Me: 6 ft 6 in tall male Kaito that usually had a blue backpack on and carried a blue cooler filled with melted ice cream (fruit ice cream bars day 1 and sherbert cups day 2). ^_^'

Thank you for letting me follow you and your friends around. I found out later the photoshoot was in the park. I assume you were the Ren that was in the pink dress day 2 and I really wanted a picture but my mind was fizzled plus I'm naturally shy. ^_^'

Thanks for hanging out, chatting, and Caramell Dansen with me. ^_^

It seemed like you were about as shy as I was, or I was probably creepy... Thank you for the photo!

I loved your outfit and thank you for inviting me to hang out. I would have taken you up on the offer but was in a hurry to get back with my friend who was waiting in line for the photobooth. I hope everyone liked the ice cream and I'm sorry I didn't have any extra spoons.
Thanks to everyone that recognized me as Kaito despite only having less than 3 days to work on it. Hugs were wonderful too. Please feel free to message me. :3