Author Topic: Anime Jeopardy 4: Trivia of the Patriots (OFFICIAL)  (Read 2375 times)

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Offline syuriken

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Anime Jeopardy 4: Trivia of the Patriots (OFFICIAL)
« on: June 11, 2011, 09:25:17 pm »
After the end of World War II, the world was split into 2...

After a long year off, tearing apart the jungles of southeast Asia with a new cybernetic body, complete with White Blood, and days of dialysis, Anime Jeopardy makes it's fourth return; bigger, badder, and full of as much Rex on Ray rock 'em sock 'em metal gear action as you can can handle!* In the event that none of you missed us/realized that we were missing, we planned for that.  It's easy to forget the La Li Lu Le Lo's grip on the populace, but the Nomad flies for justice, and you won't be able to ignore us this year.  We'll have:

Carnival Rides**
And more!

So if you're excited, you should be!  If you aren't, prepare for a tank that can fire a nuke from it's rail gun into your face.

*"Metal Gear Action" is a metaphor for the clash of anime trivia with unsuspecting minds.  No mech battles will actually happen, unless something unforeseen and very awesome happens.

** May not actually contain these things.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 05:34:48 pm by syuriken »
Cosplay 2009

+ Irvine Kinneas [Final Fantasy VIII]

Offline syuriken

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Re: Anime Jeopardy 4: Trivia of the Patriots (OFFICIAL)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 09:53:44 pm »
I'd like to thank everyone who attended Anime Jeopardy this year, without you we would have no audience.  I would also like to thank those of you who participated in the contestant selection exams, without you, we would have no contestants.  This proves definitively that without YOU, there would be no Anime Jeopardy.  So if you would like to see this tradition carried on, you can help by continuing to show up.

You can use this thread to suggest ways to improve AJ, as we further strive to reach the final form.  Don't hesitate to post.

I hope to see you all next year!
Cosplay 2009

+ Irvine Kinneas [Final Fantasy VIII]

Offline bunny_jean

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Re: Anime Jeopardy 4: Trivia of the Patriots (OFFICIAL)
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 10:52:19 pm »
I suggest that next time you find more questions based on shoujo and josei series, and more recent series. It seemed like everything was from old, space mecha, shounen series.
Line up:
-Kageyama (Haikyuu)
-Cordelia (Fire Emblem Awakening)
-Marauder Ashe (League of Legends)
-??? Who knows what else. Probably a cosplay I can wear my glasses with.

Offline syuriken

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Re: Anime Jeopardy 4: Trivia of the Patriots (OFFICIAL)
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 11:42:56 pm »
Yes, that became apparent early on.  The last time we put this on, the questions were quite balanced, but it seems that we've defaulted back to things we know best...

Rest assured that we are working to correct the problem.  Have a nice day.
Cosplay 2009

+ Irvine Kinneas [Final Fantasy VIII]