I'm just taking TSJ's whole conglomeration of quizzes.
Also, happy 18.5th birthday to meeeeee~:>
how are you? uneasy. I typically tend towards laid-back though.
What type of things do you watch? Theatrical performances, cynical comedies
Play any games? Doing some calculations, I've spent about 30% of my life (total time spent living) playing games...
how old are you? 18.5 today. :O
what do you like to do? lyrk around, moddin'. :>
do you like fruit? it's qute.
do you have a windows or a mac? PSP

My XP computer died.
do you like to draw? I enjoy it from time to time.
uhhh >:3
and and whats your shoe size? 11.5
and where you live? SE Portland, near the Clinton Theater
and *shot* BANG![arang]
What's your name? Charlie
Have any nicknames? Tofu, DancingTofu, Meniscus, Thatlatu, Mazutec, Chuck, Hippy (from high school), Piano-Thai-Guy, Q T Pi
Do you cosplay? Going to give it a shot.
Are you supposed to be doing something right now? Yes. I've mandated that I need to go work with Ian on a few of his solos, a couple chord progressions, arpeggiated strumming, and talk to him about playing at Satyricon on the 7th.
What's your favorite part about Kumoricon? The i, I suppose.
Are you cool? I've been convicted as such.
The good candy is at the top of the purple mountain! Will you get me some?! How big is the mountain/what equipment do I have?
What's your favorite hat? An old hat I inherited from my late great-grandfather.
If a pink notebook ate you, how would you scold it? by writing on the first page "bad notebook, no cute girl writing her diary in you tonight."
Do you believe in LASER? Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission or Radiation? Never heard of it.
have you ever tripped on nothing? I never trip on actual things; that would be quite square.
do you say sorry if you bump into an inanimate object? Sorry! :O
Do you write stuff down so you don't forget it, but lose the paper? No, but I take notes using my computer, then it dies. D:
What's your favorite pasta shape? Wheels. I like using clams as spinnaz. :>
What's your favorite color? Fuscia
Where were you 3 hours ago? In bed
Have you ever eaten a crayon? Nope.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Plenty.
Are you wearing socks right now? Nope
Last food that you ate? Tortellini
Worst injury you've ever had? Broke my face. Maybe getting a hook stuck an inch deep in my foot. (not a barbed one though)
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? Certain spiders.
What is something that makes you cringe? Stupid people
When was the last time you cried? Few days ago.
Have you ever faked sick? Never.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? No, but my friend and I have had extensive philosophical conversations with a bunch of stoned punks who kept prank-calling him at 2am once.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Well-dressed
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? What time is it?
What time is it? You first. :>
How are you today? 18.5/21
Do you have brothers and sisters? 2 sisters (19 and 5), 2 brothers (11 and 9)
What is your favorite drink? Vanilla Cream Soda
Can you break dance? A little. I don't get a lot of chances to practice.
Your favorite band? REM
Where was the last place you went shopping? Voodoo Doughnuts.
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Only a little.
Do you have any pet peeves? There is a topic where I address about 20 of these in the General Convention and Anime forum. Besides those...stupid people.
Do you like math? I love group and graph theory. Derivatives? Yes. Integrals? No. Trig? So-so.
Do you have a Job? I have two paid gigs next month, so we'll say yes.
Do you watch the Olympics? Totally. :>
Last restaurant you went to? King Burrito
What’s your sign? Aquarius/Horse
Do you have a favorite number? 312
Cake or Ice Cream? Yes please.
What do you spend the majority of your money on? Food.
Whens your birthday? January 24
Did you ever collect Rocks? Yup
Last time you saw your parents? Saw my dad last night at 7pm. Saw my mom last night at 11pm.
Do you have any talents? Yes.
Ever been in a wedding? wat
Last movie you watched? HP6
Did you take a nap today? Well, I went to sleep again after waking up at 11...
Ever been on a cruise? Nope
Ever met anyone famous before? Depends how famous we're talking.
Favorite actor? Robin Williams
Favorite actress? Whoopi Goldberg
Are you multi-tasking right now? Listening to an old scooby doo, answering quiz questions, being neurotic
Are you hungry or thirsty? yes.
Do you believe in Karma? In a mathematical sense, yes.
Can you speak any other languages? Some German, Japanese, Spanish, and Italian. Not anywhere near fluent in any of those though.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Long ago.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 18.
Last place you were? Here.
What is/was you school mascot? Cougars
Ever been to Las Vegas? I've lived there.
Favorite place to be? Outdoor School
Have you been to Texas? 4 or 5 times. My sister's going to school there. My grandfather lives there.
Favorite restaurant? Chaos Café and Parlor
Ever been to Disney Land? 6 or 7 times.
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Charlie Brown.
Last thing you cooked? Tortellini.
How is the weather today? HOT.
Whats your bestfriends name? qute ;> (Matthew)
Have you ever been to a magic show? I've witnessed a few.
Stupidest thing you ever said? Not tellin'.
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? Portland is really qute.
Are you bored right now? Somewhat.
Last concert you went to? Tempest in September last year. D:
What do you think about before you go to bed? Everything I did wrong that day.
Can you blow a bubble? BIG ****IN' BUBBLE.
Can you dance? What kind? Yes. Breakdance, Thrash, Squaredance, Interpretive, Step...
Can you do a cart wheel? I can, but my body associates it with pain and destruction so I don't.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Yes.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Used to be able to touch my elbows to my toes...not that flexible right now because I haven't been stretching. Can still touch my toes easily.
Can you whistle? Not correctly.
Can you wiggle your ears? With my hands.
Can you wiggle your nose? Somewhat.
Can you roll your tongue? lol yeah.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? so easy.
Can you drive? Not legally.
What do you do when you’re mad? fall apart.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? not tellin'.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Pain tends to do that.
Do you swear when you’re mad? I usually just swear when I'm happy, but I'll swear angrily if I'm feeling verbal.
Are you usually a happy person? When I'm not busy thinking.
What makes you the happiest? Friends.
Does being with your friends make you happy? lol
Do you believe in yourself? I think, therefor, I believe I exist.
Do you wish you were happier? I wish I wasn't confused.
Is being happy overrated? It's the only thing I have to strive for.
Can music make you happy? Music is every emotion.