Okay, I've spent about the last six hours going through these forums finding everybody I could and letting them know I have pics of them. That was tough, but I'm glad to say I've already gotten responses from several people I already helped.

For those I've missed, my facebook page is...
http://www.facebook.com/christopher.aaron.gasserI was one of the staff photographers running around in the orange K-Con shirts. I had orange sunglasses on, a staff ID badge with Rainbow Dash on it and was using a Nikon camera with a strobe on it.
I only posted 420 pictures out of the close to 2,000 I took. Take a look at my profile picture, or the the second picture in the "Pre-Reg and Day One" album, I've tagged myself. If you recognize me as having taken your picture and you don't see it posted in my galleries I'd be happy to go find it for you.
Please email me any request you have
if you recognize me only please, or at least you think you do. If I receive a few request, I'll probably handle those via email. If I receive a large number of request I'll just dump the files some place you can grab them.
Also, my partner in crime, Brian Ewell has also been posting K-Con photos to his facebook page. You can probably message him for pics if you don't see them up and recognize him since he's been cycling the pics through his one album. His facebook page is...
http://www.facebook.com/ewell.brianAnyhow, enjoy and hope to see you at K-Con 2012. =D