I'm not entirely sure what you are looking for as far as advantages but I will give it my best shot:
1. Space: There is actually a lot more room to
breathe at the two new locations
2. Familiarity: This hotel has other events like us and has hosted us before, they know the drill and are excited!
3. Elevators: 2 floors of meeting space means less time fighting elevators, more time getting to events!
4. BIG PARK: OH? You like da cosplay photo shoots? you like hang out space? you like Saturday market? WE GOT THAT!
5. Parking: CHEAPER THAN EVAR YES! (I'm pretty sure it's like... a billion times cheaper in Vancouver)
6. Saturday Market: It gets it's own point because freegan eh man! Good food and stuff easy to get!
7. Two Main Hotels: 2 tiers of room pricing! You get to chose what fits your budget!
8. Awesome Bar: Red Lion on the Quay has a full service bar (if you are over 21) that also has concerts!
9. Promotions: The City of Vancouver (And the City of Portland) are working with us for great swag!
10. Capacity: Did you not get a badge for the full weekend? Can you say no reg cap? WE CAN!* (*up to 6k)
11. Positive Year: We have a positive year with industry leaders under our belt, which means happy friendships for future years!
12. Enthusiastic Management: A lot more people are rising up to the call of upper management which means more staff and more structure for staffers in years to come!
13. 13 is unlucky isn't it? I wont put an advantage here.
14. Earlier Elections: Means we are ahead of the game from where we were last year = more planning time!
15. Content Space: While its about the same as what the Hilton Downtown & Executive Tower had in square footage; there is much greater spread and diversity of size at the two hotels, giving the programming department a better mix of spaces to play around with which may mean more diversity in programming!
16. Food Nearby: Not just fast food, but they all are well aware of us, the Subway especially, but good food is within walking distance. Google Food near the hotel and you will get some yummy options.
17. Away from "Big City": Vancouver is a big small town, less vagrants (that I've seen). It feels safer.
18. I will be there! I think this is the biggest advantage that K-con 2011 can have over anything else!

Hope that helps!
UPDATE: Oh! Never mind... well, being 18 means you don't have to worry about curfew! Which means you can stay up late and not worry.
If you order your badge before you turn 18 I do believe you get a yellow badge... but you can trade it in for a blue one (I think) at check in, if you show your ID. But badge issues have changed recently, so the new Registration manager will have to verify once they are chosen.