Author Topic: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009  (Read 3908 times)

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Offline Mr Silmero

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Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« on: December 20, 2009, 09:32:42 pm »
Considering the year is almost out and I do not believe there are many things left to come out I think we should all discuss how 2009 and anime have been. What do you think were some of the best things this year? What about the worst?


Bakemonogatari: although a bit slow paced sometimes I really enjoyed the freshness of the series

Nyan Koi!: Hey it is standard affair High School Love Comedy but I seem to be a sucker for things like that


The new Haruhi series: Endless Eight, that is all

Zan Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: It was not such a bad series but I realized that all seasons follow a rather predictable episode progression and although that is not such a horrible thing I must admit I was a bit let down, mileage may vary as I DID happen to marathon the last two seasons before I checked this one out. The Sayonara series is like the House MD of Japan.

On the fence:

Kampfer- on one hand it has NO story to speak of until the end, on the other hand it is very humorous fanservice done right, the last few episodes had some good twists and the very last episode made me giggle a few times.

OK- anyone else want to put in their two cents for the year?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 09:37:14 pm by Mr Silmero »


  • Bunnygirl
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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 10:18:55 pm »
Best- Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood.

Best- Spice and Wolf 2nd season

Okay---- Naruto Shippuden is still the most popular but has been getting down.. But there has been more viewers again considering that he is almost at the point to where he gets sage mode. 2010 Naruto Shippuden will be amazing. Manga readers damnstraight know that it will be.  Also Naruto is close to the finishing point now.

Not so sure---Tatakau Shisho-Book of Bantorra is going great so far and has a good storyline so far.. But has not totally opened up yet.. Only 11 episodes have been out. But I can tell that this one is going to be great.

Bad- POKEMON..Duh.. Well... It's just a money making machine for Nintendo.. WHEN WILL ASH BECOME A FREAKIN POKEMON MASTER...SERIOUSLY..

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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 10:50:20 pm »
Shin Mazinger Z Impact:
I can not stress enough of how good of a show this was.

Sengoku Basara:
Great fun

Mindless Bloody fun

On the Fence:
This show severed no point, but I still enjoyed.

Endless 8

More of the same, and I was a huge fan of the first two series.

Some how Kawamori screwed up the great concept of Basketball playing Giant Robots.

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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 11:39:56 am »
Bakemonogatari- Creative animation styles, catching story, some of the best dialog I've heard in awhile.

Umineko no naku Koro ni- Holy crap. It's like Higruashi but waaaaaay cooler. I love this, the characters are amazing though this may be just because I'm in love with Beatrice.

Kobato- CLAMP YOU HAVE WON MY LOVE AGAIN!!! This isn't like the Tsubasa and xxxholic waste of tiem, they actually have expressions in the anime!!! The characters are lovable and the story, though a stereotypical "Let's find a bunch of this said item to reach my goal!", is fun and interesting enough to pull you. Plus USING CHARACTERS FROM MY FAVORITE CLAMP MANGA EVER (Wish). I nearly pooped my pants.

Kimi ni Todoke- Such a good Shoujo. I'm on my seat to see what happens in the next episode. I love the animation style they jump into when silly things are going on.

Kūchū Buranko (Trapeze)- Great music. Ibaru is such a hilarious character and I love the little things that you notice in the show that brings everything together (Symbolism with animal heads, connecting characters stories.) One of my favorites this year.

Darker than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini- The first one was great. I don't know how you could go wrong with the second series.

Eden of the East
- Interesting and the art style was different then the usual and ugly huge anime eyes. The story was interesting enough that I'm scouring the internet for the 2 movies that are coming out!

On The Fence:
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0- It was very good and moving for the first half (I cried) but they started going into overkill in the second half (I won't ruin what happens) and the last episode was like "WTF ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING".

Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei- I hate to say it, but the materiel seems to be getting worse and worse with each season.

Hetalia: Axis Powers- It's good and all, but I find myself wanting to watch other things with more quality in an episode a lot of the time. That's the only reason why it's here.

K-On!- It was ok. So much gooey moe crap though...

Needless- Seemed bad in a good way. I'd need to catch more episodes to make a decision.

Basquash- I HAD SO MUCH HOPE FOR THIS!!! The art style was so good but after the first three episodes the story started to become bland and it was all about T&A. SHAME ON YOU KAWAMORI!

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class- It was cute, but not really catching at all. I stopped watching after the first episode.

Haruhi Suzumiya- I now hate Haruhi and will never watch it again. Endless eight was probably the most retarded thing in the world. I have better things to spend my time watching.

Nyan Koi!
- Furrry crap. This was so god damn generic my best friend and I laid out how the first episode would pan out before we watched it, followed it to the T. BOOOOO.

Queen's Blade- No.

Toaru Majutsu no Index- It was so uninteresting I can't even remember what happened in that anime. I think I fell asleep.

~2012 cosplay mofos~
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim, Miria Harvent- Baccano!, Filia- Skullgirls, Milk- Pop'n Music

Offline Mr Silmero

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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 10:49:50 pm »

Offline Saki-the-cat

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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 09:20:28 pm »
Axis Powers Hetalia
I just find the entire anime full awesome. It has a great storyline, great characters, great style. It's the most fun i've ever had with a fandom. I LOVE comedies. I havent found a single character that annoys the crap out of me. I love animes where it's very crack-ish, but the characters still remain "human", not shape shifting, no half human/half animal/demon things, so that makes it very easy to cosplay. No Mary Sues as far as i can tell....and last but not least, the yaoi/shounen ai-ness just make it that much more awesome :3

Death Note: L change the World
hmm, well all i can realy say is that it was epic. I loved it much better than both of the movies before that.

Haruhi Suzumiya(i think i spelled it right...)
I hated it to no end. Pretty much every single character is a Mary Sue. More fanservice than one anime should have. I did like the dance/theme song though...

New Pokemon


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Re: Best/worst anime or anime related things of 2009
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2010, 09:53:22 pm »
I don't watch that much new anime, I usually just read the manga of things.

Rocked my Socks
K-ON! Kind of boring actually but out of the few shows I watched I really enjoyed it. I like gooey moe crap ~

Haruhi Endless Eight was retarded but we got The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya light novel at least which is pretty sweet ;A;

Shows I Started That Seemed Pretty Cool but I Never Finished
FMA:Brotherhood The manga's better in my opinion so it's pointless to watch it, hur, hur
Kimi ni Todoke I remember reading some of the manga a year or so ago. It looks really cute
Eden of the East Saw the first episode. I love its OP <3