Ah yes the Cosplay Chess. I applied for this last year, but I was too late, so I just watched. BEST. WASTE. OF. TWO. HOURS. EVAR. I hope this year I can make the cut. Which of these sounds like it would make the best choice?
1. Nozomu Itoshiki a.k.a. Zetsubou Sensei
2. Tamaki Suoh
3. Battler Ushiromiya (Or possibly something else. I'm still not sure about that one.)
Anyway, as for the theme, the man vs. woman would work, but I would love to see either Main Characters vs. Minor Characters or Good vs. Evil. Only problem with the latter is folks like Nozomu who are pretty much neutral, but perhaps the neutrals could make a third team. Mreh. Although, I was looking at the Main Characters vs. Minor Characters arguments and I thought that perhaps Mainstream vs. Underground might be neat as well. (But that might be because I love underground stuff. :3)