
Convention Events and Programming => Gaming => Topic started by: makichan on April 19, 2006, 11:28:50 am

Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: makichan on April 19, 2006, 11:28:50 am
here's a preview
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: superjaz on April 19, 2006, 12:15:13 pm
i just liked the fact they got some of the same voice actors that they used from kindom hearts, make it consistant
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: MistressLegato on April 19, 2006, 05:08:41 pm

I have that reaction to most dubs . . .
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Negima on April 19, 2006, 06:12:54 pm
Oh right.

When does the DVD come out?  (legally I guess)
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 19, 2006, 06:16:04 pm
Wow, there were what, three lines in that entire clip? If they wanted us to sample the English voices, they could have given us a more dialogue-intensive clip.

And I'll never understand people who hate dubs out of hand. That's like hating movies, just because most movies suck doesn't mean people should dismiss all of them.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Seraph on April 19, 2006, 07:45:27 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
Wow, there were what, three lines in that entire clip? If they wanted us to sample the English voices, they could have given us a more dialogue-intensive clip.

And I'll never understand people who hate dubs out of hand. That's like hating movies, just because most movies suck doesn't mean people should dismiss all of them.

ditto.  I have to feel the same way.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Wolf Wood on April 19, 2006, 09:30:03 pm
i have the movie in japenese but  whenever i want the english subtitles it gives me swedish AAAAA why wont it work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Vondan on April 19, 2006, 10:13:38 pm
I prefer dubbing for action, as I would rather be watching the visuals and not reading.  And I don’t care if the dubbed voice is some one famous  like on the bigger buget American releases.  I do hate an amateurish flat dub.

I prefer subtitles for drama ware the story revolves around the subtitle interaction of the characters.   I prefer subtitles at the movie easy to read and well done for the most part.   The subs on official home video and DVD are ok.  The subs on Fan subs range from bad to good (and I liked how some Inuyasha dubs only translated about ¾ of the words and had subtitles at top in green with a explanation of the new Japanese word so you learn a few new words every episode

And The subs on the Hong Kong pirate DVD’s are horrible from both a technical and translation stand point, except when they are so bad they are funny beyond “Engrish” as they are translated from Japanese to English by Chinese who are not fluent in either.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Negima on April 19, 2006, 11:25:34 pm
Quote from: "Vondan"
And The subs on the Hong Kong pirate DVD’s are horrible from both a technical and translation stand point, except when they are so bad they are funny beyond “Engrish” as they are translated from Japanese to English by Chinese who are not fluent in either.

Just like in X when two men were resting, one of them was heavily wounded, and the other said "Oh no, you're hurt, you're breeding!"
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Dustin on April 20, 2006, 07:19:08 am
Lets see, I agree on the point that a more dialouge driven clip should have been chosen. That seemed kinda pointless in the end, however, the voices I did hear, I enjoyed.

I'm not going to entirely dismiss this, because I have heard Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth's voices already, thanks to Kingdom Hearts 2. I enjoyed their voices, and I honestly thought Sephiroth's fit him perfectly.

I am actually looking forward to a very good dub on this one.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 20, 2006, 09:42:14 am
Is the dub going to be released in theaters, does anyone know? Or is it just for a dvd release?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Sinaj on April 20, 2006, 10:05:08 am
That reminded me inadvertantly of a FFAC parody dub I stumbled across a few weeks ago. The Team Rocket part cracked me up.

Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Pie Row Maniac on April 20, 2006, 10:59:43 am
There are a few English-dubbed clips on YouTube (I guess it got leaked)
- All The Characters Are United (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Lg8XpQk9I&search=advent%20children%20dubbed)
- Reunion of the Remnants (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw-MHZqKo00&search=advent%20children%20dubbed)
There WERE others yesterday but the user removed them for some reason.

Here's a list of interviews (http://media.dvd.ign.com/media/761/761530/vids_1.html) of the dub voice actors as well
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: superjaz on April 20, 2006, 08:29:01 pm
i know its bad but i do love some "good" engrish
i know its not suposta be funny but...yeah going to hell
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: makichan on April 20, 2006, 09:19:58 pm
here's one of rude and reno

and one with four clips together

and another with kadaj
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: makichan on April 20, 2006, 09:25:13 pm
Quote from: "Sinaj"
That reminded me inadvertantly of a FFAC parody dub I stumbled across a few weeks ago. The Team Rocket part cracked me up.


lol I've seen the skit for that on youtube
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Pie Row Maniac on April 21, 2006, 03:02:14 pm
Cloud's Dream and it's sequels remain my all-time favorites:
The First (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSakCD-tTww&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)
The Sequel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWJUCNSPktI&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)
The Finale (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KII1i7Gvk8Q&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)

Don't you... forget about me... Don't, don't, don't, don't...
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: makichan on April 21, 2006, 04:12:57 pm
Quote from: "Pie Row Maniac"
Cloud's Dream and it's sequels remain my all-time favorites:
The First (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSakCD-tTww&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)
The Sequel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWJUCNSPktI&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)
The Finale (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KII1i7Gvk8Q&search=cloud%27s%20dream%20funny)

Don't you... forget about me... Don't, don't, don't, don't...

XD i've seen those beofer at a friend's house 8sigh* some people just have too much free time
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: MistressLegato on April 23, 2006, 11:46:43 am
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
Wow, there were what, three lines in that entire clip? If they wanted us to sample the English voices, they could have given us a more dialogue-intensive clip.

And I'll never understand people who hate dubs out of hand. That's like hating movies, just because most movies suck doesn't mean people should dismiss all of them.

I hate them because I prefer things to be presented in the fashion in which they were MEANT to be presented.  I wouldn't go to the Silent Hill movie and expect it to be in Japanese because it was made in English, thus that's how it's MEANT to be.

I hate it when manga is flipped.  I hate dubs.  I hate censored music.  Maybe it's the artist in me to want things to be presented the way they were intended to be.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Sasu-kitty on April 23, 2006, 12:57:35 pm
If that's the official dub, it makes me sad... there are a lot of extra noises that don't belong.

I don't like Kadaj and Reno's voices... they sound too young.

(Note: I'm an Amateur VA, so I look at it differently than most people)

Me and my friends may be dubbing it this summer.  If we do, I'll be sure to post some clips up here.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 23, 2006, 01:29:27 pm
I am not a huge fan of dubs in general, I mean it depends sometimes I will sit through the dubbed version, but I didn't mind the clip, I think they did a good job not sounding really corny in the few lines I did hear.  I think I would actually like to see this film dubbed at least once because I've seen it subbed and there is just so much going on, I would like to be able to really concentrate next time.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 23, 2006, 02:10:42 pm
Quote from: "MistressLegato"
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
Wow, there were what, three lines in that entire clip? If they wanted us to sample the English voices, they could have given us a more dialogue-intensive clip.

And I'll never understand people who hate dubs out of hand. That's like hating movies, just because most movies suck doesn't mean people should dismiss all of them.

I hate them because I prefer things to be presented in the fashion in which they were MEANT to be presented.  I wouldn't go to the Silent Hill movie and expect it to be in Japanese because it was made in English, thus that's how it's MEANT to be.

I hate it when manga is flipped.  I hate dubs.  I hate censored music.  Maybe it's the artist in me to want things to be presented the way they were intended to be.

I know if I ever made a series, I'd want it to be iin as many languages as possible so more people could watch it. That would be part of how I mean it to be.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 23, 2006, 02:43:36 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
I know if I ever made a series, I'd want it to be iin as many languages as possible so more people could watch it. That would be part of how I mean it to be.

Right but dubbing often times can cause a loss to the original work, it can cause many important scenes to lose their message and most of the times unnecessary dialogue gets added or some may get lost.  Personally I feel like if you subtitle a work you are able to allow peopel of various background to see it while preserving the original quality and magic of the film/show.

Alot of the times when there is a very crucial or climatic scene in an anime I will watch that scene subbed and then rewind and watch it again dubbed, as I did this morning with the 2nd Inu Yasha movie, especially in romantic scenes I find that the beauty of the scene is not portrayed as greatly in the dubbed version.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 23, 2006, 09:42:54 pm
See, I find the beauty of a scene is disrupted when there's all this text splayed across it. To me, that's a lot more jarring.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: MistressLegato on April 23, 2006, 11:58:37 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
See, I find the beauty of a scene is disrupted when there's all this text splayed across it. To me, that's a lot more jarring.

I find that so difficult to understand . . . all those irritating voices that don't match the actual voices that had been officially selected to BE a specific character . . . that just gets me.  And missing out on all the "inside" jokes because English is not totally compatable with Japanese . . . it's too frustrating for me.

Plus, you see something once and know what's going on and turn the subs off.  100% clean.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 24, 2006, 12:15:18 am
You act as though Japanese tracks are completely devoid of bad acting. There's a recent series I've been watching and I *know* the lead female's dub voice will be way better than her Japanese voice, because her Japanese VA can't act to save her life. I don't think that was quite the intent of the casters, nor was that meant to be part of the 'vision'.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Neolucky on April 24, 2006, 09:15:11 am
I felt the voice acting was weak on both sides. Hell, it was damn awfull in english (Dilly dally, shilly shally?) and in Japanese the audio was too low, and didn't really suit the characters well. It's pretty obvious that this movie was just another cash cow, and not something worth reading deeply into.

Then again? I don't particularily like the movie in the first place. (And yes, I have played the game =p as people seem to assume that those who dislike it, don't know anything about it)
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: MistressLegato on April 24, 2006, 02:07:45 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
You act as though Japanese tracks are completely devoid of bad acting. There's a recent series I've been watching and I *know* the lead female's dub voice will be way better than her Japanese voice, because her Japanese VA can't act to save her life. I don't think that was quite the intent of the casters, nor was that meant to be part of the 'vision'.

Please don't ever put words in my mouth.  I never said there wasn't bad J-acting, but it's a lot more of a career there than "let's just hire this guy to voice this character."
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 24, 2006, 10:07:59 pm
I never put words in your mouth, I was merely going by how it seemed.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: PezCat on April 24, 2006, 10:14:41 pm
*puts on the Mod hat*

Peace, guys... please?

Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 25, 2006, 07:54:23 am
Quote from: "Neolucky"
I felt the voice acting was weak on both sides. Hell, it was damn awfull in english (Dilly dally, shilly shally?) and in Japanese the audio was too low, and didn't really suit the characters well. It's pretty obvious that this movie was just another cash cow, and not something worth reading deeply into.

Then again? I don't particularily like the movie in the first place. (And yes, I have played the game =p as people seem to assume that those who dislike it, don't know anything about it)

yeah the movie didn't really draw me in as much as I hoped it would either.  I mean, I liked FF7 the game, I've played it a few times and would always play it again.  The movie just.. I don't know, there was too much going on, I felt like if I hadn't played the game I would have been completely lost and yet even though I have several times I was still finding myself trying to catch up with the story.  I did enjoy seeing some of my favorite charcters brought to life in the film but it left me with an overall feeling of... "That was weird".

I do have a question though, I remember hearing something about a re-releasing the original game with more/newer cut scenes, is there any truth to that or has it maybe already happened?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Negima on April 25, 2006, 07:57:54 am
Quote from: "leashy"
I do have a question though, I remember hearing something about a re-releasing the original game with more/newer cut scenes, is there any truth to that or has it maybe already happened?

I remember hearing something about that as well and I think it was from a magazine.  Unfortunately I can't remember if they said it was a rumor or not either.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: EcchiSpice on April 25, 2006, 08:02:46 am
They are sort of re-releasing FF3 (Japanese numbering, never-before-released in the US) on the DS. There are a few posts about it on Kotaku if you search for them. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Sasu-kitty on April 25, 2006, 08:04:14 am
I'm pretty sure they are re-releasing FF7.

My friend was telling me about it.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 25, 2006, 01:43:50 pm
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Xaam on April 25, 2006, 02:04:40 pm
*gives love to six*
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Neolucky on April 25, 2006, 02:12:41 pm
The rumor of FF7 being re-released is just that, saddly; a Rumor.

There was a small opening scene clip remade to test and push the graphics on the new PS3 Engine, but that was merely a testrun and for fun. There's been no official press releases or information regarding FF7's re-make and re-release. It was only something shown at E3 long ago to sort of boost the Square-Enix fanbase morale.

Here is the clip:


They basically took all the designs from Advent Children and re-hashed them to fit the opening sequence. Let this put a rest to the rumor here =p.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Daxe on April 25, 2006, 03:46:18 pm
AH yes, I remember that rumor floating around quite some time ago. Too bad, I would love to play that game again on the PS3 =)
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 25, 2006, 03:56:55 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?

FF6 was a very good game, I think that was the first RPG that I actually finished, because I have a weird thing about not finishing RPGs, but yeah I did and I got to see the boat scene and now I want to play it again haha ^^
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: prettymoi on April 25, 2006, 06:12:20 pm
I just got this movie. Is it any good? It sounds good but has anyone seen it?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Dustin on April 25, 2006, 06:35:04 pm
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?

When they release "Final Fantasy 6: Screw Cloud and Squall". :D
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Negima on April 25, 2006, 08:03:13 pm
Quote from: "Dustin"
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?

When they release "Final Fantasy 6: Screw Cloud and Squall". :D

Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it...

Now when you say "Scr**" do you mean as in a screw-driver or...
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: catboy-trades on April 25, 2006, 08:18:28 pm
I liked the movie.  I got both the UMD and the DVD.  Why?

Cause FF7 was awsome and so far the only one that was able to draw me in enough to play all day.
As for the dubbed version... I have to say... it was alright... much better when you are watchign it for the first time with people that hate subs... helps bridge the gap so you can watch it next time with subs.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: guspasho on April 26, 2006, 09:15:05 am
Quote from: "Neolucky"
The rumor of FF7 being re-released is just that, saddly; a Rumor.

There was a small opening scene clip remade to test and push the graphics on the new PS3 Engine, but that was merely a testrun and for fun. There's been no official press releases or information regarding FF7's re-make and re-release. It was only something shown at E3 long ago to sort of boost the Square-Enix fanbase morale.

Here is the clip:


They basically took all the designs from Advent Children and re-hashed them to fit the opening sequence. Let this put a rest to the rumor here =p.

Also, the press release that they did, erm, release for E3, has a list of games that SE is working on, including several FF games and re-releases, but nothing about FF7 (though Dirge of Cerberus is mentioned.)

Read it here (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/final-fantasy-iii/square-enixs-e306-lineup-169304.php)
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Pie Row Maniac on April 26, 2006, 09:15:12 am
The movie is by any means visually gorgeous. Remember the The Spirits Within and Final Flight of the Osiris? Good god has Square/Square-Enix improved. The movie isn't without flaws though. It was sloppily written; lots of conveniences and random happenings that occur with little to no explanation. So much so that someone had to release a plot analysis (http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/file/final_fantasy_vii_ac_plot.txt) :P

I will say that after going through the guide, things did make more sense. I just wish that the movie itself could have put more effort into explanation for those who would watch this casually.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: leashy on April 26, 2006, 09:22:40 am
Quote from: "Pie Row Maniac"
So much so that someone had to release a plot analysis (http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/file/final_fantasy_vii_ac_plot.txt) :P

Referer link error... hmmm
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: guspasho on April 26, 2006, 10:01:58 am
Quote from: "leashy"
Quote from: "Pie Row Maniac"
So much so that someone had to release a plot analysis (http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/file/final_fantasy_vii_ac_plot.txt) :P

Referer link error... hmmm

Gamefaqs doesn't like that he linked to them. Copy and paste the link into your address bar so Gamefaqs doesn't know you navigated in from anywhere in particular.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Pie Row Maniac on April 26, 2006, 11:36:10 am
Bah. Try this then:


Click on Plot Analysis for the guide.
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: kylite on April 26, 2006, 11:38:15 am
I think they did a good job on the translation, yo
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Dustin on April 27, 2006, 08:25:52 pm
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "Dustin"
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?

When they release "Final Fantasy 6: Screw Cloud and Squall". :D

Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it...

Now when you say "Scr**" do you mean as in a screw-driver or...

I mean screwed as in "Oh man, I lost a bet with a friend and now I have to go watch Silent Hill". Yeah, that kinda screwed.

Snagged the dvd Tuesday and watched it Wednesday.

The dub was VERY good.

The only thing I didn't like was the line "Dilly dally, shilly shally".

I was thinking "What the hell does that mean?".

I'll post more about what I thought later, dinner's on, so I gotta go cook. :D
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: catboy-trades on April 28, 2006, 07:33:08 pm
Quote from: "Dustin"
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "Dustin"
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
All this attention over 7. When will 6 get some love?

When they release "Final Fantasy 6: Screw Cloud and Squall". :D

Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it...

Now when you say "Scr**" do you mean as in a screw-driver or...

I mean screwed as in "Oh man, I lost a bet with a friend and now I have to go watch Silent Hill". Yeah, that kinda screwed.

Snagged the dvd Tuesday and watched it Wednesday.

The dub was VERY good.

The only thing I didn't like was the line "Dilly dally, shilly shally".

I was thinking "What the hell does that mean?".

I'll post more about what I thought later, dinner's on, so I gotta go cook. :D

Yeah what was that about?  DILLY DALLY SILLY SALLY?  Where did that come in?
Title: your opinion on ff7 dubbing
Post by: Negima on May 06, 2006, 07:07:44 pm
Well I finally bought a copy of FF7:AC.

So far it seems pretty good.  I haven't had any problems with dubbing overall.  I only watched (I'm guessing) half of it so far because it was getting late and I hope to watch the rest tonight.  And yeah, in agreement with everyone else, the phrase "dilly dally silly sally" just sounds weird.  To me it sounds like they're telling Cloud that he SHOULD "dilly dally" and not figure things out soon.

Also after watching it, it answered a question I had ever since I was back in Japan.  Remember the cell phone Cloud used?  In Japan they were actually selling that model.  The ads for it kept showing Cloud using the cell phone and I was constanting wondering if that was actual footage of the movie or if it was made solely for the ad.