
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: soundninja12 on February 14, 2011, 09:19:33 pm

Title: Actors~
Post by: soundninja12 on February 14, 2011, 09:19:33 pm
I know I'm not the only person on the forums who participates in plays and improv shows!
So, where are you, actors?
What plays have you done? Who did you play in those plays? Have you ever been in an improv show? Directed a play?
I want to knowwwwwww~
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Cassiopeia on February 14, 2011, 10:25:20 pm
Hey, I'm an actor

you know me
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: FateChooseMe on February 15, 2011, 02:31:37 pm
Heck yeah.
Actress ahoy!
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Wuntvor on February 15, 2011, 02:33:10 pm
I was in The Sound of Music during College.  I tried out for Ralph, but they really wanted a tenor for the role, and I sounded to forced.  I can still sing You are Sixteen Going on Seventeen.  ;D  I did get bit parts as a party guest, got to waltz & foxtrot with a pretty girl (So Long, Farewell), and I won third place at the Austrian Music Festival, The VonTrapp Family Singers won first, but they were a no-show.  ::)  It is possible to get out of a tux and put on lederhosen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lederhosen) in just 5 minutes. I was also in charge of sound effects.  I was the thunder storm for My Favorite Things.
I have also done some VA work for the TEC web-comic.  It looks like it went splat though, the site is gone.  I had fun.

The real actor in the family is my sis, she is a regular performer at the Newport Performing Arts Center, and has done numerous roles.  She has even been praised by David Ogden Stiers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ogden_Stiers), whom she has spoken to many times.
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Dubaby on February 15, 2011, 02:50:33 pm
I was a MAJOR theatre kid all through high school. Every year we would go to competition and then to thespian festival at the end of the year to showcase the plays we had done. We also had an improv group that the Performing Arts class had called Wednesday Morning Live, and at one point also had a night time black box comedy troupe. I wrote a few skits and acted for that which was pretty fun. Also did the following plays and helped do lighting/stage help with most of the musicals since I did tennis my first three years of high school and couldn't actually be in them.

I did pretty much all of the straight plays though and the musical my senior year, I think all together it was like 8 different shows or something (I still really wish I hadn't been too shy my freshamn year to try out for things....)

In all honesty I miss high school so much because I miss all of the amazing times I had during theatre since that's what most everything I did back then revolved around and I feel like it's one of the few activities I've pursued that I honestly excelled at. I got a big award for 'Outstanding Drama Student' when I graduated and got a plaque and added to a plaque at school, which is cool since it really is something that always meant a lot to me. Hopefully when I transfer to a new college I can start doing stuff again because I really miss it.

Sorry for rambling, but I really do miss this stuff like crazy. It's been almsot 3 years since I did anything onstage and it succckkkkksssssssss. D=
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: jaqua on February 15, 2011, 09:07:23 pm
I've pretty much been a theatre kid since I was old enough to know what theatre was. I was kind of obsessed with being in silly little class plays all through elementary school; I was in Guys And Dolls in middle school; Richard III, Dracula, and Macbeth in high school; and I'm helping my friend direct (and doing costumes, hair, makeup, and set design) for Rodgers' and Hammerstein's Cinderella right now. I was so into theatre in high school and I really miss it now that I've graduated :/
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Classy Viking on February 16, 2011, 12:40:35 am
I was an Actor/Tech my last two years of High School, I Acted in A MidSummer's Night Dream, Room Service, The Man Who Came to Dinner, and, Mousetrap. I did the sound design for Cabaret, I directed a short play called Ferris Wheel and directed parts of the musical HONK! . Now in my first year of PCC my theatre club is putting on our first Impov Show this weekend and in a few weeks we're doing a collection of Christopher Durang one acts. I'm acting in Desire, Desire, Desire and directing Entertaining Mr. Helms.
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: DancingTofu on February 16, 2011, 01:22:00 am
Theater Classes always conflicted with my math classes in High School and Middle School, so despite the fact that it was one of my top three elective choices (along with German) for five years running I never got into theater.  I always got major roles whenever my English classes did plays though.  I've played Algernon (The Importance of Being Ernest), MacBeth, and Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet).  I used to read dialogues out loud to get past some of my speech troubles (namely stuttering) as a kid so I developed an affection for reading scripts since it's all dialogue and also helped me get better at expressing emotions. (I have Asperger's so that was another challenge I had as a kid)
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: DemonSpawn on February 16, 2011, 06:47:41 pm
Lol I got Juliet when we did Romeo and Juliet in english, but that was because most of the class was illiterate. XD

I've been in a drama club (It was a Harry Potter club because I was an amazing third grader).

I was in our school production of Wizard of Oz (Toto, and my boyfriend was the tin man, yeah, elementary school love is the REAL DEAL man).

Aaaanndd I was in a district production of The Little Mermaid. (I had to go up a bunch of times and make 'KINGDOM ANNOUNCEMENTS').
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on February 16, 2011, 07:27:01 pm
I have been in one play my entire life but people say I do great pantamiming and trust me I do :3
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Ticra on February 17, 2011, 11:35:52 am
I'm a technical theatre major at the UW and I work with a group that does unathorized fan indie films. It's a lot of fun. I do both acting and technical design.
I've been in a multitude of things but my favorites have been; Charlie Brown in a production of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown in high school; Milky White in Into the Woods; and a couple of original indie characters for plays and whatnot.
Theatre is the best!
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: MiriaRose on February 23, 2011, 07:15:04 pm
I love acting. I haven't done a show in about four years, though, and that was Nifty Fifties. I tried out for our school play, but parts were sparse and I didn't make it.

Last year when my English class read The Crucible, though, I was Abigail. xD
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Mew*Haruko on February 23, 2011, 07:24:05 pm
I'm in Drama. :'D
We have a play coming up. 'The Importance of Being Earnest'
I love it. ' u '
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on February 23, 2011, 07:59:09 pm
I used to do all sorts of acting for my church's youth group.  90% of the time, I was either Satan or Jesus.  I've also done The Merchant of Venice, but I was a background character (I think my specific name was Leonard, but I don't recall).
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: soundninja12 on February 23, 2011, 08:14:44 pm
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: MiriaRose on February 24, 2011, 08:42:49 am
That's because Oscar Wilde is amazing. <3
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Cassiopeia on February 24, 2011, 09:44:45 pm
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: sandrobotticelli on February 24, 2011, 10:17:17 pm
Second this.

I was in drama club all through out highschool. I was in a lot of one acts including directing and acting in the Monty Python Flying Circus one acts our school did. I was in the Beauty and the Beast musical, the Man Who Came to Dinner, I also played the bagpipes in several parts of a performing arts play, unfortunately I'm blanking out on the name. I also did one where I was a Greek immigrant, but I forgot what it was called. My memory sucks.
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: DancingTofu on February 25, 2011, 01:25:09 am
Yo, Imma letcha'll finish but The Importance of Being Earnest is the best OF ALL TIME
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Classy Viking on March 02, 2011, 08:26:24 pm
Oh man, I guess I have a Show this weekend and next weekend.
Title: Re: Actors~
Post by: Mew*Haruko on March 02, 2011, 08:34:25 pm
We have to write a 2 minute script in Drama about Mistaken Identity. P: Me and my sister came up with a very hilarious, yet confusing plot.