arguing only continues if one needs the other to see in thier point of views. The need is unimportant, cuz opinions are hard to change, and we are all intitled to our own opinion. You cannot make a person whose said tomato wrong all their life suddenly say it right. It's just wrong.
So the point to this 'anime is an art style' thing is pointless. In the end, its just an animation, like anything else, and there is no reason why it should be an argument.
What ever opinion you have, its not wrong if you dont think its wrong.
Besides, this is a cosplay thread, not a 'my opinion is more accurate than yours' thread.
Sorry, but I just wanted to get back on topic and hate it when people bring up the same arguments. We've all heard it before
. So.
The end.
Anyways. I was curious as to which outfit of Williams I should do. He has several.