
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: tofutakeout on July 11, 2008, 11:27:57 pm

Title: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 11, 2008, 11:27:57 pm
I'm actually not that big of a fan of this show but it is enjoyable. I wanted to know if anyone this year or any past years or even years to come has or is going to cosplay as a gravitation character. I'm going as Eiri Yuki and I have a shuichi and another friend that's trying to decide on a character.

if anyone is going to for this year wanna meet up somewhere?

(I tried to post this earlier but the website failed on me. so I don't know if this is already posted or not)
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: goatchild on July 14, 2008, 12:53:48 am
I know there were several Gravi cossers last year. At least a Ryuichi, Shuichi, and Yuki. I plan to have Hiro's hair eventually, so I'm sure I'll cosplay him. I don't know if it'll be at Kcon, but it'll happen. ^^
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: misamisa on July 14, 2008, 01:57:02 am
My friends and I have been discussing cosplay ideas, and while I like to do my own thing, I couldn't argue that it would be very fun to do a group cosplay, so it seems we've all settled on the idea of doing a Gravitation group, since we're all super-retarded fans of the manga.
 I volunteered to do Tohma, since he is super-pimp and pretty much the best character from anything ever.
no, I'm not totally biased or anything. ;D
...  ^^;
Anyways, we'll likely at least have a K, a Hiro, and possibly Ryuichi.
I will beat him.
... >_>
... <_<
Yay for random Gravi characters?? ^^;
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: TohmaSeguchi on July 14, 2008, 11:09:31 am
I'm actually not that big of a fan of this show but it is enjoyable. I wanted to know if anyone this year or any past years or even years to come has or is going to cosplay as a gravitation character. I'm going as Eiri Yuki and I have a shuichi and another friend that's trying to decide on a character.

if anyone is going to for this year wanna meet up somewhere?

(I tried to post this earlier but the website failed on me. so I don't know if this is already posted or not)

Awesome, I have a Shuichi costume that I could bring, I've been Shuichi for the past two years at Kumoricon. ^_^

Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 15, 2008, 01:16:58 pm
woohoo! random gravitation cosplayers! ^_^ well now that I know that there's probably going to be more does anyone want to do a shoot. I might have two other shoots with some other groups but hey I think my friend would love to do this one. :3
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: SageBell on July 15, 2008, 01:39:29 pm
tessa if my hair were different i'd be your younger bro. ^_^ just saw the ep hee comes in :D it was great
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 16, 2008, 08:48:12 pm
lol that would've been cool janelle. but I still like the idea of you being a fan girl...or something. :3
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: IrukaSensei on July 17, 2008, 06:53:18 pm
You guys need to get a Taki Aizawa x3 I would love to see him
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Darknight2433 on July 17, 2008, 07:30:29 pm
I would seriously consider going with you guys as Banana Shuichi. I'd have to borrow Syd's wig and wear http://www.prankplace.com/costumes1.asp?id=banana&KBID=1103&sub=costumes_banana&gclid=CMu3nKGxyJQCFRZZiAodh2jFkQ

Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 17, 2008, 08:26:50 pm
I would seriously consider going with you guys as Banana Shuichi. I'd have to borrow Syd's wig and wear http://www.prankplace.com/costumes1.asp?id=banana&KBID=1103&sub=costumes_banana&gclid=CMu3nKGxyJQCFRZZiAodh2jFkQ


that would be awesome if you did that! :3
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: misamisa on July 19, 2008, 02:03:27 am
You guys need to get a Taki Aizawa x3 I would love to see him

Except that I've been told that I must push any Taki Aizawas in front of cars.  ;)
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: jupiter13_00 on July 19, 2008, 03:07:00 am
I show up as Rage sometimes... but she's only in the manga...and the translation of her name is wrong so... yeah I get annoyed when I go and people call my Reiji...

I might drag it out again this year.
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: SageBell on July 19, 2008, 12:44:49 pm
You guys need to get a Taki Aizawa x3 I would love to see him

Except that I've been told that I must push any Taki Aizawas in front of cars.  ;)
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: IrukaSensei on July 20, 2008, 04:11:38 pm
So then I'll like totally jump infront of the car and save him with my super awesome hazors ninja skills x3
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 20, 2008, 08:09:25 pm
yes save him with your awesome ninja powers. :3
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: SageBell on July 20, 2008, 09:38:25 pm
unnnless the coosplay suuuckss
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 20, 2008, 09:50:50 pm
true sucky cosplays do ruin things sometimes.
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: TohmaSeguchi on July 24, 2008, 02:53:09 am
You guys need to get a Taki Aizawa x3 I would love to see him

Except that I've been told that I must push any Taki Aizawas in front of cars.  ;)

*glomps and tackles the Tohma randomly* Hey, it's my evil twin-personality on the forums. *wink*

If you guys do get a Taki Aizawa then beware......I has a Yuki Eiri to accompany my Shuichi costume...and he is not afraid to kick some serious ass. XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 02:15:42 am
lol XD nice way to put it Tohma,
I think someone should be Ryu without it being a girl...you cuz girls that are Ryu have en excuse to wear his oh so revealing shirt....doesn't go well with boobies XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: tofutakeout on July 27, 2008, 10:50:00 am
I'm doing pretty good. have some up moments and some down. man I wish I could be down there. I want some nice weather. your looking pretty fine yourself. ^_^
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: TohmaSeguchi on July 27, 2008, 03:31:32 pm
lol XD nice way to put it Tohma,
I think someone should be Ryu without it being a girl...you cuz girls that are Ryu have en excuse to wear his oh so revealing shirt....doesn't go well with boobies XD


Tho' I have a nasty habit of glomp-tackling all the Ryu's that I see, *especially* If I'm in my Shuichi costume. Or they  have the nasty habit of tackling me first. Can't tell you the number of times when I've found myself randomly flat on my back in that costume. <.<....>.>......
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 04:41:54 pm
this'll be my 2nd year at kumo con but i'll be going as ryuichi of course ^^ and karaoke-ing a lot hehe.  i atually need to remake my shirt since the last one i made was kinda choppy, and i didnt have a kumagoro at the time so i jut bought a cheap bon-bon, i'm thinkin of making the kuma-ryu outfit too but maybe not since i only have a month xD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 10:46:13 pm
lol, now is the time to finish up those cheapo costumes...
lol I love how Yuki's cosplay is to easy....
a suit.....XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 10:50:45 pm
lol can anyone say...salvation army? wal-mart? xD great places for cheap fabrics mwahahha make sure to wash everything from salvation tho @@
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 10:54:11 pm
O_O do you know this from personal experience?
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 11:05:27 pm
ehh... kinda sorta...i talk to a lot of people and see how they do things so here's whatsup, sorry to insult people who work here,
1. think of the vast amounts of people who shop here, now i know i do too but there are the sickened people who are so disgusting where they'll look through clothes, sneezing coughing right on there, one time i saw someone wipe their nose with their hand and then wipe it on something.
2. lazy workers, some sallies i've been to have great workers that keep the place clean, others...dont even bother washing them, yea their supposed to wash everything upon cleaning them but i've been unlucky enough to take a wiff of a bad smelll in the air...and found out where it came from
3. it's actually not that bad lol when i think about it...it happens on rare occasions and i dont feel like deleting what i just typed so just remember to wash those used clothes used by other people before using them! so  says the clean freak!
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 11:13:23 pm
XD wow that is so enlightening...
I found a whole Light Yagami costume at Ross XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 11:16:50 pm
seriously?! omg grats! how much was it?
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 11:21:22 pm
lol well its Ros, so everything was like under 10 bucks XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 11:29:40 pm
haha nice you got a great deal there xD  personally i've never been to ross, well once at valleyriver or gateway cant remember but it was pretty clean ^^ probly because it was at the mall so their more strict, dunno
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 11:42:09 pm
there not a good will or salvation army, they have really good clothes there.
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 11:46:15 pm
ahh kool ^^
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 11:50:29 pm
lol anyways, so if your looking for an easy cosplay thats cheap go to ross, I mean, you could get Yuki's clothes there easy!
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 27, 2008, 11:55:11 pm
haha i'll be sure to pass that on to my friends, thanks ^^  tho myself i like to make my own (no matter how bad they end up) i tend to feel more comfy in them, my next project might be shuichi's rockstar outfit, xept i'm thinkin to keep this ryuichi theme i got going on and maybe make one of his more skanky outfits for next year lol
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 27, 2008, 11:59:12 pm
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 12:02:42 am
because its more fun that way hehe ^^(kinda think i'm using the wrong word now...looks up)
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 12:04:29 am
ok not skanky how about......revealing and really sexy
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 28, 2008, 12:11:22 am
yea, i  like that more...XD
Shuichi's rocker clothes are just crazy though XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 12:14:04 am
yea ahah i wanted to do that one but my fingers screamed at me when i thought bout sewing it up, then my wallet screamed at me when i thought bout buying the supplies xD   ~  woot kumagoro stuffed almost done xD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 28, 2008, 12:28:58 am
yay, I couldn't imagine sewing a stuffed animal, i can barely make descent cat ears XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 12:59:24 am
its looks freaking hard but it's actually pretty easy if you break it into 4 parts, 2 for the front and 2 for the back
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 28, 2008, 01:02:42 am
oh.....i see, parts make sence, but putting it all together is the hard part XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 01:22:05 am
hmm... put it this way make 4 half circles with the line part of a circle make it more curved like so "{ )"without the lil pointy thingie , sew 2 of em together  on the bracket part and flatten it to make a whole circle but cont shaped, do the same for the other 2  but for the 2nd circle leave an opening for a ladder stitch(look that up). now with your 2 whole circles put them on top of each other with the parts you want showing on the inside. k if you sew the whole circle up now, it'll look like some weird oval shaped pillow thingie, so in 4 parallel corners of your circles cut a 1inch "V" into it assuming your circle is the size of a watermelon. now sew your V's closed so it's now not completely flat. now sew the outside of the circle and turn it inside out, stuff it with a lot of stuffing but not too much and ladder stictch it closed, now it should look like a sphere, same thing applies with animals but with arms and legs and a head and maybe a tail instead of just a half circle, the V thing is called doing a dart seam.  if you wanna buy blueprints like what i got you can goto wal mart for those or any fabric store
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 28, 2008, 01:23:13 am
wow, tahts a lot of information for me to read at 1 when I'm really tired XD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Ryu-chan on July 28, 2008, 01:37:41 am
hahaha sorry ^^ didnt realize how late it was, oh well i got tomorro off so imma finish this kumagoro tonight! mwahahahah xD
Title: Re: Gravitation anyone?
Post by: Naruchan on July 28, 2008, 08:32:27 am
sew man! SEW LIKE THE WIND!!!