I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.
The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
<3 you too Rebel

I can't say that I have forum crushes, but I do find many of the regular posters here very fun to chat with or just read their posts (even if I do just stalk certain threads). Lots of very open-minded & accepting people for the most part...most friendlier than myself.
Shadow, ~boogiepop~, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, KHking, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe, demonspawn, RemSaverem, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Selucos, nora, reppy, KogaRyu, Cassiopeia, Gryffinclaw Princess, Pots, superjaz, danayoki, RozenMaiden_Girl, Animeman73, Dubaby, soundninja12, cloud-9, Sugarlat, Dancingtofu, fleur_fraise, Jacob_Blackfeather, Cloudestrife32, Washougal_Otaku, AllyKat, bucket_stalker, Roddy Manic, TomtheFanboy, Saki-the-cat & several more people here have entertained me throughout my time here on the forums. Whether it be from posting epic cosplay pics, silly pics or just plain adorable pics (you know who you are

); from discussions, debates (even if semi-heated ones

), advice sharing, or just plain BSing/joking around; then of course there are those of you that I know in person or have had the pleasure of meeting a time or 2, & had a lot of fun. The forums have been a great way for me to escape here & there from my usually buried in work life...you guys are awsome here.

But, in all fairness, if I were to pick a "crush"...I am going to cheat & say Tekia, since she & I have been together for a great 7 years & nobody on this planet means more to me than she does (nothing personal guys
