Author Topic: Complaints, anyone?  (Read 98486 times)

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #750 on: November 23, 2009, 11:34:05 pm »
lol....Have you seen New  Moon yet? Just checking if that one is really worse.
It looks sucky. Im so glad J.K. Rowling went with WARNER BROS.

Offline TurboSaiyanJason

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #751 on: November 23, 2009, 11:41:06 pm »
lol....Have you seen New  Moon yet? Just checking if that one is really worse.
It looks sucky. Im so glad J.K. Rowling went with WARNER BROS.
Now if the Twilight series was made by Legendary Pictures, THEN I'd have more reason to go see New Moon.

I complain that Twilight wasn't made by Legendary Pictures.

I can only smell a spoof coming up later.
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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #752 on: November 23, 2009, 11:42:27 pm »
lol...Someone made a SPOOF on Twilight and published it. I forgot what it was called but I want to read it.

Offline TanisNikana

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #753 on: November 24, 2009, 10:32:19 am »
My complaint is that Twilight and Naruto exist when they shouldn't. This is a travesty to good creativity and the works they create.

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #754 on: November 24, 2009, 10:48:44 am »
that reminds me:

I know I'll get flamed for this but....

I want to complain that everyone is all about bashing Twilight... I dunno... I liked the story... it wasn't by any means the best book I've read and I read twilight before I heard about the movie... and I liked it... New moon was probably my favorite of the three because I connect so well to the issues in the book, although I enjoy the narrative of Breaking Dawn the most. *shrugs* I like Jacob and I call myself a member of "Team Jacob" but I don't go all obsessive about it... I dunno, my main complaint is that whenever I say I like twilight and someone around me doesn't they get this horrified "OH MY GOD SHE IS GONNA TALK NON-STOP ABOUT TWILIGHT" look in their eyes that makes me want to cry... cause I wouldn't do that! I know people don't like it like I do... I just wish people would think before they stomp on my feelings as a fan... One mans toast is another man's full 3 course sunday breakfast you know?

But I respect you jaz, cause you are cool and all, and I'm sure you just meant it in jest, your comment just reminded me of this guy from the other day...


I'd like to re-complain this, and then also add that while the movies weren't great, if you didn't like the books you obviously wouldn't like the movies because they have to cheese up movies even more than YA Book are cheesed up.
And if you LURVED the books you will hate/dislike the movies with a firey passion because they destroyed the "literature" you love so much.

Why can't people just enjoy entertainment anymore? Why do we have to dice it down until its a puree of canned critisims in a shiny $145 million dollar commemerative tote bag? Why does the world think that throwing more money at a franchise will make it better? Twilight (the original movie) had a kind of naive appeal to me because it was done so low budget, and for a movie that made it's production cost over 2 times in it's first weekend, and a little under $200 million total for it's run at the theaters. That is the most made by a Female Directed movie ever, which I personally think is the most amazing part of the whole deal. They made an entertaining 2 hours out of what most would consider a minescule movie budget and a female director (Which historically goes very badly... sorry ladies!) that made a great profit in a time when hollywood is losing a lot of it's creative genius to layoffs and lack of work (Not the actors, I'm talking writers, set designers, photogs and other behind the scenes specialists).

New Moon is doing the same thing, but unfortunately I too complain about the lack of independent feel the movie had. It's going to get more commercial the longer it stays mainstream, and while I normally could careless if something is popular or not (as it regards to how I feel about it) In this case, the market plan of "dump huge amounts of money into it and it will be a success" that has worked for generations on a majority scale just... didn't work for me here. Cheesey cuts and slapstick camera moments gave the "old film" look that director Wietz is known for, but didn't translate well when adding the darker, more desperate feel that Bella and Edward have. In the end it gave the movie a bi-polar forced dream sequence feel. When Edward appeared we were sober and wide awake, whereas durring any scene with Jacob or the Werewolves, you felt as if you were on a rollercoaster in a fantasy free and fun world.

My Complaint is not at the haters... cause there will always be haters... my complaint is that we have become a society OF haters, criticizing the pants off any film and every film that comes out of hollywood instead of letting them just take us for a ride for a few hours and coming out of the theater with that "What if" gleam in our eye we had when we walked out of Lord of the Rings or Back to the Future or Night at the Roxbury or Gone with the Wind or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. A Million movies that had terrible scripts, cheesey subplots, bad camera angles, terrible acting and even lower production values... that we loved because we allowed them to take us for a ride into somewhere we can't go elsewhere. Which in turn makes everything about the movie amazing... no matter how cynical you could be about the abundance of discrepancies you might find if you took the time to look, they call to us from a different place in our brains, a place willing to let go and be someone else or do something else for a short while in a dark theater. Now... we don't go there anymore... now we go to that theater to see how good our inner movie critique has become since the last entry on our blogs... now we go to belittle a community of artists and dreamers who are fighting against a government of coproration and money. Can't we just enjoy what we get? Or is it really about the realism and the writing and plot so much so now that we wont be able to enjoy a story unless it is perfect? Where are these perfect movies we seem to try every blockbuster against?

I digress....

Can anyone tell I am terribly bored at work today?

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Offline TomtheFanboy

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #755 on: November 24, 2009, 12:06:53 pm »
I wanna complain about long posts.
Tom the Fanboy
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Offline AllyKat

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Re: Complaints, anyone?
« Reply #756 on: November 24, 2009, 01:43:15 pm »
I wanna complain about long posts.

oh c'mon tom, you know my dissertations only speed up the dragging workday!
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