Lol anyone who is a true Kaikan Phrase fan will easily reconize is and thats all we want. plus we'll be doing a skit and a pannel but I already have a full group now so no one really needs tyo read this post ne more xD The only person really left is Ralph.
and no we are not using their uniforms since not everyone has one, we are going to use some outfits they have in the anime and in concert. The good thing is that mine (Aine's) costume, Sakuya, Atsuro, and Santa already have their costumes finished!
This will be our third time going as a group though so I can't wait! Anyway here is a picture if you want to see

I think the Kaikan Phrase fans that notice us will because of our matching oufits, our insturments and our colored hair xD that usually helps.