The e-mail to contact is
please note that badge mail outs typically happen on weekends, once a month as far as I've noticed, and are quality checked, so if there is an error, sometimes they have to come back another day and fix a computer/human glitch! With the unprecedented number of early badges we are receiving this year, expect our wee reg team to be working round the clock to get them out to you ASAP. I know it absolutely sucks to wait to get that sweet sweet badge... the symbol of your Kumoricon Adventure (Yes, I once said that to my friend with full dramatic pose, and she agreed I am way too cheesy for my own good) and that physical proof that you really are going. But trust in our little reg monkey's and be patient with them, they are people too... well... kinda.

Just kidding, I love the reg team, but they are seriously on another level with how hard they work. But if you have questions or concerns e-mail Brandon or Brian and I am sure they will get back to you lickety split.