Author Topic: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve  (Read 60020 times)

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Offline Blizzara Dragon

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Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:07:28 pm »
Alright, as you probably all know Cosplay Chess is a fun event that happens on Day 3 consisting of a giant chess game with cosplayers as pieces. Pieces move, battles and hilarity ensue until one team is victorious (or inevitably a stalemate). However, it seems that this year was beyond chaotic and both players and audience members started lacking respect for one another. I have a few things that we could really work on to make Cosplay Chess not only run a lot smoother, but also make it more fun for everyone without it becoming chaos and noise.

First off: If you are not a piece on the board, then STAY OFF THE BOARD UNLESS SUMMONED. There were tons of people who thought it'd be just awesome to jump into fights without being summoned, making some of the fights more chaos than they needed to be. It was fine towards the beginning, but as we got closer and closer to the end it became more and more insane. If this continues it could even lead to damage to people and/or property, with things becoming too hectic or audience members/alternates being not quite clear on the rules.

Secondly: If you are an audience member, please don't interrupt the action by being disrespectful or trying to join in. For example: all the people who gave weapons to the White Mokona. Yes it is both creepy and adorable to see a Mokona wielding a machine gun or a katana, but if it means interrupting the game then it shouldn't happen. This can also become a safety hazard, such as when Inuyasha gave away his sword. There are exceptions to this, such as if a team member wants to help out their fellow piece, but even this shouldn't happen in the middle of the board. It should happen during the start of a battle, and even then it should be talked about first. Also in this subject is heckling and jokes. Some are fine, but it should be kept within reason and not detract from the action at hand. Responding to a witty remark made by a chess master is fine, constantly interrupting with them is not.

Thirdly: PLEASE be respectful of your surroundings. Every year there is at least a story or two of how someone's costume got stepped on and dragged down, almost ripped, someone actually got hit during a chess game(happened to me 2 years ago, got a knee to the stomach and a smack to the face), etc. It is always said at the beginning of the meeting before the game, but it always inevitably happens. I know accidents happen, but at the same time a lot of accidents can be avoided simply by increasing your awareness of your surroundings.

Lastly: This isn't necessarily something we do wrong but something that we can add to increase enjoyment for everyone. When you go to a fight, try to increase the length through meaningful ways. This is especially true if the person you're fighting hasn't fought yet, because this may well be their only chance on the stage for the entire event. Make a battle out of it, let people use special attacks, etc. Another thing we can do is A) not have a run fest into the corner, and B) take more than one hit before you fall. Obviously if it goes with your character to do one of those two, then by all means do it. For the rest of us though, it seems like this becomes the norm while the exciting battles become the exception rather than the rule. The chess board is a stage, and the pieces are the actors. When your big scene comes up, make it just that: big and exciting.

Sorry for the long rant, but these are things that seem to be getting worse with each year. If you have anything else to add please do, or if you think I was going too far with some of these please let me know that as well. Cosplay Chess is my favorite event out of everything we have at Kumoricon, and I really want to see it continue to be amazing with each and every year. So please contribute to this discussion, and if you were someone who did one of the above or know of someone who did one of the above, please read through this or share this and hopefully we can improve and make Cosplay Chess fun for every participant of the convention.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 12:42:14 pm »
you made an excellent point about the length of the battles. i tried making the battles longer with those whom i had to defeat. but it seemed like they didn't get my "signals" lol i usually try to antagonize them but i don't think that went over well. for our friend Gaara, i tried telling her to use her Sand attacks, but it's really hard to communicate. so i think telling people to not just do a few moves and then kill the opponent during the battle, would be great. cuz it is their last turn, and sometimes it is their ONLY turn! we all want to have some action fun so let them have their fun.

i think you guys should see some of the battles of Sakuracon's chess game, cuz that would be a good example! even though it's scripted, just see how long the battles can go per person!

and you make good points in everything Blizzara :) so dont' worry! speak out your mind, cuz if you don't the game director won't know what to improve or take out for next time!

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 12:52:28 pm »
It should be scripted and there should be some 'invisibles' that manage the pieces when they are sitting off the board for the fights.

There should also be a time keeper that signals the pieces in battle that they are getting close to the allotted time.

Part of me knew this was going to be a gong show this year, which is why I didn't sign up and didn't go.

The year before had been boring.  If it was scripted it would take a lot of pressure and 'guessing' out of the equation for pieces, allowing them to plan battles and 'smack talk' beforehand.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 12:58:38 pm »
I tried this one year, I think last, to make a thread for people to talk about their characters. Personality, strengths, weaknesses, attacks, etc...Because I know a lot of times people just don't know what to do during a battle when they don't really know the other characters.

And just a note, Doe, I did what I thought would make sense. I didn't have anything that would signify that I was using sand...So I fought for a while, and when I got too tired to do much more, I died......Just saying...

There are a lot of things that need to be said during the premeet. Sadly, as you noticed, a lot of the pieces were late, so they missed some of the things said.

And I personally think there are just some characters that shouldn't be in Chess...I'm sorry, but Vocaloids aren't always the best b/c they might not have "real" attacks. Singing people to death can be funny, but can get old if they do it many times.
I think there are a couple things that need to be added to the form: another section that says 'other' for those who aren't from anime/manga/videogames. And a section somewhere to give examples of the characters attacks that they can do during a battle.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2011, 04:23:49 pm »
^i agree. vocaloids if they can come up with clever attacks based on their characters that could be awesome, but most vocaloid "fans" don't know anything about their characters! same thing with other cosplayers! read up on your people!

and sorry kristi, i kinda thought you were going to do more, but i guess i saw that you didn't so obviously i killed you. but oh well. at the least we could communicate somewhat lol

we should definitely aim to make this more scripted cuz it makes it so much easier, and a lot less chaotic, and less boring. i was feeling very nervous about my battles, cuz i didn't even know when those stampedes of people would come running up!

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 05:23:55 pm »
I personally think that if you're going to be late, you can't participate. If there is something you need to do instead, then it must be more important.

I really like the idea of the attacks. They should change the "special attack" part to "ideas for attacks" as well as defeat ideas. Some people don't know how to actually die. This way, we don't have to ask about attacks. If people need help, they can come to the forums and ask around. I think the scripted thing could work, but maybe after they reform what they have it can stay unscripted for one year. If that doesn't work, scripted could. I just think it's fun, as an audience member, to realize that these battles weren't planned, so even the pieces don't know what's going on. It's kind of like a video game in that respect.
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Offline luvan1me

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 05:37:28 pm »
yes. but the unscripted can get confusing, and sometimes there are times where it's just really really quite, and the battles either drag on, or are cut super short and it's not really fair for anyone. i just think we should have two meetings before the actual game. one maybe on day 1 and another on day 3 when it happens. that way we have time to meet up with people, and we could practice some things and such.

and personally, scripted goes a lot better.

Offline chelseahavoc

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2011, 05:47:55 pm »
i think there should be a scripted game and a totaly improv one >.>
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Offline TomtheFanboy

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 05:48:14 pm »
I think that it could go a lot smoother but I don't like the idea of scripting the whole thing out before hand. It would seem to mechanical from the audience's perspective. Also, meeting at the convention itself is rough on participants. I've tried to manage plenty of at-con meetings for cosplay and Pocky Club and it's a major pain.

As for people going up on the board, a quick announcement before the event starts would keep most attendees away. Some weaboos just didn't understand that some characters were being summoned by the active piece. Maybe we could just put up a "velvet rope" of some sort between the pieces and the rest of the room. Then you'd only have to worry about your fellow pieces jumping in (I know that happened a lot too but you can't fix everyone).

With the music, there were some songs that matched the costumes of the pieces, but not who was fighting at the time. Maybe the sound board can have a playlist full of music for each character. That way they just double click the song of the attacker or defender. Sure we'll hear a couple tunes multiple times but they would match at least. IMO appropriate music trumps repetition. Music is one thing that'd be fixed completely by scripting but I still don't think it's worth it.

I think the best solution is in the selection of participants. Some people get it and some people don't. I think that the more cosplayers we have on the board that have done it before, the better the show will be. Experience will let you know how to give a good show and when a battle is going on too long.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 05:50:55 pm »
I agree with scripted to a degree, if it gets too scripted I think it'll lose the fun aspect, but prepared, and preplanned about general idea of attacks sounds fantastic.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 06:08:31 pm »
I like the idea of two games, but I think it'd be impossible. I'm not an opinion to listen to for it, though. I've never seen a scripted battle >.> I've seen Kumoricon three times and that's all.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2011, 06:09:44 pm »
^Lol the same

for a scripted battle, look up Anime Boston
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Offline luvan1me

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 06:21:44 pm »
i mean i participated in this year's sakuracon's cosplay chess, and it was A LOT more fun to me, than it was kumoricon's. scripted to me, seems less robotic, because i know what i'm doing, so that way i can look a little more natural in doing certain things. i guess people have their own opinions about scripted and improve. i mean i think it's fun when i know what i'm doing, rather than not knowing what the heck is going on! the audience doesn't know what's going on, but we do and we are the ones on the stage, not them! and i don't want to be wondering what will happen, cuz i really don't want things to go out of hand. i guess i like reassurance.

music got really annoying cuz it just wasn't setting the stage right for the battle. but other than that, it seemed okay.

also unscripted games, when it comes to moves, and finishing up the game, like this game, it can drag on! and that just gets really boring! the ending fight scene should have been the king verses the king just in case there was a withdrawal. which it was, and it really started to bore me, and i'm a piece!

i already had pre-planned moves with my partner, terra, and i did ask an audience member for one of their props before hand. stand-ins and extras, just need to learn to not get on the board, and things should be good. (and now i am out cuz talking about this is giving me a headache x.x)

and for those of you who want to look at scripted here:
and here:
(sadly the mics weren't that audible for the audience. that's one thing they need to work on)

Offline Blizzara Dragon

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2011, 06:24:09 pm »
Thank you for all of the input guys, I really appreciate it. Hopefully all of these concerns will reach the higher ups and items can be improved.

With regards to scripted vs unscripted, I think we should keep unscripted with regards to what pieces will move where and fight who, but script out what attacks you are going to do and how you are going to die. Obviously some deviation will be required since you don't know who you'll be fighting, but at the same time going in without any idea of what you're going to do is a worse idea. Like some of you have said, part of the fun is that you don't know what is going to happen. I'm afraid if things get too scripted it will lose some of the fun. For example, while the scripted battles at Sakuracon did flow smoother they also seemed a bit more...empty. The energy just wasn't the same as those at Kumoricon. I do like Chelsea's idea though: one scripted and one improv, just like what Sakuracon does. The only problem would be scheduling and time.

Also with the music, Tom you have the right idea. Personally I think that it should match whoever would be the victor of the fight, but that's just me.

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2011, 06:27:31 pm »
yeah, the music of the attacker would be an awesome idea! although i feel kinda sad for those who don't get to do anything, and die on their first turn.

and i kinda do like unscripted, but when your opponent doesn't have a move or anything it makes it really hard to do anything. so scripted attacks would be a plus for the unscripted games! and i was thinking about the two separate games, but yeah, time is a problem. and it's true, the energy isn't the same. but in some of the battles, MAN were they just amazing! 

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2011, 06:34:56 pm »
From what I've heard of scripted games, they are planned weeks to months in advance, and not everyone can do crazy stunts, I am very sensitive about my neck and have a huge fear of tumbling, I'll roll on my back, but some of that stuff.

I like unscripted, and I think on Day one or Day two, in a smaller room, we could have a "Cosplay Chess Pre-game/meet 1" mini panel, and then the second mini panel/meet before the game. Then during that time, we can get to know each other and discuss how people could attack or plan attack against each other. And all that other stuff, and have enough room to practice if people want. Then it'll be scripted attacks put unscripted game, so it'll be exciting. I know in that time we can't figure out every single scenerio, but to get a general idea so a fight doesn't end too quickly, or drag out like an Inuyasha Story Arc (No offense)
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2011, 06:50:22 pm »
^lawl i love that inuyasha joke there XD

i agree completely there! i do like some mystery, which is what i kind of liked in this game, since i'm kind of new to the unscripted idea here. but having two meetings (maybe like 15-30minute meetings on one day) to get to know what we will be doing, and get to know each other, and our characters, it could definitely help us all!

also you don't have to do crazy stunts in scripted games! i couldn't do a lot of jumping, but i did do a few moves as Sakura (SF) and I still did an okay job! same with Aqua this year, i know i can't do much running cuz of my socks, and well i don't like moving around too much in general, but i still was able to fight! you just gotta have some already set moves just in case!

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2011, 07:02:35 pm »
Personally, as one of the chess masters...there were a few things that made it harder to play. One would be the lack of actual pieces and then finding out that I had to use post-it notes. Wheatley was alright with them because he did it last year, but It made it really difficult for me to see what pieces were what.

Unfortunately that was where the blunder of losing my Queen, Ciel was. I couldn't keep track of the pieces. so maybe have pre-made notes or something with the picture of the piece on the note? It would be so much easier than having the name of the piece written down. It's like playing Asteroids, but instead of your player you have the word "You" and all the asteroids you have to shoot are instead the word "Rock". It becomes that much more difficult

Maybe the Pre-meeting shouldn't be so hectic, and the pieces should be a little quieter. It was really hard to hear anything Ally said, and it was even difficult to do the mic testing and the board set up with everyone moving around and shouting. I am pretty sure that we could have addressed questions and concerns much better if everyone was paying attention.

As a Chessmaster, scripted games would be okay, but it would definitely take the spontaneity out of things..especially for the chess masters at which point are not really necessary. I mean Wheatley and I were up there consorting with each other while the fights were going on and while S&W were doing their jokes. It was pretty great, and it may be better for the pieces if everything was scripted...but it wouldn't be so much fun for the Chess Masters anymore.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2011, 07:13:12 pm »
well obviously cuz you guys would know everything rather than actually "playing" but the whole point of the game is to use everyone and to "have fun" and of course entertain. so not sure. i guess everyone has different opinions about all the games.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2011, 07:54:22 pm »
Personally, as one of the chess masters...there were a few things that made it harder to play. One would be the lack of actual pieces and then finding out that I had to use post-it notes. Wheatley was alright with them because he did it last year, but It made it really difficult for me to see what pieces were what.

Unfortunately that was where the blunder of losing my Queen, Ciel was. I couldn't keep track of the pieces. so maybe have pre-made notes or something with the picture of the piece on the note? It would be so much easier than having the name of the piece written down. It's like playing Asteroids, but instead of your player you have the word "You" and all the asteroids you have to shoot are instead the word "Rock". It becomes that much more difficult

I understand this issue from being a chessmaster myself, and I've been working on an chess set that you could put both pictures as well as having the piece shape on them. Unfortunately I haven't had the finances to make a prototype of it yet. Here's hoping I can get it done for SakuraCon's improv game.

Offline Blizzara Dragon

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2011, 08:58:50 pm »
That is another point in the improv vs scripted debate: with scripted games there are no chess masters. Instead, the Kings on each side take over that role, at least from all the scripted games I've seen. Another thing is the team spirit that comes from each side: it is genuine from both sides since both hope that they will win, while with scripted games one side will have to fake it if we want to keep the smack talk going.

You are right Taikei, they also need to improve the chess set for the chess masters. What I think would be cool would be get an actual chess set, then tape a picture of the face of whatever character is representing that piece on stage to the actual piece on your board. This would get rid of some of the confusion as well as adding a nice bit of charm to the board the chess masters use. Alternatively if we are somehow able to get spendy we could get a figure of each character or something and put a post-it saying what piece they are, but the first idea would be the much more reasonable one.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2011, 09:42:38 pm »
Simple solution for that... they should get a board and use post it notes on the pieces. I think they did that two years ago?
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Offline Blizzara Dragon

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2011, 09:45:22 pm »
Simple solution for that... they should get a board and use post it notes on the pieces. I think they did that two years ago?

I think so, but also if I recall correctly that set either got lost or destroyed somehow. Also from what I recall it has just been haphazard with remembering to bring a full chess set, since it isn't exactly the first thing anyone thinks of when packing for an anime convention. A way around it would be if people who are participating and have a chess set of their own that they'd be willing to let people use could bring it with, so in case it does happen to be forgotten by the staff involved we have back-ups.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2011, 09:46:37 pm »
i have about 3 chess sets id be more then happy to provide next year
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2011, 09:47:15 pm »
Thanks guys for all your suggestions, and feel free to keep it up.  It helps with planning for future games.

Scripted vs unscripted - personally, I am not a fan of scripted games.... it takes the spontaneity of the event away for me.  Plus, there are always no-shows to the game which can cause a problem.  As long as I am running the game, it will not be scripted, sorry.

Chess board for chess masters - this has been an issue every year, trying to come up with something they can use (that is one of the reasons for the armbands, to distinguish the pieces).  The post-it notes were a great idea, but I will try to work on a better solution.
Simple solution for that... they should get a board and use post it notes on the pieces. I think they did that two years ago?

I think so, but also if I recall correctly that set either got lost or destroyed somehow. Also from what I recall it has just been haphazard with remembering to bring a full chess set, since it isn't exactly the first thing anyone thinks of when packing for an anime convention. A way around it would be if people who are participating and have a chess set of their own that they'd be willing to let people use could bring it with, so in case it does happen to be forgotten by the staff involved we have back-ups.

The (dollar store) chess set was there, I just left it in the Programming Office as I was running late for the pre-meet... sorry about that.

Music - the music was surprise, even to me :)  My sound guy randomly did it, and it was kinda cool, but even he said he needed more music.  We will brainstorm over the next year and see about coming up with more appropriate music choices.

Characters - yes, some characters are more suited to battle than others, but it shouldn't preclude someone from participating because their character doesn't actually fight.

The pre-meet was more chaotic than usual >:(  This is supposed to be a fun event for people, and I shouldn't have to be nagging at people to pay attention.  If I have to make more rules for people (running onto the mat during the game, yelling at the pieces/chess masters during the game) I will... but I would prefer if people were considerate of their fellow attendees/cosplayers.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2011, 09:49:48 pm »
^ i agree but it did seem a BIT better then last years premeet how EVERY one was yelling just about. it also went alot quicker
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2011, 09:50:54 pm »
Simple solution for that... they should get a board and use post it notes on the pieces. I think they did that two years ago?

I thought about that, but it would be incredibly hard to move both post it notes and pieces without knocking things over. Just Wheatley's sleeves kept swishing around the regular post-it notes. XD (wheatley was smart and only used the sticky pieces)

But yes, definitely during the pre-meeting, everyone needs to sit down on their spot and LISTEN. I was honestly getting frustrated with everything because I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. We all need to be a little more behaved next time. Lol.

As for chess sets..i have a larger set on a glass board, it's Vampires vs Werewolves and looks really neat. the pieces are large enough to tape things too or stick notes onto. I could bring it next year, but the chess masters (whether it is me or not) would have to be careful with it, as it was a birthday present, but at least the board would be somewhat larger than the one this year.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2011, 09:52:58 pm »
I would so be willing to bring my chess set. It's all wooden and pretty and I would trust two people (especially if I know them) using it!

Another thing to help with the "scripted" part. It might help to have the deadline earlier in the month so the pieces can be announced sooner before con, and that way the pieces can talk on the forums and possibly make meet ups to practice and talk about ideas and attacks/deaths.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2011, 09:53:21 pm »
Some one could buy a Stratego game an take all the pieces and tape the characters with their positions (King, Pawn, etc)  on them and use those? Just an Idea. . . :/
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2011, 09:53:50 pm »
IDEA! anyone have a label maker to stick to the top or the side of a wooded/normal chess set? it would fix a bit of the problem
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2011, 09:55:29 pm »
On the thing about the chess board. Why not bag the pieces and then put them with the arm bands? Then they won't get forgotten :) Oh, and yes, label maker. Or, maybe buy a new set every year from the dollar tree that can be written on?

How about how people suggest music for their characters? That way staffers have less to think about and the pieces get to be creative. They can start threads about it, too.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2011, 09:55:58 pm »
Or even making placemates and sticking them to the bottom of the pieces with the names of characters.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2011, 09:57:12 pm »
OH, HUUUUGE THING HERE: Next year, please set up the board correctly...

When placing the board for where your pieces are going to be, the rook/castle on the right side should always be on a white square../always/.

I didn't like the attendee that came up to me and pointed that out kind of rudely... :c and he only said it to me...not a staff member or anything.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2011, 10:00:00 pm »
^ ......dont people get that it doesnt matter THAT much.... true it would be nice but not EVERYONE is a chess wizard....

maybe that person should sign up next time or just let it go

EDIT: dont get me wrong im huge into chess too. i just ment for COSPLAY chess
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 10:01:26 pm by chelseahavoc »
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2011, 10:01:19 pm »
OH, HUUUUGE THING HERE: Next year, please set up the board correctly...

When placing the board for where your pieces are going to be, the rook/castle on the right side should always be on a white square../always/.

I didn't like the attendee that came up to me and pointed that out kind of rudely... :c and he only said it to me...not a staff member or anything.

I'm sorry that happened, I only caught the end of that :(  That was not your fault, that was mine.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2011, 10:02:12 pm »
The Point is to have fun, you don't have to be good. I loved Roy as a Chess Master in 2009, even though she had little I dea what she was doing. I'm going to sign up for next year as one, it's just for fun and entertainment.

You shouldn't let the small things weigh you down, and the attendees should not have been rude. It was uncalled for.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2011, 10:04:52 pm »
OH, HUUUUGE THING HERE: Next year, please set up the board correctly...

When placing the board for where your pieces are going to be, the rook/castle on the right side should always be on a white square../always/.

I didn't like the attendee that came up to me and pointed that out kind of rudely... :c and he only said it to me...not a staff member or anything.

I'm sorry that happened, I only caught the end of that :(  That was not your fault, that was mine.

Yeah he was rather offensive..and I got kind of upset about it. :/ That guy was kind of a jerk, so I vacated the area and felt a bit better. I still think of it as a great time and hope that next year, I am not so nervous.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2011, 10:09:53 pm »
Oh! And everyone talking about signing up next year: BE AN EVIL CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!
That will make the game 100% better if we finally get Good vs. Evil!!!!!!!
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2011, 10:12:47 pm »
OH, HUUUUGE THING HERE: Next year, please set up the board correctly...

When placing the board for where your pieces are going to be, the rook/castle on the right side should always be on a white square../always/.

I didn't like the attendee that came up to me and pointed that out kind of rudely... :c and he only said it to me...not a staff member or anything.

I'm sorry that happened, I only caught the end of that :(  That was not your fault, that was mine.

Yeah he was rather offensive..and I got kind of upset about it. :/ That guy was kind of a jerk, so I vacated the area and felt a bit better. I still think of it as a great time and hope that next year, I am not so nervous.

For things like that (complaints, or anything that makes you uncomfortable) direct them to the person running it, or to the Director (which would be me in both cases :D)  It's my job to handle stuff like that, and I am sorry that I didn't get there sooner.

You did a great job.... and if you and Wheatley enter again next year, it would be a pleasure to have you (and I promise to try and get the board right ;)
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2011, 10:14:04 pm »
Curious, what Would Inspector Zenigata be listed as?. . .he's sorta a Villian Protagonist Hero Antagonist
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 10:15:17 pm by Raveen92 »
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2011, 10:21:53 pm »
Oh! And everyone talking about signing up next year: BE AN EVIL CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!
That will make the game 100% better if we finally get Good vs. Evil!!!!!!!

Well we can't ALL be evil characters, otherwise we'd have no good guys to beat the ever loving crap out of have an epic stand-off with.

Also with regards to the board and the pieces, if putting sticky notes on pieces is too much of a hassle/becomes a problem we could always just use regular pieces and have a chart for the chess masters so they know what pieces are what character. We can even give the chess masters a pen or pencil to check off which characters they've made sure to fight with and cross out any piece that has been taken out.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2011, 10:28:01 pm »
I was meaning for everyone to put in an evil character, and they can do a good character too. And then the head decides.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2011, 10:29:50 pm »
I was thinking we could also do Past vs Present, or Magic vs Science. . .just Idea, but it isn't my call to say. just ideas.

I'm just wondering if Zenigata is considers Good or Evil? Oh well I'll submit Lust for next year
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2011, 10:56:52 pm »
My friend said Magic Users vs. Melee attackers. That have some fun battles
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2011, 11:27:50 pm »
OK, so just for the record. When I say I'd rather watch an unscripted match, I mean the chess match itself.

I am definitely in favor of the pieces working out fights and manuevers before hand. I kind of thought that is what had been going on in the forums all these months.  ::)
The pieces should take some time during the pre-meet to speak to their opponents and teammates and work out a sort of "OK, if I kill any of you guys we'll do this. Then if you kill me we'll do that." That way everyone is on the same page and nobody is cowering and crawling off the board after 3 minutes of running in circles.

I think that perhaps we should buy the convention a chess board with little slots cut in the pieces so we can put the pieces name and picture in each one. Like a little thumbnail ID photo type thing.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2011, 11:58:46 pm »
I actually think I've seen a chess set where the pieces had picture slots in them....
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2011, 12:15:04 am »
i did suggest old school vs new >.< hopefully maybe good vs evil could happen next year cuz i really want to see that

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2011, 09:06:07 am »
OK, so just for the record. When I say I'd rather watch an unscripted match, I mean the chess match itself.

I am definitely in favor of the pieces working out fights and manuevers before hand. I kind of thought that is what had been going on in the forums all these months.  ::)
The pieces should take some time during the pre-meet to speak to their opponents and teammates and work out a sort of "OK, if I kill any of you guys we'll do this. Then if you kill me we'll do that." That way everyone is on the same page and nobody is cowering and crawling off the board after 3 minutes of running in circles.

I think that perhaps we should buy the convention a chess board with little slots cut in the pieces so we can put the pieces name and picture in each one. Like a little thumbnail ID photo type thing.

Some people work out their attacks and talk, but others will just get an idea in their head and not vocalize it. Then you get the people who don't even know what they are going to do(usually the ones who just end up running around for extended periods of time). I really think that the games would go so much better if people would simply think about what they can do to fight. This is especially true of the more non-combat types of characters such as vocaloids, since with some thought and creativity they can do great things(such as a Miku attacking with a leek or a Luka using a squid :P) but the effort has to be made.

I also really like the chess board idea. We'll still want back-up sets though just to make sure, since all it takes is a little slip of the memory and suddenly we're stuck with using post-it notes as pieces.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2011, 09:55:49 am »
^in regards to that:
i ran away because.... well thats what vanille does lol, except for when we fought with lightning then i actively fought
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2011, 12:27:23 pm »
This year was my first time to see cosplay chess so you can take what I say with a handful of salt.

It seems to me that if you are signing up to do cosplay chess you are signing up to put on a show to entertain people not just to have a good time yourself (though obviously you should do that too) I don't think it's unreasonable to ask participants to do a little extra work getting ready for it. I mean I wouldn't go up on stage and do a skit in the cosplay contest that I hadn't practiced and it would be the same thing for the cosplay chess, to me anyway. I think the pieces could benefit a lot from finding time to meet even before the con to hang out and practice ideas. I get that not everyone is able to get together a lot before the convention but I think most people could find the time to meet once or twice if it's planned out far enough in advance. I wasn't in the cosplay chess this year but I would like to be in it next year and I personally would have no problem with that.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2011, 12:42:06 pm »
yeah the game is completely improve, except our special attacks and such, well for some people anyways. but that's how i feel about things too. but since it's my first improve i can't say much, other than the things i already said >.<

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2011, 01:39:41 pm »
A few random thoughts:

  • I was in the lobby, so I don't have a good feel for how the audience perceived it... but to me, the HOHOHOHOs got old. Did anyone inside feel the same way?

  • Just wondering, would a travel chess set (magnetic bottoms and a metal board) help?

With regards to scripted vs unscripted, I think we should keep unscripted with regards to what pieces will move where and fight who, but script out what attacks you are going to do and how you are going to die. Obviously some deviation will be required since you don't know who you'll be fighting, but at the same time going in without any idea of what you're going to do is a worse idea.

Maybe this could be made part of the selection process.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 01:40:25 pm by randompvg »
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2011, 02:00:59 pm »
With the music, there were some songs that matched the costumes of the pieces, but not who was fighting at the time. Maybe the sound board can have a playlist full of music for each character. That way they just double click the song of the attacker or defender. Sure we'll hear a couple tunes multiple times but they would match at least. IMO appropriate music trumps repetition. Music is one thing that'd be fixed completely by scripting but I still don't think it's worth it.

I didn't know I was going to play music before cosplay chess started. I started to adlib with my final fantasy discs part way through and kept it up because people seemed to dig having music for the battles.  I only had one cd player and my dj cds from the previous night and was randomly trying to find music at the last minute.  I think if Jaki lets me next year I might dj the set more formally and have some special effects and theme musics preset before hand.  I think that might work a bit better and be a bit more cohesive than the random assortment I played during chess.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2011, 02:45:03 pm »
A few random thoughts:

  • I was in the lobby, so I don't have a good feel for how the audience perceived it... but to me, the HOHOHOHOs got old. Did anyone inside feel the same way?

  • Just wondering, would a travel chess set (magnetic bottoms and a metal board) help?

With regards to scripted vs unscripted, I think we should keep unscripted with regards to what pieces will move where and fight who, but script out what attacks you are going to do and how you are going to die. Obviously some deviation will be required since you don't know who you'll be fighting, but at the same time going in without any idea of what you're going to do is a worse idea.

Maybe this could be made part of the selection process.

The HOHOHOs got a bit old, but that was simply because as the game dragged on people seemed to run out of ideas for jokes. If the game either was kept a bit shorter, which can be done simply by people knowing in advance what they want to do and getting rid of the audience/alternate chaos. As for the magnetic chess set, that would be very helpful. Especially since from what I've seen from chess masters, they have to be careful of knocking pieces over with their costumes so the magnets should keep them from being thrown around.

Another thing we could consider is experience in Cosplay Chess. While we don't want to exclude people who have never done it before, we also don't want to have it overrun with newer people and potentially become chaos. What would be cool to add would be a line to the application asking for how much experience they've had with Cosplay Chess. On top of that, instead of simply asking what attacks you'd like used we could have them describe their battle plan for both victory and defeat. This way we'll make sure all our participants are at least somewhat prepared and we can keep a balance of both experienced players and new players.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2011, 06:11:17 pm »

I didn't know I was going to play music before cosplay chess started. I started to adlib with my final fantasy discs part way through and kept it up because people seemed to dig having music for the battles.  I only had one cd player and my dj cds from the previous night and was randomly trying to find music at the last minute.  I think if Jaki lets me next year I might dj the set more formally and have some special effects and theme musics preset before hand.  I think that might work a bit better and be a bit more cohesive than the random assortment I played during chess.

That certainly explains a lot! I had totally forgot that this was their first year in main events and maybe they hadn't been planning on having music at all. I'm sure the music will be great once you have a chance to, you know, plan ahead.  :P

On top of that, instead of simply asking what attacks you'd like used we could have them describe their battle plan for both victory and defeat.

I think that this sort of "What do you do if...?" sort of question is better than an attack question. Much more to the point.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2011, 06:11:39 pm »
With the music, there were some songs that matched the costumes of the pieces, but not who was fighting at the time. Maybe the sound board can have a playlist full of music for each character. That way they just double click the song of the attacker or defender. Sure we'll hear a couple tunes multiple times but they would match at least. IMO appropriate music trumps repetition. Music is one thing that'd be fixed completely by scripting but I still don't think it's worth it.

I didn't know I was going to play music before cosplay chess started. I started to adlib with my final fantasy discs part way through and kept it up because people seemed to dig having music for the battles.  I only had one cd player and my dj cds from the previous night and was randomly trying to find music at the last minute.  I think if Jaki lets me next year I might dj the set more formally and have some special effects and theme musics preset before hand.  I think that might work a bit better and be a bit more cohesive than the random assortment I played during chess.

Good Luck. I do the sound for SakuraCon's Chess games. And while people love it, it is alot of work (specially with other staffing duties as well) even with a scripted match and "custom" music. Usually by the time I get to doing sound for our unscripted game, I'm burned out and just don't want to (or am in the game and don't have an assistant that I trust to do it). I guess you saw what a challenge it can be trying to anticipate battles and such.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2011, 07:12:07 pm »
majineko, you did such a good job at scon this year <3

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2011, 07:43:56 pm »
Good Luck. I do the sound for SakuraCon's Chess games. And while people love it, it is alot of work (specially with other staffing duties as well) even with a scripted match and "custom" music. Usually by the time I get to doing sound for our unscripted game, I'm burned out and just don't want to (or am in the game and don't have an assistant that I trust to do it). I guess you saw what a challenge it can be trying to anticipate battles and such.

Yep that and there were three us at various boards (lighting sound video) scrambling through my collection and we started second guessing music choices and if they fit.  We had conversations like "Alright if Rikku attacks somebody we'll play RSF's I'm too sexy, but if it's the end of the game I think we should end with Jonathan Coltans's Still alive, crap it's monoku moving we'll need to play 19 sai from xxxholic."

One CD player and no dj mixer was the hard part.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2011, 08:04:08 pm »
Maybe one of the participants next year can get some mp3s together and hand them over at the premeet.

I'm sure that a lot of the characters will have really obvious songs no matter what the theme is.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2011, 08:47:27 pm »
I just found a pretty good solution to the pieces+names problem!
I found this training chess set at Goodwill and it has flat surfaces on them that would be able to cover with tape or something to write the names on.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2011, 08:54:29 pm »
A few random thoughts:

  • I was in the lobby, so I don't have a good feel for how the audience perceived it... but to me, the HOHOHOHOs got old. Did anyone inside feel the same way?

Sorry, it's what our characters do, and I will be the first to admit that 2hours of one-liners gets old.  :D

We could do better with more prep and something more than "Say something funny!" ;D
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2011, 09:49:06 pm »
Personally I never really go tied of the laughing. Even when the jokes were bad the laughs made me smile but maybe that's just my Muppet's show nostalgia.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2011, 10:38:39 pm »
Yep that and there were three us at various boards (lighting sound video) scrambling through my collection and we started second guessing music choices and if they fit.  We had conversations like "Alright if Rikku attacks somebody we'll play RSF's I'm too sexy, but if it's the end of the game I think we should end with Jonathan Coltans's Still alive, crap it's monoku moving we'll need to play 19 sai from xxxholic."

One CD player and no dj mixer was the hard part.

I hear ya, I run Scon's main(scripted) games from my computer with Multiplay, 'cause that way I know what battles are gonna happen and can just plug music in. But for Scon's improv game, this last year we only had the Kings and Queens picked and pulled the rest of the teams from the audience. When I realized we were doing that, I was like O.O "um...can we not do music?" specially when I was selected as one of the Kings.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #63 on: September 08, 2011, 10:58:04 pm »
Then if we know the characters, we can get a few song tracks each character, so we can use itunes ans have a reserve of songs in a playlist with what character they belong with. Possibly with the Anime/Game/Other soundtrack. If possible, then provide the music for the staff

Example: Lust (my character) playlist

Marching Army ~ Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 3 (sorta Dramatic)
Life and Death ~ Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 2
Fighting Bravely ~ Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 2 (There is a difference from soundtrack 3)
Ready Steady Go ~ Second Opening first Series
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 10:58:37 pm by Raveen92 »
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2011, 03:52:00 pm »
Maybe one of the participants next year can get some mp3s together and hand them over at the premeet.

I'm sure that a lot of the characters will have really obvious songs no matter what the theme is.

I think that'd be fun Tom. With the Cosplay Contest we all bring MP3 and they loaded them onto iTunes with skit names on it. It worked really well to keep things straight. But I also remember how much Kenna was stressed about Cosplay Chess at SAK last year, so you don't want it to get too complicated otherwise it takes the fun out of it.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #65 on: September 09, 2011, 04:59:40 pm »
I think that'd be fun Tom. With the Cosplay Contest we all bring MP3 and they loaded them onto iTunes with skit names on it. It worked really well to keep things straight. But I also remember how much Kenna was stressed about Cosplay Chess at SAK last year, so you don't want it to get too complicated otherwise it takes the fun out of it.

Yeah we don't want more stress! I'm pretty sure that if someone on the forums had gone through the participant list a couple weeks before con they could have found most of the stuff you'd need. Especially if they got in touch with the cosplayers and asked. It's not something I'm expecting of the organizers, and definitely not something I'm expecting of the tech staff. I just think that the participants would be willing to come up with three songs that fit their character and put them on a list for somebody to go gather.

Heck, maybe that could be added to the sign up process?
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #66 on: September 09, 2011, 06:07:32 pm »
I think that'd be fun Tom. With the Cosplay Contest we all bring MP3 and they loaded them onto iTunes with skit names on it. It worked really well to keep things straight. But I also remember how much Kenna was stressed about Cosplay Chess at SAK last year, so you don't want it to get too complicated otherwise it takes the fun out of it.

Yeah we don't want more stress! I'm pretty sure that if someone on the forums had gone through the participant list a couple weeks before con they could have found most of the stuff you'd need. Especially if they got in touch with the cosplayers and asked. It's not something I'm expecting of the organizers, and definitely not something I'm expecting of the tech staff. I just think that the participants would be willing to come up with three songs that fit their character and put them on a list for somebody to go gather.

Heck, maybe that could be added to the sign up process?

Good ideas, but one slight problem: for the past few years, the list of people who got in gets posted the weekend before con. If someone has the time to get all the music while also getting ready for con that is great, but as it stands now it'll be hard unless the staff starts prepping for Cosplay Chess earlier than usual. Although in all honesty that should be done anyway, that way we can have people who are for sure ready for the game instead of getting the occasional person who thinks they'll be ready in time and ends up not being ready by the time chess comes around.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #67 on: September 09, 2011, 06:19:23 pm »
It could be fun to add to the sign up process. With the Sak cosplay contest, they actually give you the link to some sound editing software and say "you do the work to make your songs fit." And that's it's. You submit all of your music ahead of time. If we could get people to do that, it'd be cool. The problem is, you never know how long you're going to be in the game. This year I would have thought that I'd be out within two attacks like last year, so I would have only put two or three songs in for both Mokona (I sign both up since I made both.) It wouldn't have prepared the person running sound for how long we were actually in the game. And then we would wind up with a lot of music for characters that never get used. So it's a give and take there.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #68 on: September 10, 2011, 03:52:01 pm »
This was the first year watching Cosplay Chess and I thought it was a blast. 

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #69 on: September 10, 2011, 08:42:41 pm »
It could be fun to add to the sign up process. With the Sak cosplay contest, they actually give you the link to some sound editing software and say "you do the work to make your songs fit." And that's it's. You submit all of your music ahead of time. If we could get people to do that, it'd be cool. The problem is, you never know how long you're going to be in the game. This year I would have thought that I'd be out within two attacks like last year, so I would have only put two or three songs in for both Mokona (I sign both up since I made both.) It wouldn't have prepared the person running sound for how long we were actually in the game. And then we would wind up with a lot of music for characters that never get used. So it's a give and take there.
That could be a problem, but if people submitted even just one song, they could replay it. It could get boring, but it could also show how much thought pieces have put into their forms. One song? Pawn. People could submit as many as they wanted. I mean, pretty much no matter what the character is from (Anime, video game, VOCALOID, Tv show, movie) there is music in it. Even minor characters. For instance, as The Undertaker, I would have probably gone looking for the soundtracks, and if not, there are four songs in the first series alone.

The only issue would be book and manga characters. That's when the forums come in handy. Just ask people for ideas :) I have lots of fighting music, jazz music and even just regular songs that I could assign to pretty much any character I'm even vaguely familiar with.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #70 on: September 10, 2011, 11:18:50 pm »
For some reason for the final song/match I imagine "You've got the Touch" lol
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2011, 09:51:58 am »
As a summoned piece during last year's chess, I heard a lot of witty smacktalk during the game.  It enriched the game, making it more fun.  The problem, though, is that the audience could NOT hear most of what the chess pieces were saying, which is a tragedey.... they said some pretty hilarious stuff, some of which was part of their actual attack.

Is microphones for the chess pieces something that could be done?
I am weird and proud of it. The concept of "blending in" scares me.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2011, 10:07:30 pm »
if they do that it would have to be individual wireless mics (like the ones that are attached to you), and those are an issues with Cell phones and such. Also since we are moving a lot, they will have to be attached somewhere (which is kinda hard sometimes for some of our costumes), and they are quite heavy so that would be a bad idea. *speaking from theater experience)

There is another option too though for the wireless mics or mics. Sakuracon uses regular mics (wireless and wired) and they have a stage ninja hand it over to them (or whomever had it before) and will say w/e into the mic, and have a scene or whatever, and then give the mic back and start the fight. That could be an option, but not sure how they set up the stage versus the 4 sided setup like Sakuracon does. 

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2011, 07:58:16 am »
theres also an idea of hanging tiny mics (my highschool did that for a huge musical) or even mics by the side of the mats that are soewhat sensitive?
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #74 on: November 16, 2011, 09:17:28 am »
Or have people in the front with large signs saying 'Quiet down'
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #75 on: November 16, 2011, 09:28:37 am »
I think also would be a good idea is to have some security at the ends of the matts so unwanted "pieces" can't get in and try to ruin a match.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #76 on: November 16, 2011, 10:03:50 am »
The problem is, the yojimbo can't physically restrain a party-crasher. All they can do is ask them to go back to their seat, possibly escalating to the person losing their badge if they keep refusing. But by that time, the mood would be completely ruined.

It might be more effective to have the pieces simply stop what they're doing and walk off the board, leaving the interrupter alone. They would probably slink off in shame very quickly... and nobody would want to try doing it again after seeing that.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2011, 10:05:33 am »
The problem is, the yojimbo can't physically restrain a party-crasher. All they can do is ask them to go back to their seat, possibly escalating to the person losing their badge if they keep refusing. But by that time, the mood would be completely ruined.

It might be more effective to have the pieces simply stop what they're doing and walk off the board, leaving the interrupter alone. They would probably slink off in shame very quickly... and nobody would want to try doing it again after seeing that.

that actually seems like a very effective way just get off the bard when an intruder is on it

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2011, 10:59:38 pm »
That, or just stop and stare at them being like "What are you doing?!" But either works.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #79 on: November 17, 2011, 10:43:22 pm »
well when me and nick were fighting against lelouch and all those other pieces came onto the board. we just stood there for a while and we sorta thought maybe we should just not do anything, but we were caught by surprise we just didn't want the game to be ruined by these guys, so we just sorta "killed" them, but they wouldn't even die when we hit them :/ so it got annoying really fast.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #80 on: November 18, 2011, 09:20:54 am »
theres also an idea of hanging tiny mics (my highschool did that for a huge musical) or even mics by the side of the mats that are soewhat sensitive?

Deer god no! We have enough problems with those hanging mics for cosplay when they're behind the speakers. Putting them in front of the speakers will cause feedback like you wouldn't believe and we'd need a grid to put them up there.

And we should nix the idea of getting 32 lavalier mics at $300 each they're soooooo not in the budget not to mention that we don't have enough channels on our current mixer to support all those mic inputs, not that I wouldn't want to get as 64 channel mixer at some point, might be something to dream about. 

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #81 on: December 04, 2011, 07:59:01 pm »
^@CMD Productions: While I do agree that the previous idea is overkill (in more ways than one.... $$$) I still have my heart set on the audience being able to hear the fighting pieces. 

Perhaps a wireless mike for each team could be set on either side of the mat, and when a piece is called to fight, he/she picks it up as the other pieces leave the board.... It would be a lot less expensive, and it would not get in the way of the more animated attacks, seeing as the cosplayer does not have to use the mike at all if they are relying on action rather than words.

I know that this would be a decision for the staff, therefore I am powerless, but.....


Would the "Moe eyes" begging expression help my case?
I am weird and proud of it. The concept of "blending in" scares me.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2011, 10:21:25 pm »
My sister and I were actually just have a discussion about cosplay chess yesterday. One thing we both really had an issue with was the audience being too dang loud. Both of us were rooks, her and her roomie the closet to the chessmasters and myself closest to the audience. Both of us had issues with missing instructions. I went the wrong one twice because I couldn't hear, and Stein had to almost yell at Jack the Ripper to get them to move. If the audience had been quieter, the game probably would have lasted longer.

However, I do like the idea of having mics for fighting pieces, but hand helds ones. Next year, I intend to apply with Sho from The World Ends With You. He shouts odd math phrases. I'm trying my best to find a hand held megaphone the size that he uses (it's sort of small), but they're hard to find on a budget. It also would have helped this year, since no one heard me say "You look so funny!" because falling over... only the other pieces >.>
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2011, 06:30:32 pm »
i think it'd be a neat idea to have those small shout out megaphones! i'm actually getting one cuz of my cosplay next year >3> but i think it'd be a great idea for each team to have one so that way if we want to actually say something it can be heard somewhat louder than just our voices, and not too loud like the mic, but can be picked up by everyone nearby.

it's just a thought >.<
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 01:35:44 am by luvan1me »

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #84 on: December 16, 2011, 04:35:46 pm »
This is true. When you find one, let me know, yeah? I'll be applying, and whether or not I'm selected, I will lend it to the team Sho fits most :3
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #85 on: December 17, 2011, 01:36:48 am »
i'm getting in on ebay. it's from china so it's cheap .3.

but i mean it's a great idea for even photoshoots in general, cuz i have lost my voice several times at cons because i keep trying to yell over all the dang loud weeabos >3>

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #86 on: December 17, 2011, 08:29:23 pm »
I'll have to look into that.

Epiphany: Cosplay Chess this year was like a big photoshoot, but the non-participants were sitting down and not moving >.>

One thing I think my sister mentioned was that there needed to be someone else on stage. The chess masters were awesome and the commentators were great, but there needed to be a Game Master like last year. It's one thing to say the rules before the game. Not everyone is going to pay attention. If there was someone else, in cosplay or not, on stage sort of moderating the game, it would help tons.
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #87 on: December 17, 2011, 11:43:19 pm »
^^^ that there exactly! we need order >3>

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #88 on: December 30, 2011, 01:01:52 pm »
As the person who does Sakura-Con's Cosplay Chess games (yes games), it takes a lot of work to plan scripted games. I do two of them. So, I'm working all year round, that's with my assistants.

So, it makes the most sense for Jaki to do an unscripted game because of her duties as the Director of Programming. A lot, lot, lot of work goes into even that game. Picking pieces, placing them, choosing Chess Masters. Trust me when I say that by the end of Sakura-Con, all I want to do is crawl underneath a desk and hide for a week.

Yes, there were things that could have gone better during the game. But, it's a learning experience, it always is. That's one thing that I enjoy about Kumoricon's game. It's unpredictable. But with Kumoricon the size it is, the unscripted game makes sense. The larger the convention (at least I've noticed) the more serious the games are.

At least Kumoricon isn't trying to do what Metrocon does. They script everything and only locals can participate in the game.

It takes work from both the participants and the audience to make a game run smoothly. So, please remember that when you're sitting in the audience next time.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #89 on: April 09, 2012, 08:06:33 pm »
I'm going to go watch the chess but not play (chess isn't my thing) I hope I see some Higurashi people there, their attacks would be amazing (seeing as to how the characters had to slaugther each other over and over).
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #90 on: April 14, 2012, 07:36:45 am »
I'm thinking of going as a chess piece this year instead of a Chess Master. But only if i can get my cosplay from Happy Tree Friends done...Flippy would be awesome to have in cosplay chess XD

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #91 on: April 14, 2012, 09:20:09 am »
Flippy would be dangerous to have....XD
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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #92 on: September 04, 2012, 03:40:06 pm »
I need to say this: Cosplay Chess was soooooooooo much better run this year than last year. Thank you to everyone who participated this year and kept things sane, thank you to Jaki for making sure that rules were enforced better this year, and thank you audience members who stayed in your seats instead of insisting on being part of the action. Everyone made this easily one of the best chess games we've ever had, if not the best.

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Re: Cosplay Chess 2011: What Went Wrong and How to Improve
« Reply #93 on: September 04, 2012, 09:30:30 pm »
Great game, guys. My only con: lots of the battles seemed a bit short to me. I think we need to make them slightly longer and more "epic-looking", if possible. I was shouting "Get up! Don't let him beat you!!" multiple times, because I was hoping the one who was on the ground would get up and keep fighting, then die epically some time later. It would make it more exciting for the audience, imo.

Otherwise, great game, and as said above, so much better than last year's! =D

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