I have actually gotten so worried about something I was physically sick. Not the same as being scared, maybe, except that fear for the safety of others was what was causing it. Not hearing anything from my parents for almost a month, and not being able to contact them. This was before cell phones. Read here to find out why I was a nervous wreck when my parents went on vacation in Europe in April of 1986 to visit my Uncle in Germany where he worked at a US army base.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_Berlin_discotheque_bombinghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_El_Dorado_Canyonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disasterI have an irrational fear of spiders. I really don't like them. I can kill them with extreme prejudice though. I don't have a problem with Daddy Long Legs and Mosquito Hawks though. I also hate certain kinds of insects. Ants, earwigs, centipedes, silverfish, cockroaches, and other rather fast moving insects. I don't mind the slow moving ones though.

I dislike bees, yellow jackets, and wasps, but I am not really afraid of them, at least not when there is only one.
I don't mind most snakes, but I do fear the poisonous ones.
I don't mind heights, but I do fear falling. I hate climbing on any sort of ladder that wobbles, or walking across any surface that is moving and high enough I can fall off and hurt myself. I usually have a death grip when riding ski lifts.
I dislike being in total dark. I really don't like driving on an unlit narrow winding road in a rainstorm. It is especially unsettling when you come around a corner and there is a great big horned owl sitting in the middle of the road in front of you. (Yes this happened) I also dislike being in the house alone in the dark.
I used to have a feeling that someone else was in the restroom whenever I took a shower. The one time my wife actually used a butter knife to pop open the door because she HAD to go to the bathroom, she just about gave me a heart attack.

I am mostly over that one now. Maybe It is just that we have been in the house for so long that I am acclimated. Or maybe (shiver) whatever I always felt was watching me decided I was going to be staying and it wasn't interested in me any more.
When I was young I saw a really terrible horror film,
Day of the Triffids, I had nightmares for months after that and was terrified of the shadows made by the trees swaying in the wind outside my bedroom window. I once saw the shadow coming from the living room of someone moving and thought it looked like a panther walking down the hallway. My little sister was what we all called a "thumper". She would sit forward and throw herself back. She would make the front legs of a rocking chair come off the ground (She actually broke the springs on a couple of rocking chairs) and when she was very little she would thump in her crib. She once thumped her crib clear across the room and ended up pinning me in my bed. My bed was in the corner with the head and one side against the walls and a dresser at the foot. My sis had thumped her crib clear across the room and blocked off the other side and was in front of the door so my parents couldn't get into the room. They had to climb through the window to get in and move the crib out of the way. That was a bit frightening. I have also been in two car wrecks that totaled the vehicle I was in. One of them rolled upside down, I didn't have a seat-belt on. The other I was unable to remove my seat-belt because all of the luggage had shifted forward and the back folding seat had come unlatched and was pushing me forward, the only thing that prevented us from going over a cliff was the iron sign post we had crashed into.
Probably the most scared I have ever been was when I did a 180 on I-105. Yep, you should always watch the road.

I was shaking so bad for the next half hour or so, I didn't know if it was ever going to stop.