Author Topic: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010  (Read 8253 times)

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Offline kjayers

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Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:36:53 pm »
In order to expedite appointments for the 2010 convention year, letters of interest are now being solicited for the positions designated as "Board Elected Positions" in the bylaws: Vice President (Vice Chair), Treasurer, Secretary, and Facilities Liaison.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please send a letter of interest and résumé to both and The newly elected 2010 Member-Elected Board Members will notify candidates of the next steps as soon as possible.

This post will be edited and a reply added to the thread when a deadline is set.

The deadline is 11:59 PM Monday, November 2, 2009 (the night of the full moon).  The Board will meet to evaluate and call candidates on November 7 November 8.  Please include your phone number with your letter of interest.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 05:57:15 am by kjayers »
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Offline kjayers

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 11:09:50 pm »
The deadline is 11:59 PM Monday, November 2, 2009 (the night of the full moon).  The Board will meet to evaluate and call candidates on November 7.  Please include your phone number with your letter of interest.
2015 Secretary & MSO Manager
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Offline AllyKat

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 07:26:12 am »
Perhaps, though I may be wrong; a quick little blurb about qualifications is in order? OR if the board could explain what kind of background or maybe what kind of involvement they'd like to see/ have seen in potential candidates? Or is that more of a "just apply and we will see who we like best." Scenario?

I'd be interested in applying for ViceC, If only for putting my name out there ( like Michael in part of his reasoning for running for Pub, even though I know he did have intentions of revamping that section of the convention) so that people are aware I am interested in serious involvement in the future.

However, I submit that maybe more people would apply if they knew what is really needed of in said positions. I for one find the facilities liason position to sound more like a figure head then it probably is. Kinda like a glorified paige? That can't be right... right?

2009 - Attendee
2010 - Facilities Liaison
2011 - Director of Publicity
2012 - Director of Publicity
2013 - Facilities Liaison
2014 - Vice Chair

Offline kjayers

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2009, 11:16:39 am »
Perhaps, though I may be wrong; a quick little blurb about qualifications is in order? OR if the board could explain what kind of background or maybe what kind of involvement they'd like to see/ have seen in potential candidates?

Good point :D

The basics (in legalese) of what is required are in Article 4 of our bylaws:
A. Designation of Officers
1. There shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Facilities Liaison of Altonimbus Entertainment.
a. The President position may alternately be referred to as the Chair.
b. The Vice President position may alternately be referred to as the Vice Chair.
2. In addition to the duties for Officers enumerated in this Article, the board may assign additional duties to Officers.

B. Duties of the President
The duties of the President shall be to:
1. Preside at all Meetings of the organization if not otherwise specified;
2. Call the annual Altonimbus Entertainment Board Meeting;
3. Have general supervision of the affairs of the organization;
4. Personally represent the organization on proper occasions and in business contacts;
5. Appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the organization;
6. Assist all other Officers and Managing Directors of the organization in their records, correspondence and other organization duties;

7. Act as Chair of Kumoricon.

C. Duties of the Vice President
The duties of the Vice President shall be to:
1. Assist the President with all organization, business, and management;
2. Perform the duties of the President in her/his absence;
3. Act as Vice Chair of Kumoricon.

D. Duties of the Secretary
The duties of the Secretary shall be to:
1. Keep a record of the minutes of each Board and Membership Meeting;
2. Handle all organization correspondence;
3. Give notices for Membership and Board meetings;
4. Maintain records of Member names and addresses;

5. Authenticate records of the corporation.

E. Duties of the Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to:
1. Collect dues of all Members;
2. Maintain organization financial records and deliver financial reports to the organization annually or when requested by the board;
3. Maintain organization banking and bank account.

F. Duties of the Facilities Liaison
The duties of the Facilities Liaison shall be to:
1. Oversee contractual dealings with facilities, including but not limited to hotels and convention centers, where Kumoricon and other major Altonimbus Entertainment events may take place or are taking place, or may have or has agreements relating to lodging of event attendees;
2. Represent the interests of Altonimbus Entertainment as determined by the Board while acting as an intermediary to such facilities as described in Paragraph 4.F.1;
3. Research options for facilities as described in Paragraph 4.F.1 for future Altonimbus Entertainment events, as needed.

G. Standards of Conduct for Officers
An Officer shall discharge the Officer's duties in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances and in a manner the Officer reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the organization.

In addition to these, major questions on the minds of those burdened with this decision include:
"Would this candidate for Vice Chair be a viable candidate for Chair if the current Chair gets hit by a bus?"
"Can this candidate for Secretary communicate clearly and professionally?  Is the candidate organized?"
"Is this candidate for Treasurer organized?  Can the candidate be trusted with confidential information and responsibility for large sums of money?"
"Is this candidate for Facilities Liaison reliable?  Can the candidate communicate and negotiate our interests with the Hotel without pissing them off?"

Of course, other questions may be pertinent, but this should give folks a good start on understanding what the Board looks for.
2015 Secretary & MSO Manager
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Offline Rathany

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2009, 03:51:00 pm »
Facilities Liaison is pretty much a glorified page in many ways.  This Board Member cannot make any decisions about the hotel.  Actually, no single Board Member can.  It's a really weird position as it doesn't have a 'department'.  They pretty much just speak for the Board and coordinate 100,000 details with the hotel. 
When David took over the position, we put Main Events under Facilities, but they was just because he likes running Main Events.  It may move again this year.
This position requires good communication, and the ability to present one's self as very professional. 

Vice has Con Suite, Maid Squad and VIPs.  Disabilities is almost certainly moving back under Vice this year.  It was created under Vice and seems to be a better fit there.  Most important thing is that Vice might wind up as Chair.  In 2009 and 2008, Vice became Chair or was Acting Chair for significant amounts of time.  It's unlikely to happen in 2010, hopefully, but it is always something to look to. 
Vice is often asked to take on various projects, like researching equipment boxes or being our point of contact with another organization.

The Treasurer needs accounting skills.  Also, this person does alot of the supply runs for the con, both before and during.   Each Director is responsible for writing their own department's budget.  But, the Treasurer does take those and create and overall budget for the con.  Treasurer also handles reimbursements and stuff like that.  Treasurer also does staff perks, like the Dead Dog party.

Secretary needs to deal with all the procedural stuff, and make sure we follow all the rules, without driving us nuts.  Secretary takes notes at General Meetings and Board meetings. 

If people are interested in these positions, but nervous about taking them on, keep in mind that there are also Assistant Directors.  You can always talk to the candidates about being their assistant if elected. 
2003 - 2006 Kumoricon Attendee
2007 - Assistant Registration Manager - PreReg Side
2008 - Vice Chair
2009/2010 - Director of Relations
2011 - Return to Vice
2012 - herp derp

Offline kjayers

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2009, 04:28:20 pm »
Secretary needs to deal with all the procedural stuff, and make sure we follow all the rules, without driving us nuts.  Secretary takes notes at General Meetings and Board meetings. 

WHAT!  I wasn't supposed to drive you nuts?  Granted, it wasn't that long a journey, but....
2015 Secretary & MSO Manager
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Offline kalagei

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 09:52:51 am »

Also throwing your name in lets us know that you're interested in moving up, and it can help us other non-board elected directors delegate tasks to people that want the extra responsibility.

So don't be afraid!
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
2008 - Operations Office Staff
2009 - Assistant Ops Director
2010 - Director of Operations
2011 - Registration Manager
2012 - Vice Chair
2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

Offline kjayers

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2009, 05:58:12 am »
The Board Meeting date is now November 8.
2015 Secretary & MSO Manager
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Offline kjayers

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Re: Board Elected (Appointed) Positions 2010
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2009, 10:18:51 am »
The positions are now filled:

Vice President (Vice Chair): Robert Trotter, elected November 18
Secretary: Jo Ayers, elected November 8
Treasurer: Barb Hunt, elected November 8
Facilities Liaison: Ally Fields, elected November 8

There were some tough decisions, and all candidates are thoroughly appreciated.

2015 Secretary & MSO Manager
2014 Secretary & MSO Manager
2010 Secretary
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2008 Assistant Secretary & Parliamentarian