Convention Events and Programming > Cosplay

guys sexier with shaved legs?

(1/4) > >>

yea, for the Sexy no Jutsu Sakura... im gonna be wearing shorts... should i shave da legs for it? or leave them?

Well, *I* prefer hairless legs...

But if you want to go for comedy, then leave 'em.

hrmm.. yeah, if you were hairy it'd be funny, otherwise... sorry to say it, you gotta wax buddy. seriously, otherwise your legs are gonna have very unsexy stubble (I swear guys' hair grows so quick!) and it'll defeat the purpose altogether...

guess the wax it is then... owie...

Ronime, you're doing Sexy no Jutsu Sakura?  but you're a guy......well, on the subject of if you should wax, my suggestion is if you're going for a funny effect, go without the wax(see mayfaye, I thought he's hilarious) :P


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