is alone or doesn't seem to have friends nearby and has just glommed onto you or your group. Sometimes changing locations isn't the answer and you have to talk to them... But what do you say so you don't hurt their feelings or something?

If I feel like I'm the one bothering others, I will politely excuse myself and say it was nice chatting with them. But, asking someone to leave seems a million times harder.
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Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #417 on: July 01, 2014, 01:02:06 am »
How do you even address that super friendly OMG WE'RE SOUL MATES person to leave? I mean, in some cases, the person is alone or doesn't seem to have friends nearby and has just glommed onto you or your group. Sometimes changing locations isn't the answer and you have to talk to them... But what do you say so you don't hurt their feelings or something?

If I feel like I'm the one bothering others, I will politely excuse myself and say it was nice chatting with them. But, asking someone to leave seems a million times harder.

What I usually do is just say something along the lines of "look, I haven't seen my friend in a really long time [select a person you are hanging out with by Wrapping an arm around their shoulders] and I really want to spend time with just them." If they try to tag along just tell them you don't want to hang out.
As I said before, it's a necessary evil. You can't spare everyones feelings.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #418 on: July 01, 2014, 10:53:55 am »
I'd add to things by saying, something that annoys me is non-anime/manga/J-game cosplays treating anime cons like general nerd cons...but that ship sailed a long time ago and there's nothing more to really say about it, lol.

Still, it's a personal pet peeve that will always be less-than-ideal for me.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 10:54:33 am by EveofAbyss »

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #419 on: July 01, 2014, 01:10:19 pm »
I only had one incident during the convention last year but it annoyed me a lot for that small moment it occurred. I was doing a Photo Walk at night taking pictures of Cosplayers when one guy began to jump into pictures I was taking. When I walked away, he followed and when I asked "Can I help you?" he wanted me to take his picture. When I said "No" he refused that answer. X_x

Seeing how I couldn't take any more pics without him jumping into it, I agreed and took his pic for him to leave me alone. It really annoyed me because I had to ask the cosplayers I was taking pics for a do-over and apologized a lot. (Though they were very understanding and had no issues with taking new pics)

So basically most annoying thing are those that just want attention at the expense of others. He made his little scene to "act funny" but I don't think those around him found it amusing that I was slowly losing my patience.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #420 on: July 02, 2014, 09:55:27 am »
I think the most annoying thing is people trying to tell you what to do and then having the fear of being criticized. A lot of people forget this is all for fun and then get really nasty when people start doing things they don't fit their ideas. I've had it happen to me at the forums and have heard horrible stories from other cons, so I get nervous when I go to conventions that someone is going to come up to me and just tear me down for trying to have some fun.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #421 on: July 02, 2014, 04:39:05 pm »
I think generally people are braver on the internet because there are no real consequences for the things they say and do. I've seen a lot of forum drama, but never seen any in-person confrontations at con (not saying it doesn't happen, but I wouldn't worry about it.). Don't let fear keep you from cosplaying how you want or enjoying Kumoricon the way you like to. We all have our opinions, but I, for one, would not force mine on anyone else. I think most people at con are too busy having fun to want to get down on anyone else. I'd hope so anyway.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #422 on: July 11, 2014, 09:46:22 pm »
Cosplay snobs. Hooooooooly crap. My very very first con (I was 16. I was a yellow badge, come on), I had a few Kingdom Hearts cosplayers follow me and ridicule me for my Larxene wig, which was failing because I hadn't used water proof product and it was raining. Nearly caused me to quit going to cons. Thank god I had a few people help me and get the dang wig working.
Kumoricon 2019:
Axel (Kingdom Hearts 3, end game outfit)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Keyleth (Critical Role, opening look)

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #423 on: July 15, 2014, 11:32:43 am »
Cosplay snobs. Hooooooooly crap. My very very first con (I was 16. I was a yellow badge, come on), I had a few Kingdom Hearts cosplayers follow me and ridicule me for my Larxene wig, which was failing because I hadn't used water proof product and it was raining. Nearly caused me to quit going to cons. Thank god I had a few people help me and get the dang wig working.

That is just not okay at all. Believe me, I was not good when I started either. And I thought it was acceptable to hold up a free hug sign because people did it and it seemed like a fun way to meet friendly people. I got called a slut for holding it. That was my first con. Its good that the support outweighs the negative people though. For the most part.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #424 on: July 15, 2014, 03:53:39 pm »


I REALLY hate how the annoying ones try to stick up for the other annoying ones..Like "Not like your fandom doesn't have people that are immature"..I always bring back with "Really? Link me to ALL of the posts/blogs/reports/etc. of all of the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fandom people that talk about how they destroy things, annoy everyone, are rude to anyone they see or harm others and then post every Homestuck one...Oh that's right, you can't..Because I've yet to see one about the KH or FF fandom, where just about every con fandom problem I've seen is only about Homestucks".

Those ones are the ones that really tick me off..

I do have to say that there are just some fans in ANY fandom that don't know boundaries. And it mainly has to do with shippers in my opinion.  The most annoying thing for me in, not just cons, but in fandoms is the shippers that get mad when you dont ship what they ship or dont support ANYTHING fake or not being pedo or incest related. Disrespect happens in all fandoms. The issue with homestuck is that the characters themselves are (at least as I have heard because I did not read it at all) Trolls. They thrive on being annoying. Therefore the fans sometimes feel the need to imitate socially inappropriate behaviors while in cosplay amongst people that do not understand the "humor." If it was kept within their group and use common sense when communicating with someone who is not a fan of the series there would be no issue.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 10:29:16 am by Black~Rose »

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #425 on: July 15, 2014, 07:29:02 pm »
(Sorry guys, not continuing on the argument of homestuck)
A few things that have ticked me off have happened a lot in the past (especially at larger cons) but hopefully it wont be as bad this year:
  • People who are very touchy-feely (if this is the correct way to put it). I'm A-OK with people asking politely like "hey may i have a hug? I love your cosplay!" and making sure to respect boundaries of others. A few times i have been disregarded of having personal space and attacked with a giant bear hug which ruined part of my cosplay. Not saying EVERYONE does it, I just think its kind of annoying when people don't ask before invading personal space.
  • Hate on Anime v.s. Comic(Or TV shows). I've seen some hate go around about how it isn't ""OK"" to cosplay other than anime characters at cons which is really hurtful to some. I'm sure ill get a lot of that this year (because im doing a Supernatural cosplay) but it annoys me to no end. We are all here to have fun and be ourselves. Why do you have to annoy someone about who they are cosplaying just because you don't like it!
  • Mocking cosplays. Not a whole bunch has happened with this at Kumori I don't think, but i have seen some at cons like Sakura. There are a LOT of first time cosplayers which is amazing!! Its great that they want to join our big group of nice people. But i have heard people being un-included and ridiculed for a cosplay which may not be as good as others. They either may be a first time cosplayer or not have the sufficient funds to do things like this. Cosplaying is VERY expensive and we should just be glad that more people are becoming more open to dressing up, especially how much it could tank your bank account. I think it is nice every once in a while to stop and make sure you can compliment people for working so hard.
Im sorry this is SO long, but i just kinda wanted to let this out. Kumoricon is a wonderful con and i cant wait!! (P.S. sorry if i have dumb points)

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #426 on: July 15, 2014, 07:54:14 pm »
(Sorry guys, not continuing on the argument of homestuck)
A few things that have ticked me off have happened a lot in the past (especially at larger cons) but hopefully it wont be as bad this year:
  • People who are very touchy-feely (if this is the correct way to put it). I'm A-OK with people asking politely like "hey may i have a hug? I love your cosplay!" and making sure to respect boundaries of others. A few times i have been disregarded of having personal space and attacked with a giant bear hug which ruined part of my cosplay. Not saying EVERYONE does it, I just think its kind of annoying when people don't ask before invading personal space.
  • Hate on Anime v.s. Comic(Or TV shows). I've seen some hate go around about how it isn't ""OK"" to cosplay other than anime characters at cons which is really hurtful to some. I'm sure ill get a lot of that this year (because im doing a Supernatural cosplay) but it annoys me to no end. We are all here to have fun and be ourselves. Why do you have to annoy someone about who they are cosplaying just because you don't like it!
  • Mocking cosplays. Not a whole bunch has happened with this at Kumori I don't think, but i have seen some at cons like Sakura. There are a LOT of first time cosplayers which is amazing!! Its great that they want to join our big group of nice people. But i have heard people being un-included and ridiculed for a cosplay which may not be as good as others. They either may be a first time cosplayer or not have the sufficient funds to do things like this. Cosplaying is VERY expensive and we should just be glad that more people are becoming more open to dressing up, especially how much it could tank your bank account. I think it is nice every once in a while to stop and make sure you can compliment people for working so hard.
Im sorry this is SO long, but i just kinda wanted to let this out. Kumoricon is a wonderful con and i cant wait!! (P.S. sorry if i have dumb points)

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 06:29:55 pm by DasDeutsch »
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #427 on: July 17, 2014, 03:25:23 am »
You have to realize that a lot of the Homestuck hate is shh-shh at con and not talked about unless brought up. Most of the hate at that particular fandom happens online, in groups of people talking after the convention has ended.
If someone ever gives you flack for it, it's not okay and they're in the wrong.

Yes, Kumori is an anime-con, but people have to realize that people attend these conventions and like to wear other costumes. I do wonder about steampunk, TV show cosplays, not because they don't belong, but because it's - with the tv shows- it's regular clothes... I prefer looking at non-tv-cosplays just because odds are the person had it custom made or made it themself, which for me as a spectator, is impressive. But that's me and my reasoning. I actually end up mistaking 99% of the tv-cosplays I see as regular people at the con who just aren't in a costume. But, again, that's me, and I'm not a tv-show nerd. *shrugs* Nothing wrong with wearing them, you just kinda blend in to the crowd.
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #428 on: July 17, 2014, 05:06:31 pm »
Um well ... I'm a bit shy to speak out on this topic but here  go ...   first this is people who complaints about other peoples cosplay weather its the size or look of the cosplayer or the actual cosplay its self .  It hurts peoples feelings when people say things  like " your not right for the cosplay. "   or "  ypu got that / this part the wrong color. "   " or hey ( character ) has blue hair you should have got a wig "    those of course are examples of things I haven't heard those lines per-say but seen or heard about similar situations . Well first not all people are going to look like they came from the tv or game or movie or what ever .   Also people cant always afford the high quality cosplay / wigs   . Some people cant sow or create as well as other but they sure try there hardest !       All I'm saying is kumoricon and other cons where made for fun enjoyment and to meet people .        Also for those people who seem to cling onto others ... I admit I probably at one time without realizing it have done that ... but I was alone hearing how well you.can make friends at con so I might have gone past the line id rather be told at the time in a way thats not rude then on things like here ... I just know most of the time the people who do that are nice and probably don't relize they crossed a line just kindly say something like I don't know      " hey you've been really cool to.hang with but I'm gonna go look around for a while on my own ill see you around have a great rest of the con ( day )    "   most shpuld understand that .     
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #429 on: July 17, 2014, 05:29:46 pm »

cosplayers with mad B.O. running up for hugs. :( Its hard to get that smell outta costumes :/
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #430 on: July 18, 2014, 01:20:50 am »
If we as a community were just nicer and kinder and offer advice, it'd be nice. It shouldn't be a secret where you bought your fabric of amazing color, or why your thread tension is amazing just because you used a certain needle/thread, or why your wig is a certain color and self-styled. Color of fabric is really hard to do for a lot of people- dyes aren't always right, fabric doesn't take the dye, or the colors available aren't right and you have to just make-due. Some people actually aren't that crazy about getting the perfect color and the plain old canary yellow is just fine- even if it's the wrong shade. Just because I would take the time to sew down a bias strip instead of hand paint doesn't mean my costume is better- it just means I'm insane on a different level. Painting a design takes a level of commitment and putting down the bias takes another level, they aren't better than each other at all.

Like, I enjoy styling wigs. And part of me wants to go up to someone and ask if I can help them style their wig or teach them. The other part is like, well that might come off as rude and condescending.
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #431 on: July 18, 2014, 01:42:25 pm »
I'm actually worried this year about hugs. Not just because of B.O but I have always accepted in the past. Bit with my Ariel (what I assume is going to be asked the most for hugs) is delicate. The pearls and crystals on the bra can easily be knocked off. I will have to tell people to be careful and one hand only. I don't want people to take offense to this x_x.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #432 on: July 18, 2014, 04:40:55 pm »
I'm actually worried this year about hugs. Not just because of B.O but I have always accepted in the past. Bit with my Ariel (what I assume is going to be asked the most for hugs) is delicate. The pearls and crystals on the bra can easily be knocked off. I will have to tell people to be careful and one hand only. I don't want people to take offense to this x_x.

If anyone takes offence to you asking them to just be carefull, while still accepting the hug, then they don't DESERVE the hug in the first place..If they are too much of jerks that they don't think they should respect you wanting them to just be careful so things don't break, then screw them..They are mean and shouldn't be hugged anyway.
But more people than not, will be greatful that you warned them to be careful. Because they, just liuke you, do not WANT to break anything, so they will be happy you told them so it doesn't happen.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #433 on: July 18, 2014, 05:36:41 pm »
I'm actually worried this year about hugs. Not just because of B.O but I have always accepted in the past. Bit with my Ariel (what I assume is going to be asked the most for hugs) is delicate. The pearls and crystals on the bra can easily be knocked off. I will have to tell people to be careful and one hand only. I don't want people to take offense to this x_x.

If anyone takes offence to you asking them to just be carefull, while still accepting the hug, then they don't DESERVE the hug in the first place..If they are too much of jerks that they don't think they should respect you wanting them to just be careful so things don't break, then screw them..They are mean and shouldn't be hugged anyway.
But more people than not, will be greatful that you warned them to be careful. Because they, just liuke you, do not WANT to break anything, so they will be happy you told them so it doesn't happen.

That is true. I would feel terrible if I broke something of someone elses costume.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #434 on: July 19, 2014, 12:57:55 am »
This is literally my first post on this forum ever, so I feel bad that I'm posting about the negative stuff, haha.
I guess the most annoying thing at a con for me is a tie between the elitism that can occur and people not cleaning up after themselves, there was trash in the park on the second day, and I was like, "PEOPLE PICK UP YOUR CRAP."
Though, really, my experience at Kumoricon has been pretty good, at least last year was. My first year, 2011, is one I do not like to remember too fondly. Last year though, that was fun. I talked to a bunch of really sweet people, I got complimented for my cosplay, (which was a lot more complex to make than I expected), people took my picture (this one lady recognized my Snufkin cosplay, and had me take a picture with her and her kids, saying I brought back memories) and I didn't have any 'weeaboo' encounters. The only thing that kind of stunk was that the shoes I was wearing were KILLER on my feet. So that's the other thing about cons that annoy me, when you are so hyped to see all, do all, experience all, you poop out before it's even over.

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #435 on: July 19, 2014, 11:11:35 pm »
You have to realize that a lot of the Homestuck hate is shh-shh at con and not talked about unless brought up. Most of the hate at that particular fandom happens online, in groups of people talking after the convention has ended.
If someone ever gives you flack for it, it's not okay and they're in the wrong.

Yes, Kumori is an anime-con, but people have to realize that people attend these conventions and like to wear other costumes. I do wonder about steampunk, TV show cosplays, not because they don't belong, but because it's - with the tv shows- it's regular clothes... I prefer looking at non-tv-cosplays just because odds are the person had it custom made or made it themself, which for me as a spectator, is impressive. But that's me and my reasoning. I actually end up mistaking 99% of the tv-cosplays I see as regular people at the con who just aren't in a costume. But, again, that's me, and I'm not a tv-show nerd. *shrugs* Nothing wrong with wearing them, you just kinda blend in to the crowd.
While I understand where you're coming from, you very nearly answered your own question: sometimes, it's easier. As someone who attends school full time and works near-full time (32-38 hours a week), I have very little time for crafting. Also, because of school and living in Portland, I don't have the money to commission pieces, like I did in high school. Costumes that are less intricate tend to be where I lean towards, since there's less work involved. That's why I opted to do all western costumes this year- two are re-dos, one is very simple, and the last will be made with help.

Also, some people don't have the money to buy costumes, and they aren't talented enough to just sew them, so they have to make do with "closet cosplays". I mean, a friend of mine with a giant freaking closet tried to make a closet costume out of it, and failed @.@ all she got were western outfits. 
Kumoricon 2019:
Axel (Kingdom Hearts 3, end game outfit)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Keyleth (Critical Role, opening look)

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #436 on: July 19, 2014, 11:53:51 pm »
You have to realize that a lot of the Homestuck hate is shh-shh at con and not talked about unless brought up. Most of the hate at that particular fandom happens online, in groups of people talking after the convention has ended.
If someone ever gives you flack for it, it's not okay and they're in the wrong.

Yes, Kumori is an anime-con, but people have to realize that people attend these conventions and like to wear other costumes. I do wonder about steampunk, TV show cosplays, not because they don't belong, but because it's - with the tv shows- it's regular clothes... I prefer looking at non-tv-cosplays just because odds are the person had it custom made or made it themself, which for me as a spectator, is impressive. But that's me and my reasoning. I actually end up mistaking 99% of the tv-cosplays I see as regular people at the con who just aren't in a costume. But, again, that's me, and I'm not a tv-show nerd. *shrugs* Nothing wrong with wearing them, you just kinda blend in to the crowd.
While I understand where you're coming from, you very nearly answered your own question: sometimes, it's easier. As someone who attends school full time and works near-full time (32-38 hours a week), I have very little time for crafting. Also, because of school and living in Portland, I don't have the money to commission pieces, like I did in high school. Costumes that are less intricate tend to be where I lean towards, since there's less work involved. That's why I opted to do all western costumes this year- two are re-dos, one is very simple, and the last will be made with help.

Also, some people don't have the money to buy costumes, and they aren't talented enough to just sew them, so they have to make do with "closet cosplays". I mean, a friend of mine with a giant freaking closet tried to make a closet costume out of it, and failed @.@ all she got were western outfits.
As I said, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that 99% of tv-cosplays blend into the crowd for me. Even some comic or video game costumes do that. Visually, if it's not a bright color or something you don't know, odds are you won't notice it as much.

People who don't have talent can do different things, if they chose to. I know a friend of mine can't sew, but he makes all armor costumes instead just so he doesn't have to sew. Another friend of mine buys all of her costumes, but she spends a long time looking up commissioners and will carefully save her money up even though she works full time and is college full time. It just depends on the person and what they want to do, everyone is different.
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #437 on: July 20, 2014, 09:52:21 am »
Well, for one thing, if you're having trouble with 'clingy' people, you can ask them if you'd like to exchange e-mails and chat later. Or, you can just let them know that you have to go/meet someone and maybe you'll see them later. Although, if you feel like you're being followed (stalked) or harassed and are feelng uncomfortable, you should get con security.

As for complaints, I really hope that more and more people will remember to be respectful and exercise patience (2013 was a good year for manners and such; everyone was pretty friendly). I noticed some people - in the halls and in games - would roll their eyes and use exasperated/annoyed tones and tell people to move out of the way or order them around. I'll gladly move in either case, but 'please' or 'excuse me' are appreciated.

I haven't personally encountered elitists or people who go after non-anime/manga/Japan cosplays in person (but I see some comments online in forums and blogs). I understand that Kumoricon started out as - and will always be - an anime convention. But not everyone can afford to go to Comic Con for general, non-anime cosplay. I think cosplay is fun and open for everyone, and everyone deserves to be treated respectfully. If there is a tv/video game/meme/etc. character you want to dress up as, go ahead and do it - it's your choice and you're the one who's doing the work and trying to have fun!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:54:36 am by Valkyrie542 »
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Coming Soon!!

Message me if you're doing similar cosplays and want to meet for photos!

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #438 on: July 23, 2014, 01:39:26 pm »
I think for me it is the people in general- the rude cosplayers, those who criticize another based on what they decided to go as and how the cosplay looks- we all share the same passion just a different branch on the cosplaying tree- If i bust my butt to make a costume- don't criticize me for trying my best and not being as good as you- Im all for constructive advice, not destructive.

Old saying still stands "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all"
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 01:40:15 pm by AliceMalice »

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #439 on: July 23, 2014, 05:26:36 pm »
I think for me it is the people in general- the rude cosplayers, those who criticize another based on what they decided to go as and how the cosplay looks- we all share the same passion just a different branch on the cosplaying tree- If i bust my butt to make a costume- don't criticize me for trying my best and not being as good as you- Im all for constructive advice, not destructive.

Old saying still stands "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all"
I think I know what you mean, I don't know if this is the same thing but when you go and there's a bunch of snobs. People who think their costumes are the gem of the con and if you say something like "oh wow I like your costume" they kind of just look you over and don't respond. I don't know if that just happens to me a lot but in my experience that has been one of my pet peeves. The people who think they're better than everyone else. Is that rude? Do I just sound bitter? I don't know but I feel like the people I described and the people you described are the same.
KumoriCon 2015:

>Kuwabara [YuYuHakusho]
>Barnaby Brooks Jr. [Tiger&Bunny]
>Fuu [Samurai Champloo]
>Griffith [Berserk]

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #440 on: July 24, 2014, 01:41:35 am »
People who think their costumes are the gem of the con and if you say something like "oh wow I like your costume" they kind of just look you over and don't respond.
Geeze, that's my definition of 'rude' right there. I always be sure to thank whoever gives me a compliment because -every- costume has issues. And if someone thinks your costume is great, thank them. If they think it's great and you didn't make it, thank them. Always thank someone for a compliment, is my idea.
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #441 on: July 28, 2014, 12:26:34 pm »
Cosplay wise, while I cannot stand people who criticize someones cosplay construction non-constructively or unasked for, the thing I hate the most is criticism based on things people cannot help (skin color, height, ect..)  or cannot help at the moment (weight, eye color, ect..). Perhaps they are even working on it and you just smashed their self confidence to smithereens!

Is it really so hard to treat people who, if you were in their shoes, you would want to be treated?

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #442 on: July 30, 2014, 05:02:23 pm »
I'm actually worried this year about hugs. Not just because of B.O but I have always accepted in the past. Bit with my Ariel (what I assume is going to be asked the most for hugs) is delicate. The pearls and crystals on the bra can easily be knocked off. I will have to tell people to be careful and one hand only. I don't want people to take offense to this x_x.
If you are afraid of a hug.. you can all ways .. oop... always, say something like sorry I am worried about the costume but I can offer you a hand hug. then make a cheesey face. :D
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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #443 on: July 30, 2014, 05:07:21 pm »
Wait Wait Wait, have you guys actually had people approach you and tell you how crappy your costume was? (according to that person)

I cant believe people actually do that. ugh.

I once witnessed someone say "hey its _____, lets go make fun of them" and I was all wow that's really not cool.. (i actually said that's rude or not cool and they shouldn't do it...) a few others in the group agreed with me on the matter then the bullying never happened.

Weren't we all social outcasts or mocked for some reason in School? What right do we have to make fun of someone of our kind. -Gross
(\ /)
 (. .)

Offline Black~Rose

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #444 on: August 04, 2014, 08:35:02 am »
^ exactly and more people should be like you and be willing to say how uncool it is when they hear of these plans being made.

hahah hand hugs

I was actually thinking of starting a sticker campaign kinda like the singles thing. But a sticker on the badge that means you are anti-cosplay bullying and here to help make your day better and be a person you can talk to if you have had a bad con day due to people being rude.

Offline Valkyrie542

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #445 on: August 08, 2014, 10:47:02 am »
^ exactly and more people should be like you and be willing to say how uncool it is when they hear of these plans being made.

hahah hand hugs

I was actually thinking of starting a sticker campaign kinda like the singles thing. But a sticker on the badge that means you are anti-cosplay bullying and here to help make your day better and be a person you can talk to if you have had a bad con day due to people being rude.

Oh, like a moral support badge? That's an interesting idea!

Maybe the more experienced con-goers can volunteer to wear badges like that and they can act as helpful guides for newcomers, or something?

I thought there were colored badges that let everyone know if they were new or recurring attendees, but I could be wrong.
-Kumoricon Cosplays-

Coming Soon!!

Message me if you're doing similar cosplays and want to meet for photos!

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #446 on: August 08, 2014, 03:26:10 pm »
My friend that I came with last year had similar badge bungs like that. It was a sticky back ribbon that you take the top of the backing off and stick it to hang off your badge. It's still on there pretty good. Things like that would work

Offline Black~Rose

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #447 on: August 11, 2014, 02:50:52 pm »
^ exactly and more people should be like you and be willing to say how uncool it is when they hear of these plans being made.

hahah hand hugs

I was actually thinking of starting a sticker campaign kinda like the singles thing. But a sticker on the badge that means you are anti-cosplay bullying and here to help make your day better and be a person you can talk to if you have had a bad con day due to people being rude.

Oh, like a moral support badge? That's an interesting idea!

Maybe the more experienced con-goers can volunteer to wear badges like that and they can act as helpful guides for newcomers, or something?

I thought there were colored badges that let everyone know if they were new or recurring attendees, but I could be wrong.

Yeah! Like a moral support badge. I posted the thread up. I am not sure if there is enough time to organize a team for this year but I would love to see it happen by next year.

My friend that I came with last year had similar badge bungs like that. It was a sticky back ribbon that you take the top of the backing off and stick it to hang off your badge. It's still on there pretty good. Things like that would work

Yes I would love input on how to do this.

Offline GreenBrownGirlSasori

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #448 on: August 14, 2014, 01:42:54 am »
I dislike being harassed. I have been kissed by someone who did not have my permission to kiss or even touch me, I have been stalked several times, groped, had my wig pulled off my head, been stolen from, and bullied about my cosplay. I don't give a **** what you are dressed as. You ask my permission to touch or take photos of me, it is not my job to be your bank, your girlfriend, or your doll. I will wear the cosplays that I want and play the character as I see them. I cannot be in character all con however, because some situations require the cosplayer, not the character's action and thinking. As for ****** fandoms, I am a part of thousands, all of which have a few ****** people in them. I have not experienced more ****** homestuck fans than ****** fans of any other series. To the homestuckers on this thread that get a bad rap for the ****** people in the fandom, we hetalians know that feel bro. So here's my suggestion: Let's all agree to be decent to one another regardless of fandom and give all cosplayers and non cosplayers respect and their personal space. ok guys? Thanks for listening to my cuss filled rant.

Modified per code of conduct. ~ @random
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 07:44:16 am by @random »
see ya, space cowboy.
@greenbrowngirl is my Instagram if you are interested in seeing cosplay progress and my drawings.

Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Most annoying thing at an anime convention
« Reply #449 on: August 14, 2014, 11:58:49 pm »
I get ridiculed a lot for being a Homestuck cosplayer. I get that there are a lot of us and people may get annoyed, but that is no reason to bully people. I mean, pokemon cosplayers are everywhere, but they never get crap for it.

They do from me, but only if they try to shove their fandom down my throat like a religion.
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh