Author Topic: Lets get to know each other : D  (Read 15207 times)

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #50 on: July 23, 2009, 01:51:52 pm »
What's your favorite color? Teal!
Where were you 3 hours ago? In bed... I'm fighting a beastly Summer cold.  :-\
Have you ever eaten a crayon? Not a whole one, tried a nibble when I was little and wasn't a fan.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My fingernails... they're a sparkly pale pink currently
Are you wearing socks right now? NEVER!!!! socks are too confining
Last food that you ate? Macaroni and Cheese.... my mom makes it like a master!
Worst injury you've ever had? Either breaking my toe or breaking open my chin...
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? Spiders.... they are ALL OVER in my room and they bite me while I sleep O_o
What is something that makes you cringe? Seek above...
When was the last time you cried? Me and my three friends were losing it the other day watching "16 and Pregnant".... it was the adoption episode ='[
Have you ever faked sick? Ohhh yeah, in High School I used to a couple times a year.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? Back in the day I was the master =]
What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm going to school to be an elementary school teacher
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? Ughhhhhhh..... lol.
What time is it? 1:50pm
How are you today? Relaxeeedddd
Do you have brothers and sisters? One older brother.
What is you favorite drink? Lemonade is BOMB!!!!
Can you break dance? Far from it....
Your favorite band? Currently I've been listening to 'Forever the Sickest Kids.'
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2009, 01:53:32 pm »
I think I've become the quizmaster O:
Be back with a fresh one soon!
I miss 2010.

Offline kit2kit

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2009, 01:59:26 pm »
I think I've become the quizmaster O:
Be back with a fresh one soon!
Good luck Miss. QuizMASTA we'll be waiting : D
'16 Cosplay
Suzuya (Tokyo Ghoul) // Magic!Betty (Adventure Time)

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2009, 02:00:31 pm »
kit2kit - Oh my gosh, that's amazing.~~ We're like...the same. x33 Even though I'm a year younger. :')

and a bit taller
'16 Cosplay
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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2009, 02:00:54 pm »
Thank you Quizmasta for keeping the thread alive!!! This is fun =]
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2009, 02:02:03 pm »
Where was the last place you went shopping?
Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
Do you have any pet peeves?
Do you like math?
Do you have a Job?
Do you watch the Olympics?
Last restaurant you went to?
What’s your sign?
Do you have a favorite number?
Cake or Ice Cream?
What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Whens your birthday?
Did you ever collect Rocks?
Last time you saw your parents?
Do you have any talents?
Ever been in a wedding?
Last movie you watched?
Did you take a nap today?
Ever been on a cruise?
Ever met anyone famous before?
Favorite actor?
Favorite actress?
Are you multi-tasking right now?
Are you hungry or thirsty?
Do you believe in Karma?
Can you speak any other languages?
Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Last place you were?
What is/was you school mascot?
Ever been to Las Vegas?
Favorite place to be?
Have you been to Texas?
Favorite restaurant?
Ever been to Disney Land?
Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Last thing you cooked?
How is the weather today?
Whats your bestfriends name?
Have you ever been to a magic show?
Stupidest thing you ever said?
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in?
Are you bored right now?
Last concert you went to?
What do you think about before you go to bed?
I miss 2010.

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2009, 02:03:59 pm »
That was exhausting.
I get them from different sites so I delete irrelevant questions and ones I don't like and people put numbers on them so I gotta go through and delete the numbers at the beginning of each question. XDD
I miss 2010.

Offline Griff_the_dragoon

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2009, 02:07:05 pm »
how are you? -Tired... just moved alot of rocks... BIG ROCKS
What type of things do you watch? -Anime and Fuse (I would die if i did not have music
Play any games?-Ya I am a god at tetris
how old are you?-19
what do you like to do?-sleep and hangout with friends
do you like fruit?-ya grapes and apples
do you have a windows or a mac?-Windows Vista and it is wierd I have not had any problems
do you like to draw?-I cant  :'(
uhhh D:-<,<'
and and whats your shoe size?-10.5
and where you live?-ok take oregon and put a bullseye on it and throw a dart for the middle... and you would hit my house
and *shot*-Ohno i is dead XP

China bound!!!

Offline StarryShay

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2009, 02:10:46 pm »
kit2kit - Aha, yeah. x33

Where was the last place you went shopping? Ross maybe..
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Nopee.
Do you have any pet peeves? Yes, when people chew with their mouths openn.
Do you like math? Nooooo.
Do you have a Job? I wish.~
Do you watch the Olympics? Yes, the summer one.~
Last restaurant you went to? Uhm..
What’s your sign? Leo. :33
Do you have a favorite number? Two~
Cake or Ice Cream? Cakeee.
What do you spend the majority of your money on? -Whispers- Cosplay.
Whens your birthday? August Second.
Did you ever collect Rocks? Ah, no. xDD
Last time you saw your parents? I saw my dad last night.
Do you have any talents? Maybe..
Ever been in a wedding? Mhm, as a flower girl.~
Last movie you watched? I'm watching silent hill right now.
Did you take a nap today? Not yet, but maybe later?
Ever been on a cruise? Noo.
Ever met anyone famous before? Maybe..
Favorite actor? Ah.. I dunno.
Favorite actress? Hm...
Are you multi-tasking right now? Yes, typing and watching a moooviee.
Are you hungry or thirsty? Not really.
Do you believe in Karma? Oh yes.~
Can you speak any other languages? Kind of.. I know alot of Spanish.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Yesterdayy..
How many pairs of shoes do you own? I dunno. xDD
Last place you were? My room?
What is/was you school mascot? A raider..
Ever been to Las Vegas? Nope.
Favorite place to be? VANCOUVER.~
Have you been to Texas? Noope.
Favorite restaurant? Oh, Olive Garden~
Ever been to Disney Land? Twice. :33
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? I like baby loony tuness..
Last thing you cooked? Donuts. x3
How is the weather today? SUNNY.
Whats your bestfriends name? Rosemarie.~
Have you ever been to a magic show? N-no.~
Stupidest thing you ever said? Oh, I don't know. xDD
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? Vancouver..
Are you bored right now?Not really.
Last concert you went to? None. Oh wait, does the slants one count?~
What do you think about before you go to bed? Everything.. x3

(Seriously, too many questions.. xDD)

Offline kit2kit

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2009, 02:11:31 pm »
Oh Shnap o___o

Where was the last place you went shopping? idunno
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? somewhere you can buy wigs
Do you have any pet peeves?the white board must be completely erased
Do you like math? no
Do you have a Job? no I want one though
Do you watch the Olympics? not really
Last restaurant you went to? Fudruckers
What’s your sign? Leo
Do you have a favorite number? 42
Cake or Ice Cream? cake
What do you spend the majority of your money on? cosplay and hair thingys
Whens your birthday? August 2nd 1994
Did you ever collect Rocks? no
Last time you saw your parents? 10 minutes ago
Do you have any talents? drawing
Ever been in a wedding? yep I was a flower girl at my moms
Last movie you watched? Up!
Did you take a nap today? nope
Ever been on a cruise? nope
Ever met anyone famous before? nope
Favorite actor? none
Favorite actress? none
Are you multi-tasking right now? sorta
Are you hungry or thirsty? yeeeuuuussss D:
Do you believe in Karma? not really
Can you speak any other languages? I know wittle bit of Japanese
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? none
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3
Last place you were? my house
What is/was you school mascot? a Tiger XD
Ever been to Las Vegas? no
Favorite place to be? my house
Have you been to Texas? no
Favorite restaurant? Old Spagtti factory
Ever been to Disney Land? yes
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Miles Tails Prower from the original sonic Cartoon
Last thing you cooked? Scrambled Pancakes
How is the weather today? sunny
Whats your bestfriends name? Rachel and Nikayla
Have you ever been to a magic show? no
Stupidest thing you ever said? "so if it takes 2 minutes plus an extra 3 minutes... how much is that?"
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? TIGARD : DDD
Are you bored right now? not really
Last concert you went to? never been to one
What do you think about before you go to bed? My OCs :P
'16 Cosplay
Suzuya (Tokyo Ghoul) // Magic!Betty (Adventure Time)

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2009, 02:17:27 pm »
Can you blow a bubble?
Can you dance? What kind?
Can you do a cart wheel?
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
Can you whistle?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Can you wiggle your nose?
Can you roll your tongue?
Can you make a clover with your tongue?
Can you drive?


What do you do when you’re mad?
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
Do you swear when you’re mad?


Are you usually a happy person?
What makes you the happiest?
Does being with your friends make you happy?
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you wish you were happier?
Is being happy overrated?
Can music make you happy?

This one's little I think.
I miss 2010.

Offline Dubaby

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2009, 02:18:04 pm »
Ohhhh a nice long one =]

Where was the last place you went shopping? Archibald Sisters in downtown OLY
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Tokyo would be nice..... but yeah. lol
Do you have any pet peeves? Just all around ignorant people
Do you like math?.... we have a bit of a love/hate relationship. I'm extremely right brained so sometimes we clash.
Do you have a Job? About to start working at Jack in the Box.... kind of a step down from my previous jobs but hey cash is cash.
Do you watch the Olympics? YESSSS!!!!! Love it!
Last restaurant you went to? Meconi's... it's the best sub shop EVER!
What’s your sign? I am a fishy little pisces =]
Do you have a favorite number? 15... for sure
Cake or Ice Cream? Ice cream... not a big cake fan
What do you spend the majority of your money on? Food. sad but true.....
Whens your birthday? February 27th
Did you ever collect Rocks? haha... when I was like 9. I had some awesome ones!
Last time you saw your parents? My mom is a few feet away from me
Do you have any talents? I played violin for 10 years, but I haven't played in over 4 so I kinda such now XD
Ever been in a wedding? Nope...
Last movie you watched? Was watching "Sense and Sensibility" for the millionth time this morning
Did you take a nap today? Slept in to late for that to happen ^_^
Ever been on a cruise? I WISH!!!! My family doesn;t really DO vacations *grumble grumble*
Ever met anyone famous before? I hung out with the lead singer of MSI for awhile once.... that was different. lol
Favorite actor? I used to really like Christian Bale... but then he turned into a diva =[
Favorite actress? Kiera Knightly/Natalie Portman
Are you multi-tasking right now? to lazy. lol
Are you hungry or thirsty? Neither.... perfectly content
Do you believe in Karma? Kind of, but then again I'm still waiting for my super good luck to finally kick in. XD
Can you speak any other languages? Trace bits of spanish.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? A couple days ago. I've been slacking lately because of my cold
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Not that many. Too lazy to count.
Last place you were? Here, in my house
What is/was you school mascot? THE BLAZERMAN!!! my friend was the school mascot which was kinda funny.
Ever been to Las Vegas? Again, I wish
Favorite place to be? Downtown Seattle
Have you been to Texas? Once, it was too hot and I hated it >=[
Favorite restaurant? Meconi's... again the best sandwiches EVER. I could eat that stuff every day
Ever been to Disney Land? Yup! My grandma used to live like half an hour away so when we'd visit her we got to go!
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? oh geez... to much to choose from
Last thing you cooked?Mac and Cheese with mi madre
How is the weather today? Thankfully not as obnoxiously hot as it has been
Whats your bestfriends name? Meggan, Helen, and Xyzleena
Have you ever been to a magic show? Yeah. I actually dated a real magician for awhile and trust me, that stuff gets old REAL FAST.
Stupidest thing you ever said? "Wait what's the capitol of Atlanta?" Yeah... I moved when I was little and missed out on learnin g my states so there was a period of time where I was a lost cause. lol
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? I love it here in Olympia... I used to live by Seaside, OR which was awesome too!
Are you bored right now? This is keeping me pretty amused
Last concert you went to? GIRUGAMESH!!!!
What do you think about before you go to bed? About pointless things
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

Offline StarryShay

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #62 on: July 23, 2009, 02:22:30 pm »
Can you blow a bubble? Yesss.
Can you dance? What kind? Yeah, I cana kind of ballroom dance. And I can, dance like an idiot~
Can you do a cart wheel? No. >.<
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Psh, yeah. xDD
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Mhm.
Can you whistle? Not really. Dx
Can you wiggle your ears? Wierd, no. x33
Can you wiggle your nose? o.o..
Can you roll your tongue? Yeaaaah.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? I don't think so..
Can you drive? I'd crash.~


What do you do when you’re mad? Um, I stay quiet, or pout. Dx
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? I, uh, threw my DS one time. o.o;;
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Oh, gosh, maybe. Dxx
Do you swear when you’re mad? No no.~


Are you usually a happy person? YES.~
What makes you the happiest? Um, doing fun things with friends.~ And hanging out.`
Does being with your friends make you happy? Oh yea.~ :3
Do you believe in yourself? Yes?
Do you wish you were happier? No... I'm fine. :3
Is being happy overrated? What the heck. xD
Can music make you happy? Not usually, but sometimes.


Offline kit2kit

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #63 on: July 23, 2009, 02:24:17 pm »
Can you blow a bubble? yes

Can you dance? What kind? no

Can you do a cart wheel? forgot how too

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? never tried cause I dont like Cherries

Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? sometimes

Can you whistle? no

Can you wiggle your ears? i dont think so

Can you wiggle your nose? not really

Can you roll your tongue? yes

Can you make a clover with your tongue?  never tried o___o

Can you drive? no


What do you do when you’re mad? Pretend the person is infront of me when Im alone and say all the things on my mind and I I get all my anger out and not hurt anyone

What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? idunno. I tend to yell when I want to get my point across

Ever made anyone cry when you were mad. no actually.

Do you swear when you’re mad? I never swear never


Are you usually a happy person? Yes l D

What makes you the happiest? When Im around people

Does being with your friends make you happy? yes

Do you believe in yourself? YESSSS 8DDD

Do you wish you were happier? sometimes

Is being happy overrated? Not. at. ALLLLL. D8

Can music make you happy? yes : D
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 02:25:44 pm by kit2kit »
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Suzuya (Tokyo Ghoul) // Magic!Betty (Adventure Time)

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #64 on: July 23, 2009, 02:27:35 pm »

Can you blow a bubble? Yes indeed! People always pop them though >_<
Can you dance? What kind? I can do dances with specific steps, but I'm really not a very good dancer. Waltzing especially is NOT my forte XD
Can you do a cart wheel? In no way shape or form... my friends tried to help me through a cartwheel once and they dropped me halfway through on my head. so I don't try anymore.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? On occasion, if I focus to hard on it I fumble up. lol
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? If my muscles are warmed up and I'm relaxed.
Can you whistle? Not very loud....
Can you wiggle your ears? No... that'd be cool if I could
Can you wiggle your nose?A little
Can you roll your tongue?  My tongue is totally useless... it does NOTHING
Can you make a clover with your tongue? Again, absolutely not.
Can you drive? I drive all the time! I OWN THE ROAD!


What do you do when you’re mad? My face and neck gets red... I look stupid.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? When I was like 6 I got really mad at school one day and somehow someway that ended up with me scaling the super tall fence on the edge of school and my mom had to come talk me down... lol, I was such a weird little kid XD
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yeah... but they deserved it, he was being extremely rude and just pushed me over the edge.
Do you swear when you’re mad? Like a beast!!!


Are you usually a happy person? Generally yes =]
What makes you the happiest? Being around my friends... AND CONS!!!!
Does being with your friends make you happy? Seek above answer
Do you believe in yourself? For the most part... I'm pretty competent ^_^
Do you wish you were happier? I'm pretty darn happy as is
Is being happy overrated? Absolutely not! Being happy is amazing. It's a natural high.
Can music make you happy? Try listening to  Caramelldansen and you'll have your answer... lol
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #65 on: July 23, 2009, 02:28:14 pm »
Quizmaster needs a break, she has to go do chores. XD
I miss 2010.

Offline kit2kit

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #66 on: July 23, 2009, 02:28:58 pm »
gosh guy D: i g2g but Ill be back later bye : D
'16 Cosplay
Suzuya (Tokyo Ghoul) // Magic!Betty (Adventure Time)

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #67 on: July 23, 2009, 02:30:57 pm »
Agreed, I have to bounce out too.... Have to go to the store and get my brother a birthday card. I've come to the conclusion that the one I was making looks far too girly (making cards for guys is seriously a thousand times harder!!!)

See ya'll later... Toodles!!!
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #68 on: July 23, 2009, 02:39:09 pm »
Can you blow a bubble? ~Psh! Yeah!  8)
Can you dance? What kind? ~Nope!
Can you do a cart wheel? ~Nope again!
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? ~Idk, never tried.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? ~If I try.
Can you whistle? ~Yep!
Can you wiggle your ears? ~Haha, no.
Can you wiggle your nose? ~I guess.
Can you roll your tongue? ~No. That talent skipped me.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? ~No, that skipped me as well.
Can you drive? ~Almost! 8D


What do you do when you’re mad? ~Sit alone and listen to music.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? ~I dunno, I wanna say I punched someone, but I haven't. Damn...>3>
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? ~YES. >8D
Do you swear when you’re mad? ~**** yeah!


Are you usually a happy person? ~Yeeeesss! ♥
What makes you the happiest? ~Hanging with meh buddies!
Does being with your friends make you happy? ~---^
Do you believe in yourself? ~Not really, no.  :D
Do you wish you were happier? ~Just a little bit.
Is being happy overrated? ~Naw, cuz being sad is being dramatic and being angry is being bitchy and both of those kinda piss me off.  :P
Can music make you happy? ~YES. ♥

Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #69 on: July 23, 2009, 02:45:30 pm »
Can you blow a bubble? Barely!
Can you dance? GOD NO. Asking me to dance is like asking me to trip and fall and smash my head into the ground.
Can you do a cart wheel? NOPE.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Never tried it, I'll do it when I get back to my hotel room. :0
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Barelyyyy.
Can you whistle? This quiz is making me suck! XD
Can you wiggle your ears? Noooo.
Can you wiggle your nose?  Not really.
Can you roll your tongue?  HAHA, YES. Thank you genetics! <3
Can you make a clover with your tongue? wut
Can you drive? I can drive, but am I ALLOWED to drive? ;D


What do you do when you’re mad? I get really quiet...and I look confused, I guess.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Can't think of much anything, except maybe get physical with people. :0
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? OF COURSE NOT, ME MAKE SOMEONE CRY? /sarcasm~
Do you swear when you’re mad? Never, surpringly. I kinda want to. <3


Are you usually a happy person? Yep!...
What makes you the happiest? Certain people...or certain objects...I guess~
Does being with your friends make you happy? Yep! <3 But only my friends.
Do you believe in yourself? OH YES. I believe in my heart of the cards. <3
Do you wish you were happier? I'm pretty happy, yupyup~
Is being happy overrated? For some people, I guess. Can't be happy all the time or it wouldn't even be called happy. :D
Can music make you happy? Ummm~yes to a point. AWESOME music. :3

Offline Coconutty93

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2009, 02:49:12 pm »
What's your favorite color? ~Blue!
Where were you 3 hours ago? ~In my sister's house...somewhere.(I have really bad memory.)
Have you ever eaten a crayon? ~Probably. -shrugs-
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? ~OMG EWWWWW! Yes! -rips sticky notes into pieces-
Are you wearing socks right now? ~Nope! -wiggles toesies-
Last food that you ate? ~An icky bowl of ramen...and it was my last pack... :'(
Worst injury you've ever had? ~Ummm...I put a band-aid off one time, and when I went to take it off it ripped the skin off of my knee. xP
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? ~-shrugs-
What is something that makes you cringe? ~Being in the middle of my sister and her husband when they fight. >3<
When was the last time you cried? ~Earlier today when I was watching a beautiful dance routine about cancer on So You Think You Can Dance(Tivo'ed of course.  ;)). That wasn't what made me cry, it was that everyone else was crying. It just makes me a little teary.
Have you ever faked sick? ~When I don't feel like going to school. So pretty much all the time during school. Doesn't always work though.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? ~Yeah, to 911. I blamed it on my brother's friend. >8D
What do you want to be when you grow up? ~A baker/cake decorater.
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? ~****. I finally had a dream of epic proportions and you effing wake me up?!
What time is it? ~Uhhh....2:47pm
How are you today? ~Tired and hot. x.x
Do you have brothers and sisters? ~Yup, 5 brothers and 2 sisters.
What is your favorite drink? ~Green Apple Jones soda.
Can you break dance? ~I WISH.
Your favorite band? ~Mindless Self Indulgence.

Wow....I'm a bad person...;w;

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2009, 03:08:43 pm »
Where was the last place you went shopping? ~Target
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? ~Yes. >3< Although I feel bad to say it.
Do you have any pet peeves? ~People who aren't dumb but act that way. And a few other things.
Do you like math? ~NO.
Do you have a Job? ~I babysit. And I'm hoping to get a job soon at either Sonic or Michael's Craft Store. 8D
Do you watch the Olympics? ~Nope.
Last restaurant you went to? ~The Original Pancake House? I think.
What’s your sign? ~Taurus!
Do you have a favorite number? ~Hmmm....I'd have to say...11. I just get it alot.
Cake or Ice Cream? ~It depends on the cake and it depends on the ice cream.  :D
What do you spend the majority of your money on? ~Stuff I really don't need.
Whens your birthday? ~May 18th, 1993
Did you ever collect Rocks? ~Yup! Pwetty ones!
Last time you saw your parents? ~2 and a half weeks ago. ;w;
Do you have any talents? ~Not really. Other people think I do, but I don't agree most of the time.
Ever been in a wedding? ~Yep, I was a Bridesmaid and a flowergirl. :3
Last movie you watched? ~Sadly enough...Labor Pains starring Lindsay Lohan. >3<
Did you take a nap today? ~Nope.
Ever been on a cruise? ~Yep, going on another in about 2 weeks. To Alaska.
Ever met anyone famous before? ~Not that I know of...>3>
Favorite actor? ~Alan Rickman and so many more. ♥
Favorite actress? ~Uhhh...Emma Watson? And others?
Are you multi-tasking right now? ~I don't think so.
Are you hungry or thirsty? ~Thirsty.
Do you believe in Karma? ~Sure, I guess.
Can you speak any other languages? ~A tiny bit of Japanese and some German.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? ~Pfft! Heck, like I know! xD
How many pairs of shoes do you own? ~I dunno, alot?
Last place you were? ~Downstairs in the easy chair.
What is/was you school mascot? ~An Indian.
Ever been to Las Vegas? ~I'm there right now. I come here every year to visit my sister.
Favorite place to be? ~Anywhere with my friends, especially at conventions.
Have you been to Texas? ~No.
Favorite restaurant? ~Red Robins.
Ever been to Disney Land? ~I think...while I was a baby...I dunno.
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? ~Yeah...I can't remember though.
Last thing you cooked? ~Ramen...and baked some brownies...
How is the weather today? ~Overcast but hot as hell! D8
Whats your bestfriends name? ~Kirsten Muzzy ♥
Have you ever been to a magic show? was lame.
Stupidest thing you ever said? ~I've said alot of stupid things...-w-
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? ~Roseburg, I guess. Haven't lived in many other places that were very nice.
Are you bored right now? ~Yes.
Last concert you went to? ~The Slants! ^3^v
What do you think about before you go to bed? ~I hope they let me sleep in tomorrow...

Offline kylite

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2009, 05:00:04 pm »
What's your favorite hat?My black felt gangster hat
If a pink notebook ate you, how would you scold it? I would delete it
Do you believe in LASER? Im chargin mah laser!
have you ever tripped on nothing? Yep
do you say sorry if you bump into an inanimate object? yep
Do you write stuff down so you don't forget it, but lose the paper? yep
What's your favorite pasta shape? bow-tie!
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
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We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2009, 05:04:43 pm »
What's your favorite color? Blue
Where were you 3 hours ago? Sitting in a room taking a test
Have you ever eaten a crayon? yep
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? nope
Are you wearing socks right now? yes
Last food that you ate? subway (eating it now)
Worst injury you've ever had? smashed out 2 front teeth when I was 7
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? spiders
What is something that makes you cringe? heights
When was the last time you cried? few months ago
Have you ever faked sick? Yes
Have you ever made a prank phone call? No
What do you want to be when you grow up? Rich
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? Can I go bakc to sleep now?
What time is it? 5:03 pm
How are you today? Nuts
Do you have brothers and sisters? Twin sister
What is your favorite drink? Mt Dew (blue)
Can you break dance? No
Your favorite band? Eurodance
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2009, 05:11:56 pm »
Where was the last place you went shopping? Mall
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Yes - home
Do you have any pet peeves? People being irrational
Do you like math? love it
Do you have a Job? yes
Do you watch the Olympics? no
Last restaurant you went to? Sherrys
What’s your sign? Scorpio
Do you have a favorite number? 17
Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
What do you spend the majority of your money on? Rent/Bils
Whens your birthday? Nov 17th 1979
Did you ever collect Rocks? Yes
Last time you saw your parents? a year and a hafl ago
Do you have any talents? Solving others problems and fixing relationships
Ever been in a wedding? yes
Last movie you watched? Down periscope
Did you take a nap today? No
Ever been on a cruise? No
Ever met anyone famous before? Yes, David Bowie
Favorite actor? Too many to answer
Favorite actress? Too Many
Are you multi-tasking right now? yes
Are you hungry or thirsty? both
Do you believe in Karma? yes
Can you speak any other languages? no
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? daily walks LONG WALKS
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3
Last place you were? My Desk
What is/was you school mascot? Trojan Horse
Ever been to Las Vegas? no
Favorite place to be? Relaxing under a tree in mild weather
Have you been to Texas? no
Favorite restaurant? applebees
Ever been to Disney Land? yes
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? too many
Last thing you cooked? Ramen
How is the weather today? Perfect
Whats your bestfriends name? Not sure I have just one
Have you ever been to a magic show? no
Stupidest thing you ever said? Hi
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? Portland OR
Are you bored right now? Yes
Last concert you went to? none
What do you think about before you go to bed? wouldnt u like to know ;)
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
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We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2009, 05:14:16 pm »
Can you blow a bubble? yes
Can you dance? What kind? no
Can you do a cart wheel? no
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? no
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? nope
Can you whistle? yes
Can you wiggle your ears? yes
Can you wiggle your nose? no
Can you roll your tongue? no
Can you make a clover with your tongue? no
Can you drive? no

What do you do when you’re mad? Play Games
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Said stupid things I regret
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? yes
Do you swear when you’re mad? yep

Are you usually a happy person? sometimes
What makes you the happiest? Games, Girls, and money LOL
Does being with your friends make you happy? yes
Do you believe in yourself? yes
Do you wish you were happier? yes
Is being happy overrated? no
Can music make you happy? yes
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2009, 05:18:05 pm »

Whens your birthday? Nov 17th 1979

Two days before mine! :D And.... a lot of years earlier.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:19:28 pm by DemonSpawn »
I miss 2010.

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2009, 06:53:26 pm »
Quiz master is back! This continues from my last one.


Do you actually hate anyone?
Ever made a hit list?
Have you ever been on a hit list?
Are you a mean bully?
Do you hate George Bush?


Is your self-esteem extremely low?
Are you good looking?
Do you wish you could be someone else?


What is your current hair color?
Current piercings:
Have any tattoos?
Straight hair or curly?
What shirt are you wearing?


Hugged someone:
Been on the phone until the sun came up?
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
Laughed so hard you cried?
Got in a fight with someone?
Steal anything?


Do you get along with your parents?
Do you have mental breakdowns?


Current mood:
Current music:
Current hair style:
Current thing you ought to be doing:
Current desktop picture:
Current book:
I miss 2010.

Offline kylite

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2009, 07:58:15 pm »

Do you actually hate anyone? Nope
Ever made a hit list? Nope
Have you ever been on a hit list? Yes
Are you a mean bully? Nope
Do you hate George Bush? Yes


Is your self-esteem extremely low? Yes
Are you good looking? Girls say yes, I say I have no idea
Do you wish you could be someone else? Sometimes


What is your current hair color? Brown with red highlights (natural)
Current piercings: NONE
Have any tattoos? NONE
Straight hair or curly? Wavey
What shirt are you wearing? Ligh Blue Button up
Pants? Black Jeans
Shoes: Black Sneakers
Necklace: None


Hugged someone: Yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up? YES
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? NO
Laughed so hard you cried? YES
Got in a fight with someone? YES
Steal anything? YES


Do you get along with your parents? sometimes
Do you have mental breakdowns? nightly, they keep me sane


Current mood: Anxious for no reason
Current music: I walk alone
Current hair style: Warriors tail
Current thing you ought to be doing: Working
Current desktop picture: World map at night (hubble telescope) Im wathcing you!
Current book: City Of Heroes Novels
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

Offline superjaz

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2009, 08:25:10 pm »
jason stack house from sookie stack house books and true blood, he knows what he did
i hate him sooooo much
oh but you mean real life?
Do you actually hate anyone?
yes I hate my mothers father even though i never met him in my life and he is dead, i grew up discovering the scars he left on my mom and aunt and uncles and grandmother, may he burn in hell

Ever made a hit list?
no but i might if i dont get my cookies sheet back some day..... i am looking at you kylite...o.o..
Have you ever been on a hit list?
dont think so...
Are you a mean bully? no i try to be nice


Is your self-esteem extremely low?
Are you good looking?
I think I am cute I have a baby face, I am a bit chubby but I can work on that
Do you wish you could be someone else?
Depends like do I wish I was some one else who had a better job yes, but not a diff person cuz being who I am, got me my hubby chris and I live him lots


What is your current hair color? brown
Current piercings: 3 on ears
Have any tattoos? No but maybe some day
Straight hair or curly? Frizz city usa long hair
What shirt are you wearing? Torn up tye dye sleep shirt
Pants? gir pj pants
Shoes: bare feet


Hugged someone: lots
Been on the phone until the sun came up? no
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? close
Laughed so hard you cried? yes
Got in a fight with someone? yes
Steal anything? No…… maybe…..


Do you get along with your parents? most of the time I do with my mom, tho its hard to stay angery with some one fighting cancer, even when she makes bad choices
Do you have mental breakdowns? God yes about couple times a year


Current mood: tired is that a mood mom had surgery I drove a lot
Current music: hyde lucy in the sky
Current hair style: tied back in bun
Current thing you ought to be doing: cleanin
Current desktop picture: chi
Current book: villa nora roberts

superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2009, 10:38:00 pm »

Do you actually hate anyone? Maybe
Ever made a hit list? Too much work to do...I'm lazy...
Have you ever been on a hit list? *shrugs*
Are you a mean bully? >.> hmm I wonder...
Do you hate George Bush? I never really cared but sure


Is your self-esteem extremely low? Sometimes
Are you good looking? Some people tell me yea...but I don't really think I am...
Do you wish you could be someone else? Hm yea sometimes


What is your current hair color? Black with red...a little silver...and purple...
Current piercings: Umm lets see...1 lip ring...4 right ear...5 left ear...and more to come...
Have any tattoos? None....for now..*grins*....
Straight hair or curly? Both
What shirt are you wearing? Black Shirt that says "CLASS OF 2009" yay me I graduated...whee >.>
Pants? PJ's
Shoes: Black socks
Necklace: An upside down star necklace....I'll let you think for the meaning of it..and no..its has nothing to do with Jews...*sighs*...


Hugged someone: Yes..myself....
Been on the phone until the sun came up? Yea....
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Not that I can remember...
Laughed so hard you cried? I think so...
Got in a fight with someone? Yea...good times..
Steal anything? Mmh...yea...candy from my friend...yet...wasn't really stealing when they are clearly watching I'm taking it....


Do you get along with your parents? Sometimes...
Do you have mental breakdowns? I have laziness breakdowns....will does count?


Current mood: Tired & Sleepy
Current music: Dir En Grey: Tsumi to Batsu
Current hair style: Uhh short?
Current thing you ought to be doing: Sleeping...
Current desktop picture: A very Hot picture of two guys from the manga called NUMBER
Current book: Nya~

Offline TurboSaiyanJason

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #81 on: July 23, 2009, 11:49:42 pm »
This post will be epically grand, ungodly magnanimous, and never done before...until now.
This is all I know about myself. Choose to read it if you want.

how are you?  relaxed
What type of things do you watch? Cartoons, movies, some sports
Play any games? I'm a gamer...but not a player.
how old are you? 21
what do you like to do? Anything creative, fun, and productive.
do you like fruit? Most kinds
do you have a windows or a mac? Windows Vista
do you like to draw? I do a lot
uhhh D:
and and whats your shoe size? 13.5
and where you live? Sherwood
and *shot* left upper mid forward eyelash!
What's your name? Jason
Have any nicknames? If so, list them. Turbo, Twitchy (pirate name), BK (burger king, named by Taco)
Do you cosplay? If so, what? Yes, Trunks, Inuyasha, Tuxedo Mask, Red the Ninja
Are you supposed to be doing something right now? Nope
What's your favorite part about Kumoricon? Three days of random fun, and the mega glomp circles.
Are you cool? 8D I've been told I have a degree of coolness about me.
The good candy is at the top of the purple mountain! Will you get me some?! if you give me a map and a sword
What's your favorite hat? A sturdy three cornered one, and a solid colored baseball cap.
If a pink notebook ate you, how would you scold it? by writing on the first page "bad notebook, no cute girl writing her diary in you tonight."
Do you believe in LASER? blast?
have you ever tripped on nothing? Stumbled down a small hill this week
do you say sorry if you bump into an inanimate object? Depends on the object
Do you write stuff down so you don't forget it, but lose the paper? Sometimes
What's your favorite pasta shape? O

What's your favorite color? Silver
Where were you 3 hours ago? At Dollar Tree
Have you ever eaten a crayon? They don't sound nourishing
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My big mistakes eraser
Are you wearing socks right now? yeah
Last food that you ate? KFC Biscuits
Worst injury you've ever had? Fractured left collarbone
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? Only a rare few
What is something that makes you cringe? remembering my toe surgery
When was the last time you cried? In a long while (not always a good thing)
Have you ever faked sick? not truely
Have you ever made a prank phone call? Waste of time and someone's cell minutes
What do you want to be when you grow up? A great comics writer and game designer.
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? Sleep in or get up and do stuff?
What time is it? Almost midnight
How are you today? Staying cool
Do you have brothers and sisters? I wish. I have all 0 siblings
What is your favorite drink? Root Beer
Can you break dance? I wish
Your favorite band? DragonForce
Where was the last place you went shopping? Dollar Tree
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? partly
Do you have any pet peeves? really unkind people
Do you like math? Kind of
Do you have a Job? I did
Do you watch the Olympics? Oh yeah
Last restaurant you went to? KFC/A&W
What’s your sign? Leo, rawr
Do you have a favorite number? 4
Cake or Ice Cream? Both
What do you spend the majority of your money on? Whatever I need or whatever I want that I can use
Whens your birthday? Aug 15th
Did you ever collect Rocks? nope
Last time you saw your parents? Now
Do you have any talents? Creative thinking
Ever been in a wedding? Not in one but I went to one
Last movie you watched? 300
Did you take a nap today? Almost
Ever been on a cruise? Not yet
Ever met anyone famous before? Once, at MEWcon
Favorite actor? Jason Frank (played Tommy from old power rangers)
Favorite actress? Natale Portman (why did Padme have to die?)
Are you multi-tasking right now? Listening to music and typing
Are you hungry or thirsty? both
Do you believe in Karma? not often
Can you speak any other languages? A little Japanese
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? last year
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Two
Last place you were? At the park watching The Music Man musical
What is/was you school mascot? Bowmen
Ever been to Las Vegas? Not yet
Favorite place to be? wherever feels good
Have you been to Texas? Not yet
Favorite restaurant? Taco Bell
Ever been to Disney Land? Once
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? I have many, but I'm going to have to settle with Micky Mouse
Last thing you cooked? Marshmallows over a campfire
How is the weather today? sunny
Whats your bestfriends name? crystal
Have you ever been to a magic show? Once
Stupidest thing you ever said? I have a lot of those
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? Sherwood so far
Are you bored right now? a little
Last concert you went to? DragonForce in September '08
What do you think about before you go to bed? What my plan for tomorrow is and hoping it works out.

Can you blow a bubble? Nope
Can you dance? What kind? A little, Square Dance (it's in my blood), average dancing
Can you do a cart wheel? nope
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? My dexterity score is only 11, so nope
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? yes
Can you whistle? A little
Can you wiggle your ears? a little
Can you wiggle your nose? a little
Can you roll your tongue? yes
Can you make a clover with your tongue? I can't even tie a cherry stem
Can you drive? Almost, got a permit


What do you do when you’re mad? try to contain it until I can find a place alone to let it out.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? struck a friend of mine
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I have and don't ever want to
Do you swear when you’re mad? not much, because it doesn't help at all, so it's a waste of time to be rude in front of others


Are you usually a happy person? happy with what i have, yes
What makes you the happiest? being able to help others out
Does being with your friends make you happy? yes
Do you believe in yourself? Most of the time, sometimes I'm secretly doubtful
Do you wish you were happier? kinda
Is being happy overrated? being sad and gloomy is overrated
Can music make you happy? depends on the music

And just as I finish, there are others that come up. :P
Cosplays for Kumoricon 2014
Day 1 Fix-it Felix Jr. (w/ gold sledge)
Day 2 Hitmonchan and Kenny
Day 3 SS Future Trunks (DBZ)
Day 4 Jason Silverheart Pirate OC
Sonic The Hedgehog Kigurumi

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2009, 12:01:05 am »
Ummmmmm..... My name is rachel 8D

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2009, 12:01:46 am »
Hi rachel!
I miss 2010.

Offline Coconutty93

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2009, 12:06:56 am »

Do you actually hate anyone? ~Yeeeeeeeeeeesssss!  :D
Ever made a hit list? ~Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss!  :D
Have you ever been on a hit list? ~Maaaaaaayyybeeeee!  :D
Are you a mean bully? ~Sooooooommmmmeeeetttiiiimmmmeeeesss!  :D
Do you hate George Bush? ~I have no reason to, I didn't pay attention to anything that went on during his presidency.  :-\


Is your self-esteem extremely low? ~Eh, kinda.
Are you good looking? ~Eh, kinda.
Do you wish you could be someone else? I get to choose the person?


What is your current hair color? ~Brown.
Current piercings: ~Ears, one one each. (Want a tongue piercing...>3>...don't judge me!)
Have any tattoos? ~Nope. Getting one with each of my sisters when I'm old enough though! ^3^
Straight hair or curly? ~Naturally curly but permed straight! >8D
What shirt are you wearing? ~My new green v-neck I wore to the HP premiere to represent my house with! ♥ Go Slytherin!
Pants? ~Bootay shorts as pjs!  :-*
Shoes: ~Psh! It's bed-time! Why would I be wearin' shoes?
Necklace: My pretty new star necklace I got from Hot Topic. ;3


Hugged someone: ~Ummm.....lessee....~holds up Free Hugs sign~............DUH!
Been on the phone until the sun came up? ~I'm not a talkin' on the phone kind of person.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? ~Almost, just barely. >///<
Laughed so hard you cried? ~Oh yeah, plenty of times.
Got in a fight with someone? ~Yeah, again, plenty of times. But not over nothing, I promise you that.
Steal anything? ~Who hasn't?  8)  It's the thing now-a-days!


Do you get along with your parents? ~Most of the time.
Do you have mental breakdowns? ~Nope.  :D


Current mood: ~Tiiiiiiiiiired and frustrated!
Current music: ~Ashley by idkwtftheirnameis and Colleen by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists'
Current hair style: ~Short and shiek.  8)
Current thing you ought to be doing: ~Sleeping.
Current desktop picture: ~Not my desktop so I don't care.On my compy though? Snape! Snape! And more Snape! ♥♥♥
Current book: ~Harry Potter 6 and 7 and some new Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie  book I bought a week ago and haven't touched. Lol.

Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2009, 01:47:38 pm »
Here's my own quiz. 8D

Who are you: I am Megan. :3
Why: I popped out of my mom and was named!
Where: Uh....somewhere in Oregon...Beaverton maybe?
With: Myself. :3 I don't have a twin, aw.

Nickname: Catch.  :D

Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #86 on: July 24, 2009, 02:41:12 pm »
I'm just taking TSJ's whole conglomeration of quizzes.

Also, happy 18.5th birthday to meeeeee~:>

how are you?  uneasy.  I typically tend towards laid-back though.
What type of things do you watch? Theatrical performances, cynical comedies
Play any games? Doing some calculations, I've spent about 30% of my life (total time spent living) playing games...
how old are you? 18.5 today. :O
what do you like to do?  lyrk around, moddin'. :>
do you like fruit?  it's qute.
do you have a windows or a mac? PSP :P  My XP computer died.
do you like to draw?  I enjoy it from time to time.
uhhh  >:3
and and whats your shoe size? 11.5
and where you live?  SE Portland, near the Clinton Theater
and *shot*  BANG![arang]
What's your name?  Charlie
Have any nicknames?  Tofu, DancingTofu, Meniscus, Thatlatu, Mazutec, Chuck, Hippy (from high school), Piano-Thai-Guy, Q T Pi
Do you cosplay?  Going to give it a shot.
Are you supposed to be doing something right now?  Yes.  I've mandated that I need to go work with Ian on a few of his solos, a couple chord progressions, arpeggiated strumming, and talk to him about playing at Satyricon on the 7th.
What's your favorite part about Kumoricon?  The i, I suppose.
Are you cool?  I've been convicted as such.
The good candy is at the top of the purple mountain! Will you get me some?!  How big is the mountain/what equipment do I have?
What's your favorite hat?  An old hat I inherited from my late great-grandfather.
If a pink notebook ate you, how would you scold it? by writing on the first page "bad notebook, no cute girl writing her diary in you tonight."
Do you believe in LASER?  Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission or Radiation?  Never heard of it.
have you ever tripped on nothing?  I never trip on actual things; that would be quite square.
do you say sorry if you bump into an inanimate object?  Sorry! :O
Do you write stuff down so you don't forget it, but lose the paper?  No, but I take notes using my computer, then it dies. D:
What's your favorite pasta shape?  Wheels.  I like using clams as spinnaz. :>

What's your favorite color?  Fuscia
Where were you 3 hours ago?  In bed
Have you ever eaten a crayon?  Nope.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?  Plenty.
Are you wearing socks right now?  Nope
Last food that you ate?  Tortellini
Worst injury you've ever had?  Broke my face.  Maybe getting a hook stuck an inch deep in my foot. (not a barbed one though)
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of?  Certain spiders.
What is something that makes you cringe?  Stupid people
When was the last time you cried?  Few days ago.
Have you ever faked sick?  Never.
Have you ever made a prank phone call?  No, but my friend and I have had extensive philosophical conversations with a bunch of stoned punks who kept prank-calling him at 2am once.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Well-dressed
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?  What time is it?
What time is it?  You first. :>
How are you today?  18.5/21
Do you have brothers and sisters?  2 sisters (19 and 5), 2 brothers (11 and 9)
What is your favorite drink?  Vanilla Cream Soda
Can you break dance?  A little.  I don't get a lot of chances to practice.
Your favorite band?  REM
Where was the last place you went shopping?  Voodoo Doughnuts.
Do you wish you were someplace else right now?  Only a little.
Do you have any pet peeves?  There is a topic where I address about 20 of these in the General Convention and Anime forum.  Besides those...stupid people.
Do you like math? I love group and graph theory.  Derivatives?  Yes.  Integrals?  No.  Trig?  So-so.
Do you have a Job? I have two paid gigs next month, so we'll say yes.
Do you watch the Olympics? Totally. :>
Last restaurant you went to? King Burrito
What’s your sign?  Aquarius/Horse
Do you have a favorite number? 312
Cake or Ice Cream?  Yes please.
What do you spend the majority of your money on?  Food.
Whens your birthday? January 24
Did you ever collect Rocks?  Yup
Last time you saw your parents?  Saw my dad last night at 7pm.  Saw my mom last night at 11pm.
Do you have any talents?  Yes.
Ever been in a wedding?  wat
Last movie you watched? HP6
Did you take a nap today?  Well, I went to sleep again after waking up at 11...
Ever been on a cruise?  Nope
Ever met anyone famous before?  Depends how famous we're talking.
Favorite actor?  Robin Williams
Favorite actress?  Whoopi Goldberg
Are you multi-tasking right now?  Listening to an old scooby doo, answering quiz questions, being neurotic
Are you hungry or thirsty?  yes.
Do you believe in Karma?  In a mathematical sense, yes.
Can you speak any other languages?  Some German, Japanese, Spanish, and Italian.  Not anywhere near fluent in any of those though.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out?  Long ago.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?  18.
Last place you were? Here.
What is/was you school mascot? Cougars
Ever been to Las Vegas? I've lived there.
Favorite place to be?  Outdoor School
Have you been to Texas?  4 or 5 times.  My sister's going to school there.  My grandfather lives there.
Favorite restaurant?  Chaos Café and Parlor
Ever been to Disney Land?  6 or 7 times.
Do you have a favorite cartoon character?  Charlie Brown.
Last thing you cooked?  Tortellini.
How is the weather today?  HOT.
Whats your bestfriends name?  qute ;>  (Matthew)
Have you ever been to a magic show?  I've witnessed a few.
Stupidest thing you ever said?  Not tellin'.
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in?  Portland is really qute.
Are you bored right now?  Somewhat.
Last concert you went to?  Tempest in September last year. D:
What do you think about before you go to bed?  Everything I did wrong that day.

Can you blow a bubble?  BIG ****IN' BUBBLE.
Can you dance? What kind?  Yes.  Breakdance, Thrash, Squaredance, Interpretive, Step...
Can you do a cart wheel?  I can, but my body associates it with pain and destruction so I don't.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?  Yes.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?  Used to be able to touch my elbows to my toes...not that flexible right now because I haven't been stretching.  Can still touch my toes easily.
Can you whistle?  Not correctly.
Can you wiggle your ears?  With my hands.
Can you wiggle your nose?  Somewhat.
Can you roll your tongue?  lol yeah.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? so easy.
Can you drive?  Not legally.


What do you do when you’re mad? fall apart.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? not tellin'.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Pain tends to do that.
Do you swear when you’re mad? I usually just swear when I'm happy, but I'll swear angrily if I'm feeling verbal.


Are you usually a happy person?  When I'm not busy thinking.
What makes you the happiest?  Friends.
Does being with your friends make you happy?  lol
Do you believe in yourself?  I think, therefor, I believe I exist.
Do you wish you were happier?  I wish I wasn't confused.
Is being happy overrated?  It's the only thing I have to strive for.
Can music make you happy?  Music is every emotion.
moderators gonna moderate </shrug>

Offline Coconutty93

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #87 on: July 24, 2009, 02:52:38 pm »
Here's my own quiz. 8D

Who are you: I am Megan. :3
Why: I popped out of my mom and was named!
Where: Uh....somewhere in Oregon...Beaverton maybe?
With: Myself. :3 I don't have a twin, aw.

Nickname: Catch.  :D

And now I'm takin' it!  ;)

Who are you: Colleen Maeghan Ashleigh Duffy
Why: My mom and dad, grossly enough, got it on. And I was born into the world! (Actually, my sister hated having 5 brothers and one sister she didn't get along with so she asked for a little sister to play with and dress-up, and that's where I came in. :D)
Where: Va-lei-hoe, California!
With: Myself? Although I've always wanted a twin. ♥

Nickname: Whatever you want to call me that isn't annoying or rude! :3


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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #88 on: July 24, 2009, 02:56:39 pm »
I don't have a twin, aw.

According to this I have my own quiz!

Who: No one
What: Nothing
Why: Dunno
Where: Nowhere
When: Never
How: Wut

Offline makichan

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #89 on: July 24, 2009, 03:13:51 pm »
Who are you: I am Marquise.
Why: My mom wanted to give me an unusual name.
Where: Walnut Creek, Cali.
With: My mother in the hospital?

Nickname: Maki
"I like the way you fire that gun."
"Thanks. I like the way you take a bullet."

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #90 on: July 24, 2009, 03:26:42 pm »

Do you actually hate anyone? Yes.
Ever made a hit list? No
Have you ever been on a hit list? Possible
Are you a mean bully? Not really
Do you hate George Bush? Not quite. I disagree with his policies.


Is your self-esteem extremely low? Not really
Are you good looking? Some people believe so.
Do you wish you could be someone else? On occasion.


What is your current hair color? Brown
Current piercings: 0
Have any tattoos? Not yet
Straight hair or curly? Straight
What shirt are you wearing? Blue
Pants? Tan
Shoes: Black and white Reboks
Necklace: None


Hugged someone: Yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up? No
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? A little
Laughed so hard you cried? yes
Got in a fight with someone? Yes
Steal anything? I plead the fifth.


Do you get along with your parents? Usually
Do you have mental breakdowns? Not that I know of


Current mood: Bored with a headache
Current music: JAM Project
Current hair style: Messy
Current thing you ought to be doing: Yard work
Current desktop picture: Starvia Gijinka
Current book: None at the moment

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #91 on: July 24, 2009, 03:29:53 pm »

Do you actually hate anyone? I'm really not much of a hater so no...
Ever made a hit list? I have not.
Have you ever been on a hit list? I seriously doubt it... I'm generally a likable person.
Are you a mean bully? Far from it.
Do you hate George Bush? I don't exactly think he's the most intelligent man ever, but honestly it doesn't really matter anymore.


Is your self-esteem extremely low? I'd say it's about average
Are you good looking? I'm more "cute" than anything I suppose.
Do you wish you could be someone else? On occasion, in general though I'm pretty pleased with myself.


What is your current hair color? I'm a brunette
Current piercings: Both my earlobes and my bellybutton
Have any tattoos? not yet... maybe someday =]
Straight hair or curly? My hair is naturally straight as a stick... it won't hold curl PERIOD!
What shirt are you wearing? White american eagle long sleeve shirt with little pink and burgandy diamonds.
Pants? Just a dark pair of flare jeans
Shoes: NO SHOES!!! I like to be barefoot around the house ^_^
Necklace: Silver necklace with little burgandy, navy, and grey beads that my friend made me for X-Mas especially for this shirt.... it's awesome =D


Hugged someone: Obviously... that'd suck if I hadn't!
Been on the phone until the sun came up? No.. not the biggest phone talker unless it's my friend Helen because she lives out of state.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Maybe when I was little, but not that I recall.
Laughed so hard you cried? Many, many times.... I try to laugh as much as possible in my life =]
Got in a fight with someone? Verbally yeah, physically no... I don't see the point in fighting.
Steal anything? NEVER!!! I think stealing is one of the most disrespectful things you can do.


Do you get along with your parents? Amazingly... my dad is awesome and my mom is like my best friend
Do you have mental breakdowns? More along the lines of minor emotional breakdowns... lol XD


Current mood: Happy!
Current music: No music, listening to this show on Mtv about girls dating toolish guys... it's ridiculous.
Current hair style: Straight and wearing a yellow headband that I bought today as a base for my Haruhi style headband... I love it!
Current thing you ought to be doing: Working on my friends B-day card. I've literally had 9 birthday parties this month and it's KILLING ME!
Current desktop picture: A picture of me and my BFF Helen <333
Current book: Re-reading 'Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire' and then I'm gonna read 'The Time Travellers Wife.'
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 03:33:40 pm by Dubaby »
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Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2009, 04:10:50 pm »
Lol u peple. Poor Twin, I stole ur existence. D: Here, you can have it back~

Offline makichan

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2009, 04:42:35 pm »
And because I have a lot of time to spare before I take off I'll do one more:

how are you?  Blah
What type of things do you watch? Paranormal tv shows, anime, things that make me laugh or have a shock factor.
Play any games? I'm currently playing Harvest Moon: Rune Factory I on the DS and I'm almost finished with a phoenix wright game.
how old are you? 20
what do you like to do? Cosplay, chill with friends, do things that are artsy, etc.
do you like fruit? Not all but a good portion
do you have a windows or a mac? Windows
do you like to draw? Yes. I just wish I'd finish more of the pieces that I start. I get so distracted. D:
and and whats your shoe size? 8.5
and where you live? Portland
and *shot* through the heart and you're to blame. You give love a bad name?
What's your name? Marquise
Have any nicknames? Maki, Monkey, Marqueezy weasel (I don't even know HOW I got stuck with that one), and it goes on and on and on.
Do you cosplay? If so, what? Yes, and, er, lots of things.
Are you supposed to be doing something right now? Yes XD
What's your favorite part about Kumoricon? Hanging out with con buddies in cosplay.
Are you cool? Cool as a cucumber.
The good candy is at the top of the purple mountain! Will you get me some?! I'll get some for myself, but NONE FOR YOU :3
What's your favorite hat? My black one with white polka dots <3
If a pink notebook ate you, how would you scold it? I wouldn't. Instead, I would eat my way out. It deserved to be eaten back.
Do you believe in LASER? Que?
have you ever tripped on nothing? Yes.
Do you say sorry if you bump into an inanimate object? No.
Do you write stuff down so you don't forget it, but lose the paper? ALL THE TIME. It's the most aggravating thing ever.
What's your favorite pasta shape? I just like angel hair pasta :9

What's your favorite color? Green and yellow... and a bit of orange... I'm not picky.
Where were you 3 hours ago? Here.
Have you ever eaten a crayon? No.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, a tokidoki cactus friend and two pink monkeys. I get the weirdest gifts, haha.
Are you wearing socks right now? Nope.
Last food that you ate? Brownies
Worst injury you've ever had? When the machine in Weight training fell on my ankle. I now have a permanent bump because of it :S
What kind of critters are you scared/nervous of? Scorpions and some of the nastier looking spiders.
What is something that makes you cringe? The sound of ice scraping or the feeling or sandpaper.
When was the last time you cried? A few days ago. It's complicated.
Have you ever faked sick? No. My mom would let me stay home sometimes, so I never had to fake anything. We call them "mental health days". Everyone needs them every once in a while.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? Yes, when I was 8 I used to do it all the time.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A writer.
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? What time is it? Uuuugh.
What time is it? 3:39
How are you today? Aaaiiiiight. I'm supposed to go to the zine symposium with a friend today.
Do you have brothers and sisters? 3 sisters. I'm the youngest :>
What is your favorite drink? Melon soda with ice cream (I MISS YOU, JAPAN FANTA D': )
Can you break dance? I've tried and I've failed miserably. It's just not my style lol.
Your favorite band? ELO, STYX, Queen, or The Beatles
Where was the last place you went shopping? Art Media
Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Sort of.
Do you have any pet peeves? I hate being mocked. I sort of snap, hehe.
Do you like math? Hahaha, NO.
Do you have a Job? I wish.
Do you watch the Olympics? Yes.
Last restaurant you went to? Sushi City
What’s your sign? Capricorn ;3
Do you have a favorite number? 7, 21
Cake or Ice Cream? Ice cream... unless if it's cheese cake...
What do you spend the majority of your money on? Food or art supplies
Whens your birthday? Dec. 27
Did you ever collect Rocks? Yes
Last time you saw your parents? A few days ago and the other one... over a year :'( I miss him.
Do you have any talents? I have several :3
Ever been in a wedding? Yes.
Last movie you watched? Perfume. Great but the guy scared me shitless lol.
Did you take a nap today? No.
Ever been on a cruise? Sort of.
Ever met anyone famous before? Not really famous. Only a little famous.
Favorite actor? That's too hard.
Favorite actress? Again, I can't decide.
Are you multi-tasking right now? No.
Are you hungry or thirsty? Neither.
Do you believe in Karma? In a way.
Can you speak any other languages? I can survive in Japan if I needed to.
Last time you went to the gym or worked out? A few days ago.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Too many.
Last place you were? At Lia's apartment
What is/was your school mascot? A viking.
Ever been to Las Vegas? Hell, I've lived there.
Favorite place to be? Washington, California. Where the crystal clear springs are.
Have you been to Texas? I used to go there every year.
Favorite restaurant? Mongolian Grill :9
Ever been to Disney Land? Twice, I think. I was really little.
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? I have too many to decide!
Last thing you cooked? Stroganoff
How is the weather today? Perfect.
Whats your bestfriends name? Josh, Rheanna, and Sydney.
Have you ever been to a magic show? Yes, and I didn't like it. Poor tigers :(
Stupidest thing you ever said? Oh, I can't even remember!
What is the best city in the state/country that you live in? Portland fo sho
Are you bored right now? Not really.
Last concert you went to? I can't remember D':
What do you think about before you go to bed? What I'm thankful for.

Can you blow a bubble? Yep.
Can you dance? What kind? Yes. Mostly silly or hip hop but I'm no pro.
Can you do a cart wheel? Yes.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? No.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Painfully, yes.
Can you whistle? Yes.
Can you wiggle your ears? No.
Can you wiggle your nose? a little.
Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? Yes.
Can you drive? Not... legally lol.


What do you do when you’re mad? I run it over in my head until I can't take it anymore.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? I once chased a boy down the hallway while beating him upside the head until he ran out of sight. He deserved it for being a little creep and going through my stuff. It was the first time people literally applauded me for violence.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes, sadly.
Do you swear when you’re mad? Only a few words here and there.


Are you usually a happy person? Generally, yes.
What makes you the happiest? When things work out.
Does being with your friends make you happy? yes
Do you believe in yourself? Most of the time... sometimes I'm doubtful.
Do you wish you were happier? Doesn't everyone?
Is being happy overrated? No!
Can music make you happy? Often times, yes.

I had to stop and take a little break in between, yeesh.
"I like the way you fire that gun."
"Thanks. I like the way you take a bullet."

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2009, 04:43:29 pm »
Quiz master got a short one :D

Do you have pets? If so, what are they?
What's the last picture you took?
Last thing you said out loud?
Last thing you laughed at?
Where are you right now?
Do you know what your first name means?
What is it, what does it mean?
What's your favorite board game?
Whats your favorite video game?
What's the last video game you beat?
What did you do today?
What tabs do you have open right now?
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do?
What are you having for dinner?
What are three objects around you?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 04:44:25 pm by DemonSpawn »
I miss 2010.

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2009, 04:56:02 pm »
This sort of...interested me~! >w>

Do you have pets? If so, what are they?: Nope~!
What's the last picture you took?: My eye, with the blue contact in.
Last thing you said out loud?: 'Yeah!'
Last thing you laughed at?: Something on 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'.
Where are you right now?: The computer room, in my house~!
Do you know what your first name means?: Yes.
What is it, what does it mean?: Amy = Beloved. It's French.
What's your favorite board game?: At the moment...I don't have one.
Whats your favorite video game?: To keep my list short, I'll just go with 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'.
What's the last video game you beat?: 'Princess Debut'.
What did you do today?: Practically nothing!
What tabs do you have open right now?: None. I'm only on the Kumori-con forums.
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do?: Nope~!
What are you having for dinner?: Whatever is going to be served at Richard's place.
What are three objects around you?: Writing utensils, Ramen in a bowl, and a spoon~!
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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2009, 05:01:13 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they? 1 silver grey tabby cat
What's the last picture you took? I dont take pictures
Last thing you said out loud? I hate the sun
Last thing you laughed at? asking for a translator for wookie
Where are you right now? work break room
Do you know what your first name means? Nope
What is it, what does it mean? I have no idea
What's your favorite board game? Life
Whats your favorite video game? Dot Hack GU
What's the last video game you beat? IQ
What did you do today? work
What tabs do you have open right now? just this one
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do? I knew I forgot something, but I cant remember what is is!
What are you having for dinner? Ramen
What are three objects around you? Mouse, Keyboard, Screen
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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2009, 05:21:59 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they? ~I have 2 dogs(dun like them much), 3 cats(meh babehs!♥), about 15 chickens, and 3-4 quialls(<---no idea how to spell that)
What's the last picture you took? ~Of my niece on her b-day today! ^3^
Last thing you said out loud? ~Have fun at the Wiggle's Concert! xD
Last thing you laughed at? ~A funny animated thing of Road dancing to Get Down!
Where are you right now? ~In a chair.
Do you know what your first name means? ~Yep.
What is it, what does it mean? ~Colleen = "Girl" Thanks for reminding me how much I hate it!  :D
What's your favorite board game? ~I've got too many to choose from.
Whats your favorite video game? ~Zelda:Windwaker, Zelda:Twilight Princess, Pokemon Emerald, and .Hack// Games
What's the last video game you beat? ~Zelda:Windwaker...3 times. >3<
What did you do today? ~Nothing.
What tabs do you have open right now? ~This one, Recent Posts, Vampire-Kameko's Ads, and DeviantArt
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do? ~Wake my nephew up 5 minutes ago.
What are you having for dinner? ~Tony's Mini Frozen Pizzas...mmmm...delish...♥
What are three objects around you? ~Cell phone, cd, and the compy!

Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #98 on: July 24, 2009, 05:24:41 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they?  Yes.  Nine cats.  I avoid associating with the other animals because they are noisy, smell bad, or inconsequential.
What's the last picture you took?  A picture of myself in my suit.
Last thing you said out loud?  Alright, I'll see you Tuesday.
Last thing you laughed at?  The world.
Where are you right now?  An air conditioned room.
Do you know what your first name means?  It means me.
What is it, what does it mean?  Charlie.  It means me.
What's your favorite board game?  Hextrategy.
Whats your favorite video game?  Warlords III: Darklords Rising
What's the last video game you beat?  Advance Wars
What did you do today?  Made a sound loop for a video game concept I'm developing.
What tabs do you have open right now?  Just this one.
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do?  This has already been asked. >:[
What are you having for dinner?  Not lobster.
What are three objects around you?  Thermometer, Formula 409 cleaning spray, multi-purpose lens cleaner.
moderators gonna moderate </shrug>

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #99 on: July 24, 2009, 05:35:52 pm »
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do?  This has already been asked. >:[
D: Sorry! For most people that was a different day though. XD
I miss 2010.