
Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: Styx on August 18, 2011, 01:20:53 pm

Title: Takin' the Train
Post by: Styx on August 18, 2011, 01:20:53 pm
OK, ya'll, here's the skinny.

Unfortunately for reasons beyond my control, I was unable to get a hotel up there for this year.  So I'm taking the train up and back, all three days.

This essentially means that I'ma be cramming as much con as possible into about 12 hours a day, since the earliest and latest arrivals and leavers (respectively) are 8:30 and 8:45.

I'll be boarding at Oregon City and riding it all the way up to Vancouver, and was wondering if anyone else was going to be doing the same.  We could be train buddies!

As well, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the aforementioned con-cramming.  Thanks, all.
Title: Re: Takin' the Train
Post by: zenneth on August 19, 2011, 12:34:23 pm
one thing i can tell u about con cramming-- the closer the day is, the more focused u get (based on all my cosplays last year and beyond) XD