That awkward moment when you stay the night at a friends house and they snuggle you in their sleep.
That awkward moment when some creepy guy start talking about his food channel on youtube outside of a convention. {Kumoricon 2009}
That awkward moment when a pastor is handing out bibles outside your school and refuses to give you one because you have only one earring on making him think your gay. {This year}
That awkward moment when your telling your friends about a nightmare you had about your dad and your brother in bed together and that cute guy you like walks passed hearing every word, comes back over to you and says "You have F***ed up dreams"
That awkward moment when its your first day of sophmore year and your friend says your scitzophrenic and you Yell "I am not scitzophrenic" And some guy turns around and knocks on your head. not seeing you friend who suddenly hid under the table and goes. "You sure?"
lol that should be good till tomorrow

{These are not made up just in case you guys are wondering O-o}