^ On a slightly related topic, I took a Public Speaking class this past quarter. As part of our exercising, we had to do a quick 1-minute speech on a random topic based off of a pre-submitted list of topics. I had to once do one on ideas on how to make the NFL more popular while making the speech funny. One of the ideas I said was to change the names of all of the mascots into various Pokemon; the Packers could become the Pikachus, etc., but I pointed out that since the NFL is anti-Seattle, the Seahawks would be forced to be the Psyducks.
Chances are that if Portland were to get an NFL team, it would be a team getting relocated. Teams that I could see being "contenders" for relocating to Portland are: the Rams, the Browns, or the Jaguars. Assuming that I am right, I would think that the Rams would keep their name, the Browns would probably stay the same...?, and the Jaguars would possibly change. For the Jags, perhaps keeping the mascot something cat-related...? The Portland Bobcats? The Portland Cougars? The Oregon Pumas? The Portland Pumas? The Oregon Bearcats?
IF there were a brand-spanking new team made for Portland, I'd take on the guess that it would be an AFC team. Why? Because the AFC West has two Californian teams, and Los Angeles would be more likely to get a new team, which would go to the NFC West, or they would get the Rams, which is already in that division. Now, I could see one of the driving forces to getting a team in the Beaver State being Nike. Therefore, I can see them wanting to play with: the Portland Ducks (
), going with another Disney animal in the Portland Dogs...? (
), going with another bird in the Oregon Ospreys (
), or running (PUN!) with the Greek theme in the Portland Hydras, the Oregon Minotaurs, or (my favorite) the Portland Chthonics.