That's right, we're back!

Everyone's favorite improv group comes back to Kumoricon!
Here's to to expect for the events and how you best know them:
Jon Bressler (Host, 3GP)
Ally Fields (Kumoricon)
Chip Lawson (roscoetehclam, from 3GP)
Zach Marsh (Anime Hunters)
Dane Derenzis (Anime Hunters)
Jeremy Birtola (Anime Hunters)
Nichole M. (Nikkiolie)
Kato Shiroi (Sakuracon)
Amanda L. (Sakuracon)
Sam Axmaker (internet)
Brian Boudreaux (Billy Mays)
Plus a few other surprises!
The All ages panel is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 3 · 8:00pm - 9:30pm. Our adult panel is at 12:30 AM on Monday!GAMES:Old Games:
Scenes From A Hat
Party Quirks
Sound Effects
New Choice
Questions Only
Number of Words
Let's Make a Date
Press Conference
(maybe) Hoedown/Irish Drinking Song
NEW/Restyled Games:
Whose Line? - We're going in corporate more lines.
Freeze Tag - Two people start in positions. Any other cast member can say freeze, and can enter the scene or tag people out. They then must create a new scene from their entry. Yes, this will be a trainwreck.
Moving People - Two cast members must be moved by members of the audience.
Dead Actors - Two cast members and an audience member are all dead. One cast member must provide dialogue and move all of the "corpses".
Foreign Film Dub - Two cast members speak a foreign language, while two other cast members offstage translate.
Helping Hands - One cast member is another cast member's hands.
Good, Bad and Worse Advice - Three experts offer good advice, bad advice, and the worst advice to audience questions.
Can't wait to get you guys laughing at K-Con 2011!