
Based on this Kumoricon, Would you attend next years at the same place?

Yes! Definitely
101 (48.1%)
Maybe, I would have to see some changes
76 (36.2%)
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21 (10%)
12 (5.7%)

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Author Topic: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance  (Read 34340 times)

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Offline altoidsyndrome

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Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:49:28 am »
I know that this years convention at the Hilton was met with complaints, which were doubled when we discovered it's being held in the Hilton again next year. So, I want to see, based on this years convention, how many people plan on attending next year, if it promises to be the same sort of deal. Because the Hilton is not going to get any bigger. ;D
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Offline nikkiolie

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 09:58:59 am »
After getting used to how it was set up there wasn't a problem at all for me. It took about a day for things to settle down. I had a lot of fun this year. The only thing that bothered me were the elevators really. I will be going back next year even if it was in the same spot.

Offline kit2kit

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 10:02:38 am »
I had a blast this year. I will Definitely be coming next year.

I didnt really mind the hotel. Sure it was crowded and some things were confusing but you just have to get used to it and you're fine.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 10:05:22 am »
While I'm really not crazy about this hotel, and felt it was much too small for the amount of people there... Not to mention the confusing layout and all of the stairs (which were a royal pain to constantly walk up in my costume), I'm sure I'll be going next year... Though I might have a costume with shorter pants this time, so it's easier to walk up stairs... Heh. :P

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Offline AllyKat

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 10:16:39 am »
I agree with everyone else, negatives aside, Kumori-con is Oregons @ place for anime
convention going-ness and I intend to stick with is now that I have arrived, I do however
want to be more active in it's assembly and production because of this year. It felt like
they just needed more volunteers per guest and they just didn't have it. So maybe this
will encourage people to get involved!

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Offline Evaldas

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 10:31:58 am »
I think half the problems is despite the attendance projections, no one was quite ready to handle the amount (both hotel and staff alike). However, I think it was still a good turn this year and people had fun.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 10:53:53 am by Evaldas »

Offline EveofAbyss

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2009, 10:54:49 am »
I don't plan on coming back next year. Nothing personal, I'm still going to follow Kumoricon's progress on the forums, but I do not plan to pay for a similar experience next year. Everything I looked forward to about this weekend didn't happen. I just don't like that hotel, and I don't see a reason to pay for a weekend I won't even half-enjoy.

I do plan to return in the future, I'm sure of that. I just plan to take a year off. Hopefully a convention center will be in sight after that.

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Offline makichan

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 11:25:27 am »
Currently I'm on the fence. I'd have to see what will change for next year before I decide. Worse comes to worse I'll go to Akicon or Mewcon, so w/e.
I'm just sad that I'm even considering not coming since I've been going since 2004. It will be weird, that's for sure.
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Offline leonmasteries

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 11:28:18 am »
I am probably going to attend next years, just to see if it's going to be easier to deal with than this year... Because to me, I think the reason the staff was a little mean was do to lack of knowledge on this con... they probably didn't realize how many people would actually be attending and didn't ask a lot of questions.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 12:01:07 pm »
I will most likely not attend Kcon until they find a different place. This hotel was a BAD decision. But I might consider going again next year if they fire all the staff and start over.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2009, 12:05:46 pm »
I just wanted to add that my not attending was not a decision based on just one weekend. I've been attending Kumoricon since 2006, and I have always loved the community and what Kumoricon offers. I have just been going long enough to see the event's rise and fall. So, for a year, I want to sit back and not pay for what may very well be more on the "fall" side of the spectrum, rather than the "rise", does that make sense? When things pick back up, I will be glad to come back. I just know I wouldn't be satisfied with Kumoricon the way they very well may be next year, since so much of the issues are rooted in static things like hotel location and the like.

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Offline leonmasteries

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2009, 12:09:21 pm »
I just wanted to add that my not attending was not a decision based on just one weekend. I've been attending Kumoricon since 2006, and I have always loved the community and what Kumoricon offers. I have just been going long enough to see the event's rise and fall. So, for a year, I want to sit back and not pay for what may very well be more on the "fall" side of the spectrum, rather than the "rise", does that make sense? When things pick back up, I will be glad to come back. I just know I wouldn't be satisfied with Kumoricon the way they very well may be next year, since so much of the issues are rooted in static things like hotel location and the like.

ya, that does make a lot of sense, to give you a break as it were and allow it to recharge in a way so that the next time you do go, it's exciting instead of a let down.

Offline Miyako

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2009, 12:09:34 pm »
I will go back next year. The staff, once they calmed down, were not that bad. Once I got used to the layout, it was fairly easy to get places. Overall, I did enjoy myself. I'm not going to be mean and say I won't come back. The hotel can't be changed, that's something that is going to have to take the work of the con-goers to fix. The hotel staff and security guards were fairly civil by the end of Saturday. Sunday I didn't see a problem at all.

I do think that next year there will be a ton of positive changes. Hotel staff will know what to expect and change accordingly. I just hope they have a lot more interesting panels. I only went to a couple because everything else looked...well...boring.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2009, 12:32:56 pm »
If I'm still in Portland come next year (aaah college aaaaaaaah), I'll definitely be going. Kumoricon is the only con I go to, so I look forward to it all year. Wild horses couldn't keep me away from K-con!
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2009, 12:36:34 pm »
Even though next year is my first con, I know the Hilton pretty well. I'll definitely be going. :3
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Offline IrukaSensei

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2009, 12:55:54 pm »
I will be returning, leave it at that.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2009, 05:26:19 pm »
I will be.

Not because it was super amazing this year, because it wasn't, but because it's one of the few cons I can actually go to and I won't have enough money for Sakura. Also, I did have fun- Just not as much as I was expecting.
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Offline Kimiski

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2009, 05:32:07 pm »
I have to go, it's Kumoricon after all.
I can't imagine sitting at home and not going.

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Offline legoman60

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2009, 05:39:41 pm »
will be there, will be staffing, will not return if things dont change for the staff
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Offline Mr Silmero

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2009, 05:42:12 pm »
How could I not return?

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2009, 05:44:47 pm »
My decision to go is not based on the hotel. I know a lot of people disliked it, but personally I didn't have that big of a problem and it is Kumoricon after all. I love K-con and it's such a disappointment to see all these people I am familiar with saying that they don't want to go if it's at the Hilton again. But I gotta hold my panels!~ :D
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2009, 06:25:03 pm »
Well at first I was considering not coming back next year because I didn't like the hotel, and for some reason this one just wasn't as exciting for me, but then I won the bucket, so I figured it'd be a waste of the free pass if I didn't go.
So I'm hoping that they'll choose a bigger hotel or something because I think that could help a good amount.

Offline Mykath

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2009, 06:49:40 pm »
I'm going because I wanna see if they handle it better next time around.


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2009, 06:53:45 pm »
I picked other because I don't know for sure. But likely I won't since it's 99% staying at the Hilton again.

I'd love to come back for KCon '11 though~

Offline Kallika

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2009, 06:54:27 pm »
If they make it so minors can go to things later I wouldn't mind it being at the Hilton...


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2009, 06:55:54 pm »
^ Minors can easily sneak into viewing rooms, though they might beef up the security next year. On Sunday - Monday I didn't sleep and spent some of my free time with friends watching anime.

Offline Animeman73

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2009, 06:57:34 pm »
As i said I will be back next year. I wouldn't miss Kumoricon for anything. The staff for me were quite helpful and friendly. My only complaint was the hotel staff, some of them seemed a trifle snippy towards us anime fans. The room was wonderfully comfortable and I had no problems falling asleep. But the air I thought waas a little on the dry side, The traffic was a bit of a hassle but I imagine that Kumoricon will get that fixed next year. I think what stymied the hotel and everyone was the amount of people who showed up. Also I heard the staff had a bit of a Youjimbo (security) shortage. I think if anyone out there would be willing to volunteer as a youjimbo next year the more they have the happier they'll be. It was definitely fun for me and some of my fellow Taekwondo students after our demonstration. They stayed and explored Kumoricon, and they loved the karaoke (Hope I spelled that right). Anyway As soon as my photos from Kumoricon are on my blog I'll make an annoucement concerning that. See you folks around.  ;D
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 09:41:14 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline EveofAbyss

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2009, 06:58:00 pm »
For me, so much of this is a potential trend. 2009 was only a worsening of what we saw starting in 2008. So, given that focus, I really don't want to risk another year, especially since the problematic location doesn't change. As has been said, I'm completely willing to come back in '11, but not next year. I'd rather the kinks get worked out when I'm not paying for it, if that makes sense.

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Offline Nayamashii Koneko

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2009, 06:59:26 pm »
I picked other not because of the hotel but I want to see significant changes with Kumoricon staff. I have done reg for three years and this year I stepped into the shoes of the Yojimbo..and what I have done and seen...there needs to be huge changes.

I love my Con family and I would love to stick with them...but like I said, there needs to be changes and they need to happen sooner than later.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2009, 07:00:20 pm »
^ Minors can easily sneak into viewing rooms, though they might beef up the security next year. On Sunday - Monday I didn't sleep and spent some of my free time with friends watching anime.
Nah I meant for the dances..

Offline Nayamashii Koneko

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2009, 07:02:32 pm »
If they make it so minors can go to things later I wouldn't mind it being at the Hilton...
The issue wasn't that minors couldn't attend things, the problem was the amount of space we had and the timing. In past years, minors could attend most of the panels/events. This one year just didn't work out.

We apologize for the minors not being able to go to the rave, but please understand that it takes time to set up events and equipment.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2009, 07:08:02 pm »
True dat eve. Speaking of you, I think I might've been in an elevator with you one one of the days. There was an Aerith in it and I was like, "Woah, Aerith? b" and I think I kinda saw you out of the corner of my eye, but yeah :D

Minors in the dances would be nice.

I'm wondering, so long as minors are mature and behave themselves I think they should be allowed to have 24 hour priveledges too. Me and my friends were quiet in the late night viewing rooms and made sure not to disturb anyone.

I don't know exact figures but a large chunk of the attendee pie is comprised for minors so why not give them/us bang for their/our buck? There was barely anyone in the lobby during the wee hours and it would've been nice to see some more cosplayers and use the chill time as a photo oppurtunity.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2009, 07:10:44 pm »
I may or may not go.

But it's based more on money than hotel choices at this point.

Offline Mr Silmero

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2009, 07:11:11 pm »
to Oslapedo-

Actually during the second night VERY late (as it suddenly struck me then) I did have a little deal like that going right outside the hotel, I think I will repeat that again next year as well as people seemed to enjoy having it done- including Spot our GREAT photo room guy!

Offline altoidsyndrome

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2009, 07:22:33 pm »
I'm wondering, so long as minors are mature and behave themselves I think they should be allowed to have 24 hour priveledges too. Me and my friends were quiet in the late night viewing rooms and made sure not to disturb anyone.

I'm sorry, but Portland actually has a city law, prohibiting minors from being out after midnight. I know this because my sister wanted to go to the late night stuff with me, and the staff said no, and the non-emergency number operator I spoke to also said no. I can't see the curfew changing.

Also: Thank you everyone who has voted so far, please feel free to post reasons why or why you're not going back to the K-Con next year.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2009, 07:22:57 pm »
Now that I know where the hell everything is, I am perfectly fine with coming back to the Hilton.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2009, 07:57:26 pm »
While Kumoricon is dear to my heart, it has always been a diversion for the Labor Day weekend. I am a regular attendee to Rainfurrest and Orycon. Both have better panels and it seem Furry conventions have better art panels. Not just 18+ stuff. I been bother by int inconsistency of the panels and for two years been very disappointed with Creation Station. Please send one up to Rainfurrest and they can show how to run an art track.

I will not be attending 2010 because I will be attend another convention during the Labor day weekend, less I do decide to relocate out of Oregon, I may make Kunoricon my last Oregon hurrah.

PS. If my contract leads to a permanent job all bet are off and I still be attending Kumoricon, this time I will get a hotel room for the night.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 09:40:41 pm by acton »

Offline NickelZinc13

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2009, 09:21:56 pm »
I love Kumoricon, I still want to go, despite my anger towards the hotel staff!

I heard a rumor after the final day that the hotel executives ACTUALLY want us to come back - If this IS true, then we should be able to expect a great deal of changes! However, it's only a rumor I picked up.

As for the raves, yeah, I was horribly annoyed that I couldn't go (I'm currently 17). However, since we'll be at the same hotel, then I could advise an all-ages nightclub where the law isn't enforced, but with some downsides to balance it.

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Offline Mr Silmero

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2009, 09:23:51 pm »
I love Kumoricon, I still want to go, despite my anger towards the hotel staff!

I heard a rumor after the final day that the hotel executives ACTUALLY want us to come back - If this IS true, then we should be able to expect a great deal of changes! However, it's only a rumor I picked up.

It is true- they mentioned such at the Rant/Rave and that one of the top people running that hotel has handled events like this before in California but something must have gotten lost in translation for this one or something.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2009, 09:26:58 pm »
I love Kumoricon, I still want to go, despite my anger towards the hotel staff!

I heard a rumor after the final day that the hotel executives ACTUALLY want us to come back - If this IS true, then we should be able to expect a great deal of changes! However, it's only a rumor I picked up.

It is true- they mentioned such at the Rant/Rave and that one of the top people running that hotel has handled events like this before in California but something must have gotten lost in translation for this one or something.

That actually raises my hopes for this coming year. Thanks for the confirmation!  ;D

I lost the game.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2009, 09:31:34 pm »
I will not be returning.  If they have it at the same place I will not return.  The hotel staff treated me like utter crap.  When I complained they treated me like it was no big deal.  Even the head of security said it was alright that it happened.  He even said that his people did the same thing to a previous group that attended their convention... same complaints and everything.  However they were not a minority group.. they were a subculture group.

So then I asked if we would of been treated the same way if we were a minority group.  He then said no.  I asked why.  No comment.  Why?  because minority groups are protected... if this was a gathering of little people and not anime fans and they were called "freaks" and were forced to walk up to the 23rd floor on those stairs they could sue the hotel and own it within the weekend.

No I will not return.  If the con is held somewhere else... then yes I will return.  But not if it is in the same place.
I don't want to spend all that money just to be told I am a ****ing freak for a weekend and to be pushed an treated like I mean nothing.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2009, 10:00:28 pm »
I have no idea if I'll be back next year. It depends on dates of other events, transport/flight timings, who else I know is going, available funds, exchange rates and if I can get the time off work.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2009, 10:04:55 pm »
I going to go... because I love the staff and the people who come!

Also if it is bad attended they do not get money and we get stuck in a bad spot again in 2011, just remember it will come around to bite if u are not careful!
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2009, 10:14:25 pm »
I going to go... because I love the staff and the people who come!

Also if it is bad attended they do not get money and we get stuck in a bad spot again in 2011, just remember it will come around to bite if u are not careful!

HA!  I will believe it when it happens...
The hilton shouldn't get our money anyways.


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2009, 10:18:31 pm »
No they shouldn't b

If I could drive I'd just stay at another hotel and commute to KCon but since I can't I just won't go.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2009, 10:23:45 pm »
I already know that I will be there and I am sure staffing again.

I personally did not have any issues with the hotel staff (but the only staff I really dealt with was the two guys in charge of security).
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2009, 10:39:14 pm »
so, i am with eve in that i will most likely not go next year, but would love to go in 2011. i pretty much agree with what eve had to say and what some others said about hotel issues (mainly that it was small, i didn't have problems with the staff, but i am surprised at how poorly some con-goers were treated, not cool), and organization/panel issues (seems we could never get to anything on time, or early enough to actually get in, and all the panels/events we wanted to go to seemed to all be scheduled on saturday, meaning we couldn't go to most, and then we had nothing really to do on the other days). but all this has been said by others...

anyway, though we most likely won't be attending the con, eve and i still want to make our planned cosplays for next year and just hang out outside the hotel (assuming weather permits) so we can meet up with friends and get some photos.

just hope k-con 2011 can be held in a better location and more of the kinks get worked out ^.^

let's all meet at icicle inn!

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2009, 10:49:03 pm »
No they shouldn't b

If I could drive I'd just stay at another hotel and commute to KCon but since I can't I just won't go.
You could stay at the Double Tree and get the Max to the con. Both stops are in the 'fareless square'.


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2009, 10:56:49 pm »
Actually, maybe we'll do that and just hang around the Hilton for photoshoots. I love cosplaying and it kills me to miss such a great oppurtunity.

Offline EveofAbyss

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2009, 10:59:29 pm »
Yeah, same with us. I love cosplaying, that is the main reason I attend Kumoricon, and since cosplaying is not directly related to any official indoor (money-requiring) events, I don't see why I should miss out on that aspect if I don't go. Cosplay is phuuuun. ^_^

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2009, 11:50:13 pm »
I voted other.  For me it honestly depends on who is going. I chose Kumoricon over PAX due to the fact that I had friends that were going and others that I knew would be there. I had blast hanging out with friends and doing stuff with them in and outside the con.

Depending on how things shape up for 2010, I might just go to PAX instead.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2009, 11:55:23 pm »
Actually, maybe we'll do that and just hang around the Hilton for photoshoots. I love cosplaying and it kills me to miss such a great oppurtunity.

Hey, you're someone I know from K-con! ;D

Yeah, if the opportunity exists, we should be able to have it!

In all due respect, I could have spent my time doing something much better, but I came because I love what Kumoricon has to offer.

I lost the game.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2009, 12:04:27 am »
As posted above the 18+ between Midnight and 6am is probably a local (non Kumoricon) ordinance that won't change while we're still in Portland (or whatever legal jurisdiction has that law).  I'm not even sure if other areas -lack- similar laws.

However, if your issue is inability to attend some form of -dance- then please state that clearly.  Holding a dance one night -before- midnight is something which COULD be solved.  Similarly properly estimating room capacity and enforcing safety limits for fire codes could be build in to ticketing (I think they were, but that the safety limits may have changed after our planning.  To be honest I'm not sure, but I did overhear things that sound like plans were changed for both the hotel and us by forces beyond our control.)

Which actually gives me an idea to ask about in the staff area...
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2009, 12:08:12 am »
Why does curfew restrict minors from being up late if they're supervised by staff/adults/etc?

And how come minors could stay up till 2am last year but not this year?

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2009, 12:15:56 am »
Why does curfew restrict minors from being up late if they're supervised by staff/adults/etc?

And how come minors could stay up till 2am last year but not this year?
Because of how the law itself works, for question 1

For question 2..I don't remember it being that way in 2008, but it was that way in 2007 (because the WA law is different). But if it was 2am last year, it would be because the hotel is private property and they made their curfew for 2am instead (they don't actually have to go by the local/state curfew since it is private property) and the hotel this year kept it as the local/state curfew.

The biggest problem we had with the dances (at least with minors wanting to attend) was we just had a lot of events that needed main events so we couldn't have them earlier like in years past.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2009, 12:23:18 am »
Thanks for answering my questions. It's just frustrating being so close to adult-dom. I just wanna be able to hang at night, woe is I.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2009, 12:26:40 am »
In response to minor laws and Portland, Oregon:


Under 14, not yet in high school:
School days - 9:15 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Non-school days - 10:15 p.m. to 6 a.m.

14 or older, in high school:
School days - 10:15 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Non-school days - 12 midnight to 6 a.m.

I am sure the reasoning behind not following these portland ordinances last
year was either lack of knowledge or a sincere lack of understanding. As with
any kind of curfew law they are hard to enforce and honestly as long as a youth
is either;
A) with their parents or;
B) not really causing trouble/not drawing attention to themselves
being out on the streets at night is not going to land you in juvie. Of course, it
is for their own safety that they be off the streets after such a time, and cops
may see it as their duty to make sure the law is enforced in areas of high teenage
traffic. The con-simply recognized the much more centralized location of the con
this year in correspondance with police and public officials and probably felt it
neccessary to crack down on minor activity now, before the con gets to big and it
becomes impossible to enforce these rules (it's already hard enough).

So, for a final non-school ho-rah, Kumori-con has the privilage of letting anyone
over 14 hang out till midnight, under 14 till 10pm-ish. K-con extends this midnight
privilage I believe to 12 and 13 year olds (whose gonna really notice anyway?) and
requires tykes to be with their folks anyway, and it's really the parent's call if they
wanna get bothered by the police about having their kids out after curfew, at that
point it is their necks. However, for anyone without a parent on premises, the
con becomes the guardian and suffice it to say, the con is not a forgiving mommy,
when it is bed time, it is bed time. Lights out, no if's and's or but's about it.

I don't know where they allow under 18 out after midnight but I've never lived in
such a town. Not even Vegas or Gresham was that lenient. Portland would be the
least likely city to be forgiving on youth curfew, with the number of highschool's and
corresponding rivalries, thats asking for trouble.

Hope that helps your understanding!

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #57 on: September 09, 2009, 04:45:45 am »
I answered other, and here's why:

I will DEFINITELY go, barring DEATH; however, I will also be expecting significant changes.  We've run a con at this hotel now.  Let's make the best of being stuck in that hell-hole again by fixing everything we can.  We need to change a LOT of things.  The hotel isn't perfect, but when life gives you hiltons, make hilton pie.  AND MAKE IT TASTY.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2009, 11:54:59 am »
I will most likely not attend Kcon until they find a different place. This hotel was a BAD decision. But I might consider going again next year if they fire all the staff and start over.

Just so you know, there was only 50 Yojimbo. I agree with you that the hotel was a bad choice. I think with more organization it would of been a better experience for you. Most of the Yojimbo didn't know where most of the events were happening. I made sure that I did though. We where working at least 12 hour shifts. Some of us went 24 hours. It was just as hard for us as it was for you. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy yourself. That's really lame. 

<(._<) ^(._.)^ (>_.)>

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2009, 11:59:42 am »
I answered other, and here's why:

I will DEFINITELY go, barring DEATH; however, I will also be expecting significant changes.  We've run a con at this hotel now.  Let's make the best of being stuck in that hell-hole again by fixing everything we can.  We need to change a LOT of things.  The hotel isn't perfect, but when life gives you hiltons, make hilton pie.  AND MAKE IT TASTY.

 I think that you will get nothing but skin and bones if you make Hilton pie. LOL There are going to be a lot of changes next year. I know the Ops directors personally. I've know them for years. I know that things will be better next year.

<(._<) ^(._.)^ (>_.)>

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #60 on: September 09, 2009, 06:10:10 pm »
I will be going next year. I already know the place so what they hey. I didn't have to bad of a time like a lot of people had, one of the things I would like to see changed is the escalators to be turned ON. I don't see why their could be a staff member allowing a certain amount of people on at a time, they go pretty fast so it wouldn't be to much of a wait so that way they don't "overload" which I heard what they thought would happen if turned on. They were on in the early morning hours 1am and on.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #61 on: September 09, 2009, 09:39:33 pm »
They can't turn them on. Turning them off is for safety reasons. An escalator has a weight limit - that being the amount it can hold up. If that limit is reached, the whole thing just falls down and everyone on it at the time is tossed into a pile at the bottom. When an escalator is turned off, it gets locked in place with safety 'pins'. Turn it on, those pins are removed and bad things can happen.
With the amount of people using them, the wear and tear on the motors is higher, making them more likely to break.

The escalators were turned off because it was not safe to have them on.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2009, 02:35:48 pm »
the hilton sucked.
the only reason i voted yes is because i support the convention.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2009, 03:28:33 pm »
Why does curfew restrict minors from being up late if they're supervised by staff/adults/etc?

And how come minors could stay up till 2am last year but not this year?

Last year, the minors were allowed to stay in one of the dances until 1am.  Due to miscommunication, it ended up being both dances... and if it was until 2am, it was a mistake.  Because of the difficulty in enforcing it last year (and it is an actual law), we left the curfew at midnight.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2009, 03:30:46 pm »
It doesn't matter to me that the Hilton had it's flaws. Kumoricon is Kumoricon and I'll most definitely be going. :)


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2009, 03:35:24 pm »
Thanks for the clarification Jaki~

I 99% won't go to KCon @ the hilton but things can change I guess. I'd love to go to the KCon events however (dances, KCon lite) so long as there not at the hilton and I look forward to '11 b

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2009, 06:52:14 pm »
I didn't like the hilton but i'm going next year because i love k-con and almost nothing will make me stop coming  ;D
.=' . '=
Kumoricon 2011:
Rika (Higurashi)
Yugi (Yugioh)
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Disney Fairy?

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2009, 07:17:26 pm »
ya im going next year and hopefully as staff

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #68 on: September 14, 2009, 11:55:11 am »
I said I would go because Kumoricon is my teen size con, I love it. The hotel is a bad choice. But I am sure when it was picked they wouldn't have known about some of the things that came up. Like the escalators. But it is a good con. I had no issues with staff myself, anytime I delt with them they were good.

One thing I liked is when I saw some people sleeping, in sleeping bags, in the hall at I think it was 6am. I am not sure how long they where there before I got there, but it was only a few minutes until, I think it was hotel staff it might have been con, woke them up nicely and kindly told them the rules and that the needed to stay up. They did a good job, although the people woken up made rude comments after they left. Also, I was sitting a little to close to a door once, and the staff that asked me to move did so nicely.

I think the only thing that can be chaged that I like to see is curfew being held for minors on staff too.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #69 on: September 14, 2009, 07:49:11 pm »
I fully support K-con and will be attending 2010. It's hard managing and organizing a function like K-con, so a few blemishes will not deter me from a fun weekend. 
And so it begins...

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #70 on: September 14, 2009, 09:56:55 pm »
I'm gonna skip next year and save up money to go to SteamCon in Seattle in October.

I'll plan on being back 2011, because it is nice to have an animecon in your own backyard, but this year was less then thrilling. It was a pain in the ass for some of my friends to take their masks off in the lobby, it was crowded and kinda smelly, and I was a little annoyed with all the bums surrounding the building. I did think the dealer's hall was nicely done.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2009, 12:09:14 am »
I know that this years convention at the Hilton was met with complaints, which were doubled when we discovered it's being held in the Hilton again next year. So, I want to see, based on this years convention, how many people plan on attending next year, if it promises to be the same sort of deal. Because the Hilton is not going to get any bigger. ;D

I definitely intend on coming next year even if most of my friends aren't going to. At least I know Master Lynx will be going and he's fairly fun. xD

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2009, 05:52:24 pm »
My G/F & are are going for sure...yes I agree that the Hilton was not prepared for this...but at least now they know what is coming. Plus, I had a blast meeting new friends & going to all the events/panels.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #73 on: September 23, 2009, 04:05:46 pm »
i have all intentions of coming back.

this year was eh, but from what ive read on the forums in the reviews and what not staff has talked to the hotel and a few things are changing for the better in the way they treat us.

all i want is for the hotel to back off a bit, their not baby sitters which I think they thought was their job at the con. Im used to hardly seeing hotel staff around the con, let along hotel security blocking off odd places for no real good reason.

anywho, I'll come back : P I'm always coming back xD
returning with a vengeance to K con~

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #74 on: September 23, 2009, 04:47:22 pm »
well that's good, if that's the case, I will be more than happy to come back... I did enjoy the events I did go to and this time, I will have a much better outfit that doesn't make me over heat.


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #75 on: September 23, 2009, 06:47:55 pm »
I stayed at the hotel and filled out the survey thing that got emailed to me. Anyone else get this email back?

Dear Sahara Sooter.:

My name is Tracy Marks, General Manager of the Hilton Portland and I just received the comments from your recent stay at our hotel. Thank
you for taking the time from your busy schedule to provide us with  your valuable feedback which we use to improve our product and
services. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience we may have  caused you due to the large youth group that overran the hotel during
your stay. I do understand how challenging it was waiting for the  elevators due to the number of attendees using them. I hope you give
us another opportunity to regain your trust and stay with us again as my guest on your next trip to Portland. Please don't hesitate to
contact me so I can assist you with any future hotel needs.

Tracy  Marks

I found it funny that they pointed out the "large youth group" as a negative. And I didn't even complain about elevators in my critique, hohoho.

But uh... hopefully it's better for you peeps going next year.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2009, 06:55:19 pm »
Damn, I was waiting for her to put something like, "We heard from your neighboring rooms that you were noisy and had more people in your room than were allowed." Lol. xD

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2009, 07:11:36 pm »
wow large youth group? lord they didn't say they were the ones who booked the large youth group and all the money that youth group spent in the area
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2009, 08:04:10 pm »
Wait?  We are a youth group?  With 21+ karaoke and sake tastings?  And ... umm... hentai? 

Dude, we are a pretty irresponsible youth group ;)
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2009, 10:27:51 pm »
I didn't see what she said as a negative thing. I think she was just trying to find a more formal way of saying "large group of young or young-looking people."

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #80 on: September 23, 2009, 11:25:56 pm »
I didn't see what she said as a negative thing. I think she was just trying to find a more formal way of saying "large group of young or young-looking people."

I know, I am just amused :) 
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2009, 07:18:36 am »
All that I can say is "What the *%$#@#!"
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #82 on: October 20, 2009, 01:24:55 pm »
Even our oldy moldys look young

The staff were real... bleh.
I think I'll send a letter myself, Sahara!
Osla, you have inspired me!
.=' . '=
Kumoricon 2011:
Rika (Higurashi)
Yugi (Yugioh)
Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
Yuffie (KH1)
Disney Fairy?

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #83 on: October 20, 2009, 01:59:44 pm »
Even our oldy moldys look young

The staff were real... bleh.
I think I'll send a letter myself, Sahara!
Osla, you have inspired me!

Ewww...moldy  :( Atleast I look young!

But seriously, I have stayed at Hilton hotels MANY MANY times & have only ever had good things to say about them...I just think they were overwhelmed and unprepared for this event. As I said before, that will not stop me from attending as I look forward to hanging with friends & making new ones as well. Sure the lines and waits were stupid, but I enjoyed all the panels and stuff that I got to see. Not to mention...I have a group of new friends/local cosplayers to spend time with while up there so there is no way I would miss it!

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #84 on: October 20, 2009, 03:16:01 pm »
You know it's funny. I'm not one of the Kumoricon staff. But a lot of people at my workplace tend to think from my looks I'm in my late teens to early twenties. I guess my genes have been good to me  ;D.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 09:25:45 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #85 on: October 22, 2009, 09:02:58 pm »
I still find it funny that I COMPLETELY dodged the bullet on these mistreatings and such. The elevators I had no problem with, cause I'm patient, and the staff were never rude to me (save one small time.) In fact, the only real complaint I had was it seemed like there were less panels than usual, and that we couldn't stay in the dances.

I know your hoops, K-con. And I am willing to jump through them all to come. Because you are just that good.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #86 on: October 22, 2009, 09:09:31 pm »
yeah.. on the elevator bit... I never had to wait for an elevator when I really really wanted one,
which... apparently was a big issue...

As far as it being my first convention I was WAAAY WAY impressed. I was a bit surprised by the
hotel staff (being a hotel worker myself I feel that is justified, I am never stressed at a guest even
when I have no clue whats going on, because that is bad bussiness, but I do like to know everything
and anything about a group coming in before they arrive... sometimes I know more than my managers!)

And of course, it's the kinda thing that just makes you want to come back and see what they do with
the cards they are delt for each year!

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2009, 06:22:06 am »
The elevators were really only a problem for the first day until people got fed up with them, at which point nobody wanted to deal with them and thus avoided them at all costs.  By the end of day 2, I could catch an elevator with no line any time I needed it and go right to any floor I wanted without worrying about unwanted stops.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #88 on: October 30, 2009, 02:38:42 am »
I too, like other con attendees had a issue with the hotel. The hotel just couldnt handle that many people. I think the con should take place somewhere else. I hope changes will be made. I was a yojimbo and I plan on being a yojimbo again and hopefully by then I will be DPSST certified.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #89 on: February 13, 2010, 04:25:12 pm »
I didn't have any problems at the hotel. All the staff (both K-con and Hilton) were courteous and polite to me. I did not witness anyone being mistreated either (Although I did hear of it happening).
I didn't have any problems with the elevators either. I just used the stairs (good workout for eating fastfood all weekend!). I didn't go to many panels because I couldn't find some of them, but I didn't feel too much of a loss :3 I just hung out with other cool people.
I'll be back again this year :3

I'm sorry to hear about people who had a bad experience, and who won't be coming this year.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #90 on: February 15, 2010, 10:32:46 am »
I'll just be knowing what goes on, and that's good enough for me.  :)
So, yes, I did like the venue and will be attending k-con once more.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 10:34:06 am by The_Geek »
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #91 on: February 21, 2010, 02:57:04 pm »
I'm not gonna let some issues ruin the first and only con I have been able to attend! Going for my 5th year and even if its crowded and there are problems I will enjoy myself. Cause the events are great and everything but I mostly go to meet friends and hang out! Heck even waiting in crazy long lines is worth it! You meet such amazing people. Hmmm I maybe babbled a little much but thats how I see it! Hope to see you all in the upcoming years!
Secrety secrets!

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #92 on: March 25, 2010, 11:12:53 am »
After getting used to how it was set up there wasn't a problem at all for me. It took about a day for things to settle down. I had a lot of fun this year. The only thing that bothered me were the elevators really. I will be going back next year even if it was in the same spot.

I agree. I had to use the stairs alot but it was no problem for me :)
Also I heard the staff was being very unfair or too fair.
I had no problem.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #93 on: March 31, 2010, 08:37:25 pm »
I am going, yes, but I am not pleased with the staff last year, or the lay out :| That was crappy. I couldn't even get upstairs to go to the panels. :| And I lost my badge and would've had to PAY to replace it. - No way. I left. I was disappointed. I also was mad with the dealers line, I was sent to the END because we came from by the edge of the opening ceremony area. :| By the game room? And we had to walk all the way up, wait 2 hours, then go back down.

I am attending, I hope it's better this year or I'm done with K-con.


I was also one of the people that got YELLED at by security staff for waiting in line to go downstairs. If he yells at me this year, I'm done. :| [Mod edit by JeffT: Removed inappropriate personal attack]
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 01:25:23 am by JeffT »

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #94 on: March 31, 2010, 08:57:41 pm »
I'm terribly sorry you had such a less-than stellar convention experience last year! Thats never fun!

Of course, I'm sure you understand the issue with badge replacement, losing badges is a serious issue at ANY convention, and most conventions put a penalty on it, up to charging a full badge replacement. Thats why it is so important to be mindful of your badge at all times! I bet that was probably the most stressful part of your convention weekend! No doubt losing my badge would have totally ruined it for me!

The issues regarding dealers hall and security as well as movement throughout the convention are being remedied to the best of our ability as I am sure you have read all over the convention forums!

We are putting a registration cap in place to hold the attendance level and prevent overcrowding.

We are working closely with the hotel staff to provide them information and experience with our group.

We are re-distributing events in a way that allows for a more freely flowing traffic pattern.

But of course, as this is a convention that has grown to big for it's britches, you should prepare yourself for the convention by taking these two steps;

1. Plan extra time to get to events/panels so you arent rushing last minute and getting stuck in lines!
2. Relax and take it easy at the convention, a Sunday pace will prevent stress and make the con more enjoyable even when you are stuck in a line!

When you know what to expect from an event, the issues that arise can easily be circumvented by quick action and creativity! So we appreciate knowing what it is exactly we need to tell the hotel and pretty much ANY venue so that they can learn with us and work with us to make K-con a quality convention for Portland-Metro and Oregon at large!


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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #95 on: March 31, 2010, 09:03:59 pm »
My badge got blown away by the wind Saturday afternoon when I left to get lunch, Along with 200$. :| I was out lunch and a max ticket, so I had to wait for my grandparents to come and get me.

I hope this year is better. I would hate to have this be the last year I attend. I enjoy K-con but the stress of losing 235$ [200 + pre-reg 35 badge] :| Just killed me...

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #96 on: March 31, 2010, 09:07:43 pm »
In regards to the badge, we had a ton of lost bages in the Yojimbo Office. If you ever lksoe a badge come on by, we are quite friendly and always willing to help.

In regards to security: was it a hotel security or oneof the Yojimbo?
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #97 on: March 31, 2010, 09:10:12 pm »
It blew off down with the max into Portland street. :| It was GONE. I mean just GONE.

it was a hotel staff I believe
[Mod edit by JeffT: Removed link to page containing inappropriate personal remarks]
I'm not the only one who had a problem with him.
ANYONE waiting to go downstairs did.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 01:25:26 am by JeffT »

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #98 on: March 31, 2010, 09:12:38 pm »
We had quite a few come in from people who found badges on trimet. both max and bus
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as for the hotel security, I am soooooooo sorry.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #99 on: March 31, 2010, 09:25:26 pm »
The security having sticks up their butts isn't the con's fault. It's their mangers fault for not training them to handle the randomness of Kumoricon. They should be able to. It's Downtown Portland for goodness sakes. Anyway.

I lost my badge, was extremely disappointed.

The security was what got us the most, It was my self, and two of my friends. :|

I just hope this time he realizes that we're still guests there and some of us are sleeping in the hotel and if it happens again -- I will be writing letters. Long, mean, nasty letters to his supervisor..
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #100 on: March 31, 2010, 09:49:10 pm »
All I can say is we are doing everything we can to make this year better then last year. this includes working with the Hotel Staff and Security to better preapre the, for this coming convention
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #101 on: March 31, 2010, 09:54:30 pm »
Well, 8D thank you~

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #102 on: April 01, 2010, 01:28:31 am »
As moderator, I've edited a couple of posts in this thread to remove comments and information of a personal nature regarding a hotel employee.

It's ok to complain about issues and incidents, but the portions I've removed are overly personal and don't belong in the convention's public forum. Remember, Kumoricon interacts with the hotel as an entity, not their individual employees, and employers are responsible for employee actions.

You may express your opinion about the hotel and the way you are treated, but if you have issues with a specific hotel employee that you feel needs follow-up, please privately email hotel@kumoricon.org with the relevant information.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #103 on: June 18, 2010, 11:54:18 pm »
Well im going this year. So I hope it will be awesome (though not having any guests announced is scary for this close to con)
+ I wouldnt be able to sit at home if I knew the con was going on without me ^^
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #104 on: June 19, 2010, 09:51:16 pm »
This is going to be my first con and we and my hubby are using this as a hunnymoon. so i cant wait. hope to meet alot of new people.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #105 on: July 13, 2010, 12:10:19 pm »
This is my 5th year at K-con, and while I did find the hotel staff much more high strung than usual, there were also more people than usual. I did experience first hand the hostility of one of the hotel staff, but you have to remember that they're watching after all of us to make sure nothing happens for hours at a time. And you can't deny that many con goers don't have the most patience. I definitely heard one guest shout profanity at a hotel staff member, though they ignored it. They get upset if they're going to miss an event because the elevator person won't allow one more person on, with good reason. But there really is nothing that the staff can do; these rules are set in place, and its for your/guests that aren't part of the con's safety.
Getting upset at the hotel staff won't do anything, and this year, put yourself in their shoes for a moment, with all that chaos, and frankly, some nasty attitudes, around you. I know I wouldn't last 2 hours with all of it around me.

All in all, if hotel staff are rubbing you the wrong way, just walk away, and do something else. If they're blocking the only way down to an event (which is very unlikely :|), there's nothing you can do about it, and there are a lot of people in the same boat as you.
Honestly, cons are meant to be a pleasant experience, and you shouldn't let a stressed out staff member ruin that for you.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #106 on: July 23, 2010, 11:00:53 pm »
This is my 5th year at K-con, and while I did find the hotel staff much more high strung than usual, there were also more people than usual. I did experience first hand the hostility of one of the hotel staff, but you have to remember that they're watching after all of us to make sure nothing happens for hours at a time. And you can't deny that many con goers don't have the most patience. I definitely heard one guest shout profanity at a hotel staff member, though they ignored it. They get upset if they're going to miss an event because the elevator person won't allow one more person on, with good reason. But there really is nothing that the staff can do; these rules are set in place, and its for your/guests that aren't part of the con's safety.
Getting upset at the hotel staff won't do anything, and this year, put yourself in their shoes for a moment, with all that chaos, and frankly, some nasty attitudes, around you. I know I wouldn't last 2 hours with all of it around me.

All in all, if hotel staff are rubbing you the wrong way, just walk away, and do something else. If they're blocking the only way down to an event (which is very unlikely :|), there's nothing you can do about it, and there are a lot of people in the same boat as you.
Honestly, cons are meant to be a pleasant experience, and you shouldn't let a stressed out staff member ruin that for you.

Have you thought of becoming staff? We need people like you with that personality

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #107 on: July 24, 2010, 12:30:14 am »
Yep, im goin. :D

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #108 on: August 04, 2010, 05:12:24 pm »
Everything that went wrong in 09 will hopefully be talked about and resolved, and the hotel staff now know what chaos incarnate is like. XD

In all honesty, 2010 can only be better than 2009. I wasn't sure if I was going, but I decided that if I didn't go, I'd regret it.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #109 on: August 06, 2010, 08:07:53 pm »
Everything that went wrong in 09 will hopefully be talked about and resolved, and the hotel staff now know what chaos incarnate is like. XD

I Can Guarantee this, Registration will be much better this year, i was in the front of the line last year, i know how bad it was. So, i redesigned it, and got turned down, and redesigned it again, and was approved. Sat and sun reg lines will be for the most part covered, so no standing in the weather.

We have worked hard to make this year better than last year. If you have any questions, ask a yojimbo, they are there to assist you.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #110 on: August 10, 2010, 02:09:49 pm »
What Pyro said, but also

Ask any staffer, they are there to assist you
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #111 on: August 14, 2010, 02:21:21 pm »
Have my badge but probably won't go. Don't see the point.

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #112 on: August 14, 2010, 02:26:01 pm »
Have my badge but probably won't go. Don't see the point.

Wow that's a negative attitude. Go for the fun of it? You've already paid money so it'd be a waste not to. Plus even if you're going alone there's loads to do and you'll be far from bored.
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #113 on: August 14, 2010, 10:04:06 pm »
I'm going~
It's going to be my second year, and always the 'epic fun' thing to do before school starts with a few friends.
(Kcon = 4th to 6th, school starts on the 8th so it works out PERFECTLY <3)

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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #114 on: August 20, 2010, 06:27:10 pm »
I've got something i want to get off my chest. Kumoricon staff, i don't know how in the world you managed to get Todd Haberkorn and Tiffany Grant to come but all I can say is kudos (applause) to you. This Kumoricon looks like it''s going to be fantastic!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 06:07:38 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: Kumoricon 2010 Attendance
« Reply #115 on: August 21, 2010, 03:24:23 am »
Yes, I'm sooo excited! Let's get this show on the road!

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