
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:17:27 pm

Title: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:17:27 pm
HEY Guys the yellow shirt guy was sent to prison! So no fear of the glomp circle! If anyone needs help because they feel afraid to go to con because of then you can talk to me. If anyone wants to know what happened because they are concerned I will tell them but only in private messages just so that others don't have to relive it.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Xigbar on August 25, 2009, 10:26:33 pm
I'm a little confused. What yellow shirt guy are we talking about? [was he a pedobear?]
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:29:43 pm
Neeeh, sounds scary. :<
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:37:28 pm
I'm a little confused. What yellow shirt guy are we talking about? [was he a pedobear?]
No he was a hispanic drunk guy No pedo bear he wasn't part of con if you want details PM me okay? I don't want to freak any one out!
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:38:10 pm
If I'm thinking of the right person I heard a story about this. I wasn't there at the time but I heard some random guy, not from the convention, just joined into the glomp circle. And as his turn came around he would run around and grope girls or something like that.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:39:47 pm
If I'm thinking of the right person I heard a story about this. I wasn't there at the time but I heard some random guy, not from the convention, just joined into the glomp circle. And as his turn came around he would run around and grope girls or something like that.

Ya Heres what it is I was there He touched me so here it is...
Well a guy in a yellow shirt who was drunk joined the glomp circle just to sexually touch a bunch of girls(including me). Good news he was tried and convicted for 7 counts child endangerment 7 count of sexual abuse of a minor and resisting arrest. He is serving 35+ years in a federal state prison.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:40:53 pm
So scary. D':
I wish there was some way of preventing this from happening again...
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:42:14 pm
There really isn't, but good news is people learned their lesson after last year. xD In the glomp circles now people leading them usually CHECK to make sure people have a badge before letting them participate. So no random freaks join in to harass girls/boys. c:
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:43:36 pm
Yes yes, that's good. :3
And if anyone see's some wierdo randomly join, everyone should run in different directions. xDD
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:44:31 pm
Yes indeed. xD Run as fast as you can back to the hotel if anywhere.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:45:28 pm
I agree thankfully pass is standard no wierdos allowed! ;D
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:47:30 pm
Yeah. x3
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:48:34 pm
That would be a fun game!
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:48:54 pm
Or say "...YAOI". Okay I'm so gonna get killed for that. > >; Oh well.

Ooooh! That game sounds like fun! HOTEL DASH! o:
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Sugarlat on August 25, 2009, 10:49:34 pm
lol stranger "noncon" danger!
That sounds scary -A- I didn't join any glomp circles cause frankly o3o
They're dangerous....and I'm to small to be tackled into the ground...
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:51:10 pm
Hehe, I joined for a bit, but I'm too shy for that kinda thing. xD;
It actually does sound fun. x3
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:52:36 pm
I joined in for awhile, but I was really shy since it was only my second convention still. I only started doing a lot at Sakuracon this year, and now. xD Glomp circles are fun, but dangerous. I got knocked over TWICE by a group last year at this con. It was minorly horrifying. xD
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2009, 10:53:57 pm
Poor Romo. x33
I might join this year, but I think I'm too shy to go tackle-hug someone. :'D
I'd get really close, and then run away. xD
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Romo on August 25, 2009, 10:57:38 pm
xD If all else fails, just give them a hug. They sent THE WHOLE CIRCLE after me twice and I had to run. The first time I tripped and they piled on me, the second time I didn't move and they pushed me over. >< GOOD TIMES. GOOD TIMES.~ >____>;
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 25, 2009, 10:58:03 pm
Heh I like stalk my con friends it funny when they finally notice the look on their faces is priceless.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: BigGuy on August 26, 2009, 09:04:56 am
If anything like this happens again Tell a Yojimbo or staffer Immediately! we will have someone call the Police and get that taken care of.
 Hopefully that's what happened in this case.
 We take the attendees(and staffers/volunteers) safety very seriously, please let us know if anything is going on.
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 26, 2009, 10:53:37 am
If anything like this happens again Tell a Yojimbo or staffer Immediately! we will have someone call the Police and get that taken care of.
 Hopefully that's what happened in this case.
 We take the attendees(and staffers/volunteers) safety very seriously, please let us know if anything is going on.
Ya staff members were informed and the situation was taken care of by them I tell ya what you couldn't have picked better staff for that like the guy that my friend larka told like he emmediatly called the police then he broke up the glomp circle and the girl staff member talked to the girls about it she was very supportive for us. She was like amazing and she made me feel alot more comfortable about the situation. She was random sand ninja she was great I hope she will be a staff member this year...
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Animeman73 on August 26, 2009, 11:09:30 am
Fie and for shame on this pervert! Hello everyone this is Animeman73. So some non-con pervert was doing some groping hm? Dishonorable so and so, I happen to look down on that kind of behavior. I'll be coming around in my ninja costume to take pictures of some glomp circles for my blog. But you'll all know I'm there because I'll ask politely and treat all of you with the utmost respect. Animeman73 prides himself on respectability, you can take that to the bank!
Title: Re: Glomp Circle people Yellow shirt guy story
Post by: Asylymescapeie on August 26, 2009, 11:12:33 am