
Convention Events and Programming => Anime, Manga, and Japanese Media and Culture => Topic started by: rarnom on April 01, 2005, 07:55:33 pm

Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on April 01, 2005, 07:55:33 pm
So, if anyone here doesn't know me yet, I teach 4th grade.  This year I was given a large budget to spend on books for my classroom library and I spent it all on Viz/Shonen Jump titles since I had gotten about 1000 books the previous year that none of the kids read.  I also have a Shonen Jump subscription so kids can keep up with the stories

So it is interesting seeing how different kids like different titles.  There are the DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh kids, the Naruto kids, Shaman King, Hikaru no Go, etc...  But typically only girls read Yu Yu Hakusho.  Now I have read YYH and it is a pretty action driven manga with plenty of violence and what have you that I wouldn't expect 4th grade girls to be into.  But they LOVE that manga and I know lots of girl anime fans who are HUGE into YYH.  

So ladies, what is it about YYH that is so appealing to girls?
Title: Re: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 01, 2005, 07:58:05 pm
Quote from: "rarnom"
So, if anyone here doesn't know me yet, I teach 4th grade.  This year I was given a large budget to spend on books for my classroom library and I spent it all on Viz/Shonen Jump titles since I had gotten about 1000 books the previous year that none of the kids read.  I also have a Shonen Jump subscription so kids can keep up with the stories

So it is interesting seeing how different kids like different titles.  There are the DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh kids, the Naruto kids, Shaman King, Hikaru no Go, etc...  But typically only girls read Yu Yu Hakusho.  Now I have read YYH and it is a pretty action driven manga with plenty of violence and what have you that I wouldn't expect 4th grade girls to be into.  But they LOVE that manga and I know lots of girl anime fans who are HUGE into YYH.  

So ladies, what is it about YYH that is so appealing to girls?

I'm guessing its simply cause of two characters.  Hiei and Kuruma.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Kyuubi on April 01, 2005, 09:32:12 pm
Heres girls when they think of Hiei and Kurama =  :oops:  :lol: *faints*

Heres guys in front of them = "yo"
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Aurora on April 01, 2005, 10:47:51 pm
I'm glad you asked.  Yu Yu Hakusho is #1 on my favorite anime list.  I'm not really sure why though. I really liked the Dark Tournament arc of the story, it's my favorite. I admit I really like Kurama, but I also really enjoy the fighting part of the manga, maybe it's because of my violent nature(hehe, j/k). Well, my other favorite manga/anime is Saint Seiya, it's also focused on fighting, I don't know it's just my kind of stuff I guess.  

And one more thing, just becasue it's action driven, it doesn't mean girls can't like it, we enjoy action as much as the guys!
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Zenn on April 01, 2005, 11:04:02 pm
i think the answer is Hiei and Kurama(and their relationship with each other). i've seen enough of the series to know what will happen that cartoon network wont show. the manga is not much different from the series....
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Aurora on April 01, 2005, 11:08:42 pm
I've seen so many storys based on Hiei and Kurama's relationship, but I wish they would kept it prue, I just can't stand shonen ai or yaoi or whatever. But maybe it's just me, I can't speak for everybody.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 01, 2005, 11:58:47 pm
Quote from: "Aurora"
I've seen so many storys based on Hiei and Kurama's relationship, but I wish they would kept it prue, I just can't stand shonen ai or yaoi or whatever. But maybe it's just me, I can't speak for everybody.

really?  I find that interesting.  maybe cause the yaoi fangirls are so loud it seems like most of the girls are.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on April 02, 2005, 08:29:33 pm
Quote from: "Aurora"
Well, my other favorite manga/anime is Saint Seiya, it's also focused on fighting, I don't know it's just my kind of stuff I guess.  

And one more thing, just becasue it's action driven, it doesn't mean girls can't like it, we enjoy action as much as the guys!

Yeah, I wasn't saying girls couldn't like a violent manga/anime, but I am more talking about a typical 4th grade, 9 year old girl.  I have 3 volumes of 'Knights of the Zodiac' (Saint Seiya) in the classroom collection and I have never seen any girls go near it, but it is almost instinctive how all the girls in my class have at one time or another read at least the first volume of Yu Yu Hakusho.  And there are LOTS of different mangas in my room to choose from.  And even though they never read any other mangas they will always read that one.  It is very interesting.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Dustin on April 02, 2005, 09:46:51 pm
All I have to add is, don't believe certain stereotypes about anime and manga.

Shoujo isn't just for girls, and Shounen isn't just for guys.

I read alot of both, so I know this.

As for you YYH personally, I am not sure.

Most the girls I know that like it love it for the character development, and how alot of the characters interact with each other.

Hiei and Kurama especially.

Still, I gotta say, I'd be worth going back to school if I could be in a class where the Teacher had manga. That'd probably made my memories of school alot more fun. Still, I think its a great idea that children are starting to enjoy reading, by using manga. This'll lead them onto other stuff, and thats a good thing.

Alot of younger kids these days hate reading. Alot of children like visual stuff, so manga is a perfect combination for them.

I'd like to recommend that you use your budget to get alot of different and diverse manga into the class, and then ask the kids which they like the most, and increase the numbers of the ones they enjoy.

Hopefully, with luck, the kids will start to enjoy them so much, they'll start buying them for themselves, and will enjoy reading them.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Negima on April 03, 2005, 12:36:56 am
But (correct me if I'm wrong since I don't have the manga) it can't just be Kurama and Hiei because it sounds like the girls in your class (rarnom) became hooked on YYH before those two made full-time appearances.

I don't have a theory but I agree with Dustin's idea about character development.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on April 03, 2005, 03:16:58 pm
Quote from: "Negima"
But (correct me if I'm wrong since I don't have the manga) it can't just be Kurama and Hiei because it sounds like the girls in your class (rarnom) became hooked on YYH before those two made full-time appearances.

I don't have a theory but I agree with Dustin's idea about character development.

You might be right.  I have the first 5 volumes of the manga and then up to where ever it is in the latest Shonen Jump.  I personally have never read much at all of YYH but I got it in addition to many other Shonen Jump graphic novels because the price was right and I knew that the kids would be into them.
I typically like more sports manga titles like Prince of Tennis, Whistle, Hikaru no GO, and Battle Royale (which is kind of a sport in a sick and twisted way... :twisted: )
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Neko_Chan on April 03, 2005, 05:51:15 pm
;__; -crys- I wish I had an awsome teacher like you.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 03, 2005, 07:44:10 pm
Next we'll learn of a PE teacher who lets students play DDR!
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Aurora on April 03, 2005, 08:21:46 pm
Yeah, I have to agree with Neko-chan, I wish my teacher was this cool, all I had to read back in school was some weird kiddie stories.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on April 03, 2005, 08:41:14 pm
Quote from: "Kurimono"
Next we'll learn of a PE teacher who lets students play DDR!

I just did this a few weeks ago for a small class party that some students had won in a school fundraiser auction.  I had put up for auction a party with me in my classroom for the winner and a few friends.  I was able to have it during parent/teacher conferences because I didn't have anything scheduled for the evening time slots.  The kids brought their PS2, two DDR pads, and I hooked it up to the projector and for two hours we played DDR on the movie screen and ate pizza.  Then we watched the Incredibles.

Now thats the way to spend an evening at work. :wink:
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Kyuubi on April 03, 2005, 08:43:47 pm
actually a teacher at clackams high school (oregon) letstudents who missed a day of class do an hour of DDR or another physical activity to make up
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 03, 2005, 08:55:31 pm
Quote from: "Kyuubi"
actually a teacher at clackams high school (oregon) letstudents who missed a day of class do an hour of DDR or another physical activity to make up

really? thats interesting.  I had once had the idea of doing that stay in shape in the military, but then I left.  sometimes I think about doing it now just to be fit but I'm usually just on my computer o_o.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Negima on April 04, 2005, 12:19:17 am
Quote from: "Kurimono"
Next we'll learn of a PE teacher who lets students play DDR!

I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I met a person who (I think) teaches drums to students and he came up with some sort of system that's similar to DDR or it used DDR music.
(Note: no, I'm not talking about Drum-Mania)
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Neko_Chan on April 04, 2005, 10:47:33 am
All I had to read was Harry Potter and Goosebumps. xDD Oh there was a Poke'mon book... but it was an acctual book, not manga.

I want to be your student teacher. Or a student. :3 They can both work.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 04, 2005, 06:05:20 pm
I found an interesting article on msnbc.com about a study funded by an insurance company into how DDR could help keep one in shape.

BTW, you could like get your students to do likea book review...or something...to find out why they like it.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 04, 2005, 06:06:50 pm
Quote from: "rarnom"
I just did this a few weeks ago for a small class party that some students had won in a school fundraiser auction.  I had put up for auction a party with me in my classroom for the winner and a few friends.  I was able to have it during parent/teacher conferences because I didn't have anything scheduled for the evening time slots.  The kids brought their PS2, two DDR pads, and I hooked it up to the projector and for two hours we played DDR on the movie screen and ate pizza.  Then we watched the Incredibles.

Now thats the way to spend an evening at work. :wink:

oh nice! LOL  I remember the first time I saw DDR was in my Japanese class.  one of my classmates bought in his copy and we played it for the most of class that day.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Negima on April 05, 2005, 01:37:32 am
Quote from: "Kurimono"
I found an interesting article on msnbc.com about a study funded by an insurance company into how DDR could help keep one in shape.

BTW, you could like get your students to do likea book review...or something...to find out why they like it.

I didn't find it on msnbc.com, but I found it accidently on yahoo.com
*DDR article* (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=8&u=/ap/20050404/ap_on_he_me/fit_dancing_away_obesity)
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: khayman on April 12, 2005, 10:55:34 am
Wait, mostly girls read YuYu? Should I be worried about my masculinity?  :shock:   :lol:

Anyway, its good stuff. Can't wait till next week when the next episodes are released. But.....surely they aren't releasing all 7 (goes to 110 right?). The preview they had at Sakuracon implied that, but usually they release one dvd at a time, e.g. 3 episodes then 4 or vice versa to finish it up.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Tomecko on April 13, 2005, 08:59:14 am
I'm a girl who reads YYH, but it was actually reccomended to me by a male friend, so I have no explanation there. The character development is really good, and the main four guys are always running around rescuing people, so I guess the heroic thing might appeal to younger girls.

And no, we aren't all screaming yaoi fangirls, I for one find it distasteful. Oh man... you're not telling me Hiei and Kurama actually get together?  :? *sigh*

And rarnom, you are an awesome teacher! I wish I'd had a teacher like you in grade school.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 13, 2005, 09:51:32 am
Quote from: "Tomecko"
And no, we aren't all screaming yaoi fangirls, I for one find it distasteful. Oh man... you're not telling me Hiei and Kurama actually get together?  :? *sigh*

they dun, although, you can find a lot of fanfiction/comics where they are I believe.  If you just sticking with the canon manga, you dun have to worry.  Fanfiction usually will have a warning if they are.

As for yaoi fangirls, I'm thinking that due to overall surge in number of comics containing yaoi and the general loudness of the yaoi fans is creating a stereotype within the anime fan community.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: AlBhed on April 13, 2005, 04:09:25 pm
aaah, stereotype >,<  I just think it's funny...
Hey hey, I'm friends with Ron and he told me about you, but only after he asked why I liked YYH.  (it's one of my favs ^^)  The first thing I said was "I like fighting... and the dark tournament rocked... and the humor..."  and THEN I went on about Hiei, Kurama, Koenma (am I weird, or is there anyone else who likes him T.T;; ?) and Yusuke and their hottness.  I like kurama, I have an e-mail dedicated to him ^_^  But anyway, I think that girls tend to like it rather than other shounen because of the character interactions (not yaoi, I doubt 4th grade girls are into that) but more of the deep friendship stuff... girls like to think about guys having loyal friendship, it's kinda romantic... that's what I think anyway ^^;
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on April 13, 2005, 09:33:52 pm
Quote from: "AlBhed"
But anyway, I think that girls tend to like it rather than other shounen because of the character interactions (not yaoi, I doubt 4th grade girls are into that) but more of the deep friendship stuff... girls like to think about guys having loyal friendship, it's kinda romantic... that's what I think anyway ^^;

Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.  The way the characters interact is different than other shounen titles I know.

That is cool you know Ron.  I met him at the bag stuffing party last year and we chat sometimes on AIM.  Very cool guy.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 13, 2005, 09:40:13 pm
Quote from: "rarnom"
Quote from: "AlBhed"
But anyway, I think that girls tend to like it rather than other shounen because of the character interactions (not yaoi, I doubt 4th grade girls are into that) but more of the deep friendship stuff... girls like to think about guys having loyal friendship, it's kinda romantic... that's what I think anyway ^^;

Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.  The way the characters interact is different than other shounen titles I know.

That is cool you know Ron.  I met him at the bag stuffing party last year and we chat sometimes on AIM.  Very cool guy.

you should of seen his sakura cosplay.  it was interesting.

speaking of that cosplay, I was looking at a picture of ron along with launa neko and yuri chu and then my club noticed kei kei and zenix in the background!!  It was pretty funny!
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Negima on April 14, 2005, 01:13:38 am
Quote from: "AlBhed"
But anyway, I think that girls tend to like it rather than other shounen because of the character interactions (not yaoi, I doubt 4th grade girls are into that) but more of the deep friendship stuff... girls like to think about guys having loyal friendship, it's kinda romantic... that's what I think anyway ^^;

Wow, that's a good idea.  A lot better than mine on this topic.  I have a friend who is a huge fan of YYH and I think she likes it because of those same things.

Quote from: "AlBhed"
... Koenma (am I weird, or is there anyone else who likes him T.T;; ?)

Unfortunately, I don't think she likes him very much.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Anonymous on April 14, 2005, 08:43:30 pm
Well..i don't thikn it's juut because of Hiei and Kurama.. >_< I like Kurama! ^_^ ...but I don't really like Hiei too much..and a like a lot of other characters too! ^_^'
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: AlBhed on April 15, 2005, 10:16:31 am
yay!  I'm glad my view isn't all that off *^_^*  too bad no one else jumped on the Koenma thing tho... I think he's funny ^^;;
Yeah, I met Ron through some friends i met a Kumori last year... I made his craptacular miroku outfit for Sakuracon, if anyone saw that...
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: khayman on April 15, 2005, 01:55:51 pm
Not a real fan of Yaoi, but personally I think a Yuske/Hiei pairing would make more sense than a Kourama/Hiei one (at least as the series progressed).

But alas, Yuske doesnt have the red or silver locks that the ladies would probably go for.

In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Seraph on April 15, 2005, 05:24:54 pm
Quote from: "AlBhed"
yay!  I'm glad my view isn't all that off *^_^*  too bad no one else jumped on the Koenma thing tho... I think he's funny ^^;;
Yeah, I met Ron through some friends i met a Kumori last year... I made his craptacular miroku outfit for Sakuracon, if anyone saw that...

I saw it.  the blond hair grabbed all the attention so I dun know how good it was.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Kyuubi on April 16, 2005, 06:56:40 pm
i have noticed alot of new otakus popping up *gets run over by noobs* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Title: ^^
Post by: shadowfox on April 18, 2005, 10:00:36 am
HIEI, KURAMA, YUSUKE *glomps them* ^.~
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: rarnom on May 03, 2005, 11:38:14 am
Quote from: "Aurora"
I'm glad you asked.  Yu Yu Hakusho is #1 on my favorite anime list.  I'm not really sure why though. I really liked the Dark Tournament arc of the story, it's my favorite. I admit I really like Kurama, but I also really enjoy the fighting part of the manga, maybe it's because of my violent nature(hehe, j/k). Well, my other favorite manga/anime is Saint Seiya, it's also focused on fighting, I don't know it's just my kind of stuff I guess.  

And one more thing, just becasue it's action driven, it doesn't mean girls can't like it, we enjoy action as much as the guys!

I just wanted to post and let you know that one of my girl students started reading volume 1 of 'Knights of the Zodiac' (Saint Seiya) and she likes it!  pretty cool.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Aurora on May 03, 2005, 05:11:39 pm
Quote from: "rarnom"
Quote from: "Aurora"
I'm glad you asked.  Yu Yu Hakusho is #1 on my favorite anime list.  I'm not really sure why though. I really liked the Dark Tournament arc of the story, it's my favorite. I admit I really like Kurama, but I also really enjoy the fighting part of the manga, maybe it's because of my violent nature(hehe, j/k). Well, my other favorite manga/anime is Saint Seiya, it's also focused on fighting, I don't know it's just my kind of stuff I guess.  

And one more thing, just becasue it's action driven, it doesn't mean girls can't like it, we enjoy action as much as the guys!

I just wanted to post and let you know that one of my girl students started reading volume 1 of 'Knights of the Zodiac' (Saint Seiya) and she likes it!  pretty cool.

Cool cool!  that's great, I'm really glad somebody else likes it too, it's really a great story.   This makes me want to go back to elementary school so much, in U, all we get to read is boring text books.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: the_wind_the_sea on May 03, 2005, 06:40:05 pm
What attracted me to Yu Yu Hakushou was the nice story line, interesting character development and cute guys. Then again, I'm a sixteen year old teen age girl who has nothing better to do when not doing school work.

But, I think it's the fact that the characters are interesting. That's the easiest way to put it. That's the way anything I could read grasped me when I was younger. From my prospective anyways.
Title: ^^
Post by: shadowfox on May 13, 2005, 11:51:06 am
Quote from: "khayman"
In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!

never thought of that.......is kurama really kenshin in disquise O.O i never even seen rorouni kenshin ^///^
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Kankuro Of Sand on May 13, 2005, 12:55:56 pm
i think girls should like the show
Title: Re: ^^
Post by: khayman on May 13, 2005, 02:53:08 pm
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!

never thought of that.......is kurama really kenshin in disquise O.O i never even seen rorouni kenshin ^///^

Oh gosh, I think I've seen an entire site dedicated to the kuorama and kenshin connection. The best comparison is when kourama has his first fight in the Dark Tournament, and he gets an oddly cross shaped scar on his left cheek......


BTW, RK is great! Do whatever you have to in order to read/watch it.
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: Kankuro Of Sand on May 14, 2005, 02:48:15 pm
oh i want to see a girl go as kuwabara that would be funny
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: hikaru_maxwell on May 14, 2005, 09:21:10 pm
okay.....maybe next year.  *thinks about talking her sister into being Kuwabara.....* eh...they'll probably just think she's sanosuke with red hair....
Title: Why do girls like Yu Yu Hakusho?
Post by: khayman on May 15, 2005, 12:17:09 am
I'd rather see a koto, in character. I think she has one of the most funny and vibrant personalities in Yuyu. Alright for audience participation!   :lol:
Title: Re: ^^
Post by: shadowfox on May 18, 2005, 11:49:51 am
Quote from: "khayman"
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!

never thought of that.......is kurama really kenshin in disquise O.O i never even seen rorouni kenshin ^///^

Oh gosh, I think I've seen an entire site dedicated to the kuorama and kenshin connection. The best comparison is when kourama has his first fight in the Dark Tournament, and he gets an oddly cross shaped scar on his left cheek......


BTW, RK is great! Do whatever you have to in order to read/watch it.

HEY!!! i remember that episode, what was that guy's name again, did it start with an R??? he got that X on his face  as a result right??? O.O
Title: Re: ^^
Post by: khayman on May 18, 2005, 01:45:37 pm
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!

never thought of that.......is kurama really kenshin in disquise O.O i never even seen rorouni kenshin ^///^

Oh gosh, I think I've seen an entire site dedicated to the kuorama and kenshin connection. The best comparison is when kourama has his first fight in the Dark Tournament, and he gets an oddly cross shaped scar on his left cheek......


BTW, RK is great! Do whatever you have to in order to read/watch it.

HEY!!! i remember that episode, what was that guy's name again, did it start with an R??? he got that X on his face  as a result right??? O.O

Yup, it was versus Roto who gave Kurama the X cut with his arm blade.

Heh, I liked it when Roto was begging for his life "You believe in mercy don't you?!"

Kurama: "No."
Title: Re: ^^
Post by: shadowfox on May 18, 2005, 02:08:30 pm
Quote from: "khayman"
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
Quote from: "shadowfox"
Quote from: "khayman"
In fact....is anyone sure that Yoko isn't Sesshoumaru in disguise? He escaped into Yuyu! Eeeeeep!

never thought of that.......is kurama really kenshin in disquise O.O i never even seen rorouni kenshin ^///^

Oh gosh, I think I've seen an entire site dedicated to the kuorama and kenshin connection. The best comparison is when kourama has his first fight in the Dark Tournament, and he gets an oddly cross shaped scar on his left cheek......


BTW, RK is great! Do whatever you have to in order to read/watch it.

HEY!!! i remember that episode, what was that guy's name again, did it start with an R??? he got that X on his face  as a result right??? O.O

Yup, it was versus Roto who gave Kurama the X cut with his arm blade.

Heh, I liked it when Roto was begging for his life "You believe in mercy don't you?!"

Kurama: "No."

OMG!!! that fight was so cool, at the begining, i really thought that kurama was gonna lose  :shock: kurama is cool ^^  those dark tournament fights are so cool ^.^