
Convention Community => Other Conventions and Events => Topic started by: BangBangNeko on September 29, 2009, 07:49:18 pm

Title: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: BangBangNeko on September 29, 2009, 07:49:18 pm
We are working on our costumes.
 Anybody else going?
Oct 23 - 25 Seattle
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: AnimeMatrix on September 29, 2009, 08:27:54 pm
Wish I could but that's the same weekend as the Kumoricon elections.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: RemSaverem on September 30, 2009, 12:01:49 pm
Sounds awesome but no way could I afford it. The dude walking around who spent months to rig up an actual functioning contraption of some obvious steam punk influenced type on his back, blew me away, best prop ever.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Mykath on September 30, 2009, 01:43:14 pm
I really, really want to go some year. 8D
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Azzy-Chan on October 11, 2009, 09:01:12 pm
I would love to go, but alas can't.
Someday though...someday...
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: TomtheFanboy on October 12, 2009, 11:34:12 am
I really wanted to go but I can only afford two conventions a year.
A bunch of my friends are going up, I gave them some cash to get me swag.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Animeman73 on October 12, 2009, 02:47:16 pm
While it sounds interesting I cannot make it alas. I'm saving up my money for Orycon 31 in November and Sakuracon and Kumoricon next year. Such is life.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Lola on February 28, 2010, 10:27:20 pm
I think our group is going to try to go to this, any word yet on the cost for registration? We're working on Steam Punk Alice costumes, should be good fun!
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Evaldas on March 01, 2010, 04:49:26 pm
What was the attendance like at this show? My friend would be a good fit to sell art at this show. Just need to know if it's worth the money and time to come up and sell at this event.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Konan-ChanX3 on April 05, 2010, 04:56:44 pm
I might go this year, if I have a car by then.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Radien on April 26, 2010, 12:58:55 pm
I would like to be able to consider it, but it depends greatly on my ability to find a source of funds.  And there's already Kumori Con a few weeks before...

Oh, and I haven't done steampunk before, aside from a few books and video games that fit the genre.  But I'm curious enough to go to a convention.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: mellonemrys on April 27, 2010, 06:14:55 am
What was the attendance like at this show? My friend would be a good fit to sell art at this show. Just need to know if it's worth the money and time to come up and sell at this event.

I didn't personally get the chance to go, but my mom and a bunch of her friends did. They said attendance was good for a first year and are going back for 2010. I don't know if I'll go, but at the moment I still have a spot with my mom's group. (My mother keeps bothering me about the steam punk jacket I'm supposed to be making, so she's hoping I'll go at least!)
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: tofutakeout on May 30, 2010, 10:47:56 pm

I'm so excited for it. XD
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: nekovamp13 on June 02, 2010, 06:52:54 pm
OMG! Looks awesome ^^ I want to go and I just might OwO

And I'll totally wear my SP Cheshire Cat -w-
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: The_Geek on June 04, 2010, 06:04:07 pm
Why hasn't teleportation been invented yet? Washington, why do you have to be so far away from California?
Why?  ???
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Lady Locust on June 04, 2010, 07:44:43 pm
I would absolutely love to, but I can't drive, nor can I go alone D: and I'm pretty sure all my friends are going to Orycon instead.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: nekovamp13 on June 04, 2010, 08:13:03 pm
I'm a friend! And I'm hoping to go! You could go with me!

Though, I don't know how I'm getting there yet ^^;
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: Lady Locust on June 04, 2010, 10:24:01 pm
THAAAT'S a great idea!
Iunno if I'll have money for it, though. BUT I WILL TRY MY BESTEST.
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: nekovamp13 on June 04, 2010, 10:38:38 pm
Yeah, same here...
Hopefully I'll have a job over this summer, so I can save up for all the things I want to do!
Title: Re: Steam Con in Seattle who's going?- Anybody else into Steam Punk?
Post by: asaxchan on June 29, 2010, 06:34:51 pm
I'm not going personally, but I've been helping a ton of people find fabric and patterns and ideas for costumes, so hopefully there will be some rockin' outfits there this year!