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Eve, I just have to say that you and Kahlan are awesome for making cupcakes for (perhaps) strangers. My thanks. <3
YESSSSS.Since I missed the last one, I will come this time. =D
I'll be there that is all that matters XDI'm sure Patrick will go....
I might go~ It was a lot of fun last year. ^^
So, I haven't found any mention of WHEN this is anywhere...
It was really fun when I went last year. A lot of internet/forum-related gags and games. Making the King of Spam Posts eat spam, guess the Meme cupcake...fun stuff, heh
I actually have two cans of spam this year.I'm trying to come up with a prize worthy of an eating contest.
If vegetarian spam existed I'd be in. Oh well!
I've requested the time off, so it's pretty likely I'll actually be there this year.
TOM!!!I'm gonna try and make it to the forum panel and Pocky!I didn't reply to your newsletter email but time permitting I'll try and snag some Glico products for the panel. We'll see
Quote from: laurifer on August 29, 2009, 07:14:51 pmTOM!!!I'm gonna try and make it to the forum panel and Pocky!I didn't reply to your newsletter email but time permitting I'll try and snag some Glico products for the panel. We'll see YOU'RE ALIVE! YAY!
I always get a kick out of meeting people from the forums. Mainly because I'll get to know them somewhat, then after a few hours conversation leads to the forums, and someone eventually asks who I am, then they're like "OMG DancingTofu has a kawaii desu mustache!" :O
Quote from: DancingTofu on August 30, 2009, 01:21:36 amI always get a kick out of meeting people from the forums. Mainly because I'll get to know them somewhat, then after a few hours conversation leads to the forums, and someone eventually asks who I am, then they're like "OMG DancingTofu has a kawaii desu mustache!" :OYour Jesus hair is also not hard to miss, lol.
Didn't Mustash throw up last time?
Wolfy and I had a blast. X3 We only stayed for a while last year, so this year we absolutely loved the meet-up. Even though we were the "lurkers" in the back. XDD We definitely plan on going to this next yeeeear =D
XD Yes. Wolfy and me~ =w= You'll have to hang out with us sometime. We hang out like every weekend anyway. Come cosplay with us at Clackamas Town Center sometime. =w=
I'm sorry I had to leave early. Too much processed pork particles in the air made my vegibitarian nose barf
it was amazeing the way patrick lost then a girl took 2nd place also tofu dont make me steal your mod tools
thats it.i am definitely cosplaying as a forum moderator next year.i will definitely have a ban hammer, quick mod tools, and a thread splitter.not to mention thread locks.Quote from: HardstyleZombie on September 10, 2009, 09:57:33 pmit was amazeing the way patrick lost then a girl took 2nd place also tofu dont make me steal your mod toolsDon't act like you don't know her >.>
i really really enjoyed the panel.i think my girlfriend did too, until she ate that spam...her stomach hurt a lot afterward xD
how would that work? we would dress up as their avatar or something? ^^
Quote from: NightLotus on October 07, 2009, 01:10:59 pmhow would that work? we would dress up as their avatar or something? ^^I have no idea. T_TI still think it'd be pretty crazy though. Ooh I know! Everyone come up with their own contests and prizes, then I can award a prize for the best contest!
CatchxMe, your post pretty much made me make that exact expression in your icon. ~λ~
BOBBING FOR APPLES! But for...spam...wait...we'd all be puking shortly because of the disgusting, soggy, floating spam. xD
Quote from: CatchxMe on October 07, 2009, 03:13:38 pm kids lol kids hahaha tom you hang out with kids lolbut no you are right they do change to much
So, somebody deleted their post..... and I think that someone also messed up the quotes there. hurr hurr hurrIf I'm going to be a creepy old guy now, I promise not to send weird private messages.
Quote from: TomtheFanboy on October 07, 2009, 06:22:24 pmQuote from: CatchxMe on October 07, 2009, 03:13:38 pm kids lol kids hahaha tom you hang out with kids lolbut no you are right they do change to muchI'm doing it wrong :>
you send me wierd emails all of the time >.>Anyway, back on topic, how a candle jack impersona
Anyone who cosplays as my current avatar wins at winning.
Quote from: DancingTofu on October 13, 2009, 07:33:03 amAnyone who cosplays as my current avatar wins at winning.DON'T TEMP ME CHARLES ;;>_>
Well tell us what it is at least!
No way! I'm not posting it here!Everything you type is logged by the admins even if you don't post it or you delete it right afterwards. They clear the logs on a regular basis but have certain terms flagged. That's why you have to watch your mouth in here.Tofu, tell her it's true.Contest Maker 1 - DemonSpawnContest 1 - Forum Person HuntThat sounds like a good contest.Anyone want to run the Avatar Cosplay Contest?
Should we allow people to run more than one mini contest?
I dunno man, best thread is really too subjective. There's not any clear way of measuring how "good" a thread is because of the different purposes they serve.Do you guys think we could do more contests if the forum meet up panel was on Sunday morning instead?
Contest Maker 1 - DemonSpawnContest 1 - Forum Person HuntDescription: Between 8am and the beginning of the Forum Meet Up Panel, get footage of as many forum members as you can.Contest Maker 2 - NightLotusContest 2 - Avatar Costume ContestDescription- Dress up as someone's Kumoricon Forum avatar. Bonus points if the person is there.OK, so one more mini contest and I will be comfortable running the CONTEST CONTEST.Should we allow people to run more than one mini contest?
Haha Nightlotus, always giving mixed signals.
AND SPAM hopefully Patrick won't do that again... I don't like kissing him after that
next year i am going to make really
I was Renge, sitting next to Griff as Shiny Umbreon.I left early for the host club tea party..
Quote from: soundninja12 on October 20, 2009, 02:37:53 pmI was Renge, sitting next to Griff as Shiny Umbreon.I left early for the host club tea party..B-b-but I didn't see you?! How did that happen? I thought you were with us for like, all of k-con.
Ah~We wuz on the right next to Meg and Kaye. BEHIND SHAY!
Quote from: DemonSpawn on October 20, 2009, 02:58:43 pmAh~We wuz on the right next to Meg and Kaye. BEHIND SHAY! Well you and Megan were.Bre and I, were standing in the back.
T-T i was next to you pluse one and you dont know mesoundninja you where in front of me ??
Quote from: CloudStrife32 on October 20, 2009, 03:00:44 pmQuote from: DemonSpawn on October 20, 2009, 02:58:43 pmAh~We wuz on the right next to Meg and Kaye. BEHIND SHAY! Well you and Megan were.Bre and I, were standing in the back.Like creepers. XD
We are not.I am not!p.s your avatar is a wannabe Soundy's avatar.lol
Quote from: soundninja12 on October 20, 2009, 03:24:56 pmWe are not.I am not!p.s your avatar is a wannabe Soundy's avatar.lolYou look like a bug. XD
Quote from: DemonSpawn on October 20, 2009, 03:27:29 pmQuote from: soundninja12 on October 20, 2009, 03:24:56 pmWe are not.I am not!p.s your avatar is a wannabe Soundy's avatar.lolYou look like a bug. XDME?!
goggles = bugs THAT'S FINAL
calm down you guysWho has a new contest idea?
Name the threads Contest:Read out a section (eg. Spam, cosplay) and people guess 5 threads they think are at the top AT THE VERY MOMENT. BUT NO CHECKING BEFOREHAND~ contestants must be internet free 15 minutes before the contest!if 2 or more of the 5 are correct they get a prize and/or move on to the next round~ (judges/person running will need a computer and internets)
Guess the person contest: (will need some in panel prep to find who is there):Have 1-5 contestants. (OR BE MEAN AND MAKE IT A HOT SEAT ). Read out someones forum name. Contestants try and find the people. ^^
W-would I be like 'against' Lotus?? D:
Quote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmQuote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmGuess the person contest: (will need some in panel prep to find who is there):Have 1-5 contestants. (OR BE MEAN AND MAKE IT A HOT SEAT ). Read out someones forum name. Contestants try and find the people. ^^Find as in "bring back to the panel"? Or Find in the room?I mean find in the room, AKA do you know what everyone looks like @deamony: We may be 'against' eachother but we don't have to be mean!
Quote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmGuess the person contest: (will need some in panel prep to find who is there):Have 1-5 contestants. (OR BE MEAN AND MAKE IT A HOT SEAT ). Read out someones forum name. Contestants try and find the people. ^^Find as in "bring back to the panel"? Or Find in the room?
Quote from: TomtheFanboy on October 21, 2009, 06:17:19 amQuote from: TomtheFanboy on October 21, 2009, 06:17:19 amQuote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmQuote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmGuess the person contest: (will need some in panel prep to find who is there):Have 1-5 contestants. (OR BE MEAN AND MAKE IT A HOT SEAT ). Read out someones forum name. Contestants try and find the people. ^^Find as in "bring back to the panel"? Or Find in the room?I mean find in the room, AKA do you know what everyone looks like @deamony: We may be 'against' eachother but we don't have to be mean! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?
Quote from: TomtheFanboy on October 21, 2009, 06:17:19 amQuote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmQuote from: NightLotus on October 20, 2009, 07:47:15 pmGuess the person contest: (will need some in panel prep to find who is there):Have 1-5 contestants. (OR BE MEAN AND MAKE IT A HOT SEAT ). Read out someones forum name. Contestants try and find the people. ^^Find as in "bring back to the panel"? Or Find in the room?I mean find in the room, AKA do you know what everyone looks like @deamony: We may be 'against' eachother but we don't have to be mean! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?
That would have to be a team-based tournament. :O
would it be a debate, a conversation, or a rant? ^^
Quote from: NightLotus on October 26, 2009, 10:40:54 pmwould it be a debate, a conversation, or a rant? ^^Just a conversation. Now that I think of it, maybe I should just select the teams at random. Like just put half the room on one team and half the room on another. EVERYONE comments on threads after all, you never know who's going to reply.Or make it more like an improv game, where each team lines up and you have to go in order.
forget the contest, lets just have an awesome group discussion
Hmm, since no one has told me which flavor of pocky they want me to bring next year I guess I'll just have to settle on the burden of bringing both strawberry and chocolate pocky. OH THE PAIN! OH THE PAIN AND THE BURDEN OF IT ALL .
tom, maybe we can have 3 divisions! because there are all 3 types of posts here!
Quote from: NightLotus on October 27, 2009, 04:11:20 pmtom, maybe we can have 3 divisions! because there are all 3 types of posts here! There was a rant here? I didn't notice.I think we need to have two dedicated computers online at the panel for everyone to post on at least once. Login and post to this thread (or a new one we create specifically for that purpose).Maybe we could make a "thank you staff" thread and everyone has to post to it when they show up at the panel. It'd be a positive kind of spam.
Awesome, thanks you two. I will make sure you are well rewarded for sacrificing the use of your computers.
I'm so sad that I missed this ;_;I will try so hard to go next year.
A night time one would be good, then you know it wont interfere...not too many shoot at night
@cthulhuYeah when the clock strikes midnight the mods "temp-ban" all the minors. XD
My panel will not aid an abet minors after curfew.My panel will also be completely BEFORE the curfew.Mustash's panel....well.... He has a habit of getting the yojimbo's attention as it is.
Oh so that's when one applies for forums and events in January eh? Thanks for the information Tom. And no problem I'll look for the new thread in January good buddy.
Suffice to say, Mustash went a little too far with the adult content and surprised some of the attendees. They were not expecting that....graphic.... of an offering.My opinion, that was naaasty.
O.O what did I miss?
Quote from: soundninja12 on October 29, 2009, 02:25:08 pmO.O what did I miss?we were just talking about the randomness of the internet panel
@ cthulhu thanks for telling every one im not 18@ tom after you told me what the video was at the pocky club meet up i saw it and now the mods perma banned my sight
..............your sight?OK, so you're blind?Got it.I'm sad that there's not more contests. I wanted at least 4.Do you think Tofu is going to make a whole panel for the magic cards or just bring them to this panel?
Another thing on my checklist, I want to another epic mega mega pose! I want to edit this one so if you tile it as wall paper the people on the left are high fiving the people on the right through the image wall and the people on the bottom are standing on the hands of the people on the top.
You guys are going to kill me...
Do you think Tofu is going to make a whole panel for the magic cards or just bring them to this panel?
I intend to have a special print of each card that's for a specific person which those people will be able to keep. I don't think I'll be able to make foils, but maybe something comparable?MEGAIDEASo, how about if I bring two full sets of these and 10 or so gold-coloured gel pens, and we have everyone sign their cards. Everybody keeps one, then we offer the other full signed set for the charity auction?
So, how about if I bring two full sets of these and 10 or so gold-coloured gel pens, and we have everyone sign their cards. Everybody keeps one, then we offer the other full signed set for the charity auction?
I love that idea, tofu.
I AM BACK~Okie dokieI had an idea.. but it died about a day ago.My idea not my brain XP