
Convention Events and Programming => Live Programming => Topic started by: Sven on September 12, 2009, 05:25:00 pm

Title: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on September 12, 2009, 05:25:00 pm
So we've had a number of requests for a over 18 version of the Slightly Anime Dating Game, in addition to our normal game. So I'm looking for suggestions, ideas, reaction? What does everyone think? Any and All input would be very welcome.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Mr Silmero on September 12, 2009, 06:29:13 pm
I fully approve of this, that is all.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Anamink on September 12, 2009, 06:35:10 pm
This sounds like a fantastic idea. I was there this year, and that line was BEGGING to be crossed. :P
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on September 12, 2009, 08:59:11 pm
The mention of over 18 and line crossing has raised my eyebrow. I can imagine, but what would be the difference between an 18+ game and a public game? Would it allow costumes, comments and questions not normally heard and seen among the younger people?
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Negima on September 13, 2009, 01:26:14 pm
Didn't we have one a few years ago?  I could've sworn we did.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Lin on September 14, 2009, 10:12:57 am
Sven do you really mean you would abolish the line?!*looks at you with hopeful eyes* But yeah I would totally attend and make myself hoarse screaming for more!
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: AllyKat on September 14, 2009, 10:35:55 am
The mention of over 18 and line crossing has raised my eyebrow. I can imagine, but what would be the difference between an 18+ game and a public game? Would it allow costumes, comments and questions not normally heard and seen among the younger people?

What mommies and daddies, and people who love eachother, and people who have drank way to much sake and are
very very lonely talk about when the kiddies are not around is really not something we can discuss on the forums

:) :)

I think an over 18 game would go really well with the over 18 Story Story Die... Although we got close to crossing
that line in the public story story die anyway... We couldn't help it!

Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on September 14, 2009, 10:56:40 am
So it looks like we may have to give this a shot. It could be a lot of fun, and it looks like people are interested in the idea. But some thing I'd like to remind everyone of is there would still be a "Line". It would just be further away. (as in the next zip code) We are still bound by con rules as far as dress. And laws governing harassment are still in place. The idea is that we could get away with more but it's not going to be a free for all. Oi, this is ether going to be great, or the death of me.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: nikkiolie on September 14, 2009, 10:59:58 am
I would totally go. I think it would be more fun XD
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: AllyKat on September 14, 2009, 11:50:10 am

I hope everyone understands that, and I agree there is still a line, it's just the line that is drawn for
say... an explicit PG - 13 movie... Con rules still prohibit nudity and other dirty stuff... but I think it
is the fact that we can allude to things more graphically (better dirty jokes and the like) when under
18 are not present. I don't think it's so much that we can do more, so much as we can probably say
a bit more than earlier on in the day.

Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Negima on September 14, 2009, 06:04:38 pm
Maybe, so that things don't get too wild and out there, we keep the line at PG-13 but we tell people that it's okay to cross the line, dance around a bit, and then stroll back over without so much as a recieving a slap on the wrist.

I figure that way people don't think there is no line and can do whatever.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Silvamord on September 16, 2009, 11:02:36 pm
I think this would be a great idea. Myself and my friend have been involved in the dating game for 08 and 09 and some of the things that are said could easily upset parents.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on October 07, 2009, 10:20:21 pm
Slightly Anime is now on Facebook. Look us up!
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: TomtheFanboy on October 08, 2009, 04:36:58 am

That would be incredible.
The new line would be "TELL DON'T SHOW".

The Randomness of the internet panel had a little problem with adult content.  :-[
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: BigGuy on October 08, 2009, 09:04:04 am
I've said it before, to you specifically- Innuendo is funnier than blatant vulgarity. But if you wanted to run 2 different versions of your game(if you have that in you ;) ) I could see a "regular" and "18+" situation working out.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on October 08, 2009, 11:34:29 am
I've said it before, to you specifically- Innuendo is funnier than blatant vulgarity. But if you wanted to run 2 different versions of your game(if you have that in you ;) ) I could see a "regular" and "18+" situation working out.

I tend to agree with you and I'm not sure how this will all work out. But over the years so many fans have wanted it I think we'll give it a trial run and see if it works or not. (future con staff willing of course).
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: BigGuy on October 08, 2009, 01:55:24 pm
well you know who to talk to about your plans.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Ticra on April 01, 2010, 10:51:12 pm
I would just request that you keep the under 18 dating game. My group, (with the Toad prize from last year, and the Chocobo/moogle from the year before that) are of the mind set that innuendo is funnier. We were so sad when Sakura-con made their dating game 18+ only, as it was one of our absolute favorite events.
We won't be attending the 18+ event, but we will be at the 17-under one as long as you continue to have it.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Classy Viking on April 04, 2010, 10:58:21 am
An 18+ Slightly Anime only reminds me of the dating Game scene from Mallrats. Which would be glorious.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Konan-ChanX3 on April 05, 2010, 05:24:15 pm
An anime dating game sounds like fun. I've done something similar to this, it had lots of inuendos and was very entertaining.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Lin on April 06, 2010, 11:11:42 am
Ah yes the line is still ever present and yet fondly absent at the same time. I can happily deal and I understand the laws and restrictions binding convention goers and panelists! Still very happy gonna make Kumo 2010 awesome!
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on June 06, 2010, 05:54:51 pm
Just to put peoples minds at ease, We will ALWAYS have our All ages show. And it will still be our main focus. The 18+ game is in addition to our core all ages show, and will be shorter in length and least for this first year. This is so we can work out if an over 18 game will even work. Hope to see you all there! P.S. look us up on face book!
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: StarryShay on June 08, 2010, 07:51:18 pm
Hahaha, at Mewcon, minors were still able to get into the +18 one. xD
I even played.... o.e
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on July 10, 2010, 07:48:27 pm
Alright Everyone. I know that right now not many people watch this page. But we're getting ready to write this years game. BOTH OF THEM! So let us know if you have any ideas you'd like to share.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Konan-ChanX3 on July 31, 2010, 09:32:02 pm
I've got no good ideas unfortunately.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Radar_exe on August 20, 2010, 06:50:25 pm
how do we sign up for the over 18 slightly anime dating game?
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Spifferiffic on August 21, 2010, 08:55:20 am
Alright Everyone. I know that right now not many people watch this page. But we're getting ready to write this years game. BOTH OF THEM! So let us know if you have any ideas you'd like to share.

Well, I was very amused by the "Strut the Catwalk" from last year, only I would love to see the guys do it. XD

I wanted to go to both showings, but the regular dating game is at the same time as Fanfic Bedtime Stories, so I guess I'll only be seeing the 18+... (Why oh why can't I be in two places at once?)
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Squall on August 28, 2010, 12:23:01 am
Damnit.  If I didn't have my own panel a mere 30 minutes after yours starts I'd be there. (although I could always have the time changed to start 30mins later)
I not only crossed the line at the one someone did at Mew-Con, I set the new one. X)
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 29, 2010, 01:10:59 am
I don't even know how this event works (though i'd like to learn about it)
but i fully support having both the minor-friendly and mature versions
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on August 29, 2010, 08:44:11 pm
how do we sign up for the over 18 slightly anime dating game?

With the way that we run the game you don't really 'sign up.' There are two ways to participate in our game.
If you want to be a "prize" (this is the person the contestants from the audience are trying to win over) then you show up in your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay approx. 30 mins early and look for the girl in the kilt with a clipboard. She runs admin for Slightly Anime and will be choosing "prizes" out of the line and surrounding area.
If you want to be a contestant, and compete for the affection of our "prize" then simply be in the audience and stand up at the appropriate times during the game. The crowd ninja will be choosing contestants and again, your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay will help get you on stage.
Please note, that cosplayers will be chosen over non-cosplaying audience members. Also, if our crowd ninja or admin kilt-wearing girl approaches you to be in the game you can always say no.
Hope to see you at both of our games this year!

Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Radar_exe on August 30, 2010, 12:40:43 am
how do we sign up for the over 18 slightly anime dating game?

With the way that we run the game you don't really 'sign up.' There are two ways to participate in our game.
If you want to be a "prize" (this is the person the contestants from the audience are trying to win over) then you show up in your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay approx. 30 mins early and look for the girl in the kilt with a clipboard. She runs admin for Slightly Anime and will be choosing "prizes" out of the line and surrounding area.
If you want to be a contestant, and compete for the affection of our "prize" then simply be in the audience and stand up at the appropriate times during the game. The crowd ninja will be choosing contestants and again, your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay will help get you on stage.
Please note, that cosplayers will be chosen over non-cosplaying audience members. Also, if our crowd ninja or admin kilt-wearing girl approaches you to be in the game you can always say no.
Hope to see you at both of our games this year!

just one other question, my friend did a slightly anime dating game a few years ago and i was wondering if there is a website( slightly anime datng site?) that has video recording from all of the cons they do or goto.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Sven on August 30, 2010, 10:10:33 am
how do we sign up for the over 18 slightly anime dating game?

With the way that we run the game you don't really 'sign up.' There are two ways to participate in our game.
If you want to be a "prize" (this is the person the contestants from the audience are trying to win over) then you show up in your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay approx. 30 mins early and look for the girl in the kilt with a clipboard. She runs admin for Slightly Anime and will be choosing "prizes" out of the line and surrounding area.
If you want to be a contestant, and compete for the affection of our "prize" then simply be in the audience and stand up at the appropriate times during the game. The crowd ninja will be choosing contestants and again, your best/weirdest/sexiest/etc. cosplay will help get you on stage.
Please note, that cosplayers will be chosen over non-cosplaying audience members. Also, if our crowd ninja or admin kilt-wearing girl approaches you to be in the game you can always say no.
Hope to see you at both of our games this year!

just one other question, my friend did a slightly anime dating game a few years ago and i was wondering if there is a website( slightly anime datng site?) that has video recording from all of the cons they do or goto.

We do have a Facebook page and a Youtube channel under the name Slightly Anime. Unfortunately we only have video from last year.
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: sporkoon on September 07, 2010, 11:39:40 pm
id say it was a roaring success!!
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 08, 2010, 03:06:09 pm
it was hard to pose any sort of a challenge to the yipyips, but i tried. so much LOL to be had that night
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Raiphin on September 08, 2010, 05:03:56 pm
it was hard to pose any sort of a challenge to the yipyips, but i tried. so much LOL to be had that night

I thought you did an awesome job of not getting totally caught up in their flow.
But yes. hard to beat the sheer wrongness of dirty yipyips.

Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: minilla on September 12, 2010, 12:41:18 pm
Pics are up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=287730&id=175332620714&ref=mf (http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=287730&id=175332620714&ref=mf)

Video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=00B86CD2D3D47CCD
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 12, 2010, 04:55:41 pm
great panel, or greatest panel?
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: TomtheFanboy on September 14, 2010, 11:46:29 pm
Great Panel.
The greatest panels have a flavor.  ;)
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 16, 2010, 04:33:47 pm
The flavor of Spam? Or chocolate covered biscuit sticks?
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: TomtheFanboy on September 27, 2010, 10:13:44 am
The flavor of Spam? Or chocolate covered biscuit sticks?

I don't know what you mean..... ;>_>
Title: Re: Over 18 Slightly Anime Dating Game?
Post by: Pots on October 08, 2010, 09:33:03 pm
I love Spam.