
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: leonmasteries on August 14, 2009, 04:19:04 pm

Title: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 14, 2009, 04:19:04 pm
So I look through the forum and notice there's not topic on this, so I was wondering what you people think were the worst villains in a series. It could be from anime, games, book's, and movies (animated and real). The one's that stuck out for me is Shou Tucker. He killed his wife, and then his daughter and dog in the worst way I have ever seen, and what's worse is that he showed no remorse for it, and seemed to enjoy it at first. That alone stuck out as a true villain. Another villain is Judge Claude Frollo (yes, I like Disney movies) because the thing that makes him such a bad villain is the fact he is realistic, and the things he does could be done in real life, which scares me more than any other villain. The Emperor from Star Wars, do to the fact he was a manipulator and was able to manipulate everything up to the fall of the jedi, he was even able to manipulate Anakin to do what he wanted with little trouble. For games, I have to go with Kuja, because of the fact he was able to do so much damage with little trouble, and was able to effect Zidane in some way, plus he's almost as powerful as Zidane (who is supposed to be the destroyer of worlds, aka death)
Title: Re: villains
Post by: nikkiolie on August 14, 2009, 04:23:27 pm
YEAH KUJA! I <3 Kuja :3
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 14, 2009, 04:26:01 pm
YEAH KUJA! I <3 Kuja :3

I prefer 9 over 7 because I loved the story line, the characters were actually well done, and the graphics and music was amazing. But ya, Kuja is much worse than Sephiroth in many ways, but not a lot of people realize that for some reason.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 14, 2009, 04:29:45 pm
Maleficent <3

Title: Re: villains
Post by: nikkiolie on August 14, 2009, 04:31:30 pm
I think I have always loved Kuja as a villain. He is probably one of my favorite characters, right up there with Albel :D
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 04:47:57 pm
I think Kuja is my favorite at the moment and another bad guy to add to it

 cobra comander.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 14, 2009, 04:49:32 pm
Oh, let's not forget the Monarch, a man who doesn't know when to quite and goes through henchmen like no tomorrow.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: MiriaRose on August 14, 2009, 05:23:30 pm
As far as FF villains go, Kefka the Klown.

He kills a lot of people and he just looks creepy. >.<
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 05:25:30 pm
Sephiroth and hojo and Reno. JENOVA!!
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Chaotic.Fox on August 14, 2009, 05:47:33 pm
I'd Say Aizen is pretty high up on the list...
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 14, 2009, 05:51:56 pm
I don't know, Aizen didn't really captivate me as a good villain, he didn't really stand out there, same with Sephiroth. To me, a villain has to effect you in some way, to where you have to think about the stuff they did. Which is why I posted certain villains. To me, that's a villain.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: oslapedo on August 14, 2009, 05:56:50 pm
Best villian ever? Scar from Lion King.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 06:00:13 pm
Best villian ever? Scar from Lion King.

I should do a Scar Gijinka Cosplay. :O
Title: Re: villains
Post by: oslapedo on August 14, 2009, 06:03:32 pm
I would die from the awesome.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: kylite on August 14, 2009, 06:18:04 pm
;est we not forget Donkey Kong and Bowser, and the three ghosts
Title: Re: villains
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 06:19:06 pm
;est we not forget Donkey Kong and Bowser, and the three ghosts
Three?  What about Clyde?  Just because he's orange?  Hater >:[
Title: Re: villains
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 14, 2009, 06:41:54 pm
Wesker from Resident Evil 5. :P He's a pansy.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 07:49:20 pm
oh I got it Sylar.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: StarryShay on August 14, 2009, 07:58:54 pm
;est we not forget Donkey Kong and Bowser, and the three ghosts
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 08:02:33 pm
the when donkey kong stole princess peach have you seen king of kong?
Title: Re: villains
Post by: StarryShay on August 14, 2009, 08:09:17 pm
Um, no. But yeaahhh, I kinda remember him stealing the Princess in one game. That doesn't make him bad though.(:
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 08:10:14 pm
true after all don't we all want a princess
Title: Re: villains
Post by: StarryShay on August 14, 2009, 08:12:51 pm
Haha, sure. =P
But anywaaayyy, my favorite Villian is the Joker. OwO
Just sayinnn...
Oh, and that one evil guy from Hercules is cool.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 08:13:44 pm
you mean hades? I love him too and I love love the joker
Title: Re: villains
Post by: The_Geek on August 14, 2009, 08:36:02 pm
Hannibal is the most incredible villain in my book. He helps Clarice get buffalo bill, frees himself, moves to Italy, so on and so forth. His character is so amazingly complex, and deep for me. He's elegant, refined, and sophisticated, yet he keeps the whole aura while killing, eating brains, and cutting off his own arm(For Clarice).

Joker is pretty incredible as well.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 08:58:01 pm
the when donkey kong stole princess peach have you seen king of kong?
You mean Pauline.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 14, 2009, 09:01:22 pm
in the arcade version but I think so yes.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: sabata on August 15, 2009, 01:17:09 am
oh I got it Sylar.
true, sylar just wants to be loved. he was being taught by someone, and he thought he was special. and then he got dumped for someone else, so he decided to take everyones powers, so he could become the most powerful man, and he would get attention again. so if you haven't give a sylar a daily hug. and then maybe our super powered loved ones won't get their brains eaten. NOM NOM NOM
(sorry the noms command me!)
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on August 15, 2009, 02:58:20 am
this is true
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Wuntvor on August 15, 2009, 08:01:26 am
I am surprised that nobody has mentioned Dante from FMA.   ???   Now that is a villain of the top order.  The Emperor from Star Wars probably took lessons from her.  ;D  Lets kill everybody to make the pholosopher stone and stay young forever.  Nothing evil in that.

I agree Aisen from Bleach is pretty bad.

Light from Death Note.  WHAT, you thought he was a good guy?

There are plenty more.  I may list them later.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Sayda on August 15, 2009, 10:11:06 am
Mmm villains.. I always prefer them over the good guy. What's wrong with me? D8
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 15, 2009, 10:11:49 am
Mmm villains.. I always prefer them over the good guy. What's wrong with me? D8

probably because their far more realistic than the hero's and we could relate to them much more.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 15, 2009, 11:45:03 am
Villains also have more personality, and usually have that dark 'n saucy thing going on.
Me loves me some villains. :D
Title: Re: villains
Post by: MiriaRose on August 15, 2009, 02:23:44 pm
Wait, how could I forget Seymour?!
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on August 15, 2009, 02:26:46 pm
Ya, Seymore, I was trying to remember his name, but forgot it. But ya, he was definitely an interesting villain, especially his summon...
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on October 31, 2009, 04:00:38 am
whelp, time to revive this thread (because I am being evil, muahaha) so here's a few vids of villains:

Title: Re: villains
Post by: TomtheFanboy on October 31, 2009, 04:58:43 am
I liked the villains more when I was a kid because they had cooler toys. Nowadays it's  not as often I like the villain more.

Back in the 80s Destro was my MAN! When we were playing GI Joe I was always grabbing other toys and saying "Uh Oh! Destro built a monster with lazer eyes! look out Joes!"

In Final Fantasy 8 and 9 I didn't like the villains though. In 8 I named Rinoa "Vallie" and took the game way too personally. In 9 I just wanted to barbeque Kuja from the start, especially when he didn't have the decency to be the REAL END BOSS.
What the heck was that evil kanji?

The Joker is cool, but he's only cooler than batman in some versions. He has to be done right.

I am not into Sylar, I see the fangirl appeal but to me he's just too uber. He's like a powermodding chat roleplayer who's dating the GM.

Light on the other hand is pretty awesome. I really enjoyed him until about 4 episodes from the end of the series. Then I I just fantasized about ways for him to die.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Animeman73 on October 31, 2009, 09:20:12 am
Hazanko from Outlaw Star!
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on October 31, 2009, 02:14:56 pm
Here's another one, Deadpool on his off day's. I mean, common, he's a villain that make's other villains shut up just out of pure disgust. He can say anything, and it would affect anyone just by how screwed up it is... He even breaks the fourth wall on many occasions, pulls weapons from out of no where, once had an argument with his brain on whether or not they left the stove on back at their place, even tho there was no stove in the apartment, and all that was in there was a microwave. They lived with a bum and survived off of hot pockets. He then got so upset with his brain that he blew it up.... Now, they worked out their differences and are back together in one piece. Now, just off of those alone, I rank him pretty high when he is the villain (because sometimes, he's the hero) and what makes him even better is his hatred of clowns...
Title: Re: villains
Post by: xcthulhux on October 31, 2009, 02:45:30 pm
dick dastardly.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 31, 2009, 05:01:51 pm
Raven, omg



Title: Re: villains
Post by: Man of the Public on October 31, 2009, 05:04:37 pm
Frollo form The Hunchback of Norte Dame.

Plus he has the best song ever.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 31, 2009, 05:33:55 pm
Title: Re: villians
Post by: Coconutty93 on October 31, 2009, 05:48:41 pm
The Raven Lady(can't remember her name)

Sesshomaru~! <3


Sailor Galaxia

Scar(courtesy of Sahara)


Millenium Earl <3
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Coconutty93 on October 31, 2009, 06:10:07 pm

Team Rocket

Pennywise the Clown(from It; also courtesy of Sahara)



Captain Hook

Prince Nuada


Toguro Brothers

Jan und Luke Valentine

Grimmjow and Ulquiorra

Akito Sohma
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on October 31, 2009, 08:27:25 pm
Mariko Kurama (Elfen Lied):
She's adorable, she's in a wheelchair, and she seems innocent, but she will toy around with you (by which I mean throw you around like a rag doll, rip your limb's out, and make sure you feel every bit of it) and then, when she's board of causing you pain and torture, will then kill you.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: NightLotus on October 31, 2009, 10:43:17 pm
*giant generalization*
most female villains look somewhat male (OR HAVE GINORMOUS KNOCKERS O_O)
and most male villains look female :D
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 01, 2009, 12:44:13 am
*giant generalization*
most female villains look somewhat male (OR HAVE GINORMOUS KNOCKERS O_O)
and most male villains look female :D

this is true, but the one I posted is that of a little girl, and she looks like a girl. So she doesn't have giant knockers at all, and you know she's female because there's a scene with her wearing no clothing and she was released from being imprisoned since she was an infant. She than saw the face of the only person who has spoken to her while being trapped, and asked the women if the women was her mommy. The women say's yes, then the little girl get's this evil look and say's "no your not" she then rips the women's torso from her legs and throws her like a rag doll, and you get to pretty much see the women die slowly.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: xcthulhux on November 01, 2009, 09:20:14 am

kefka>sephiroth IMO
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Wuntvor on November 01, 2009, 01:29:21 pm
Delphine Eraclea from Last Exile

She is one messed up woman.

Mariko Kurama (Elfen Lied):
She's adorable, she's in a wheelchair, and she seems innocent, but she will toy around with you (by which I mean throw you around like a rag doll, rip your limb's out, and make sure you feel every bit of it) and then, when she's board of causing you pain and torture, will then kill you.

If you like Mariko Kurama the recent villain Mikuni from Shangri-La might interest you.


A very pale, little girl. She is referred to as "The Moon" and suffers from a collagen disease and thus cannot bear sunlight. She also has the uncanny ability to see through lies and subsequently puts liars to death by some unexplained ability to manipulate and crush the offenders body.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: xcthulhux on November 01, 2009, 01:43:32 pm
Mariko Kurama (Elfen Lied):
She's adorable, she's in a wheelchair, and she seems innocent, but she will toy around with you (by which I mean throw you around like a rag doll, rip your limb's out, and make sure you feel every bit of it) and then, when she's board of causing you pain and torture, will then kill you.

i agree.
mariko is a badass.

elfen lied is my favorite series.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: NightLotus on November 01, 2009, 03:54:05 pm
I really need to see all these! THOSE LITTLE GIRL VILLAINS SOUND AWESOME! :D
Title: Re: villains
Post by: xcthulhux on November 01, 2009, 03:55:26 pm
has the music meister already been mentioned?
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 01, 2009, 04:35:15 pm
I really need to see all these! THOSE LITTLE GIRL VILLAINS SOUND AWESOME! :D

yes you do, little girls make the best villains, because you would never think them as evil in any way.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: xcthulhux on November 01, 2009, 04:36:28 pm
I really need to see all these! THOSE LITTLE GIRL VILLAINS SOUND AWESOME! :D
wait, you have never seen elfen lied?
PM me about borrowing it
Title: Re: villains
Post by: KogaRyu on November 01, 2009, 07:52:11 pm
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 01, 2009, 07:54:53 pm

ah yes, the one who is ruthless throughout most of the series, and goes insane in the last few episodes.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Konan-ChanX3 on November 01, 2009, 08:21:18 pm
YEAH KUJA! I <3 Kuja :3
What Nichole said. Jenova's up there too.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 01, 2009, 08:23:41 pm
YEAH KUJA! I <3 Kuja :3
What Nichole said. Jenova's up there too.

Ya, Jenova's pretty bad, but Kuja was able to do what Jenova couldn't do, and with ease when he destroyed his home world just by raising his hand and sending many fireballs down on it.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Konan-ChanX3 on November 01, 2009, 08:29:06 pm
YEAH KUJA! I <3 Kuja :3
What Nichole said. Jenova's up there too.

Ya, Jenova's pretty bad, but Kuja was able to do what Jenova couldn't do, and with ease when he destroyed his home world just by raising his hand and sending many fireballs down on it.
Exactly, but, being with GS[geostigma(inside joke)] I must pledge loyalty to Mother xD. BUT, Kuja, man Kuja is so BAMF.. I'm actually replaying through IX [my favorite FF] just so I can see more of my favorite Villian.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: TomtheFanboy on November 02, 2009, 02:25:17 pm
yes you do, little girls make the best villains, because you would never think them as evil in any way.

Pfffffft! Yeah right! I know better than that. Little girls are way more vicious than little boys.

Do 16th notes on the foot pedal in Rock Band count as a villain?
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Cyprus on November 02, 2009, 04:06:26 pm
Ok...I have a few for you.

1)Eald'narche from FFXI...single handedly almost destroys the entire world of Vana'diel, is extremely powerful.
2)Kuja...have to agree for all reasons that he is just uber evil...you all know.
)The Joker...for other duh reasons...sick, twisted, sadistic villian, you can all agree to this.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 02, 2009, 04:09:19 pm
yes you do, little girls make the best villains, because you would never think them as evil in any way.

Do 16th notes on the foot pedal in Rock Band count as a villain?

I would agree that that could be a villain, if it keeps owning you at the game, and you consider it evil, then yes, it is a villain.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: NARUNIK on November 08, 2009, 12:12:49 am
In a way he is a villain but not really..

For people who have not played Devil May Cry and just start playing at a random mission you might think your on the bad side..

Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 08, 2009, 01:39:45 am
(https://www.kumoricon.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seaslugteam.com%2Fcaps%2Fshakugan%2F10_04.jpg&hash=79c05ec915547deed819adb5b300b57d1ec0ed30) Sorath and Tiriel:

These two are screwed up in more ways than I can imagine. They eat souls, kill people for fun, and the boy is doing everything because he want's a sword... Now, they would sound like your normal everyday, run of the mill villain's, except for the whole fact that they are blood siblings, and make out with each other... The first episode involves them almost kissing, but instead you see them sharing the souls they just devoured, in the second episode, their on each other in almost every scene, in the third episode... THERE'S F**KING TONGUE INVOLVED. You can see the saliva come from their tongues and mouths.... Then there's a creepy purple haired dude that screws dolls and tries to destroy an entire city so his doll's could have a decent world to live in.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Winfred on November 08, 2009, 01:35:01 pm
has the music meister already been mentioned?

EEEEEEEEE. And on that note, Dr. Horrible! In conclusion: NPH villains are the best of villains.

Also Johan from Monster because aaahhhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhh
Title: Re: villains
Post by: soundninja12 on November 08, 2009, 01:39:22 pm
As far as FF villains go, Kefka the Klown.

Kefka is one CREEPY dude.

Jesse and James are rather BA themselves
Title: Re: villains
Post by: fhqwhgads41185 on November 09, 2009, 06:57:17 pm
Technically he is the hero, but portrayed in such a way most would look at him as being evil...Desert Punk! I admire him so! *clasps hands together and stares with big glowing, glittering eyes into an imaginary cloud with his face*
Title: Re: villains
Post by: NARUNIK on November 09, 2009, 07:08:05 pm
Speaking of villians...

I let some kids play my demo of FF dissidia!

Title: Re: villains
Post by: leonmasteries on November 09, 2009, 07:59:31 pm
)The Joker...for other duh reasons...sick, twisted, sadistic villian, you can all agree to this.

I still have to go with Deadpool as a better psycho path/villain than the Joker (even tho he isn't always a villain, when he is the villain, he is so much worse than the joker)
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Cyprus on November 09, 2009, 08:07:41 pm
Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Just try to guess who :P
I <3 you for this Mr_Mustash
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Sakis01 on November 09, 2009, 10:08:44 pm
Going out of anime and into HBO seires these are by far my favorite villians of all time~

Eric Northman:

And MaryAnn:

Both are from True Blood. They make my heart go pitter-pat!
Title: Re: villains
Post by: soundninja12 on November 10, 2009, 04:25:40 pm

Cole Turner, Charmed.

-licks lips-
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Sakis01 on November 10, 2009, 05:00:09 pm
^ YES! Julina McMean is amazing!!!! xD
Title: Re: villains
Post by: soundninja12 on November 10, 2009, 05:20:57 pm
Title: Re: villains
Post by: TomtheFanboy on November 10, 2009, 05:32:10 pm
Eric Northman:

And MaryAnn:

Maryann is a stupid HOAR, it's like someone let their slutty girlfriend godmod all over their chat game after she read an article about tantric sex.

Eric on the other hand has DEPTH and while he gets away with all sorts of diskishness he really shouldn't doesn't ever push things too far. He is Ancilla. Not powerful enough to go against his elders, still soft for his sire, canny enough to thrive in the modern nights, and always eager to lord what power he has over the newer vampires.
Title: Re: villains
Post by: Darknight2433 on November 10, 2009, 05:38:17 pm
Title: Re: villains
Post by: TomtheFanboy on November 10, 2009, 05:44:25 pm
That can't be Gaston! He's ROUGHLY THE SIZE OF A

Now THIS is Gaston!
