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that's right ladies ! we men have finally stepped up and took a win ! the match was both fun and well played.I think we boys deserve a hand ~!
It just shows that its not the gender that determines the winner, its the color xD
Quote from: Blizzara Dragon on September 07, 2010, 03:01:41 pmIt just shows that its not the gender that determines the winner, its the color xDTrue dat.btw.. I know what move should have happened They should have moved me one move shy from taking out the like twins, so if they took our pawn I'd kill them. >_>fyi I am Sally
i was not scared!!!! so what that her awsome sally stare made me cry! so what i pee'd allitle we still one D: and and and >.> ....<.< i snapped my fingers and the links came to my aid and i took a nap ....stupid black mokina and her shank nife TT.TT im a badass D,;
love u to Moki Chan . oh yea so funny ha ha ha .... some random bottle comes and hits me in the back scares me to death im like oh god crazy fan girls couldn't help it!!! oh well im cool now i was happy to get it for free tho even tho ppl kept stealing it and passing it around... i was like its mine!!!! D:< ...im rambling without realizing it aren't i?
Sally, you were awesome. The way you moved was perfect. Do you have dancer's training?
I was the Kid Goku. I would love to come back next year, and have a more epic death ^^;Maybe I'll be Gachapin, or Mr. Six...oh the possibilities!...Has anyone found videos from the matches yet?
As the White Queen (Jackie, I'm still grumbling), I'm glad that we won. ^_^ I had a ton of fun, and am glad to see that everyone enjoyed themselves.In case some don't know. I was cosplaying Zechs Marquise from Gundam Wing.
The death that got me laughing the hardest had to be when Ichigo took the mop to the face! He was such a good sport about it, especially since he had to deal with it twice ^^
I loved 'whoooooshing' your cloak lol
i loved when the mokonas teamed up xD
Quote from: chelseahavoc on September 23, 2010, 07:57:03 ami loved when the mokonas teamed up xDNow if only there were a way for us to swallow someone as a kill...
Yo all. I was Chouji! I summoned Bowser for a bit of fame in the end thanks to a small arrengement as a special attack... one that still got pwned by Lara Croft. Darn you Lara Croft and your natural affinity to fight monsters! With bowser dead I fled into the night... you know... like a ninja XPIt was realy fun to watch, though Xp
@ Blizzara Dragon/IchigoI actually managed to find a pic of me whooshing your cloak!http://spott.smugmug.com/Events/Kumoricon-2010/Cosplay-Chess/13861483_9ej4Q#1016563556_9pLQQAnd, of course, there are alot of cool photos here ^^