This is the first year I am going to Kumoricon (Well...First con ever XD) What do you do in Cosplay Chess?
I'm cosplaying as Chii from Chobits
My fiance and his best friend are going as Hidan and Kakuzu from Naruto ^^
Chii is a really fun cosplay and we had one of the best in our cosplay chess game at Sakuracon last year.
To answer your question, Cosplay Chess is a game where the cosplayers are the chess pieces. There will be two chess masters who direct the moves for their sides of the board just like a real chess game.
The difference is the "battles"
When one piece is directed to battle another the two players engage in a mock battle. The outcome isn't really in doubt because the one piece is directed to take the other but what makes cosplay chess fun and interesting are these battles.
It's up to the player/pieces to make the battles fun and interesting for the audience. The more they get into character of their cosplay the more fun it is for everyone.
Enjoy your first con. You should come watch the cosplay chess game for yourself. I'm sure after watching you will want to participate too.
For those of us who have been playing for many years find it a highlight of our con.