I was just thinking.......it would be totally awsome to have a cosplay group of all the past (and present) years mascots. However, since there are only five mascots so far, why not have their male counterparts included in the group too? If you think this is a cool idea and want to be a part of the group, awsome; just let me know and i can put your name down on the list

Two more things: first is that the list sais male/female, but you be female doing a male version, and vise versa.
second is that it's not a big deal if 2 or more people want to do the same mascot/gender of a mascot.
2006 female:
2006 male:
2007 female:
2007 male:
2008 female:
2008 male:
2009 female:
2009 male:
2010 female:
2010 male: