
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Sugarlat on July 27, 2009, 07:36:11 pm

Title: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 27, 2009, 07:36:11 pm
OMG I was outside for like 5 minutes trying to take pictures of my Joshua and I nearly died XD
I'm still sweating XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Salehthesage on July 27, 2009, 07:42:38 pm
Me too....and I had a hose [was watering flowers].

Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 27, 2009, 07:43:10 pm
I had to walk two miles and I was a dummy and didn't wear summer clothing. But the smoothie was worth it!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 27, 2009, 07:45:09 pm
lol wow i donno if i'd go that far for a smoothie XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Salehthesage on July 27, 2009, 07:47:07 pm
I had to walk two miles and I was a dummy and didn't wear summer clothing. But the smoothie was worth it!
*takes out blender*

This is how I make my smoothies. >: {D
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 27, 2009, 07:48:12 pm
but mine was from starbucks, and it was free!
Ah, the joys of selfless acts.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 27, 2009, 08:15:46 pm
but mine was from starbucks, and it was free!
Ah, the joys of selfless acts.
Which reminds me, someone gave me a free gift card to starbucks... I should go get a smoothie *__*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: superjaz on July 27, 2009, 08:47:20 pm
i work at a group home and they were moving to a new house today one with sucky a c i am melting the worst part is that i have a sun burn that is peeling and my sweat is stuck under it like little blisters prob more then you need to know but i am miserable and hot and itchy
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 27, 2009, 09:06:58 pm
but mine was from starbucks, and it was free!
Ah, the joys of selfless acts.
Which reminds me, someone gave me a free gift card to starbucks... I should go get a smoothie *__*
I reccomend the banana orange mango vivanno or the straberry banana one. *.* They're both delicious!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 27, 2009, 09:24:17 pm
but mine was from starbucks, and it was free!
Ah, the joys of selfless acts.
Which reminds me, someone gave me a free gift card to starbucks... I should go get a smoothie *__*
I reccomend the banana orange mango vivanno or the straberry banana one. *.* They're both delicious!
That first one sounds soooo yummy :9
Well, they both do... but that one sounds particularly scrumptious atm.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: WhiteRoseMarie on July 27, 2009, 09:30:55 pm
It's just now cooling where I live ;w; I feel like I've melted. According to the temperture gauge we had it was exactly 109 degrees in direct sunlight at 3pm. >w<;;;;
And close to that in my house...;-; We don't have AC and the roof absorbs more heat cause it's darker and weird or something.
I'm so glad that the sun is down and it's going to cool. (Maybe? It was hot last night....but then again, I was inside...)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 27, 2009, 09:36:26 pm
This is going to be me tomorrow...

Only Dorothy is the sun and the water is the heat coming into my apartment.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 28, 2009, 12:21:40 am
Tomorrow...I'm hoping the band doesn't mind practicing with the lights off. :P
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 28, 2009, 01:37:32 am
i feel really gross XD I need a shower like now XD
To much sweat
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 28, 2009, 02:04:14 am
Gonna go for a walk for a bit, now that it's down to 80 or so. :P

Spending two hours on my bike today was somewhat...draining.  I drank about a gallon and a half of water from 3pm to 5pm. :O
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 28, 2009, 02:10:09 am
Chu crazy XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kobansora on July 28, 2009, 02:12:36 am
You think it's hot here? It's nothing compared to the midwest.... Although I gotta say, this change in climate is pretty crazy. Usually it doesn't get this hot here...
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 28, 2009, 02:18:52 am
it's not something I'm used to anymore XD
I've gotten so used to Oregon that I'd think I die if I went back to living in Florida XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 28, 2009, 02:21:15 am
My sister's in school in central Texas right now, so it's hard for me to say it's unbearably hot here.  However, hot seems to be a matter of comparison more than anything.  It felt a hell of a lot hotter biking 40 minutes to school when it hit 85 back in April than it did biking 40 minutes downtown and back when it was 100 earlier today. :P
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2009, 07:49:06 am
but mine was from starbucks, and it was free!
Ah, the joys of selfless acts.
Which reminds me, someone gave me a free gift card to starbucks... I should go get a smoothie *__*
I reccomend the banana orange mango vivanno or the straberry banana one. *.* They're both delicious!
That first one sounds soooo yummy :9
Well, they both do... but that one sounds particularly scrumptious atm.
I know!
Before I alwys got a cherry mocha or something and then they got smoothies, and I crave fruit like 24/7, so I was like 'Smmooooottthhiieeee! *.*'
And I never get anything else anymore, but the strawberry banana was new and I just HAD to try it.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 28, 2009, 10:07:12 am
For me, I think the worst part is the humidity. I used to live in Nevada where this temp was normal but it was a dry heat. I would go outside and play for hours and it wouldn't really bother me.

Also, the constant rainy weather here has made me a wimp to sunshine :>
I can't wait until Fall rolls around. It's my favorite~
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2009, 10:22:22 am
I like winter best. Its so pretty when it snows. (Then again all I have to worry about during that time is not having to go to school.)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: WhiteRoseMarie on July 28, 2009, 02:32:18 pm
I was bribed into moving to OR to avoid hot summers ;w;'' And now it's cooler there than it is here D:...Maybe it followed me? D: Oh dear..I hope not~
I want A/C suddenly....maybe it's cause the fans won't work right now >.o They keep pushing hot air at me~
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Man of the Public on July 28, 2009, 02:41:43 pm
I hope it cools off before the con.

All my costumes are not summer friendly.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: sabata on July 28, 2009, 02:50:59 pm
it's funny. I was born in the summer, but  i hate hot temperatures. I enjoy the cold. I used to take cold showers instead of hot ones. and I eat about a tray of Ice cubes a day. (and I loooooove popsiclces)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 29, 2009, 03:09:30 am
I hope it cools off before the con.

All my costumes are not summer friendly.
You mean a sweater and a long-sleeve shirt isn't summer-friendly?  That's weird! ;P

I hope it's not quite this hot when Friday rolls around.  I really hope it's not anywhere near this hot next week.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kayfig on July 29, 2009, 10:04:25 am
The worst part it seems is that it doesn't cool down at night!  I left an electronic thermometer outside last night, and the lowest temp it read was 74..   So every day we just add to the heat from the previous day. XP
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Dubaby on July 29, 2009, 10:22:17 am
This is when you know it's too hot..... I just got a text message from my local blood bank saying that all appointments are cancelled until at least Friday because the excessive heat was causing blood donors to pass out in their chairs..... wtf O_o
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Syd-chan on July 29, 2009, 10:24:30 am
Supposed to be 105 here in Toledo today. ....But it got up to 113 in Castle Rock yesterday. :p ....Maybe I can convince my pool owning friend. 8D
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kayfig on July 29, 2009, 10:36:26 am
This is when you know it's too hot..... I just got a text message from my local blood bank saying that all appointments are cancelled until at least Friday because the excessive heat was causing blood donors to pass out in their chairs..... wtf O_o

Then that's the BEST time to donate!  Then you have an excuse to skip work.. or school, as it would be for some on this forum.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Dubaby on July 29, 2009, 10:41:01 am
haha.... good point!

I just found it really funny because there's that little part of me that's convinced that one of these days the person next to me when I donate is just gonna faint or something and I'll freak out. XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on July 29, 2009, 11:09:22 am
Ya this may seem a little weird but i love the heat. I want roller blading in 90 degree weather yeasterday for a couple of hours and loved it!!! XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kayfig on July 29, 2009, 11:28:52 am
haha.... good point!

I just found it really funny because there's that little part of me that's convinced that one of these days the person next to me when I donate is just gonna faint or something and I'll freak out. XD

The worst fear I have when I donate is that one of the nurses on staff will not quite be paying enough attention to where they're going and accidently step on or otherwise snag the toop hanging out of my arm and end up ripping it out. >___<
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2009, 11:30:58 am
I used to volunteer at the red cross every other Monday (now I volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank on Thursdays usually) and we never had many issues, though I mostly did canteen (woo, free snacks XD) or escort... It was really fun... I should schedule going in more.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: TomtheFanboy on July 29, 2009, 12:21:34 pm
I never thought I'd come back from LA and San Diego and even Salt Lake City and wish that we had their weather.

It was in the 70s and 80s every day of my vacation and then when I get home we have a heat wave!

I personally blame Vallie's family, they're visiting from Michigan right now so I think it followed them. For once we can't blame californians for the heat.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: tofutakeout on July 29, 2009, 12:48:00 pm
I'm hating it so much. I have the room in the house that likes to stay a few degrees hotter then anywhere else in the house. :<
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2009, 12:50:49 pm
I'm in the room directly off the kitchen so my room is always blazing.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on July 29, 2009, 01:27:54 pm
I'm in a city with no people...to swim with. My mission is to claim my friend's apartment pool in Tualatin for half the day tomorrow.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 29, 2009, 02:14:46 pm
I'm hating it so much. I have the room in the house that likes to stay a few degrees hotter then anywhere else in the house. :<
I think mine is like that too C: So what I do is I always keep the blinds closed so it's dark in my room and therefore becomes cooler! 8D
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Man of the Public on July 29, 2009, 02:25:38 pm
It seems like my room is the coldest in the house.

It gets quite nippy at times.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2009, 02:45:23 pm
My sister's room is cold!
She never lets anyone in there.
So I took a nap in there while she's at work.
This is the best part of her getting a job.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: tofutakeout on July 29, 2009, 03:11:31 pm
I'm hating it so much. I have the room in the house that likes to stay a few degrees hotter then anywhere else in the house. :<
I think mine is like that too C: So what I do is I always keep the blinds closed so it's dark in my room and therefore becomes cooler! 8D
I try to do that but I also have the room with the bush in front of the window and so it gets really dark when I have my lights off. 38
I'm in the room directly off the kitchen so my room is always blazing.
That has got to suck.  :( my step mom wants to make a cobbler so I'm just waiting for it to turn inferno on me in here. >_<
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: WhiteRoseMarie on July 29, 2009, 04:07:17 pm
o.o Its so hot that we have to put ice in the fish tank filter ><;;;

According to the weather it says that it's supposed to start cooling a bit....I just hope their right.
I'm tired of melting!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: The_Geek on July 29, 2009, 04:41:10 pm
Ha ha! I live in a place where 80 is considered a record high, and our older residents start to die of heatstroke.

I miss heat sometimes, but you all sound like you're suffering!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2009, 04:52:30 pm
I'm afraid that my pets are gunna over heat right now.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 29, 2009, 05:59:31 pm
Ya this may seem a little weird but i love the heat. I want roller blading in 90 degree weather yeasterday for a couple of hours and loved it!!! XD
I'll take 90 degrees.  Hell, I'd settle for 100.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kylite on July 29, 2009, 06:00:58 pm
104 freakin degrees. this is NOT fair. I havent slept in 3 days, im tired, im hot, im cranky! *grumbles and kicks a can around aimlessly*

Not a single AC left for sale within 50 miles, same with fans! *cries*

and to top it off by the time I gt off work the apartments have closed the frakin pool!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 29, 2009, 06:17:53 pm
I keep misreading posts.  I read that as "grumbles and kicks a cat around aimlessly"
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2009, 06:47:04 pm
It's the heat, Tofu. *nods* You're hallucinating.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 29, 2009, 06:49:27 pm
104 freakin degrees. this is NOT fair. I havent slept in 3 days, im tired, im hot, im cranky! *grumbles and kicks a can around aimlessly*

Not a single AC left for sale within 50 miles, same with fans! *cries*

and to top it off by the time I gt off work the apartments have closed the frakin pool!
I know how you feel. I have no AC and live on the tenth floor of my building. I haven't slept well for two nights and I've been a total pill because of the heat.
I wish my friend would come home from Colorado so that I can stay at her place and sleep a little. This is just too much for me :'D
Give me back my beautifully predictable Oregon rain and I promise I won't complain.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on July 29, 2009, 06:51:35 pm
It's the heat, Tofu. *nods* You're hallucinating.
Hallucinating, or reading into the deeper meaning of things?

I've figured you all out! :O
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: KogaRyu on July 29, 2009, 07:12:20 pm

The weather is niice.  8)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: kylite on July 29, 2009, 07:48:41 pm
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on July 29, 2009, 08:29:18 pm
I'm confused .__.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on July 29, 2009, 08:58:21 pm

The weather is niice.  8)
LOL!!! I would love to have that here although i think alot of people would not be happy down here... oh well
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: shikyo on July 30, 2009, 01:08:32 am
Having AC and a fan is actually pretty nice. :D
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on July 30, 2009, 01:09:16 am
Dude I want my car to have that XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: tofutakeout on July 30, 2009, 08:50:40 am
I....laid or 3 hours....trying to sleep. X_X...so dead. And then I woke up cold because I was sleeping in the living room because its the coolest room and all the fans were in there and its 70 right now.

Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: WhiteRoseMarie on July 30, 2009, 05:42:20 pm
o.o It feels like the heat went down a bit where I live *sighs happily* Not by much, but at least it's anything but 105 again.
Though we still have to keep the fishes with a fan on them from outside the tank and some ice D: So not my mini fan is gone from my possessions.

But at least it went down some x.x
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: sabata on August 06, 2009, 02:09:39 pm
I just got back from camp. they had a lake that was always 40 degrees. even in the hot areas. the shallowest it got was 45 feet. i had to wear a life jacket at all times. but it was still nice. I slept in a tipi, which cooled it down. and I was right under the opening. so i was even cooler. I had a nice cool week. (the entire time i was wearing a fleece hat and coat)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 06, 2009, 10:55:06 pm
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: oslapedo on August 06, 2009, 10:56:29 pm
It was cold today, brrr~
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 06, 2009, 10:57:22 pm
It's really cold today, though it could just be a new location, I have no idea where I am, just that it's Grandma's house. >.>
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 06, 2009, 11:07:15 pm
I found it really pleasant today.  I went for a bike ride, there was WAY too much traffic in Southeast Portland, I almost got hit by a truck, and I WAS ABLE TO COOK EGGS.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: KogaRyu on August 07, 2009, 02:39:13 am
I miss the heat. I dislike grey overcast.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 07, 2009, 12:18:24 pm
Grey overcast is where it's at!

However, my favourite weather is a 4am thunder and rain storm after a week with neither.  Smells so nice. :>
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: sabata on August 07, 2009, 12:25:46 pm
I agree. rainfall after a week without. waking up and stepping outside in some dew. it's just so nice.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: makichan on August 08, 2009, 07:39:23 pm
I'm really digging this weather.
It's nice to finally be able to wear whatever the hell I feel like wearing again. ^^
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 08, 2009, 08:08:40 pm
it has been way to cold lately to me.
it is really going to suck when winter comes around >:(
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: MiriaRose on August 08, 2009, 11:39:08 pm
You guys were not in DC.

Walking around a lot.

In professional attire.

. . I don't get how they can stand it. Humidity! D:
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: sabata on August 09, 2009, 12:52:53 am
Today was kida hot. it was a warm, cool hot. i can't wait till the snow. *puuuuuuurrrr*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 14, 2009, 01:23:47 pm
ugh it is to cold today the weather man said it would be about 60 to 70... to cold
*puts on sweater*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 02:21:21 pm
I was walking around a few days ago (might have been yesterday...the last few have been a blur) and it was 55 degrees. :O

It was also 4am, but hey...
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: princessmoon on August 14, 2009, 02:48:46 pm
I just want K-con to be in the middle: not so hot + not too cold~ and no rain, please!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 02:50:37 pm
Better be cloudy though.

If you take the cloudy out of Kumoricon, you just have con. :P
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 14, 2009, 02:54:36 pm
Ya that would suck lol
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: oslapedo on August 14, 2009, 03:40:31 pm
Last year it rained but it was fine. I'm bringing an umbrella just in case!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on August 14, 2009, 03:57:32 pm
I typically don't leave the game room, for the most part...let alone the hotel!

I'll actually be biking to and from my house during this con, since I live ridiculously close (takes about 20 minutes by bike)
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: princessmoon on August 14, 2009, 05:35:20 pm
Last year it rained but it was fine. I'm bringing an umbrella just in case!

Sure, raining is fine and dandy with me, but last year, it was the smell after raining + con goers that I found... bleeeehck! No offense to any con-goers!  This was in the hotel..if ur outside, you wouldn't smell it!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 13, 2009, 05:56:09 am
Just thought I'd throw this up there to remind you people...you get what you ask for. ;]
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: TomtheFanboy on December 13, 2009, 01:50:01 pm
I haven't found the post here where people asked for below freezing temperatures, and I haven't gotten any thrunderstorms recently.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: oslapedo on December 13, 2009, 01:52:19 pm
Once it's summer I'll make sure to ask for such. *3*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: melchizedek on December 13, 2009, 04:58:03 pm
Tom is right, we need more thunderstorm`
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: NARUNIK on December 13, 2009, 06:52:09 pm
Hey, I love the cold. I would much rather be freezing than burning to death.
True dat.

Plus you can get easily warm in the cold. In the heat it is a different story...
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: TanisNikana on December 13, 2009, 09:16:28 pm
It's still hot. Let's shoot for -40 F, shall we?
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on December 14, 2009, 06:02:11 pm
Oh i know right Tanis? It's soooo hot XD
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: melchizedek on December 15, 2009, 04:59:42 pm
I hear that in the summer people use more energy for AC then they do for heat in the winter.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 15, 2009, 08:38:57 pm
So stupidly hot today.  It's over 70 in my apartment right now. *turns the thermostat back down until roommate gets home*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: NARUNIK on December 18, 2009, 06:15:55 pm
I wish it got colder. It needs to snow.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: melchizedek on December 20, 2009, 02:59:37 pm
yeah I'd like it to get colder too
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 20, 2009, 08:40:47 pm
Seriously.  This topic is accurate right now and it shouldn't be. :/
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: jaybug on December 20, 2009, 08:43:49 pm
Only 3 1/2 hours to go until Winter!
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 20, 2009, 09:26:25 pm
It's already winter in Australia
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Hazuza on December 20, 2009, 09:27:06 pm
Isn't it uh... Summer in Australia?
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 26, 2009, 10:27:03 am
I've been bested :<

I should have just gone with the east coast.
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: melchizedek on December 29, 2009, 08:32:24 am
*points to tofu's shame*
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: Sugarlat on December 30, 2009, 12:02:00 am
Oh man it's so hot it's snowing :3
Title: Re: It's sooo hot
Post by: DancingTofu on December 30, 2009, 08:01:44 am
Looks like this snow will clear out for MEW Con.  Kind of killed my apartment hunting today though.