I probably should have done this the day after con, because my memory is oh-so foggy...

There was this really cool girl that my friend and I were in the pre-reg line with for three or so hours... she was with her dad (I think?), and in this leafy kind of dress with a leafy thing around her head, and I think she said she was a nymph? Anyways, she was really talkative, and it was nice, especially through the uber long line, and such! And she was really sweet and helped me buy a Devil May Cry manga, and was helping me try to find Devil May Cry stuff, and bought me a water at McDonald's when I was... right about dead. XD I think I remember seeing her on Monday as Tifa Lockheart, in her Advent Children costume.
Also there was this uber cool Dante from Devil May Cry 3 without a wig... I only saw him a few times, but he always looked happy! And when I asked him for a picture, he had on this nice little smile.

Seeing him romp about always made some of the rough patches of con a lot better.
All of the Fragile Dreams cosplayers... which were... four.

The Seto and Chiyo were really cute/sweet/chill! My friend and I met them down in the Dealer's Hall, and then later saw them up in the stairwell, but I think those were the only times we saw them. And, the two Crows! One of them was especially chill, and surprised that he was recognized... he seemed really cool/nice!

The Jim from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX... met him on his way out of the hotel, but my friend wasn't with me so I wasn't able to take a picture, and I asked if he'd be Jim the rest of the weekend, he said yes, and I squealed and ran inside to tell my friend.

Then we saw him sometime the next day or so down in the Dealer's Hall, and got his picture... he seemed reaaally cool/sweet.

I'm obviously horrible at using adjectives, but really, everyone I mentioned really was awesome/cool/sweet.
...Other than this, nobody is really popping up into my head.

Also, my friend and I passed someone on their cell phone outside of the main con hotel at one of the corners, and I was dressed up as Kyrie from Devil May Cry 4, and the person saw me and said something like, "Trish and Kyrie aren't here yet!" And it made me laugh really hard because I was so confused... I'd really like to know if that was supposed to be a joke or not.