
Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 08, 2005, 05:08:01 pm

Title: Lookimg for friends from Sakuracon
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2005, 05:08:01 pm
Hey, there were a few people I met at Sakuracon that said they might be at Kumoricon and I was wondering if we could try and meet up.
  First was the guy me and my friend spent most of Sakuracon hanging out with but then we never got any contact info, I think his name was Rory and he was dressed as Vash, if anyone knows him or if you happen to read this please contact me^.^ I was dressed as FFX Rikku and my friend was a cat girl.
   The second guy was someone who I just talked to brefly who said he was planing a catgirl march on Lloyd Center and I was wondering if  that was still happening and if so when.
   Thanks >^.^<
Title: Lookimg for friends from Sakuracon
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2005, 05:09:49 pm
lol, never mind about the catgirl march, didn't look around enough...